Knowledge Park Educare Pte Ltd Blk 927 Hougang Street 91 #01‐69 Singapore 530927 Email: [email protected] 8th December 2014 Dear Parents/Guardians STUDENT CARE SERVICES We are pleased to inform you that Knowledge Park Educare Pte Ltd (KPE) has been selected to operate the Student Care Centre (SCC) in Bedok Green Primary School effective January 2015. Knowledge Park was founded in 1991 and we have more than 20 years of experience providing quality educational services and student care services to thousands of students throughout Singapore. Currently, we have 7 centres island‐wide in Pasir Ris, Jurong West and Hougang. Through our Knowledge Park Systemic Learning Framework, we strongly advocate the partnership between the School, the Parent and the Centre to provide a safe, caring, positive and stimulated learning environment. We are also supported by professional educational psychologists and family therapists. With our unique programme, you will be assured to leave your children in our care. We provide the following as part of holistic development for each child: • Learning Styles Profiling • Character Development • Knowledge Champs (Enrichment Programme) • eLearning • Outdoor Activities Please find the attached “Our Services and Programmes” for more details. Admission Criteria The School‐based SCC provides support for working parents by ensuring a safe, caring, positive and stimulated learning environment for children to complete their homework and engage in holistic developmental activities after school hours. Based on the physical space allocated for the SCC, the maximum capacity is 60 pupils. Priority of admission will be given to the following students: • P1 and P2 Singaporeans or Permanent Residents with no access to alternative childcare arrangements. • P1 and P2 Singaporeans under MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS). The remaining vacancies will be opened to all students from Bedok Green Primary School. All applications will be reviewed and decided by the school committee. Student Care Financial Assistance Scheme (SCFA) Student care subsidies are provided by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). The SCFA scheme is available to families whose gross monthly household income does not exceed $3,500 or gross per capita income not exceeding $875. Please refer to‐Student‐Care‐Subsidies for more information. Operating Hours Our operating hours are: Monday to Friday (during school days) – 1.30 pm to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday (during non‐school days) – 7.30 am to 7.00 pm We are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and gazetted Public Holidays We are closed on PSLE oral and listening comprehension days, PSLE marking days. Daily Schedule TIME MON TUE WED THU FRI After School Hours Wash Up / Lunch / Independent Reading / Free Play 2.15 pm – 4.15 pm Homework Supervision 4.15 pm – 4.45 pm Tea‐Break / Rest Time 4.45 pm – 6.00 pm KP G.E.M.S. Time (Character Development / Knowledge Champs /Outdoor Activities / eLearning / Reading Time) 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm Home Sweet Home Fee Structure S/N Types of Fee Fee Remarks 1 Registration Fee $20.00 Enrolment Fee (non‐refundable) 2 Refundable Deposit $280.00 Payable at initial enrolment (Off‐set for last month) 3 Material Fee $50.00 Per Year 4 Insurance $5.00 Per Year 5 Holiday / Full Day Surcharge $5.00 $5.00 per day 6 Uniforms (3 Sets) $40.00 7 Monthly Fee $280.00 Payable per month For more information, please contact Ms Jennifer She at 6581 6119. We look forward to partnering with you to enrich your child’s learning journey with us. Yours Sincerely, TaniaLim Mrs Tania Lim Director Knowledge Park Educare Pte Ltd (Bedok Green Primary School) Our Serrvices and Program mmes (KP P G.E.M.SS. Time) In our K Knowledge e Park Sysstemic Leaarning Fra amework (KPSLF), w we stronglyy advocate the partnersship betweeen the Centre, the PParents an nd the Scho ool to provvide an enriching leaarning journey for each student. In I additionn to close e supervision of sch ool homework, we offer mes specially designedd for your child’s holistic develoopment. exciting programm LLearning SStyles Pro ofiling Stud dents will undergo u in ndividual s elf‐assessm ment (Dunn & Dunn Learning Styles Profiling) to id dentify theeir own Perrsonality, LLearning an nd Thinking Styles. TThe Learning Styles rreport will eenable ourr programm me staff too understan nd the needs of the sstudent bettter. C Characterr Develop pment Our Characterr Developm ment proggramme aims to pro omote graacious livin ng and po ositive sociaal interactiion amongg students. We also aaims to pro omote sociial and emotional leaarning in th he students, providin ng them wiith skills to o be a self‐‐motivatedd and self‐d directed leearner with h strong po ositive values. K Knowledgge Champ ps Know wledge Ch hamps is a a unique, ffun enrich hment prog gramme thhat teache es studentts the relevvant skills and mind‐‐sets for hoolistic deve elopment. Life skills ttaught in tthis prograamme inclu ude person nal motivaation, goal setting, oral o and prresentationn skills, writing strattegies and creativity aand innovaation. eeLearningg With h the use of o technology, we e nrich and transform the learn ing environment. Leessons will cover topics within MOE syllaabus and are a deliverred througgh multime edia techn nology mation and d audio to create fun n and enga age learninng. Everyy student in our that uses anim Centtre will be given an eLearning aaccount. O Outdoor A Activitiess Stud dents will b be engaged d in outdooor activitie es to build and deve lop their ssocial‐emottional skillss. It helps students to self‐‐regulate their t emo otions, inccrease the eir imaginaation, conttribute to ttheir cognittive develoopment, an nd facilitate their soccial & interaction skillls. Learning g Styles Charac cter Develop ment K nowledge e Champs eLearni ng Outdo oor Activitties Knowledge Park Educare Pte Ltd (Bedok Green Primary School) No.1 Bedok South Ave 2, Singapore 469317 REGISTRATION FORM Student’s Particulars Name of Student : Birth Certificate No.: Address : Citizenship : Class (Year 2015): Date of Birth : Gender : Race : Religion : Medical Information Medical conditions/allergies Special dietary requirements Medication Name of family doctor: (If Applicable) Telephone : Address : YES NO Please specify if ‘yes’ Emergency Contact (apart from Parent) In case of emergency, please contact the following person(s): Contact Name : Telephone (Home) : Father’s Particulars Relationship to child : Telephone (Mobile) : Telephone (Office) : Father’s Name : Nationality : Race : Telephone (Mobile) : Address (if different from child): Office Telephone : Occupation: NRIC No : Religion : Telephone (Home) : Email : Mother’s Particulars Mother’s Name : Race : Nationality : Telephone (Mobile) : Address (if different from child): Office Telephone : Occupation: NRIC No : Religion : Telephone (Home) : Email : The following person(s) (other than parents) will be allowed to fetch my child home: Contact 1 Name: NRIC No : Relationship to child: Contact : Contact 2 Name: NRIC No : Consent for Application Relationship to child: Contact : I verify that the information provided is correct and I have understood and will adhere to the terms and conditions stated. Consent for Personal Data Protection Act By submitting this form, I give my consent to Knowledge Park Educare Pte Ltd to collect, use and disclose my personal data for the purpose of notifying and contacting me regarding the student care activities via calls, text message, post and email. I am aware that I may update the personal data and/or withdraw the consent provided by me at any time by contacting [email protected]. The Knowledge Park Educare’s PDP Policy and how my personal data will be used are also available at Parent’s Name: _______________________________ Parent’s Signature: __________________________ Date: _________________________ For Official Use Only Date of Registration : First Day of Attendance : Fee Payment Amount Paid Receipt No Remark 1 Registration Fee (Non ‐refundable) 2 Deposit (Offset for last month) 3 First Month Fee 4 Material Fee 5 Uniforms 6 Insurance Total Amount Paid Name of Staff: ________________________________________________ TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. A one‐month fee of $280, a one‐month deposit of $280 and a one‐time registration fee of $20, yearly material fee of $50, uniform of $40 and the yearly insurance fee of $5 are to be paid upon registration. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Registration fee, monthly fees and deposits are non‐refundable. Deposits can be used to offset the student care fee for the last month upon written notice of termination before the end of the current month. Monthly fees must be paid by the first week of the month. A late fee of $5 will be levied for every week of late payment. A one‐month written notice of termination is required. The effective date of notice will be considered on the day of notification. Withdrawal form must be returned within 3 working days from the day of notification. Payment can be in cash or cheque payable to “Knowledge Park Educare Pte Ltd”. A receipt will be issued for all payments made. Knowledge Park Educare Pte Ltd (KPE) reserves the right to cancel a class or programme and make changes to the teacher, timetable and class size. The half‐day care schedule for a normal school day is 1.30pm‐7pm from Monday to Friday. The half‐day care schedule for school holidays is either 7.30am – 7pm from Monday to Friday. 8. 9. 10. Students who need to be in the centre for a full day will be charged an additional $5 per day. 11. A surcharge of $5 per day during school holidays in May/June and November/December are applicable. 12. No pro‐rating of fees and full fee will be charged if absence is less than 10 working days in a month regardless of medical certificate being produced. Maximum amount pro‐rated will be 50% of the following month fees. The pro‐rate is allowed only once per year. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. We are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and gazetted Public Holidays. There will be up to 5 days of closure yearly by MSF. We will allow for pro‐rating of the following month fees if your child is suffering from contagious illness such as: HFMD, Chicken Pox. Medical Certificate must be produced (Maximum amount pro‐rated will be 50% of the following month fees). No refund or pro‐rated will be given if Medical Certificate is not produced. No refund or pro‐rated for students under the financial assistance scheme. As student who ceases for one‐month or more duration and re‐joins KPE will be charged the usual registration fee and treated as a new student enrolled. In the event of accidental injury, parents will be contacted immediately. However, if the parents are unreachable, the centre reserves the right to bring the child to a nearest clinic or call for an ambulance. All such expenses will be borne by the parents. The Management reserves the right to terminate a student’s place in the centre at its own discretion. Knowledge Park Educare Pte Ltd will not be responsible or be claimed against at all times for all accidental damages, cost, claims and demands for any loss or damages to personal belongings, injuries or distress or death within and beyond our premises and from the picking up of your children till the dismissal and during all programs (including excursions) planned and/or conducted by us and/or external vendor(s). Knowledge Park Educare Pte Ltd reserves the right to change or amend any of the above stated Terms & Conditions without any prior notice.
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