Big Data in WebNMS Overview WebNMS takes advantage of the new technology Hadoop, making it ideal for large-scale service provider deployments. A highly scalable product, WebNMS addresses Big Data requirement using Hadoop to store and process large volumes of collected performance data, thus accelerating the scalability of the product. Big Data in WebNMS Architecture Diagram HADOOP KPI & Report Jobs Mapper KPI & Report Jobs For each KPI & Report a MapReduce job is created in which the map tasks are for the collection of required data and the reduce task is for the aggregation of collected data. Reducer DataNode Stores the actual data. A functional file system has more than one DataNode with data replicated across them. HBase Region Server KPI & Report Jobs 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 KPI & Report Jobs 4 HBase 3 HBase 1 1 2 4 2 2 DataNodes NameNode NameNode keeps the directory "tree-of-all-files" (metadata) in the file system, and tracks where across the cluster the file data is kept. It does not store the data of these files itself. 3 4 3 KPI & Report Engine KPI & Report Engine HBase HBase Metadata Metadata NameNodes Primary Standby KPI & Report Engine Schedules KPI calculation and Report aggregation based on the specified definitions. Database Inventory, Topology, Fault, Configuration, Provisioning, Security Data ZooKeeper ZooKeeper is used to perform leader election in case of multiple Masters/Name Node. ZooKeeper APIs PM Data WebNMS WebNMS Server BE server does the Discovery, Fault, Performance, Provisioning, Configuration, Security management and stores Performance collected data in Hadoop and all other data in RDBMS database. API API TSDB ASYNC TSDB Backend Server ASYNC Backend Server Primary Distributed Poller Designed to collect the data from share of the Network Elements from the entire Network and to store the data in to Hadoop. NmsHadoopAPI PollAPI HadoopKPIAPI OpenTSDB OpenTSDB is a distributed, scalable framework to effectively store, index and retrieve Time Series values in HBase. Standby Async HBase TSDB ASYNC Polling Engine Distributed Poller TSDB ASYNC Polling Engine Distributed Poller TSDB ASYNC Polling Engine Distributed Poller AsyncHBase is an asynchronous, non-blocking, thread-safe, high-performance HBase API. There are mainly two layers in the Hadoop implementation in WebNMS. The WebNMS layer exhibits enhanced performance data collection, and the Hadoop layer implements the Hadoop functionalities involved in data storage and retrieval in WebNMS. Big Data in WebNMS The WebNMS Layer In the WebNMS layer, the polling engine of the WebNMS the performance values generated performance module plays the key role in the over a time period are stored as key value pairs high volume statistical data collection. WebNMS using asyncHBase library, which is an asyn- supports distributed poller functionality where chronous, non-blocking, thread-safe, high massive data can be collected. There can be performance HBase API. multiple distributed poller setup in the WebNMS server to ease the large data collection process WebNMS by default uses only the PollAPIs for in various high-end deployments. WebNMS the data collection processes. Minimal configu- introduces Hadoop implementation at this layer ration settings need to be done in the applica- for storing these massive data. Hadoop cluster tion to trigger the Hadoop implementation in is maintained to distribute and store the data. performance. With Hadoop setup, WebNMS More number of servers can be added to the uses NmsHadoopAPI in addition to the PollAPI Hadoop cluster to increase the efficiency of the for the polling engine for performance data application. This depends on the volume of data collection. Apart from this HadoopKPIAPI is and the expected processing capabilities. also available for KPI calculation via WebNMS. The storage of the collected data in Hadoop is The Hadoop Layer done in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) through HBase. The raw data is stored keeping The Hadoop layer in WebNMS Performance in mind the retrieval and aggregation processes consists of the three functional entities, the that follow. This ensures the easy retrieval and ZooKeeper, NameNodes, and DataNodes. process of the data whenever required. These three components help to actively select, OpenTSDB is used to effectively store, index, store, retrieve, and process the required data. and retrieve the collected metrics, and make The ZooKeeper plays the key role in coordina- this data easily accessible and reportable. In tion among the distributed services. Big Data in WebNMS When multiple NameNodes are present in the cluster, the ZooKeeper performs leader elec- High Availability in Every Layer tion. It receives the heartbeats from the primary and standby servers and provides directions WebNMS supports high availability in every to connect with the active server. layer. In WebNMS HA deployments, the secondary BE server is employed, so that it The NameNode maintains the references to takes over the functionality of the primary BE the HDFS file system. It knows where exactly server when the primary fails. Likewise, in the cluster the file data is kept with additional WebNMS also supports FE failover. In this details such as the size, block address etc. case the clients would automatically switch Whereas, the actual data is stored in the local over to the available FE. Similarly, the KPI storage systems of the DataNode. The and Reports engine also supports failover NameNode decides on splitting the data and where the Engine connects to the available allocating the configured data into the respec- server when the primary fails. tive DataNodes. The scheduling of KPI and Report generation is done here. Also for each At the Hadoop layer, Zookeeper handles the KPI and Report, MapReduce job is created. failover mechanism. In multiple NameNode The MapReduce job is actually handled in two setup, it monitors the primary and standby steps, the mapper and reducer tasks. The NameNodes, and establishes connection with aggregation of data for the KPI and reporting is the active standby server in case of the failure done through many mappers and reducers. of the primary server. The aggregation result is stored in HBase from which WebNMS reads for displaying it as reports.
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