GRINDSTONE GAZETTE ISSUE 155 - SUMMER 2014 Grindstone Days SOUL Report Gimli Film Festival Interpretive Trail Pages 2-3 Pages 4 Page 5 Page 6 –7 Grindstone Cook Lake Winnipeg Foundation Zebra Mussels Nature Bingo Page 8 Page 9 Page 14-15 Page 16 From your board………... Proud Member of MACO, C.M.C.P.P. & Lake Wpg. Research Consortium Hello Grindstone! We are only 2 weeks away from the best weekend in Manitoba, August long weekend which can only mean one thing…GRINDSTONE DAYS! My family and I are super excited about the weekend and are looking forward to seeing everyone out for the events. As I mentioned previously, the very popular fish fry is taking a temporary leave of absence for one year, but the FISH CREW promises to have it back next year. I am extremely excited to let everyone know that the Children’s races have been saved as Corinne Martin has stepped forward to run the Sunday morning activities! Thanks Corinne, we appreciate your commitment to the children of Grindstone! I am also excited to tell you that the volleyball tournament will go on as in previous years. My family and I enjoy that event every year and we will make certain that the tournament is on this year as well! If you want to sign up for the volleyball tournament, please bring a $20 registration to the Pancake breakfast and meet me at 10am near the ticket table. Now it’s time for my yearly call for Grindstone Days volunteers. We need volunteers to work one hour shifts at the Pancake breakfast, the hot dog sales on Sunday, the children’s races on Sunday, and the children’s games on Saturday morning. If you can spare a bit of time on Saturday or Sunday morning please email me at [email protected] and I will forward your email to the appropriate committee member. Every year we have an awesome response to our call for volunteers, so thank you in advance for giving your time to a great weekend! I look forward to seeing everyone at Grindstone days! Please think about how great this weekend is for our community and please consider volunteering for a position within this committee or the Board of Directors. We need more people to get involved. Thank you! What is this image? See Gimli Film Fest Page 5 Grindstone Gazette Page 2 Saturday Aug. 2 Blacks Pt. Beach Parking Lot 9:00AM - 11:00AM 9:00AM - 11:00AM 9:00AM - 11:00AM 9:00AM - Noon 10:00AM - Noon 1:30PM 4:00PM - 6:00PM Pancake Breakfast Silent Auction Volleyball Registration Membership Table Children’s Carnival Games Poker Derby Prizes at Beach * Art Show & Sale 27 Arrowwood South Beach *Poker Derby Registration and ride begins right after the Silent Auction draws Entrance fee is $1 per hand, fees collected are given out in prizes. Note: No liquor allowed in the public parking lot. To reduce our paper garbage footprint please bring your own re-usable plates, cutlery and coffee cups to the Pancake breakfast. Thanks in advance! Register on Saturday for the Sunday Volleyball Tournament. There are 8 spots available for “competitive” teams and 8 for “family” teams. First come first served. Sunday - Aug. 3 Little Grindstone Beach 10:00AM Children’s Races, scrambles and more: - Backward Race - Shoe Scramble - Sack Race - Lollipop Scramble - Water Balloon Toss 11:00 AM - Hot Dog Sale 11:00 AM - Surprise Treat Noon—Volleyball Tournament after above activities. MONDAY Aug. 4th 5 Km WALK FOR WATER Black’s Point Parking lot. Assemble after 9:15 Walk starts at 10:00 Walk for water Info Pledge Form PDF LWF_PledgeFormONLY_homeprint.pdf Grindstone Gazette Page 3 2014 Silent Auction! A number of volunteers are working very hard to put together our silent auction once again this year. The weather hasn't cooperated very well so I have to admit that I haven't been able to get out to cottagers to get donations for prizes. If you are able to contribute to the auction, please drop by #34 or #40 Balsam Road with your donation. We need your help and support to make the auction successful once again! If I don't get to see you, and you aren't able to stop by my cottage with a donation, then consider buying an extra sheet or two of tickets at the auction! The more you buy, the better your odds of winning! So, we hope to see you at the breakfast on Saturday morning of Grindstone Days where we will have very friendly volunteers willing to sell you lots of tickets- please show your support to our special projects fund and the G.C.O.A. For a glimpse of the sort of special projects your support has helped to create see the interpretive trail report on pages 6 and 7. Linda Grayston & Bob Johnston Convenors 2014 GRINDSTONE WALK FOR WATER Help the Lake Winnipeg Foundation support programs to improve the condition of our great lake.! START COLLECTING YOUR PLEDGES TODAY… Bring your pledge forms and donations to Black's Point parking lot anytime after 9:15 a.m. and get your entry for the prize draws held after the walk. Walkers start from Black's Point at 10 AM Rain or shine! Have a date conflict or questions? EMAIL [email protected] This is the largest grassroots fundraising event in support of a healthy Lake Winnipeg! Walk for Water takes place each year in four lakeside communities. It’s a great way to be a part of the solution. See you there!! Grindstone Gazette Page 4 Save Our Lake, SOUL Report, July 2014 The SOUL Lending Library has been open for the season since the 3 rd weekend in June and the shed weathered the winter well. Thank you very much to the family who donated a number of Videos and left them at the shed and thank you Cottagers for not leaving any more inappropriate books. My trips to the Wpg. Fire Hall were tiresome and too numerous! I also want to thank our resident Stone Artist who placed a colorful door stop to help keep the door closed and the dust out. A better, more accessible latch is now in use, but the door stop still helps. Our Library theme, of course, is focused on the Environment and there are several sections encompassing works of reputable easy-to-read, science, through to true personal stories of people battling the elements that are extraordinary tales of individual triumphs over adversity. Try some! The Kids section is well used and books are promptly returned too. Thanks It would be appreciated if those who borrowed the new Reference Books last year for much longer than the allowed 2 days, would promptly return the items listed below. This expensive set of reference books were purchased by your GCOA board and were intended for the use of many cottagers for immediate information and identification of species. “The Stokes Guide to Mushrooms” book disappeared at Mushroom season and benefitted only one user……….not what we had in mind at all! The other 50% of the missing reference books are: What’s That Tree? Mammals of Canada Manitoba Bird Book The Complete Book of Hummingbirds Manitoba Wayside Flowers; Saskatchewan/Alberta/Manitoba Plants of Western Forest. Other Books still unaccounted for: Nature of Fish Dear Dum Diary Of Moose and Men Northern Lights Canada Sask/ Manitoba & Hecla Indian Legends of Canada Uncle Toms Cabin Tracks in the Wilderness Something Fishy Klondike Quest. Valley Of Grizzlies If you have mistakenly added any of these books to your personal collection could you please return them ASAP so that your friends and neighbors can have use of them. Mo Tipples for the SOUL Committee Grindstone Gazette Page 5 Gimli Film Festival Features “Watermark” Directed by Jennifer Baichwal & Edward Burtynsky With breathtaking imagery, Watermark reveals the extent to which humanity has shaped water, and how it has shaped us. We visit vast Californian canals that divert water from the Colorado River. In India, a mass Hindu pilgrimage sees thirty million worshippers bathe in the sacred river in a single day. Watermark is a feature documentary from multiple-award winning filmmakers Jennifer Baichwal and Nick de Pencier, and renowned photographer Edward Burtynsky, marking their second collaboration after Manufactured Landscapes in 2006. Join us at the Gimli Film Festival this summer for our screening of the award-winning documentary film Watermark! The first screening is at 8:00 p.m. at the Lady of the Lake theatre and the second is at 9:15 at The Aspire! Cover Photo Colorado River near San Filipe, Baja, Mexico 2011 Edwrad Bertynsky THE GRINSTONE GAZETTE IS TRYING TO SAVE PAPER AND POSTAGE If you have received a printed copy of the Gazette it is because we do not have your e-mail address. Members who provide us with their e-mail address receive their copy as a digital file which they can read on line or print in colour. In the coming weeks someone will be contacting you by phone to see if you can provide us with an e-mail address that we can use to deliver your Gazette and occasionally provide you with timely information on issues affecting Grindstone Cottagers. Our e-mail list is only used to deliver Grindstone related information from your Board to cottagers. Membership Form Grindstone Cottage Owners Association Cheques payable to/mail to: G.C.O.A. Bob Johnston, 39 Rougeau Ave, Wpg, R2C 3X5 Thanks in advance for your support! Name: ________________________________________________________ 2013 dues ($10) ____________________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Grindstone Days donation ____________________ Home Address (for information only—as the gazette will be emailed to you) Special projects fund ____________________ _____________________________________________________________ _ Postal City & Province: ___________________________Code:________________ Save Our Lake Group ____________________ (check applicable line above) Your Association needs your support! Telephone #: __________________________________________________ Please complete this application and forward with your cheque. Lake Street address: ___________________________________________ The Gazette will be pleased to advise your paid-up-date by return email. Grindstone Gazette Page 6 New Project Ideas Wanted Exciting news!!! The Board is planning a contest to be held the August long weekend! With the Black’s Point Self-guiding Trail project almost at completion, it is time for the Board to consider future special projects to enhance cottage life at Grindstone. The Board will be reviewing our strategic planning process of 2012 to look for direction on what interests cottagers and how we can choose a worthwhile project. While we are considering this, we would like cottagers to take a few moments to decide how they might like to spend up to $1,500.00 on a project in our park. At our 2014 Grindstone Days activities at the parking lot, we would like any and all cottagers to take a ballot and write down their idea on what project we might take on. A prize of a $50.00 credit at the Grindstone General Store will be given to the suggestion that is chosen as our next project. In case of duplication of the chosen suggestion, we will have a draw from a hat to choose the winner. So, put on your thinking caps but remember, the project has to cost less than $1,500.00 (although other more expensive suggestions will be noted for future consideration), and you must fill out a ballot at the membership table on Saturday morning at Grindstone Days. Your Board Consists Of: Craig Goldstein Chair/G’days 781-1575, 378-5536 [email protected] Bob Johnston Treasurer 661-6198, 378-2902 [email protected] Linda Grayston Secretary 694-3103 [email protected] Mo Tipples SOUL Chair 257-7230, 378-5147 [email protected] Val Paape Member Bill Toews Membership Mike Stainton (204) 772-7426 [email protected] [email protected] Gazette 353-2277 [email protected] [email protected] Contact the website: or Wendy Finch at [email protected] Or write to GCOA 39 Rougeau Ave. Wpg, R2C 3X5 Grindstone Gazette Page 7 Interpretive Trail Nearing Completion Below is an example of the beautiful signage that you will find along the new interpretive trail, scheduled to open later this summer. A big thank you to Manitoba Hydro and Manitoba Conservation for their financial support of this project and to the design and content artistry of Heather Hinam. Grindstone Gazette Page 8 The Grindstone Cook This issue we have two recipes for the BBQ season, that are fast and delicious and all about the marinade. “Lake” Chicken This recipe comes to us through family and friends at West Hawk Lake where it has been widely used with chicken, pork or salmon. Marinade Ingredients For Six Chicken Breasts Juice of one Lemon and its zest 1/3 cup of Olive oil 3 tablespoons of Soya sauce 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 4 to 5 cloves of Garlic minced with a garlic press 1 teaspoon of Oregano 3 teaspoons of Basil 1/2 teaspoon of Black Pepper Whisk ingredients together. Place chunks of chicken breasts meat or breasts, sliced in half lengthwise, in a large Ziplock bag. Add marinade to the bag, seal, mix to coat all pieces and store in fridge for several hours or overnight. If using chunks place on water soaked skewers. BBQ for about 3 to 4 minutes then turn over and BBQ until done. This marinade also works well with chunks of pork tenderloin or fillets of salmon. Grilled Vegetables This recipe is great for grilling Zucchini, Bell peppers (various colours), Red Onions, Asparagus, Large Mushrooms, and Eggplant. Marinade For Two Litres of Vegetable Chunks 4 tablespoons of Olive oil, 2 tablespoons of Balsamic vinegar, Salt and Black Pepper to taste Prepare 1 1/2 inch chunks of vegetables, add to a large Ziplock bag, add marinade, seal, mix, and store in fridge for half an hour. Grill at low to medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes turning regularly. To avoid losing veggy bits through the BBQ grill, use skewers, a grilling tray or grilling basket. The grilling basket is particularly useful as veggies can be turned just by flipping the basket. Grindstone Gazette Page 9 Exciting updates from the Lake Winnipeg Foundation For many people, summer in Manitoba is synonymous with cottage life on Lake Winnipeg. Whether it’s getting out on the water, relaxing on the shore, or enjoying some quality time with friends and family, this iconic body of water connects us all as lake-lovers. At the Lake Winnipeg Foundation (LWF), we love our special lake, too. Since 2005, we’ve been committed to “restoring and protecting the health of Lake Winnipeg and its watershed” through our support of research, public education, stewardship and collaboration. This year has been particularly exciting as new staff members have greatly increased our ability to deliver on our mission. Joining our executive director Alexis Kanu this year were: communications director Marlo Campbell, programs director Kirsten Earl McCorrister and community relations coordinator Dana Mackie. Also joining us for the summer is outreach coordinator Clara Buelow, who will be organizing a variety of events in lakeside communities throughout July and August. If you see any of us this season, please stop and say hello! At the watershed level the LWF’s Lake Winnipeg Health Plan seeks to address the root causes of harmful algal blooms. Through partnerships and funding of innovative projects, the LWF continues focus on actions that reduce the loading of nutrients to Lake Winnipeg. Project support is provided through our Stewardship, Research, and Education Grants Program. Over $70,000 has been granted recently to a dozen or so projects that seek to find ways of reducing nutrients and contaminants entering Lake Winnipeg. At the provincial level, LWF chairs the Science, Research and Traditional Knowledge working group of the Lake Friendly Stewards Alliance. This is an opportunity to shape science-based policy as part of a Government of Manitoba initiative that brings together groups and organizations to share information and coordinate efforts to reduce nutrient loading in Lake Winnipeg. At the community level, members of LWF’s Scientific Advisory Council helped create Lake Winnipeg: Shared Solutions, a state-of-the-art exhibit at the Manitoba Museum. This great exhibit opened in March and features a high-tech computer simulator; it’s truly a one-of-a-kind learning experience! Our continued success as a foundation depends on the ongoing support of lake-lovers who take part in Lake-a-thon, LWF’s annual fundraising campaign. This campaign ‘heats up’ in the summer months with signature events such as Walk for Water, a series of pledged community walks that takes place in four lakeside communities. Collectively, these walks represent the largest grassroots fundraising event in support of a healthy Lake Winnipeg with much of the funds raised going to support research projects. Thanks to our amazing volunteers and their inspiring commitment to saving our lake, Grindstone’s 2014 Walk for Water will be the community’s fifth. This year’s event will take place on Monday, Aug. 4. Registration for the five km walk begins at 9:15 a.m. at Black’s Point Beach parking lot. Rremember to wear comfortable shoes and bring a reusable water bottle! Walk for Water 2014 pledge forms are available in various locations throughout the Grindstone community. Downloadable Walk for Water 2014 pledge forms are also available on LWF’s website, , as are more details about this and other Lake-a-thon events. If you’re on Facebook, “like” us to stay updated on our summer 2014 Lake-a-thon events and see pictures. If you’re on Twitter, make sure to follow the hashtag #LoveLakeWpg. Through research, public education, stewardship and collaboration, LWF is determined to achieve our vision of a clean, healthy Lake Winnipeg and watershed, now and for future generations. We invite you to join us as we work towards translating science into solutions – and we hope to see you at the lake this summer! Grindstone Gazette Page 10 PLACE YOUR AD HERE: Contact: [email protected] Or call Mike at 353-2277 Cost per ad is $80.00 for 2015 calendar year. This includes placement in the 3 gazettes as well as on our website. There is only this spot left. Website: WAS YOUR GAZETTE MAILED TO YOU? If you have recently joined the electronic world please consider receiving the gazette via email. Just let me know at: [email protected] This April Gazette is on our website: GRINDSTONE WEBSITE Remember, for your Grindstone News, keep an eye on the website. Wendy Finch does an excellent job in keeping us all up to date. If you have questions or pictures you want to submit to the site please send them to her at [email protected] As well if you have questions or comments to other cottagers visit the Website Forum page at You do not need to join the forum to read the comments but if you want to respond you do. IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS: Manitoba Conservation - Riverton - 378-2261 Hecla RCMP - Arborg - 376-5251 Arborg Hospital - 376-5247 Gimli Hospital - 642-5116 Ambulance - 911 - 279-2369 Health Links - 788-8200 (Wpg.) -No charge number 1-888-315-9257 Conservation Tip Line 1-800-782-0076 Emergency Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre: 1 - 800-267-7270 VHF distress call - VHF channel 16 Cell phones (on some phones) - *16 or #16 Don Bridges (Harbour master ) - 378-5719 or 378-2999 RCMP— Arborg - 376-5251 Jim and Beulah Bake, - 378-5653 - Coast Guard Auxiliary Mike Eastman - L. G’stone Harbour - 378-5621 Rob Ediger - L. G’stone Harbour - 378-2637 Grindstone Gazette Page 11 Grindstone Gazette Page 12 Grindstone Gazette Page 13 PLACE YOUR AD HERE: Contact: [email protected] Or call Mike at 353-2277 Cost per ad is $80.00 for 2013 calendar year. This includes placement in the 3 gazettes as well as on our website. There is only this spot left. Website: RIVERTON & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WELCOMES YOU TO RIVERTON For more information visit out website: Thank you Grindstone and Area. Grindstone Gazette Page 14 Grindstone Gazette Page 15 Frog or a snake Bird nest 3 flying insects Bush or tree with berries 3 different flowers Butterfly 3 different birds 3 different trees 3 different animals Someone using binoculars Beaver lodge 3 different bird songs Get out there and enjoy the wildlife, birds and our great abundance of flowers and trees. All are easy and fun to do. Which of these can you hear or spot on a walk? Have some fun with your family! NATURE BINGO Grindstone Gazette Page 16
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