Colloque International sue l’Eau Eau et l’Environnement CIEE’04 PREAMBULE Perpetuating its tradition, the Higher National School of Hydraulics organizes this international meeting on water and environment al issues. The context of this conference reflects firstly the willingness of the academic community to address issues of water shortages and environmental pollution by consultation approaches and discussions with professionals, researchers a nd decision makers to solve this crisis that threatens our future and survival. Only concrete actions and the proposal of solutions to establish good governance approaches and strategies for sustainable development especially in the developing countries can be adopted. This is one of the reasons why governments and society need to confront the challenges by harmonious approaches, supported by cooperation between countries that can implement integrated strategies of water and environment management. In this context, five themes were chosen to be developed and discussed during this conference: Management techniques of drinking water and sanitation systems. Sea water desalination. Basin hydrology (modeling, flood, drought). Management of irrigation systems. Resource and environmental protection. It should be noted that the communications gathered in the proceedings are selected after assessment, and have an undeniable scientific interest, because they are mainly related to the main fields of the various themes mentioned above. They aim, in a concrete way through the presentations and discussions that will take place during this work, to give a contribution and propose solutions to problems related to the mobilization, management and protection of water and environment. We hope that this conference will be marked by a willingness to conceal any speech or academic discussion on the water crisis and the issues related to the environmental protection through the development of concrete actions by the implementation of solutions thanks to effective cooperation and solidarity of specialists, in an objective of preserving the vital commodity «blue gold», promoting the integration of the principles of sustainable development of natural resources in accordance with the Rio Declaration and the action program of the 21st century (Agenda 21 ). At this occasion, we would like to pay tribute to all communicators, who wanted to participate in this scientific event. At the same time, we express our deep gratitude to the members of the scientific committee, who kindly agreed to assess communications and provide their assistance and advice to the success of this meeting. We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their financial support, without which we could not organize this meeting. We express our gratitude to our colleagues and wish them a pleasant stay. Convinced by the exchanged ideas and information that will undoubtedly meet the challenges. Finally, we invite all players in the water and environment sector to combine their efforts by exchanging information and we encourage the organizers of this type of scientific events. Conference chairman M.S BENHAFID ORGANIZATION CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN BENHAFID Mohamed Saïd: Director of the Higher National School of Hydraulics. COORDINATOR : MIHOUBI Mustapha Kamel: Assistant Director of Educational Affairs, the Higher National School of Hydraulics. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE YENNOUNE Fatiha MIMOUNA Feriel HOULI Samia LATROUS Malika MELOUAH Leila KEBIR Fatah DJOUDAR Dahbia ZERHOUNI Kanza LATROUS Hamiche BENAMIROUCHE Youcef BESSALEM Azziz KHODJET KESBA Omar KOLAI Djaffer Chair Member (ENSH) Secretary Member (ENSH) Member (ENSH) Member (ENSH) Member (ENSH) Member (ENSH) Member (ENSH) Member (ENSH) Member (ENSH) Member (ENSH) Member (ENSH) Member (ENSH) Member (MRE) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE H.LAGHA M.HASSANE F.AMMOUR T.KHETTAL M.MESSAHEL B.SALAH B.TOUAIBIA A.AOUABED M.S.BENCHEIKH LEHOCINE M.BENZINA B.REMINI A.B.BOUYOUCEF M.LADJEL S.LAGHA BOUZID M.SAKER B.MEZGHICHE M.MEDDI L.BENAYADA M.AZIB B.BENGUEDDACHE A.DEMMAK A.MEKSI M.ABOUZAID B.BERHOUMI H.BESSALAH (University of Blida) ALGERIA. Member (ENSH Blida) ALGERIA Member (ENSH Blida) ALGERIA Member (ENSH Blida) ALGERIA Member (ENSH Blida) ALGERIA Member (ENSH Blida) ALGERIA Member (ENSH Blida) ALGERIA Member (University of Blida) ALGERIA Member (University of Blida) ALGERIA Member (University of Blida) ALGERIA Member (University of Blida) ALGERIA Member (University of Blida) ALGERIA Member (University of Ferhat Abbas Sétif) ALGERIA Member (USTHB) ALGERIA Member (University of Biskra) ALGERIA Member (University of Biskra) ALGERIA Member (C.U.K Miliana) ALGERIA Member (UOT Oran) ALGERIA Member (M.A) ALGERIA Member (M.R.E) ALGERIA Member (ONA).ALGERIA Member (DHW. Mostaganem) ALGERIA Member (C E) EGYPT Member ( N O R U ) A LG E R IA Member (COTA) ALGERIA T.HARTANI C.BENHACINE F.LEBDI M.BELORGEY D.LEVACHER M. KASSOUL R. R.COULOMB D.ZIMMER D.MARKOVITCH H.SMETS J.L OLIVIER A.HAMDI C.BOGLIOTTI L.CHINKAROUK L.KOJOUCHKO S.KRAVETS A.RIABENKO Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member (I.N Algiers) ALGERIA (COMET) TUNISIA (INAT) TUNISIA (University of Caen) FRANCE (University of Caen) FRANCE (University of Caen) FRANCE (C.M.E/SHF) FRANCE (C.M.E) FRANCE (AFE) FRANCE (AFE) FRANCE (French Water Academy) FRANCE (IAMB) ITALY (WASAMED-IAMB) ITALY (Univ .Rivne) UKRAINE (University of Rivne) UKRAINE (University of Rivne) UKRAINE (University of Rivne) UKRAINE SUMMARY THEME A: MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES OF DRINKING WATER SYSTEMS -Lutte contre la dégradation de la qualité des eaux de boisson au niveau du réseau de distribution – cas de la source Ain SKHOUNA de SID Ali BENYOUB (W. de SIDI BEL ABBES Z. BENA O UDA, Z. MEHDADI, H. BENHASSAINI, L. HAMEL ....................................01 - La contribution des SIG dans la maîtrise de la gestion spatio-temporelle des réseaux d'AEP I.NEDJI, A.DIABI, K.NAFAA ................................................................................................10 - Contribution au calcul de la dimension linéaire dans les écoulements uniformes à surface libre et en charge –Application au profil circulaire B. GALI, B. ACHO UR ............................................................................................................19 - Science and technology (S&T) perspectives for the management of scarce water resources in the Mediterranean C. BOGLIOTTI .........................................................................................................................29 - La péréquation tarifaire entre usagers des services de l'eau H.SMETS.............................................................................................................................…....38 -Contribution à l'étude de la qualité des eaux après épuration : cas de la station d'épuration de la ville de SIDI BEL ABBES H. BENHASSAINI, Z. BENA O UDA, Z. MEHDADI, L. HAMEL ....................................47 - Calcul des écoulements bidimensionnels supercritiques dans des canaux a géométrie variable et à forte pente A.BERREKSI, B. REMINI, A. KETTAB ...............................................................................52 - Approche innovatrice pour une meilleure gestion de l'eau A.AYADI, M.K.MIHOUBI, MS.BENHAFID...................................................................................................…............. 58 T H E M E B : DESALINATION OF SEA WATER - Impacts ecotoxicologiques marins dus aux unités de dessalement de l'eau de mer A. CHO UIKHI ........................................................................................................................64 - Prétraitement de l'eau de mer par adsorption sur une bentonite algérienne modifiée F. ZERMANE, B. CHEKNANE, M W. NA CE UR, D. B O UCHEREB ..............................74 - Prétraitement de l'eau de mer de AIN EL BENIAN (ALGER) dopée en matière organique par coagulation floculation en lit fluidisé B. CHEKNANE, F. ZERMANE, M W. NACEUR, D. BOUCHEREB...................................83 - Development of pre-treatment micro filtration and ultra filtration membrane technology and economics for reverse osmosis desalination process A. ALIANE ............................................93 - Dessalement des solutions de chlorure de potassium et de lactate de sodium par électrodialyse H. BOUZID, Z. DERRICHE ................................................................................................ .102 - Le Dessalement de l'eau de mer M. RACHIS........................................................................................................................... 1 0 8 T H E M E C : BASIN HYDROLOGY (MODELING, FLOOD, DROUGHT) - Contribution à l'étude de la remise en suspension des alluvions des retenus hydrauliques des pays semi arides M.KASSOUL, H. SERAJI, MBELORGEY ............................................................................ 118 - Application de la méthode hydrologique QDF sur un bassin versant Algérien M BESSENESSE, G. GALEA, A. PAQUIER ......................................................................... 125 -Hydraulic résistance of bodies in water flow ALEXENDER B. SHANDYBA, S. VAKAL, M. HASSANE .................................................. 132 - Genèse des crues dans un bassin versant de zone semi aride : Bassin d'Oued Ouahran (CHELIFF-ZAHREZ) A. BENKHALED, M MHAI G UENE, B. REMINI ............................................................. 141 - Contribution à la détermination des courbes intensité durée - fréquence dans la région de TIPAZA en Algérie B. TOUAIBIA, A. OULD AMARA, F. DERNO UNI, B. REKIK ................................... 148 - Contribution à la cartographie des zones vulnérables aux inondations Application de la méthode inondabilité : Cas de la ville de SIDI BEL ABBES O. OUFELLA, B. TOUAIBIA ………………………………………………………………………….…..158 - Analyse statistique des étiages: Cas du bassin versant de L'OUED MEKERRA W. SIDI BEL ABBES A. YAHIAOUI, A. AISSAOUI …………………………………………………………167 - Use of secondary currents for the protection of regulation works and the rivers' banks against erosion L. CHINKAROUK, M. HASSANE, M.S. BENHAFID…………………….……….....175 - Hydraulic modeling of liquid flow in the vicinity of the critical height A.RIABENKO, S. KRAVETS, L. KOJOUCHKO, M. HASSANE…………………….. 180 - Justification des puissances de Sokolovski relatives à la projection des hydrogrammes des crues pluviales M. LADJEL …………………………………………………………………………….189 - Gestion économique dans un cadre déterministe d'un ensemble hydroélectrique A. BENSALEM, A. ABO UBO U ………………………………………………………196 - Intégration des techniques innovantes dans la construction des petits barrages M. K. MIHOUBI, A. AYADI…………………………………………………………….204 - Analyse fréquentielle des précipitations maximales journalière annuelles en zone semi aride : Cas du bassin versant de l'OUED MINA, ALGERIE M. ACHITE, M. MEDDI……………………………………………………………………..……………214 - Contribution à l'étude du dimensionnement des ouvrages d'assainissements pluviaux : les méthodes des hydrogrammes H. BO UTA GHANE, L. O UERDA CHI, R. MANSO URI ..........................................223 T H E M E D: MANAGEMENT OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS - Etude de la qualité des eaux usées traitées et effet sur les sols agricoles T. HARTANI, R. KHACHEBA ………………………………………………………..233 - Etude de l'effet du stress hydrique du blé dur N. MEBREK……………………………………………………………………………240 - La micro irrigation dans le monde : la technique d'irrigation la plus efficace M. MESSAHEL, S. TOUAHIR ……………………………………………………….252 - Impact de la désertification sur les systèmes d'irrigation dans la plaine de TAFILALT H. JARAR, L. BENAABIDATE, S. ELJAAFARI ......................................................... 263 T H E M E E: RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION -Adsorption du bleu marine erionyl MR (colorant acide azoïque) sur bentonite modifiée par le poly-hydroxyde d'aluminium S.KACHA, A.Z. BOUYAKOUB, Z. DERRICHE…………………………………271 -Contrôle Physico-chimique et bactériologique des eaux de consommation de la région d'OUARGLA M. KAHOUL ………………………………………………………………..……..279 -Détection de la pollution aquatique du complexe sidérurgique de ANNABA par l'utilisation d'un modèle biologique' : Paramecium sp S. REDOUANE SALAH, H. DJEBAR, O. HARRIECHE……………………..284 -Déphosphatation des eaux usées urbaines par lits à réseau commun sous climat tempéré S.BENZIZOUNE, A. YATRIBI, A. SRHIRI………………………....…….……291 -Utilisation d'un déchet pour la décontamination des eaux usées chromiques AEK. IDDOU, A. AZIZ, BAKHTI, M.S. DUAL ………………………….……..300 -Application des systèmes d'information géographique dans l'évaluation de la qualité des eaux souterraines :Cas BAS CHELIF C. ABDELBAKI, B. RAHMANI, K .L. KASSO UL ……………………….……309 -Les modèles numériques : outils d'évaluation et de gestion prévisionnelle >es ressources en eau souterraine et d'aide à la prise de décision (cas de la nappe dunaire côtière de Bouteldja - nord oriental Algérien) K.NAFAA…………………………………………………………………….…… 319 -Analyse et contrôle de la qualité de l'eau à l'entrée et à la sortie de la station d'épuration du complexe soierie de TLEMCEN R. O UHIB, A.Z. B O UYAKO UB, M. S. O UALI……………………….………329 -Pollution et Dépollution des nappes d'eau souterraine Y. GA CEM…………………………………………………………………………335 -Le traitement des eaux par photocatalyse solaire S. BOUAFIA, H. AIT AMAR ........................................................................ …...343 -Simulation de la variation des résistances au transfert de la matière à la surface d'une membrane de nano filtration utilisée pour l'enlèvement des matières organiques naturelles (MON) de l'eau S. BOUSBA, S. NACEF, L. BENCHEIKH…………………………………….. 352 -Contrôle de la qualité de certaines sources de Saida (aspects physico- chimiques et bactériologiques) Z. MEHDADI, Z. BENA O UDA, H. BENHASSAINI, L. HAMEL…………….361 RECOMMENDATIONS After discussing these issues, on the basis of introductory presentations, the following conclusions and recommendations were achieved A. concerning the prevention of the silting up of dams: Considering the fact that the natural phenomenon of sedimentation in dams is a technical, socio economic and ecological concern, which requires an integrated management to reduce its impacts, the participants recommend the following actions: 1. Identify, on watersheds, areas in need of protection according to the degree of soil erodibility. This step will allows us to develop tools for estimating erosion as well as integrated anti-erosive measures (soil protection and restoration, reforestation species selection, agricultural practices, torrent control, etc. …). 2. Develop research on representative basins for developing assessment models of sediment transport, taking into account the specific features of the semi arid Mediterranean regions. 3. Deepen the knowledge of the processes of distribution, settlement and consolidation of the sediments transported and deposited in dams. The modeling of these processes would help to improve the efficiency of the dredging and disposal systems of sediment deposits. 4. Correlate periodically the bathymetric surveys in reservoirs with predictions of the sediment formed during the dam study phases. 5. Develop actions to rehabilitate dams, using the most efficient dredging techniques in terms of water and energy consumption. B. concerning the reuse of wastewater: Considering that the imbalances between the available conventional water resources and the evolution in water demand requires the integration of non conventional resources in the water balance, and taking account of technical progress in the world and especially in some Mediterranean countries as regards the reuse of wastewater, the participants recommend the following actions: 1. Implement pilot projects at the decentralized level and that, on the basis of an inventory of sites with favorable conditions of reuse, especially in terms of management of sewer and wastewater treatment systems. 2. Promote the reuse of wastewater for watering five green spaces, nurseries and ornamental crops as well as in industry. 3. Capitalize the operating results of the pilot projects for the production of technical and sanitary standards, on the basis of a multidisciplinary monitoring of activities. 4. Develop, as the same time as experimentation, a strategy to upgrade the management of sewer and wastewater treatment systems and to protect natural environment, in a view of a controlled exploitation of treated water in terms of health and ecological risks. C – Concerning the wastewater treatment techniques, The participants examined especially the benefits of lagoon-based wastewater treatment process. Given the diversity of the existing treatment processes, it is necessary to: 1 – Consider the lagoon as an alternative solution by integrating technical and economical criteria. 2 – Develop pilot projects at the decentralized level in order to enhance the monitoring capacities which are locally available at both the university and the profession. D – Concerning the rehabilitation of irrigated perimeters, Participants focused particularly on problems related to water valuation and soil conservation, at both the perimeters of northern Algeria and palm groves and development areas in the south. In this context, the participants recommend to: 1- Systematize the preliminary studies of soil mapping and determination of technical standards and guidelines for irrigation and drainage. 2- Establish networks to measure hydrodenamic characteristics in the irrigated development areas in order to observe the phenomena of soil evolution and establish measures for land improvement. 3- Reactivate the hydro agricultural research and experimentation by mobilizing the research capacities available in the various regions of the country. CONCLUSION Recognizing the urgent need to build bridges of technological development between research, university and profession; Convinced that the synergy between the research themes and water resource development projects and programs is a decisive factor for the development of technical solutions adapted to the specific characteristics and needs of the Mediterranean countries and Algeria in particular, The participants in the Water workshop of CMEE 2002 express their joint commitment to work together and develop their working relationships for social and economic development. They also called on the authorities concerned to create the organizational and support conditions able to support the achievement of their common goals and recommendations resulting from their works.
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