1 2 CONGRATULATIONS!!! It is an AWESOME DAY for you because you are considering taking the next step in becoming all that God has created you to be. I am so excited that you are considering being a part of Love & Truth University. The goal of LTU is to provide an environment and experience that will train, equip, and prepare you to move forward in all that God has planned for your life. We hope that the biblical AND practical principles and concepts learned will not only help prepare you to lead in the The Local Church, but also in every area of your life. The psalmist wrote in Psalm 78:72 And David shepherded them with INTEGRITY OF HEART, and with SKILLFUL HANDS he led them. In LTU we will focus on the two primary areas highlighted in the above verse; INTERGRETY OF HEART and SKILLFUL HANDS. The program is comprised of two components helping you grow as a Godly Leader: Leading Yourself (integrity of heart) and Leading Others (skillful hands.) In each Level you will have opportunities to serve Love & Truth Ministries and the Jackson Madison County Area through events and ministry assignments. There will also be a weekly two and a half hour class discussing and expanding on outside reading assignments. Other assignments will include, but are not limited to, papers, group projects, presentations, serve days, and retreats. It is our hope that LTU will help you in discovering your calling and purpose. During your participation we insist that you make LTU one of the highest priorities, as we are making it one of ours. Completion of the application signifies your agreement to uphold the standards, policies and requirements for LTU. In this packet, you will find information and requirements regarding both Levels of LTU. Please take the time to read the packet in its entirety and prayerfully consider your commitment before completing the application. You may contact me for any questions about the program, 731-660-6999, [email protected]. Again, I am so excited for the adventure you are about to begin! Sincerely, Steven Moore Associate Pastor Love and Truth Church North Campus 3 Purpose of LTU One question that we always ask is, “What’s in it for me?” Sometimes the greatest rewards in life are the ones that can’t be measured but help us become better spouses, parents, co-workers, students, and followers of Christ. We believe LTU will provide you with the following: Character and Spiritual Development Throughout the LTU experience, you will receive teachings, books, and have discussions designed to help you strengthen your character and faith. In addition to this you will have multiple opportunities to serve. Nothing forms character more than serving while expecting nothing in return. We believe that strong character and spiritual foundations is the best place to start as you begin to discover your calling. Ministry Experience Nothing can take the place of practical, hands on ministry experience! LTU is designed to provide students with a variety of ministry opportunities in all the different areas of church life. Deeper Roots We believe that those who plant themselves in a strong local church like Love & Truth will flourish in every area of life. Through your commitment to LTU you will have opportunities to form new and stronger relationships with other members and gain a better understanding and appreciation of the local church environment. Greater Impact You will be stretched and challenged to use your God given gifts with many different people and in many different settings. From mission trips, local outreaches, and special events, you will be empowered to impact the lives of others. This not only helps you but also helps Love & Truth have a greater impact in our area. Desire for Excellence One of the core values of Love & Truth Church is excellence. We believe that our God is an extravagant and excellent God, and we encourage students to aspire to excellence in every area of their lives. Identify Calling We hope to lead you along a path of discovering your purpose and calling in the local church. The time spent in LTU is an investment in your future, as you discover the life God intends for you to live. Education Each class will utilize the assigned book, supplemental materials, instructor experiences, and any other resources we deem necessary to properly educate you and prepare you for what God has for your lives. 4 FOUNDATIONS – Leading Yourself This introductory level consists of a 3 month commitment. The most important person and the most difficult person you will ever lead is yourself. This is the foundation of leading others with INTEGRITY OF HEART. During this component we will address Character Development, Spiritual Discipline, Gifting, Personal Passions and Goals. Whether you are looking for opportunities for personal development or have a desire to lead others at a higher capacity this is your starting point and will benefit every area of your life. Application Requirements: This is the entry level of leadership development and is open to everyone fulfilling the following. - Be a member having completed the Growth Track Process - Faithfully attending and giving to Love & Truth church - Pay a $175 Tuition Fee (Cost includes books, supplies, and other materials.) o Tuitions for couples who go through together is $275 - Complete and return the enclosed application with a non-refundable $75 deposit to the church office o Balance Payments : Payment of $50 due on August 14th & September 4th - Complete the enclosed Background Check - APPLICATION DEADLINE JULY 9, 2014. Participation Requirements - Attend a 1 day orientation retreat on a Saturday August 9th (tentative 8am-5pm) Attend Weekly Classes that meet Thursdays from 6pm-8:30pm(beginning August 14th-November 6th) - Attend BOTH Sunday Morning Services @ 9am and 11am. - Attend Sunday Morning Prayer @ 8am in Auditorium B - Attend Mid-Week services and be available to serve - Attend Monthly Corporate Prayer on the 3rd Saturday of each month @ 9am - Be on time and available to serve before, during, and after services and events at least 15 minutes (i.e. set up, clean up, greeting, etc.) - Help where needed with ministry activities and events or at other campuses. - Complete all assigned reading on time - Complete all outside assignments on time (papers, projects, etc.) - Participate in class discussion - Spend daily quiet time with God - Give adequate notice in the case of an absence or tardy from a class, service, or event by phone or text - No More than two absences during the course 5 SKILLS - Leading Others After completing Level 1 you will have the opportunity to apply for Level 2. This second level consists of a lengthier 11 month commitment of two semesters. If you feel that God is calling you to step out of your comfort zone and lead others, then this next step is for you. The demands will be great but the reward will be worth it. During this component we will work on developing THE SKILLFUL HANDS needed for leadership. The first semester will focus on basic leadership principles needed to successfully lead others. Vision Casting, Communication, and Team Building are just a few of these principles addressed. During the second semester you will learn essential strategies for church health and growth. Churches grow through a combination of praying for, implementing, and evaluating specific strategies that help people move into and grow in their relationship with Christ. Many of these principles can also be carried over into your occupational life as well. You’ll gain knowledge and insight of some of the purposes and practices of Love & Truth Church. Application Requirements: You may apply for this at the completion of Level 1. This is the next level of leadership development. With greater opportunity comes a greater expectation. - Member having completed the Growth Track - Completed LTU Level 1 - $400 Tuition Fee (Cost includes books, supplies, and other materials) o $600 for a couple requiring a deposit for EACH person - Complete and return the enclosed application with a $75 non-refundable deposit to the church office o Remaining Balance Payments can be made in scheduled payments throughout the year. - Completion of a Background Check - Faithfully attending and giving to Love & Truth church - Actively serving on an iServe team - Agreement and signing of a Love & Truth Leadership Covenant - Acceptance into Level 2 of LTU based on other requirements discussed upon completion of Level 1 Participation Requirements - Attend a 1 day orientation retreat during the beginning of August - Attend Weekly Classes from 6pm-8:30 - Attend Sunday Morning Prayer @ 8am in Auditorium B - Attend Mid-Week services and be available to serve - Attend Monthly Corporate Prayer on the 3rd Saturday of each month @ 9am - Attend other events/services outside of regular class times and services - Be on time and available to serve before, during, and after services and events (i.e. set up, clean up, greeting, etc.) - Complete all assigned reading on time - Complete all outside assignments on time (papers, projects, etc.) - Participate in class discussion - Create and implement a group service project. - Create and give a 20 minute message on a topic of your choosing - Lead or Co-Lead a Connect Group during the second semester - Give adequate notice in the case of an absence or tardy from a class, service, or event by phone or text - Spend daily quiet time with God - No More than 3 absences per semester during this course Level 2 Schedule Beginning in August of Each Year and runs through the following July. 6 Frequently Asked Questions If I’m married, can my spouse attend with me? We strongly encourage spouses to attend the program together. We want this to be a life changing experience for you, and we believe it will be beneficial for you and your spouse to both go through the school together. With that in mind, we have a discounted tuition rate for couples. Your spouse must go through the application process and fill out an application. Is there childcare: At this time, we are not able to offer childcare on the church premises during class time. Additionally, students may not leave their children, supervised or unsupervised, in another area of the church during class time. What are the classes like? Our church staff will be the primary facilitators of the classes. There will be opportunities for in class activities, supplemental videos, small group and class discussion. You will get as much out of the class as you put into it. You may also have the opportunity to hear from other leaders and campus pastors. What if I have to miss? We understand that life happens; working over, family sickness, and commitments. However, we still insist you make this program a priority. Sunday and Wednesday Services, Monthly Prayer, and other events are just as important as the weekly classes. Do your very best to be in attendance to these as well as the classes. These are also opportunities to serve and grow. You are allowed 2 unexcused absences from class in Level 1 and 4 unexcused absences for Level 2. Excused absences will be accepted with a doctor’s note or other documentation. When do I have to pay the tuition? A $75 deposit is required when you turn in your application. That amount will be deducted from the tuition total. Payment amount and deadlines for each level can be found in the packet. The best way to pay tuition is to include it in your weekly giving and designate the funds to LTU on your tithing envelope. What if I do not attend Love & Truth North Jackson? No matter what campus you call home, we’d love for you to be a part of LTU. Keep in mind that all the required classes take place at our North Jackson Campus. All other serving opportunities and responsibilities will take place at your specific campus. Please mail your application and deposit to our North Jackson Campus office, postmarked by the deadline, to 565 Oil Well Road, Jackson TN, 38355. 7 8 Love & Truth University Application (Deadline July 9, 2014) Date Received: (Office Use Only) Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ ______ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________________State:_______________Zip:_____________ Home Phone (____) ______________Work Phone (____)______________Cell Phone (____)____________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________________ Gender: __________ Male __________Female Date of Birth:_____/_____/_____ EDUCATION INFORMATION Level of completion:High School Currently Enrolled as: GED Freshman Some College Sophomore Bachelor’s Degree Junior Degrees and Schools:___________________________________________ Master’s Degree Senior Graduate __________________________ Other Training/Certification: EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Full Time Part Time Not Employed Current Employer:________________________________________________________________________ Dates of Employment: Responsibilities: I have the following expertise or skills: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Will your job/classes prevent you from fully participating in the program? yes no Please Explain PERSONAL INFORMATION/HISTORY Single Dating Length of relationship: Engaged Length of relationship Wedding Date: Married * Anniversary Date: Spouse’s name: Divorced *Is your spouse in agreement of your involvement in LTU? Children and Ages: 9 Have you ever been involved with drugs or alcohol? yes no Explain: Do you currently use tobacco or use alcohol? yes no If yes, have you ever attempted to quit? yes no Date of last attempt: Have you ever been suspended from work/school, arrested, or convicted of a crime? yes no If yes, please explain: Do you have a physical handicap, disability or medical complication that might affect your ability to meet all the requirements in LTU? If yes please explain: Are you currently under medication prescribed by a doctor? yes no If so, please explain: Will you have medical insurance during LTU? yes no SPIRITUAL BACKGROUND/CHURCH INVOLVEMENT When did you give your life to Christ? Would you consider yourself “having grown up in church”? yes no not really What is your denominational background? Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues? yes no What church did you last attend? How were you involved there? When did you become a member of Love & Truth? Have you completed all Growth Track classes? yes no Do you tithe (10%) regularly to Love & Truth (your local church)? yes no What Areas of Ministry have you been or are you currently involved in at Love & Truth? What Areas of Ministry would you be interested in serving in the future? Check an Area and Circle a Specific Missions: Local Outreach / International Creative: Web / Video / Graphics Stage Design Please briefly answer the following Questions Next Gen: Nursery / Children / Youth Young Adult Administrative: Follow up / Office Helps / Data Entry Front Line: Usher / Security / Greeter / Cafe Worship: Instrumental / Vocal Audio / Video 10 REFERENCES (Pastor, Team Leader, Friend, Co-worker…no family) Name: Relationship Phone email 1 2. 3. QUICK QUESTIONS: Please briefly and honestly answer the following questions. 1) What Book(s) have most inspired you? 2) What qualities are necessary for spiritual leaders to have? 3) What is your definition of ministry? 4) What would others say are your top three weaknesses? 5) What would others say are your top three strengths? BRIEF ESSAY: Please type a brief essay answer to each question and attach. 1. Give an overview of your spiritual journey and include when and how you became a Christian, any key events and individuals that have played a role in it. Also include how you are currently maintaining your relationship with God including routines, relationships, and resources that have influenced you. 2. What are you passionate about? What do you feel like God has called and gifted you to do? What have you done up to this point in pursuing that? 3. Why do you want to be a part of LTU and what do you hope to gain from the experience. To the best of my knowledge, all the information in this application is true and complete. I have read the requirements for LTU and am fully committed to complying with them. I agree to commit to LTU to the best of my ability. I also understand, accept, and agree with the values, Statement of Faith, vision, and beliefs of Love & Truth Church. I understand that payment of the required LTU fees must be made by the payment deadlines outlined. I also authorize you to make such inquiries into my personal employment, finances, or other related matters as necessary in arriving at an acceptance decision. I hereby release employers, schools or persons from all liability in responding to inquiries in connection with my application. My signature below affirms the above agreement statements. SIGNED DATE: 11 12 Love & Truth Church Volunteer authorization for release of background information In connection with my application for volunteer service with Love & Truth Church, I authorize Love & Truth Church and, or, ACCUFAX Div. , Southvest Inc., their agent, to solicit background information relative to my criminal record history. I understand that Love & Truth Church may conduct inquiries to my background that may include criminal records, credit report, motor vehicle records, personal references, and other public records reports pertaining to me. When requested by an employer motor vehicle records or a driving history may be obtained. I authorize without any reservation, any person, agency, or other entity contacted by Love & Truth Church or ACCUFAX Div., Southvest INC., their agent for purpose of obtaining background report information to furnish the above mentioned information. I release Love & Truth Church, their respective employees or ACCUFAX Div., Southvest INC. their agent and employees and all persons, agencies and entities providing information or reports about me from any and all liability arising out of furnishing any such information or reports. Requested by 421641 Please Print Full Legal Name: DOB: Other Names Uses: SS#: Driver’s Lic # State Issued: Name as printed on Driver’s License Current Address: How long were you at this address? Previous Address: How long were you at this address? Previous Address: How long were you at this address? Signature Date 13
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