Insects to feed the world Wageningen, 17 May 2014 Generic Life Cycle Assessment of proteins from insects Bart MUYS & Martin ROFFEIS Earth & Environmental Sciences, KU Leuven RESEARCH TEAM Berta PASTOR, Paola GOBBI, Anabel MARTINEZSANCHEZ, Santos ROJO, Fen ZHU, Erik MATHIJS, Wouter ACHTEN CIBIO / Bioflytech SL, Universidad de Alicante, Spain Huazhong Agricultural University, China Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium IGEAT Brussels, Belgium PROTEINS FROM INSECTS Human population growth + dietary shifts → meat + fish consumption ↑↑↑ Meat + fish production → high environmental impact (land and marine resources, GHG emissions) Insect protein = booming alternative for meat + fish OR as feed for meat + fish Is insect protein a sustainable substitute? Impact unexplored Insects = great application potential, but success will largely depend on proven sustainability Consider sustainability issues from the design phase HOW TO ASSESS SUSTAINABILITY? Consider all aspects of sustainability environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Life Cycle Costing (LCC) Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) Use outcomes in a learning process of continuous improvement WHAT IS LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT? ISO 14040 standardised procedure to quantify the environmental impact of a product Including all input (resource use) and output (emissions) related impacts along the complete life cycle from cradle to grave PROTEINSECT PROJECT: INSECT PROTEINS FOR FEED GOAL & SCOPE: develop sustainable production systems of insect protein for animal feed INPUT: Insects reared on organic waste streams OUTPUT: valuable proteins suitable for fish and monogastric livestock production. CONDITION: Integrate LCSA FIRST RESULTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL LCA Generic LCAs for small scale industrial units Functional unit (FU): depends on the system 4 production systems: Main Purpose Byproducts Species Substrate Scenario Code Pig manure reduction (FU: 1kg of waste reduction) Residue Substrate + Insect Protein Housefly (Musca domestica) Pig manure Fresh manure HF fm Dewatered manure HF dm Manual harvest BSF mh Automated harvest BSF ah Insect Residue Protein Substrate (FU: 1 kg of insect product) Black Soldier fly (Hermetia illuscens) Brewery waste FIRST LCA RESULTS 1. Building a material flow chart: example for HF fm 2. Finalized material flow charts for all 4 case studies 3. Descriptive analysis based on inventory analysis for all 4 case studies 4. Impact assessment (land occupation and fossil fuel depletion) for all 4 case studies BUILDING THE MATERIAL FLOW CHART Example: HOUSE FLY - FRESH MANURE – MANUAL HARVEST 1. Simple basic scheme Insect rearing Substrate INPUT Insectbased product OUTPUT BUILDING THE MATERIAL FLOW CHART Example: HOUSE FLY - FRESH MANURE – MANUAL HARVEST 2. Discerning the unit processes (≠ operating conditions) Larvae production Finishing Population maintenance Egg production Substrate INPUT Insect product OUTPUT BUILDING THE MATERIAL FLOW CHART Example: HOUSE FLY - FRESH MANURE – MANUAL HARVEST 3. Focusing on the manure reduction (larvae + finishing) Larvae production Pig fattening Fresh manure Finishing Dried Insect insect product product Substrate inoculation Population maintenance Instar larvae+ substrate Egg production Larvae development Drying Substrate + pre-pupa Harvest Prepupa Residue substrate INPUT OUTPUT BUILDING THE MATERIAL FLOW CHART Example: HOUSE FLY - FRESH MANURE – MANUAL HARVEST 4. Focusing on egg production and adult population maintenance (= similar to larvae production, but ≠ conditions + ≠ output) Larvae production Pig fattening Fresh manure Finishing Dried Insect insect product product Substrate inoculation Population maintenance Substrate inoculation Fly eggs Instar larvae + substrate Egg production Mating Substrate + Pupa Refined sugar Feeding Harvest Milk powder Adult flies INPUT Pupa hatch Larvae development Drying Larvae development Ovipositio n Water Instar larvae+ substrate Pupa Substrate + pre-pupa Harvest Residue substrate Prepupa Residue substrate OUTPUT BUILDING THE MATERIAL FLOW CHART Example: HOUSE FLY - FRESH MANURE – MANUAL HARVEST 5. Adding remaining flows + determining optimal conditions of unit processes Larvae production 22 - 26° C Substrate Φ 45 - 60 inoculation Pig fattening Fresh manure Population maintenance Substrate inoculation 22 - 26° C Φ 45 - 60 Instar larvae Dead flies Unhatche d pupa Fly eggs Cleaning Eggrearing production cages 23 - 27° C Φ 50 - 60 + substrate Mating Substrate + Pupa Refined sugar Feeding Harvest Milk powder Adult flies INPUT Pupa hatch Larvae development Dried Insect insect product product Packaging Drying Larvae development Ovipositio n Water Instar larvae+ substrate Finishing 0 - 30° C Φ 30 - 90 Pupa Substrate + pre-pupa Harvest Residue substrate Residue substrate Prepupa Packaging OUTPUT Insect rearing system - Unit processes and fundamental material flows Pretreated pig manure, manual harvest, dried insect product [HFdm] (Alicante, Spain) House fly [Musca domestica] Pig fattening Pretreated manure Dead flies 22 - 26° C Φ 45 - 60 Fresh manure Substrate inoculation Fly eggs Cleaning rearing cages Instar larvae + substrate Egg production 23 - 27° C Φ 50 - 60 Larvae development 240 h Oviposition Mating Substrate + Pupa [PM] Feeding Harvest Pupa hatch INPUTS Unit process Process Material flow Packed, dried insect product Product Pupa [PM] Instar larvae+ substrate watering Larvae development 240 h Substrate + Pupa [LP] Packed residue substrate Pupa [LP] Residue substrate [LP] Residue substrate [PM] Packaging Drying 150° C, 4 h Harvest Adult flies Milk powder 10 - 30° C Φ 30 - 90 Population maintenance [PM] Unhatched pupa Refined sugar Finishing 22 - 26° C Φ 45 - 60 Substrate inoculation Dewatering Water Larvae production [LP] Packaging OUTPUTS Conversion degree Final product Process residues Insect rearing system - Unit processes and fundamental material flows Brewery waste, manual harvest, dried insect product [BSFmh] (Alicante, Spain) Black Soldier Fly [Hermetia illuscens] Brewery Brewery waste Larvae production Finishing 25 - 30° C Φ 40 - 80 10 - 30° C Φ 30 - 90 Packed, dried insect product Substrate inoculation Dead flies Seed larvae Unhatched pupa Hen feed Egg production Cleaning rearing cages 21 - 30° C Φ 40 - 70 27 - 29° C Φ 50 – 70 Mixing Water Packaging Larvae hatch Instar larvea development 216 h Fly eggs Oviposition Seed larvae + substrate Larvae hatch Drying 150° C, 4 h Larvae development 240 h Breeding stock selection Residue substrate + pre-pupa Mating Pupation Refined sugar Larvae collection Harvest 27 - 29° C Φ 50 - 80 Feeding Pupa hatch INPUTS Unit process Process Material flow Product Packed residue substrate Packaging Adult flies Pupa Pupa development 192 h Conversion degree Pre-pupa OUTPUTS Final product Process residues Insect rearing system - Unit processes and fundamental material flows Brewery waste, semi-automated harvest, dried insect product [BSFah] (Alicante, Spain) Black Soldier Fly [Hermetia illuscens ] Brewery Brewery waste Larvae production Finishing 25 - 30° C Φ 40 - 80 10 - 30° C Φ 30 - 90 Packed, dried insect product Substrate inoculation Dead flies Seed larvae Unhatched pupa Hen feed Egg production Cleaning rearing cages 21 - 30° C Φ 40 - 70 Larvae hatch 27 - 29° C Φ 50 - 70 Instar larvea development 216 h Mixing Fly eggs Oviposition Water Larvae hatch 27 - 29° C Φ 50 - 80 Feeding Residue substrate + remaining prepupa Pupa hatch Process Material flow Product Breeding stock selection Larvae collection Adult flies Unit process Packed residue substrate Packaging Pre-pupa migration 72 h Pupation INPUTS Drying 150° C, 4 h Larvae development 240 h Mating Refined sugar Packaging Seed larvae + substrate Pupa Pupa development 192 h Conversion degree Cleaning bio-digester Pre-pupa OUTPUTS Final product Process residues HOUSE FLY REARING FOR PIG MANURE REDUCTION Material flow: outputs per 1 kg pig manure reduction Output residue substrate [kg DM] per input manure [kg DM] 1 Output insect product [kg DM] per input manure [kg DM] 0,9 0,8 0,7 kg 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 HFfm HFdm High conversion rate into valuable products Manure dewatering useful if residue substrate is valuable HOUSE FLY REARING FOR PIG MANURE REDUCTION Life Cycle impacts (ReCIPe midpoint categories) per kg of manure reduction [DM] Water depletion Agricultural land occupation m2a 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 Production Maintenance HFfm HFdm 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 m3 Production HFfm Maintenance HFdm Fossil depletion 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 Kg oil eq Production Maintenance HFfm HFdm Dewatering has substantial impact by lower system efficiency Large contribution of unit processes dedicated to maintenance HOUSE FLY REARING FOR PIG MANURE REDUCTION Life Cycle impacts (ReCIPe midpoint categories) per kg of manure reduction [DM] HFfm [0 € / m3] HFfm [6,50 € / m3 ] HFfm [16,20 € / m3 ] 5 4 3 2 1 0 Agricultural land occupation 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 HFfm [0 € / m3] HFfm [6,50 € / m3 ] HFfm [16,20 € / m3 ] Water depletion 5 4 3 2 1 0 HFfm [0 € / m3] HFfm [6,50 € / m3 ] HFfm [16,20 € / m3 ] Fossil depletion, calculated in kg oil eq per kg manure reduction [DM] Value of manure reduction lowers impact dramatically (economic allocation to pig rearing) BLACK SOLDIER FLY REARING FOR PROTEIN PRODUCT Material flow: yield per 100 kg input substrate Insect product yield [kg DM] per substrate input [100 kg DM] 80 Residue substrate yield [kg DM] per substrate input [100 kg DM] 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 BSFmh BSFah Good conversion rate, a little affected by automation BLACK SOLDIER FLY REARING FOR PROTEIN PRODUCT Energy and labour input per kg insect product Energy input KWh 12 Production Maintenance Labour input h 0,4 Production Maintenance 0,35 10 0,3 8 0,25 6 0,2 0,15 4 0,1 2 0,05 0 0 BSFmh BSFah BSFmh BSFah Large efficiency improvement by automation Minor impact due to maintenance BLACK SOLDIER FLY REARING FOR PROTEIN PRODUCT Life Cycle impacts (ReCIPe midpoint categories) per 1kg of insect product [DM] m2a Agricultural land occupation 0,09 Production 0,08 Water depletion m3 12 Production Maintenance 10 0,07 0,06 Maintenance 8 kg oil eq 3,5 Fossil depletion Production 3 Maintenance 2,5 2 0,05 6 0,04 1,5 0,03 4 0,02 0,01 0 BSFmh BSFah 1 2 0,5 0 0 BSFmh BSFah BSFmh Large efficiency increase by automation Minor environmental cost of population maintenance BSFah BLACK SOLDIER FLY REARING FOR PROTEIN PRODUCT Life Cycle impacts (ReCIPe midpoint categories) per 1kg of insect product [DM] m2a 5 BSFah [0 € / ton BW] BSFah [20 € / ton BW ] BSFah [50 € / ton BW] 4 3 2 1 0 Agricultural land occupation m3 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 kg oil eq 4 3 2 1 0 Water depletion Fossil depletion Higher value of brewery waste leads to higher impacts BLACK SOLDIER FLY REARING FOR PROTEIN PRODUCT Life Cycle impacts (ReCIPe midpoint categories) per 1kg of insect product [DM] m2a Agricultural land occupation Kg oil eq 3 1,4 2,5 1,2 Fossil depletion 1 2 0,8 1,5 0,6 1 0,4 0,5 0,2 0 0 soybean Fishmeal meal BSFah [0€/ton BW] BSFah [10€/ton BW] soybean Fishmeal meal BSFah [0€/ton BW] BSFah [10€/ton BW] Benchmarking against related products reveals strengths and improvement challenges TAKE HOME MESSAGES 1) Insect production is a versatile system to make agriculture more efficient (adding value, waste reduction) 2) Systems are difficult to compare (different goals, different species, different technological equipment) 3) Alternative production scenarios result in different system performances and efficiencies = room for improvement 4) A large part of the impacts is due to non-productive processes (maintenance of the population) 5) Value of substrates and products affects environmental performance (economic allocation) TAKE HOME MESSAGES 6) Benchmarking of this novel technology with highly optimized related products (e.g. soya) shows potential and challenges for improvement (e.g. in energy requirements) 7) LCA helps to identify the crucial steps for improvement 8) Life cycle approach will also contribute to improving social cost and economic profit 9) Golden rule of innovation for transition: do not CLAIM before you KNOW (cf. the self-destruction of the Jatropha tropical biofuel hype) 10)Sustainability is an issue of the START, not of the END THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION [email protected]
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