Local Public Health Informatics Champions Initiative

June 2014
Local Public Health Informatics Champions Initiative
Informatics Champions Description
The ePublic Health Informatics Workgroup supports NACCHO’s
activities related to improving and strengthening the informatics
capacity of local health departments (LHDs). As an important step
to achieve this goal, the workgroup is pursuing an important
workforce development initiative by identifying a local public
health informatics “champion” in every state. The primary focus of
the champion initiative is to promote the continuing development
of informatics knowledge within the local public health community
through their State Association of County and City Health Officials
(SACCHOs). The champions’ duties include the following:
Promote the development of informatics-savvy staff in the
local public health community
Coordinate the communication of local public health
informatics activity within their state
Identify local public health informatics expertise within the
Informatics and ePublic health increase
the capacity of LHDs to improve health.
Electronic and automated reporting of
diseases has helped LHDs realize
efficiencies and improve the health of
their communities.
NACCHO needs LHD leaders and staff
to guide the development of training
materials, support efforts to build
interoperable and integrated public
health information systems, and use
information systems such as electronic
health records to improve health
The informatics champions will access their SACCHO network to share information throughout the LHDs within
a state. One of the goals of the champion initiative is to ensure
that LHD health officers are well informed about public health
NACCHO staff and workgroup members
informatics issues. The champions will take the lead in their state
are actively seeking informatics champions
throughout the country. If you are
by helping to connect LHDs to relevant NACCHO informatics
interested, e-mail Matthew DeLeon at
tools, projects, and meetings. They will also share relevant
[email protected]
information from NACCHO’s ePublic Health Informatics
Workgroup, publicize upcoming SACCHO meetings, and recruit
new informatics champions.
Informatics Champions:
Dr. Amaal Tokar, Kendal County
Health Department, IL
Cathy Gagne, PHN, St. Paul
Ramsey County Public Health,
Lisa V. Klotzbach, Olmsted
County Public Health, MN
Anne O’ Keefe, MD, MPH,
Douglas County Health
Department, NE
Edgar Enslin, St. Louis County
Department of Health, MO
Ron Buckman, MD, eHealthConnecticut, Bolton, CT
ePublic Health Informatics
Joseph Gibson, PhD, MPH,
Marion County Health
Department, Indianapolis, IN,
Workgroup Chair
Kevin Sherin, MD, MPH, MBA,
Orange County Health
Department, Orlando, FL
Workgroup Vice-Chair
This fact sheet was supported by Cooperative Agreement # U38OT000172
from the CDC. NACCHO is grateful for this support. The contents do not
necessarily represent the official views of the CDC.
Jack Herrmann, MSEd., NCC, LMHC
Senior Advisor & Chief
[email protected]
Sarah Chughtai, MPP
Progam Analyst, Informatics
[email protected]
Matthew DeLeon, MSPPM
Program Analyst, Informatics
[email protected]