CS59 Composition as of 7 Jan, 2015 Component Component Description Ticker Contract CommodityName TargetWeight CS59ALE2 CS59ALE2 CS59ALE2 CS59BOE2 CS59BOE2 CS59BOE2 CS59BRE2 CS59BRE2 CS59BRE2 CS59C2E2 CS59C2E2 CS59C4E2 CS59C4E2 CS59CCE2 CS59CCE2 CS59CCE2 CS59CLE2 CS59CLE2 CS59CLE2 CS59CNE2 CS59CNE2 CS59CNE2 CS59CTE2 CS59CTE2 CS59CTE2 CS59CUE2 CS59CUE2 CS59CUE2 CS59FCE2 CS59FCE2 CS59FCE2 CS59GCE2 CS59GCE2 CS59GCE2 CS59GOE2 CS59GOE2 CS59GOE2 LME Aluminium 4x6F Segment LME Aluminium 4x6F Segment LME Aluminium 4x6F Segment CBOT Soybean Oil 4x6F Segment CBOT Soybean Oil 4x6F Segment CBOT Soybean Oil 4x6F Segment ICE Brent Crude Oil 4x6F Segment ICE Brent Crude Oil 4x6F Segment ICE Brent Crude Oil 4x6F Segment ICE COAL API2 4x6F Segment ICE COAL API2 4x6F Segment ICE COAL API4 4x6F Segment ICE COAL API4 4x6F Segment ICE/NYBOT Cocoa 4x6F Segment ICE/NYBOT Cocoa 4x6F Segment ICE/NYBOT Cocoa 4x6F Segment NYMEX WTI Light Crude Oil 4x6F Segment NYMEX WTI Light Crude Oil 4x6F Segment NYMEX WTI Light Crude Oil 4x6F Segment CBOT Corn 4x6F Segment CBOT Corn 4x6F Segment CBOT Corn 4x6F Segment ICE/NYBOT Cotton No. 2 4x6F Segment ICE/NYBOT Cotton No. 2 4x6F Segment ICE/NYBOT Cotton No. 2 4x6F Segment LME Copper 4x6F Segment LME Copper 4x6F Segment LME Copper 4x6F Segment CME Feeder Cattle 4x6F Segment CME Feeder Cattle 4x6F Segment CME Feeder Cattle 4x6F Segment COMEX Gold 4x6F Segment COMEX Gold 4x6F Segment COMEX Gold 4x6F Segment ICE Gas Oil 4x6F Segment ICE Gas Oil 4x6F Segment ICE Gas Oil 4x6F Segment MAL MAL MAL BO BO BO LCO LCO LCO ATWQ ATWQ AFCQ AFCQ CC CC CC CL CL CL C C C CT CT CT MCU MCU MCU FC FC FC GC GC GC LGO LGO LGO MALM5 MALN5 MALQ5 BON5 BON5 BOZ5 LCOM5 LCON5 LCOQ5 ATWQJ5 ATWQN5 AFCQJ5 AFCQN5 CCU5 CCU5 CCU5 CLM5 CLN5 CLQ5 CN5 CN5 CU5 CTN5 CTN5 CTZ5 MCUM5 MCUN5 MCUQ5 FCQ5 FCQ5 FCQ5 GCM5 GCQ5 GCQ5 LGOM5 LGOU5 LGOU5 Aluminium Primary Aluminium Primary Aluminium Primary Soybean Oil Soybean Oil Soybean Oil Brent Crude Oil Brent Crude Oil Brent Crude Oil Coal API #2 Quarterly Coal API #2 Quarterly Coal API #4 Quarterly Coal API #4 Quarterly Cocoa (ICE) Cocoa (ICE) Cocoa (ICE) WTI Crude Oil WTI Crude Oil WTI Crude Oil Corn Corn Corn Cotton Cotton Cotton Copper Grade A. Copper Grade A. Copper Grade A. Feeder Cattle Feeder Cattle Feeder Cattle Gold Gold Gold Gasoil Gasoil Gasoil 40.4% 32.43% 27.17% 29.77% 44.53% 25.7% 42.5% 32.46% 25.04% 32.84% 33.58% 33.25% 33.38% 30.48% 32.75% 36.77% 40.49% 32.4% 27.1% 31.34% 42.05% 26.62% 30.37% 43.44% 26.19% 42.75% 32.7% 24.56% 22.87% 30.28% 46.84% 48.64% 24.33% 27.03% 44.07% 25.23% 30.69% 2 CS59HGE2 CS59HGE2 CS59HGE2 CS59HOE2 CS59HOE2 CS59HOE2 CS59KCE2 CS59KCE2 CS59KCE2 CS59KWE2 CS59KWE2 CS59KWE2 CS59LCE2 CS59LCE2 CS59LCE2 CS59LHE2 CS59LHE2 CS59LHE2 CS59NGE2 CS59NGE2 CS59NGE2 CS59NIE2 CS59NIE2 CS59NIE2 CS59OJE2 CS59OJE2 CS59OJE2 CS59PAER CS59PAER CS59PBE2 CS59PBE2 CS59PBE2 CS59PLER COMEX Copper 4x6F Segment COMEX Copper 4x6F Segment COMEX Copper 4x6F Segment NYMEX Heating Oil (Cents) 4x6F Segment NYMEX Heating Oil (Cents) 4x6F Segment NYMEX Heating Oil (Cents) 4x6F Segment NYBOT Coffee C (Coffee Arabica) 4x6F Segment NYBOT Coffee C (Coffee Arabica) 4x6F Segment NYBOT Coffee C (Coffee Arabica) 4x6F Segment KCBOT Hard Red Winter Wheat 4x6F Segment KCBOT Hard Red Winter Wheat 4x6F Segment KCBOT Hard Red Winter Wheat 4x6F Segment CME Live Cattle 4x6F Segment CME Live Cattle 4x6F Segment CME Live Cattle 4x6F Segment CME Lean Hogs 4x6F Segment CME Lean Hogs 4x6F Segment CME Lean Hogs 4x6F Segment NYMEX Henry Hub Natural Gas 4x6F Segment NYMEX Henry Hub Natural Gas 4x6F Segment NYMEX Henry Hub Natural Gas 4x6F Segment LME Nickel 4x6F Segment LME Nickel 4x6F Segment LME Nickel 4x6F Segment ICE Frozen Concent Orange Juice (A) 4x6F Segment ICE Frozen Concent Orange Juice (A) 4x6F Segment ICE Frozen Concent Orange Juice (A) 4x6F Segment NYMEX Palladium Prompt Segment NYMEX Palladium Prompt Segment LME Lead 4x6F Segment LME Lead 4x6F Segment LME Lead 4x6F Segment NYMEX Platinum Prompt Segment HG HG HG HO HO HO HGN5 HGN5 HGZ5 HOM5 HOU5 HOU5 Copper High Grade Copper High Grade Copper High Grade Heating Oil Heating Oil Heating Oil 30.15% 52.28% 17.57% 48.14% 25.2% 26.67% KC KCU5 Coffee 'C' Arabica 29.35% KC KCU5 Coffee 'C' Arabica 30.86% KC KCU5 Coffee 'C' Arabica 39.79% KW KWN5 HRW Wheat 31.47% KW KWN5 HRW Wheat 42.82% KW LC LC LC LH LH LH KWU5 LCM5 LCQ5 LCQ5 LHM5 LHN5 LHQ5 HRW Wheat Live Cattle Live Cattle Live Cattle Lean Hogs Lean Hogs Lean Hogs 25.71% 42.03% 28.45% 29.52% 40.17% 30.35% 29.48% NG NGM5 Natural Gas 41.31% NG NGN5 Natural Gas 32.53% NG MNI MNI MNI NGQ5 MNIM5 MNIN5 MNIQ5 Natural Gas Nickel Primary Nickel Primary Nickel Primary 26.16% 41.87% 33.1% 25.02% OJ OJN5 F.C. Orange Juice (A) 28.88% OJ OJN5 F.C. Orange Juice (A) 46.65% OJ PA PA MPB MPB MPB PL OJU5 PAH5 PAM5 MPBM5 MPBN5 MPBQ5 PLJ5 F.C. Orange Juice (A) Palladium Palladium Lead Standard Lead Standard Lead Standard Platinum 24.47% 100% 0% 44.79% 32.23% 22.98% 33.32% 3 CS59PLER CS59QCE2 CS59QCE2 CS59QCE2 CS59RBE2 CS59RBE2 CS59RBE2 CS59SBE2 CS59SBE2 CS59SBE2 CS59SIE2 CS59SIE2 CS59SIE2 CS59SME2 CS59SME2 CS59SME2 CS59SNE2 CS59SNE2 CS59SNE2 CS59SYE2 CS59SYE2 CS59SYE2 CS59WHE2 CS59WHE2 CS59WHE2 CS59WSE2 CS59WSE2 CS59WSE2 CS59WTE2 CS59WTE2 CS59WTE2 CS59ZNE2 CS59ZNE2 CS59ZNE2 NYMEX Platinum Prompt Segment EURONEXT/LIFFE Cocoa 4x6F Segment EURONEXT/LIFFE Cocoa 4x6F Segment EURONEXT/LIFFE Cocoa 4x6F Segment NYMEX (RBOB) Unleaded Gasoline (cents) 4x6F Segment NYMEX (RBOB) Unleaded Gasoline (cents) 4x6F Segment NYMEX (RBOB) Unleaded Gasoline (cents) 4x6F Segment ICE/NYBOT Raw Sugar No. 11 4x6F Segment ICE/NYBOT Raw Sugar No. 11 4x6F Segment ICE/NYBOT Raw Sugar No. 11 4x6F Segment COMEX Silver 4x6F Segment COMEX Silver 4x6F Segment COMEX Silver 4x6F Segment CBOT Soybean Meal 4x6F Segment CBOT Soybean Meal 4x6F Segment CBOT Soybean Meal 4x6F Segment LME Tin 4x6F Segment LME Tin 4x6F Segment LME Tin 4x6F Segment CBOT Soybeans 4x6F Segment CBOT Soybeans 4x6F Segment CBOT Soybeans 4x6F Segment CBOT Chicago Wheat 4x6F Segment CBOT Chicago Wheat 4x6F Segment CBOT Chicago Wheat 4x6F Segment EURONEXT/LIFFE White Sugar No.5 4x6F Segment EURONEXT/LIFFE White Sugar No.5 4x6F Segment EURONEXT/LIFFE White Sugar No.5 4x6F Segment ICE WTI Light Crude 4x6F Segment ICE WTI Light Crude 4x6F Segment ICE WTI Light Crude 4x6F Segment LME Zinc 4x6F Segment LME Zinc 4x6F Segment LME Zinc 4x6F Segment PL LCC LCC LCC PLN5 LCCU5 LCCU5 LCCU5 Platinum Cocoa (LIFFE) Cocoa (LIFFE) Cocoa (LIFFE) 33.36% 30.07% 33.77% 36.16% RB RBM5 RBOB Gasoline 56.31% RB RBU5 RBOB Gasoline 19.2% RB SB SB SB SI SI SI SM SM SM MSN MSN MSN S S S W W W RBU5 SBN5 SBN5 SBV5 SIN5 SIN5 SIZ5 SMN5 SMN5 SMZ5 MSNM5 MSNU5 MSNU5 SN5 SN5 SX5 WN5 WN5 WU5 RBOB Gasoline Sugar #11 Sugar #11 Sugar #11 Silver Silver Silver Soybean Meal Soybean Meal Soybean Meal Tin Tin Tin Soybeans Soybeans Soybeans SRW Wheat SRW Wheat SRW Wheat 24.49% 32.25% 42.24% 25.5% 30.76% 43% 26.24% 30.25% 45.21% 24.54% 67.49% 12.8% 19.72% 30.43% 43.68% 25.89% 30.69% 42.18% 27.14% LSU LSUV5 Sugar #5 29.91% LSU LSUV5 Sugar #5 31.09% LSU WTCL WTCL WTCL MZN MZN MZN LSUV5 WTCLM5 WTCLN5 WTCLQ5 MZNM5 MZNN5 MZNQ5 Sugar #5 WTI Crude Oil (ICE) WTI Crude Oil (ICE) WTI Crude Oil (ICE) Zinc High Grade Zinc High Grade Zinc High Grade 38.99% 41.43% 32.39% 26.18% 41.02% 34.03% 24.95% For more information, please contact your Credit Suisse Representative. 4 Copyright © 2014 CREDIT SUISSE GROUP AG and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This information relating to the constituents (including their respective weights) and/or the level of the CSCU4BKE Index (the “Weights”, the “Index Level” and the “Index” respectively) is provided to you by Credit Suisse International (the “Index Sponsor” or “CS”), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority for the conduct of investment business in the United Kingdom, or any of its affiliates, solely for informational purposes, and does not constitute an offer or commitment, a solicitation of an offer or commitment, or any advice or personal recommendation, to enter into or conclude any transaction. 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