i>r-r- " , BULLETIN Illinois Qtate I aboratory OF NATURAL HISTORY. Urbana. Illinois. VOLUME ARTICLE V. SUPPLEMEXT TO THE CIIECK-LIST OF THE COCCI D.E. VII.— FIRST BY T. D. A. Illinois State COCKERELL. Laboratory of Natural History, IMIANA, ILLINOIS. t January, 1899. * UBRARY -^^ State Laboratory of Natural History. LABORATORY STAFF. Professor Stepiikx Alkked Fokijics, Ph. I)., Director of State Laboratory and State Entomologist. Charles Authuk IIaht, Systematic Entopiologist and Curator of Collections. Frank Smith, A. M., Assistant Zoologist. Charles Atwoou Kofoio, Ph. Zoologist, D., and Superintendent of Biological Station. Ernest Browning Forbes, B. S., Untdmo logical Assistant. Wallace Craig, B. S., Zoological Assistant. Mary Jane Snyder, Secretary. Henry Clinton Forbes, Business Agent and Librarian. Lydia Moore Hart, Artist. ERRATA. 2 Page 136, line 2, and jiage 182, line 17 from bottom, f(jr 'g^a read 'gj. Page 226, line 2, page 263, line 17 from bottom, and page 267, lines and 15, for 'g8, read 'g6. Page 233, line 15 from bottom, for '82 read '82a. Page 355, line 2 from bottom, for C. F. Hudson read C. T. Hudson. Page 389, foot-note, for Vol. V. read Vol. IV. Page 457, line 5, for Genera read Genus. { Article VII. Cocc'iihe. ttiral Fin<t By T. Siipjilcincitt to tlic A. CocKERELii, 1). Cluck-lji.st New Mexico of tlte A/iriciil- Experiment Station. Since the publication of the Check-List* in 1896 no k>ss than three hundred and twenty-two species have been added. A few of these are ohl species which had been accidentally omitted or improperly reduced to synonyms, but the number of actually new species is very great, and bears witness to Forty species, given as valid the activity of coccidologists. in the Check-List, are here reduced to varieties or synonyms. As before, I have included a number of names of species (mostly by Green) which I know to })e either in press or awaiting very early publication. The group Idiococciiue has been abandoned and merged into Coccince. The Coccincc could very well be divided into two subfamilies and perhaps four tribes, as follows : (A.) Coccince. and the Newly hatched larva with rows last of dorsal spines, antennal joint usually short. Anal ring hairless. (("orr;/.s, etc.) Anal ring hairy, hairs normally (1.) Coccini. (2.) Eriococcini. 8. {Eriococciia, etc.) (B.) l)(irfi/lo])iin(C. Newly hatched larva without dorsal spines, last antennal joint usually long. (1.) Spluerococcini. (2.) Dactylopiini. Anal ring hairless. {SpluerococcHH.) Anal ring hairy, hairs normally G. {Dactylojiius, etc.) Species which were in the original list, here repeated to indicate varieties, synonyms, etc., have the original numbers. Since the Check-List was written, the following new writers To facilitate correhave descril)ed and named Coccidce. spondence I give their addresses Bogue, E. E., Stillwater, Oklahoma. Cooley, Pi. A., Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass. : Article XI.. Vol. v., of this series. 390 Illinois State Lahoratori/ of Natural History. Charmoy, D. d'Emmerez de, Port Louis, Mauritius. Ehrhorn, E. M., Mountain View, Sta. Clara Co., Cal. Fuller, Claude, Department of Agriculture, Cape Town, S. Africa. Lawrence, Kansas. H. von, S. Paulo, Brazil, King, G. B., Lawrence, Mass. Hunter, S. J., Iliering, Leonardi, G.,*Portici, Italy. Lidgett, Myrniong, Victoria, Australia. J., Newell, W., Ames, Iowa. is Pergande, Theo., Dept. Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Tinsley, J. D., Mesilla,Park, New Mexico. I may also permit myself to mention that my own address now Mesilla Park, New Mexico. (Not Mesilla, nor Las Cruces.) cocciD^s:. Monopblebiuae. 807. townsendi, V. Callipappus, Guer.^i' 798. farinosus, Full. Ckll. pliicheae, Ckll. Margarodina;. 799. bufo, Full. Margarodes, Guild. Protortonia, Towns.'^ 800. ' mexicanorum, 801. primitiva, 57. Ckll. 39. 42. V. maskelli. Ckll. V. crawii, Ckll. g. Sphffraspis, Giard. 809. capensis, Giard. Ortheziinte. seychellarum, Westv). albolutea, Ckll. 802. formicariim, Newst. s. rileyi, Giard. 808. trimeni, Giard. s. purehasi, Mask. V. V. Towns. leery a, Sign. forraicarum, Guild. Orthezia, Bosc. 810. delavauxi, Thieb. 811. artemisiae, Ckll. g. Protlcerya, Ckll. 812. cheilantbi, Tinsl. 803. llttoralis, Ckll. 813. graminis, Tinsl. V. mimosae, 814. montioola. Ckll. Ckll. 815. garryae, Ckll. Crypticerya, Ckll. Ortheziota, Sulc. Mask. Newst. 806. hempeli, Ckll. 804. nuclata, 805. ewarti, (1.) belong {•Z.) 816. signoreti, Haller. 817. fodiens, Giard. Mr. Puller states that Ctelostonia to Callipappus. The name Ortoniu is preoccupied. o.ustrale, immane and rtibiginosum, of Maskell, A Check-List of the Coccidce. Cocciutv. 391 844. edgeworthi.i'. Ckll. 845. hirsutus, Xetrst. Coccus, L.'^' 846. prosopidis, Ckll. 818. opuntiiv, Liclit. MS.. Ckll. ? s. of toinentosusi, uewsteadi. 819. acacia;, Mnak. V. Lam. Ckll. 847. gulierrezia-. Ckll. 848. dasylirii, Ckll. 175. sorghieilus. Forbes. V. kiiigii, Eriococcus, Targ. V. Tinsl. 849. licliteiisioides, Ckll. form ici cola, ypwst. 820. Ckll. neomexicanus, 821. thymela'a', Xewst. 850. pseiulouipa', Ckll. 822. devoiiieneis. Green. 851. chiviger. Kintj 823. greeni. Xmcat. 852. quaiutancii, Tinsl. Tinsl. <£• 824. gilletti. Tuisl. 853. azalea;, Tiiisl. 825. arenosus, Ckll. 854. cockerel! i, A'm;/ 826. tiusleyi, Ckll. 855. bambusai. Green. 827. adeuostonia^, Ehrh. 856. rimulai. Gi'een. simplex, 3Iask. V. indica, Mask. 858. macrozaraia;, FmW. 859. similans, Lidgett. 194. graminis. V. Mask. orien talis, Mask. 205. calceolari;!'. V. Mask. 831. gramiiiis. Mask. 830. exiguus, Mask minor, Mask. 177. virgatus, CX/^. 832. elegans, Ficll. apiomorpha', Full. 833. s. ceriferus, Newst. s. taliui, Green. Phenacoccus, Ckll. 834. hakeai, JP?i«. 835. imperfectus. Full. 860. couiari, Kunrrw. 836. tricarinatus, i^wii. 861. solenopsis, 71ns I. 837. agonis. Full 862. americana!, /u?if/ 838. cypreaeformis, Full. 140. helianthi, Ckll. Oiliffia, Full. gossypii, Towns, minimus, Tinsl. CAW. ik Ckll. Ripersia, Sign. Rhizococcus, Sign. 863. europjva, Netost. 840. tripartitus, Full. V. tC V. 1121. 839. eucalypti, Full. 100. casuarina;, Tinsl. 857. lanigenis. JP«W. Mask. 829. simplex, Mask. V. dealbata, Mask. 84. paradoxus. Mask. 828. spiniger, V. tO Mask. 864. maiicus, 3Iask. tumida, Newst. 865. filicicola, iVewsf. 866. Lachnodius, Ma.sk. montana, Newst. 867. kingii, Ckll. 203. eucalypti, Mask. 868. lasii, C'A«. 841. lectularius. Mask. 842. hirtus, 869. llaveola. Ckll. Mask. 870. blanchardiij/ungr S43. sj'ringa;, (A.) Mask. Mr. E. E. Green informs tfc C&i^. 871. cuueiformis, Green. Dactylopius, Costa. 872. me ihiit m3Tmecophila, Mask. Coccun /aniger,W. F. Kirb., is Walkerianafloriger. 392 1122. Illinois State minima, Tinsl. Laboratory of Natural History. and King. Kermicus, Xewst. 873. villosa, Ehrh. s. s- Apterococcus, 121. fraxini, s. 890. wrouglitoni, Newst. Newst. s. NewsL g. Chcetococcus , Mask.'^' Mask. graminis, Mask. 318. bambusae. g. Cryptoripersia, Ckll. 891. 874. arizonensis. Ehrh. S. g. Pseudoripersia., Ckll.^** 89. turgipes, Sphcerococcus, Mask. 892. Mask. rugosus, Mask. elongatus, Mask. V. Tylococcus, Newst. Mask. Mask. 319. acacife, Mask. 893. pulchellus. 875. madagascariensis, Newst. Ceroputo, Sulc. 894. social is, V. 876. pilosellae, Side. melaleucai, Full. 895. leaii. Full Rhizcecus, Kiiuck. 896. tepperi. Full. 897. ethelae, F^lll. '877. eloti, Giard. 898. morrisoni, Full. Solenoooccus, Ckll.'^' Mask. Mask. simplicior, Mask. 899. obscuratus. 878. koebelei, Ckll. 323. inflatipes. 879. ornatus, Green. V. 880. coloradensis, Ckll. 900. populi, 3fask. 901. parvus, 3Iask. Cerococcus, Comst. 881. corticis, Toivns. & 1120. sylvestris, Ckll. & King. Ckll. Olliffiella, Porococcus, Ckll. Ckll. 902. cristicola, Ckll. 882. tinctorius, Ckll. Cylindrococcus, 883. pergandei, Ckll. Mask. 903. gracilis, Full. Carpochloroides, Ckll. 884. viridis, Ckll. Mask. Crocidocysta froggatti, Rubs. 331. araplior, s. i Capulinia, Sign. Astei'olecaniinge. 885. jaboticabae, vo7i Iher. Mallococcus, Mask. (Mallophora, Ilask.., preocc.) 886. sinensis, Mask. Lecaniodiaspis, Targ. 904. tessellatus, Ckll. 905. artemisise, Ckll. 906. mimosa', Ourococcus, Full. Mask. 907. radiatus, Ckll. 887. cobbii, Full. 908. manihotis, Totons. 888. eucalypti, Full. 909. 889. casuarin;ie. Full. 910. melaleui'je, Full. atherosperma'. Mask Well distinguished by the very peculiar legs, as figured by (4.) New subgenus. Maskell, Trans. N. Z. Inst., Vol. XXV^ A Solenophoru (?) d^i/andrce was pub(5.) New name iox Solenophora. preoccupied. lished without description by KuUer: the author now wishes to withdraw it. (6.) Chmtococciis has only 8 (sometimes 6?) hairs on the anal ring; Kermicua proper has 17. Otherwise they hardly differ The larva is Dactylopiine. A Check-List of the Cocckke. Asterolecanium, Targ. 393 Lecaniiua). 912. algeriense, Neirst. Kermes, Auctt. 913. ilicis. Xei'jst. 925. austini. 914. petrophila?, Full. 915. hakea", Fiill. 255. Ehrh. 927. ceriferus. 254. bryoldes, MasA-. V. Ehrh. 926. pettiti, Khrh. 928. kingii, stellata. JMask. (Jkll. 929. nivalis, 7i7«f/ bambusa', Boisd. V. bambusula', Ckll. d- Ckll. 980. pubescens. Bogue. 931. boguei. Ckll. Tacliardiinu'. 932. cockerelli. Ehrh. 933. nigropunctatus.^;ir/(.,tC///. Tachardia, Blanch. 934. concinnulus, Ckll. 916. nigra, Tow7is. d- Ckll. 935. grandi.s, Ckll. 917. fulvoradiata. C/.11. Aclerda, Sign. Bracliyscelinrt'. 936. distorta. Apiomorpha, Riibs.' Grom. 1123. berlesii, Bu^'a. 918. helmsii, Full. Lecanopsis, Targ. 919. maliformis, Full. 920. cucurbita, Full. 937. lineolatfc, King tC Ckll. 300. karschi, Hubs. V. Lecanium, ttetcberi, Full. V. ? nux, Fidl. s. of hesperidum, L. 939. perlatuin. Ckll. 283. conica, Fi-og. 275. Illig. 938. cei'atonia^, Genn. 292. thorntoni, Froij. 446. hesperidum, Linn. s. regularis. 7"epp. s. similis, Hiilis. s. patelliformis, Curt.*^' munita. Schrad. s. cornifex, Hubs. V. alienuni, Dougl.'^> V. .» 447. V. crispa. Full. V. 294. urnalis, Tepp. V. Nfiii-st. innicola. 3Iask. 449. tessellatum. Sign. 297. strombj-losa, Tepp. s. minimum, V. trieornis, Frog. swain son a'. perforatum, Ckll. Nev:st.{Ai)(^.) 940. flaveolum, Ckll. schraderi, Full. 941. ventrale. Ehrh. 921. excnpula. Full. 942. impar, Ckll. A see lis, Schrad. 943. rhizophora', Ckll. 922. melaleuca^, Full. 944. chilaspidis, Ckll. 945. erythrina', von Ihcr. Opisthoscelis, Schrad. perconvexum. CAW. tuberculatum, I'oicns.d'Ckll. 948. townsendi, Ckll 486. scrobiculatum, M(tsk. 946. 923. conica, Full. 947. Cystococcus, Full. 924. echiniformis. Full. (7.) (8.) (9.) The changes in the synonymy are made on So given on Mr. Newstead's authority. So given on Mr. Green's authority. the authority of Mr. Fuller. 394 Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Mask. V. leve, V. pingue, 3Iask. (485.) 949. strachani, Ckll. 972. angulatus, Ckll. 950. casti]loa% Ckll. 973. coloratus, Ckll. 469. viride, Green. 974. V. africanimi, Newst. Mask. globulosum, Mask. notatum. Mask. miriftcum, Mask. macrozamia', FulU^^^ melaleucie, Mask. casuarina;, Mask. baccatum, Mask. minutus, Ckll. 975. roseatus, Towns. 951. ficus, 976. confluens, Ckll. 952. 977. 953. 954. 955. 956. 957. 487. V. marmoreum. 959. turgidum, Ckll. 960. parvicorne, Ckll. s. g. Pseudokermes. Ckll. 961. armatum, Ckll. <& & Tinsl. person atns, Neu;st. Inglisia, Mask. Mask. Mask. V. loranthi, FxM. malvacearum, Ckll. 978. fossilis, 400. foraminifer, 979. Full. 958. tubuliferuin, Ckll. s. testudinata. Targ. s. 971. nerii, Newst. .Platinglisia, Ckll. 980. noacki, Ckll. Ctenochiton, Mask. Towns. 981. aztecus. CT'W. g. Fulecanium, Ckll. & Ckll. 982. nuytisife, Ftill''^^' 528. quercitron is, Fitch. s. kermoides, Tyrrell. 498. berberidis, *S'c7ir. major, Mask. 962. nigrofasciatum, Pergande. «. 963. magnoiiarum, CA;^^. 964. pubescens, ^/jr/i. 965. crawii, Ehrh Oeronema, Mask. 983. dryandrae. Full. 984. Puluinaria, Targ. 985. salicis, Bouchd. 361. bigelovijie, Ckll. 966. kingii, C^^^. 967. 968. 969. maelurarum, Ckll. caryarum. Ckll. perditum, CA;«. V. 986. (10.1 (11.) acericorticis, Fitch. occidentalis, Ckll. V. tiliae, 988. King <& Ckll. rhois,Fhrh. 989. cellulosa, Green. 372. maskelli. s. caricse, Fonsc. s. testudineus, Costa. Jiiley. s. Mask. minor. Mask. 407. rusci, Linn. & V. rubidus. Ckll. 426. rubens. V. Ckll. Ckll. Walsh 987. acericola, Ceroplastes, Gray. V. marmorata, amygdali, 359. innumerabilis, Bathv. 970. subaustrale, Ckll. 409. irregularis, Ckll. japonicum, Mask. 990. thompsoni. Mask. Olliff. V. viminarije. Full. V. nuytisifE, Full. 991. floccifera, Westw. Mr. Puller tells me this is probably a variety of L.frenchu. Mr. Fuller no longer coiisider.s this valid. Check-List of the Coccuhe. .4 s. s. 395 ^. Philephfdra, Ckll. s. vriescire, Sign, 992. ephedra*, C/dl. s. carpodeti. Mask. g. Protopulvinaria. 999. transpareiis. Green. <,'kll. 378. pj'riformis, Ckll. V. newsteadi, Leon. s. mimosa^. 2biOMs. and 1002. fraxiiii. "y4/^Hm," Henry. Ckll. 1003. maciilatus, Newst. 994. t-rescentiae, Ckll. 99."). (^kll. 1001. britamiicus, Newst. Lichtensia, Sign. 993. simillimus, Ckll. 1000. persearuiii, liakeanim. 1004. excisus, Green. FullJ^'^> 1005. pntearius, Green. Pseudophilippia, Ckll. 1006. mooi-ei. Green. 1007. artooarpi. Green. 990. quaintancii, Ckll. 1008. bilobis. Mask. Gonchaspiii^e. 1009. implicatus, 3fask. Mask. 1010. virescens, Conchaspis, Ckll. 1011. dryandraj, i^«//. 997. socialis, Green. 1012. niveus. Full. 998. newsteadi, «://. 626. eucalypti. Diaspina?. s. Aspidiotus, Bouclio. .J4.s. tJ. ? s. s. g. 3forganella, Ckll. 1013. maskelli. hederae, Vall'^^' s. capparis, Fa?/, nerii. Bouche. s. affiiiis, s. il!/a.s^. comatus. Mask. CA;//. ornatus, Mask. g. Targionin., Sij^n. 1014. bigelovia", C7c«. Tar(j. s. ceratoni.ie. Sign. s. erica'. Boisd. H. denticidatus. Tary. 1015. dearnessi, Ckll. 1016. .<<. genista^. Westw. .S-. o^nidii, Sign. s. corinocarpi. .S-. ilie-i.s, .S-. leiitisci, Sign. s. olene, Colve'e. .S-. villosus, Targ. s. aloes, Boisd. s. budleif«, Sign, s. cycadicola, Brnsd. s. epidendri, Bouclu'. s. mjn'sina'. Sign. s. I?. yuccarum. CA;//. Odonaspis, Leon. (Spatheaspis. Leon.) 1017. iuusitatus, Green. 1018. Colvt'e. .S-. obliquiis. Costa, s. bouohei, s. palmarum. Bouch/. Tai-g. bambn.sarum, 560. secretus, Sign. V. CA7;. C'A;?Z. lobulatus, Mask. 1019. canaliculatus. Green. s. g. Selenaspidus, Ckll. 603. articulatus, 3Iorg. V. s. 0^. celastri. Mask. Phaulaspis, Leon. 1020. bakea\ 3fask. Chentmspis, Leon. s. g. s. g. Aspidiella. Mask. Leon. 622. unilobis, 612. sacchari, Ckll. Described as a doubtful l^caHiodUixiJis. I have specimens from Fuller. The iVi.j The synonymy, except the tirst name, is after Berlese mid I,eotiardi. names cited as synonyms doubtless represent at least several good varieties. .1. hcdertu is the type of sul)g. Evaspidiotw^, Leonardi. (12.) 396 s. g. Illinois State Laborotorif of Psmdaonidia, Ckll. d' Emmerfz (larutyi, 1036. rhizophora'. de s. g. Ckll. (Jkll. Mekniaspis. Ckll. 1037. setiger. Mask. Charmoy. s. Towns, and V. leoiiis, 620. trilobitiformis, Green. s. Natural History. & g. Diaspidiottis (Berl. Leon.), 1038. lila(;inus, Ckll. Ckll. 1039. calurus. 579. perniciosus, Comst. V. andromelas, V. albopuuctatus, (7A;«. s. g. Mycetaspis, Ckll. s. g. Aonidiella. Berl. 604. personatus, Comst. Ckll. 67.7/.(7S5.) V V. eiicalj'pti, FuH.^^*' 570. aurantii, it Leon. Mask. 1021. fernaldi, Ckll. r. Pseudodiaspis, Ckll. albiventer, Hunter. 1022. osborni, Newell <& Ckll. FuM. 584. ancylus. V. V. & serratus, NeiKell 587. jesculi, Comstockiella, Ckll. 638. sabilis, Comst. W. G. Johns. V. solus. Hunter. mexicanus, Ckll. Cryptophyllaspis, Ckll. kafka3, Ckll. 1024. jatrophae, Towns. & Ckll. 1025. subsimilis, Ckll. s. CA;/^. Ckll. 589. juglans-regipe, Comst. V. 1040. larrete, Ckll. 1041. dentilobis, 1023. coniferarum, Ckll. 619. occultus, Green. Mashellia, Full. g. Hemiberlesia, Ckll. (Aspldites, Berl. d- Leon.. preocc.) Xerophilaspis, Ckll. 568. rapax, Comst. s. 1043. prosopidis, Ckll. evonymi, Targ. Gymnaspis, Newst. 1026. ulmi, W. G. Johns. 1027. tricolor, Ckll. 1044. nechmefe. Neicst. 588. cydoniae, Comst. V. 1042. globosa, Full. tectus, 1045. buUata, Green. Mask. Greeniella, Ckll. 1028. crawii, Ckll. 772. cornigera. Green. 1029. greenii, Ckll. 1030. cupressi, Ckll. Aonidia, Sign. Chrysomphalus, Ashra. 1046. loranthi, Green. 1031. reniformis, Ckll. 606. dictyospermi, V. mangifene, 1047. obscura, Green. Morg. Ckll. 1048. raessufe, Green. (607.) 1032. longissimus, Ckll. 1033. agavis. 1051. elaeagniis, Mask. 1034. koebelei. Towns, 1052. banksijB, 1035. albopictus. Ckll. 1053. distinctissiraa. Neiost. i^itZ?. do not think Puller's eucalypti belongs to perniciosu.t. Mr. Puller kindly sent slides of it. but on these are apparently three different things: the one which to be eucaiupii is immature. (14.) I me two I Towns, and Ckll. and Ckll. 1049. ebeni, Green. 1050. planchonioides. Green. suppose A Poliaspis, Mask. 1071. 1054. pini. Mask. 1073. serrulata, 'rowns. 1056. intermedia, Full. 675. 757. tiorinia\ Targ. Ckll. pomoruni. Bouchc. saliceti, V. Bouchr. palma-. Green. 1124. confusus. Ilorvath. pinioola, Mask. minor. Mask. 1074. ceratonia, Genn. abietis. Sign nee Schr. s. 755. acacijb. 3Iask. V. & Mytilaspis, Sign."*' Fiorinia, Taro^. s. Full. 1072. noaeki, Ckll. 1055. nitens, Full. V. dryandra, Pseudoparlatoria, Ckll. (Maskelliella, Leon.) s. 397 Check-List of the Coccidce. 1075. bilobis. Full. minima, Newst 1076. anipelodesma;, Newst. 757. rubra, 3Iask. 1077. serrifrons. Leon. propinqua. Mask. 1057. casuarin:e, Mask. 1058. signata, Mask. 1059. tenuis. Mask. 1078. machili, V. Mask. 676. crawii, Ckll. canaliculata. Mask. V. 678. citricola. Pack. 1060. similis. Green. V. tasmania". 3Iask. 1061. bambusa-, Mask. 1079. perlonga, Ckll. 1062. nephelii. Mask. 1080. mexi(;ana, Ckll. 1081. argentata. Ckll. Ischnaspis, Dougl. 1082. bambusicola, Ckll. 680. longirostris, Sign. s. 1083. cocculi, Green. filiforuiis, Doicgl. (752.) .685. Leucaspis, Sign. 1063. japonica, pallida, Green. V. V. alba, 31ask. 692. spinifera, 3Iask. Patlatoria, Si^^n. V. 10G4. affinis, JVeiost. major. 3Iask. 1084. acacia, 3Iask 666. these, Ckll. V. maskelli, Ckll. 689. pallens, 3Jask. Ckll. V. euonyrai. Ckll. albida, 3Jask. 1085. banksia', 3Iask. 668. proteus. Curt. s. orbicularis, Targ. 1086. melaleucn', 3Iask. V. pergandei, ComsJ. (667.) virescens. Mask. palma^ Mask. 1087. maideni, J/«sA. V. V. 1065. cingala. Green. 1088. defecta, 3Iask. V. tincta, Mask. Pinnaspis, Ckll. 1066. mj'tilaspiformis. Green. 705. paudani, Comst. 1067. aonidifonnis. Green. V. alba, Ckll. 1068. sinensis. Mask. Hemichionaspis, Ckll. 1069. perpusilla, Mask. 718. aspidistnu, Sig7i. 1070. viridis, Full. (15 ) Leoimrdi has separated from PhaHhmyiiliiN. Coccomi/tilun aiid TrichomytHm. iA. pliitoco(xu!i. groups which he treats as generH, named I have proposed the subg. OjyuHtiWiiHn for J/2/<»v«.s50j.s' 398 722. Illinois St(ttc Lahoratori/ of Nuturnl History. V. braziliensis, Sign. (720. 1101. chinensis, C7.7Z. V. thea\ 1102. latissima. C/.ZZ. V. lata, Gkll. (716.) 3IasJc. (734.) 1103. aucubiv, Cooley. minor, Mask. 1104. wistarias, Cooley. 1105. cockerelli, Cooley. Chionaspis, Sign.'^"' 712. salicis, Linn.^^''^ s. alni. Siyn. (708.) .s. fraxini. Sign. (713.) Aulacaspis, Ckll. 658. rosa', Boiidu'. V. 1089. striata, Newst. spinosa. 3/asA;. 659. boisduvalii, ^S/j/n. maeiilata. C/t/Z. 1090. berlesii, Leon. w. 1092. caryae, Cooley. montana, 1107. miranda, 1125. platani, Cooley. 1108. y elegans, Z-eon. 1091. quercus, Comst. 1106. Ckll. Ckll. 725. furfurus. Fitch. V. ulmi, Ckll. V. fulva, Ki7ig. Diaspis, Costa. 1109. genuadii, Leon. 726. salicis-nigra;, Walsh, s. 1110. olea-, Colvee. bnineri, CklU^^^ 651. 728. pinifoiia?, Fitch. V. V. heterophy]]a\ Cooley. semiaurea. Ckll. 1111. persimilis, M. •y. natalensis, Ilask. 3Iask. 1114. crawii, Ckll. 1 s. 116. loranthi. Green. g. Epicl'aspis, Ckll. 1117. piricola, Z)eZ Guercio. 1093. agonis, i-VZ^. 1094. ethelfe, Full. s. fallax, Horvath. 1118. snowii, H^inter.'^^ 1095. xanthorrha'a\ Full. 1096. saccliarifolii, Zehntner. HoLuardia, Berl. 1097. depressa, Zehntner. 1098. CA;Zi. 1115. fagrfieoe, Green. betulae, Cooley. thefie, <fc 1113. phoradendri, Ckll. 731. lintneri, Comst. 733. prunicola, J/asA:.'i9' CA;^/. 1112. bacebaridis. Towns. 730. spartinai, Comst. v. amygdali, Tryon. rubra, Mask. V. & Leon. 719. biclavis, Comst. ho ward i, Cooley. 1099. loiinsburyi, Cooley. 1100. simplex. Green. Protodiaspis, Ckll. 1119. parvulus, new genus (16.) Phenctcnspi.t, Cooley and Ckll., will be a eurjenke, etc., hitherto placed in ChlotiasipU. Mr. C'A:ZZ. to include r. jiy.s.?^^, chinensin, Cooley and the present writer agree that these forms have no genetic relationship with gpriuiiie C/iicma.'ipi-'i except through Aulaca.spi.1 aud D-Jt-Kpu. I leave Mr. Cooley to publish the generic characters and classify the species. (17.) Mr. Cooley is responsible for the synonymy. (18.) According to Mr. Cooley. (19.) Mr. Cooley finds that specimens of C. prmiicola from Mr. Maskell are Diaspis amygdali. It is just possible that Maskell accidentally mixed the THaspils with a genuine Chionaspi.H, however, and \\\tA pmnicola may still be valid. (20.) This could very well pass tox AgpidloUi>i awt/hM. did it not have a D«a.s/)i.s male scale.' D. piricola, in Kurope, was long confounded with Aspidiotus ostrec^ormis.
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