Deborah Lawrence Publications – Articles in Journals and Books and Technical Reports Lawrence, D., Paquet, E., Gailhard, J., Fleig, A. 2013. Stochastic semi-continuous simulation for extreme flood estimation in catchments with combined rainfall-snowmelt flood regimes. Nat. Hazards. Earth Systems Science Discussions 1(6), 6785-6828. Brigode, P., Pietor, B., Paquet, E., Gailhard, J., Garavaglia, F., Merz, R., Mićović, Z., Lawrence, D., Ribstein, P. (2013) Sensitivity analysis of SCHADEX extreme flood estimations to observed hydrometeorological variability. Water Res. Res. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR013687. Madsen, H., Lawrence, D., Lang, M. Martincova, M., Kjeldsen, T. 2013. A review of applied methods in Europe for flood-frequency analysis in a changing environment. NERC/Centre for Ecology / Hydrology, 180 pp. Available at Haddeland, I., Langsholt, E., Lawrence, D., Wong, W.K., Andjelic, M., Ivkovic, M., Vujadinovic, M. 2013. Effects of climate change in the Kolubara and Toplica catchments, Serbia. NVE Report no. 2013/62, 60 pp. Hisdal, H. , Lawrence, D. 2013. Flere og større flommer i framtiden (More frequent and larger floods in the future). Klima 2-2013, 14-15. Lawrence, D., Graham, L.P., den Besten, J., Andréasson, J., Bergström, S., Engen-Skaugen, T., Førland, E., Groen, R., Jespersen, M., de Jong, K., Olsson, J. 2012. Estimating and communicating climate change impacts and uncertainties in flood risk management: Examples from the North Sea Region. NVE Rapport nr. 5-2012, 62 s. Lawrence, D., Barthelmie, R., Crochet, P., Lindström, G., Kolcova, T., Kriauciuniené, J., Larsen, S., Pryor, S., Reihan, A., Roald, L., Tietäväinen, H., Wilson, D. 2012. Analyses of hydroclimatological timeseries for the Nordic and Baltic regions. In Climate Change and Energy Systems: Impact, Risks and Adaptation in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Thorsteinsson, Th. , Halldór, B. (Eds.) Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers, TemaNord 2011:501, 67-90. Lawrence, D., Haddeland, I. 2011. Uncertainty in hydrological modelling of climate change impacts in four Norwegian catchments. Hydrology Research 42 (6): 457-471. Lawrence, D., Hisdal, H. 2011. Hydrological projections for floods in Norway under a future climate. NVE Report no. 2011-5, 47 pp. Wilson, D., Fleig, A.K., Lawrence, D., Hisdal, H., Pettersson, L-E., Holmqvist, E., 2011. A review of NVE’s flood frequency estimation procedures. NVE Rapport nr. 9-2011, 46 pp. Lazar, A., Butterfield, D., Futter, M.N., Rankinen, K., Thouvenot-Korppoo, M., Jarritt, N., Lawrence, D., Wade, A., Whitehead, P.G. 2010. An assessment of the fine sediment dynamics in an upland river system: INCA-Sed modifications and implications for fisheries. Science of the Total Environment 408: 2555-2566. Rankinen, K., Thouvenot-Korppoo, M., Lazar, A., Lawrence, D., Butterfield, D., Veijalainen, N., Huttunen, I. & Lepistö, A. 2010. Application of the catchment scale erosion and sediment delivery model INCA-Sed to four small study catchments in Finland. Catena 83(1): 64-75. Wilson, D., Hisdal, H., Lawrence, D. 2010. Has streamflow changed in the Nordic countries? – Recent trends and comparisons to hydrological projections. Journal of Hydrology, 394, 334-346. Wilson, D., Hisdal, H., Lawrence, D. 2010. Trends in streamflow in the hydropower producing Nordic countries and implications for water resource management, IAHS Publ. 340, 279-285. Lawrence, D., Haddeland, I., Langsholt, E. 2009. Calibration of HBV hydrological models using PEST parameter estimation. NVE Report No. 1 – 2009, ISBN 978-82-410-0680-7; 44 p. Roald, L.A., Hisdal, H., Lawrence, D. 2009. Hydrologi og skred før, nå og i fremtiden. (Hydrology and landslides in the past, present and future) in Klima i Norge 2100 (Climate in Norway 2100), I. Hanssen-Bauer, editor. Bakgrunnsmateriale til NOU Klimatilpassing (Background material for climate change adaptation), Preliminary report from Norsk Klimasenter, June 2009. Jarritt, N.P. and Lawrence, D.S.L. 2007. Fine sediment delivery and transfer in lowland catchments: Modelling suspended sediment concentrations in response to hydrologic forcing. Hydrological Processes 21:2729-2744; DOI:10.1002/hyp.6402. Roche, N., Daian, J-F, Lawrence, D.S.L. 2007. Hydraulic modelling of runoff over a rough surface under partial inundation. Water Resources Research 43, W08410, doi:10.1029/2006WR005484. Lee, L.J.E., Lawrence, D.S.L., Price, M. 2006. Analysis of water-level response to rainfall and implications for recharge pathways in the Chalk aquifer, SE England. Journal of Hydrology 330(3-4) 604-620. Lawrence, D. S. L., Allen, J. R. L., and Havelock, G.M. 2004. Salt marsh morphodynamics: An investigation of tidal flows and marsh channel equilibrium. Journal of Coastal Research. 20:301-316. Gurney, S. D. and Lawrence, D. S. L. 2004. Seasonal trends in the stable isotopic composition of snow and meltwater runoff in a subarctic catchment at Okstindan, Norway. Nordic Hydrology 35:119-137. Frihy, O. and Lawrence, D. S. L. 2004. Morphodynamic evolution of the modern Nile Delta promontories: Development of accretional features. Environmental Geology 46:914-931. Evans D.J., Johnes P.J., Lawrence D.S. 2004. Physico-chemical controls on phosphorus cycling in two lowland streams. Part 2 - The sediment phase. Science of the Total Environment 329:165-182. Evans, D.J., Johnes, P.J. and Lawrence, D.S.L. 2003. Suspended and bed load sediment transport dynamics in two lowland UK streams – storm integrated monitoring. IAHS Publication 283, 103-11. Lawrence, D. S. L. 2000. Hydraulic resistance in overland flow during partial and marginal surface inundation: Experimental observations and modelling. Water Resources Research 36, 2381-2393. Chambers, M. H., Lawrence, D. S. L., Sellwood, B. W., and Parker, A. 2000. Annual layering in the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge clay formation, UK, quantified using an ultra-high resolution SEM-EDX investigation. Sedimentary Geology 137, 9-23. Lawrence, D. S. L. 1998. Reply: 'Macroscale surface roughness and frictional resistance in overland flow'. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 23, 861-864. Lawrence, D. S. L. 1997. Macroscale surface roughness and frictional resistance in overland flow. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 22, 365-382. Lawrence, D. S. L. 1996. Physically-based modelling and the analysis of landscape development. In The Scientific Nature of Geomorphology, B. L. Rhoads and C. E. Thorn, eds. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 273-288. Lawrence, D. S. L. 1994. Hydrodynamic description for advective sediment transport processes and rill initiation. Water Resources Research 30, 3203-3212. Lawrence, D. S. L. 1994. Theoretical constraints on the development of surface rills: Mode shapes, amplitude limitations and implications for non-linear evolution. In Process Models and Theoretical Geomorphology, M. J. Kirkby, ed. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., pp. 316-338. Loewenherz (Lawrence), D. S. 1991. Stability and the initiation of channelized surface drainage: A reassessment of the short wavelength limit. Journal of Geophysical Research (B) 96, 8453-8464. Loewenherz (Lawrence), D. S. et al. 1989. The effect of viscosity stratification on the stability of a free surface flow at low Reynolds number. Physics of Fluids A 1, 1686-1693. Loewenherz (Lawrence), D. S., et al. 1989. On the development of transverse ridges on rock glaciers. Journal of Glaciology, 35, 383-391. Loewenherz (Lawrence), D. S. and Wendland, W. M. 1988. Seasonal ground frost occurrence: Developing a statistically-based predictive model. Physical Geography 9, 186-198. Thorn, C. E. and Loewenherz (Lawrence), D. S. 1987. Spatial and temporal trends in alpine periglacial landform evolution. In Periglacial Processes and Landforms in Britain and Ireland, J. Boardman, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 57-66. Publications – Selected recent conference proceedings and abstracts Vormoor, K., Lawrence, D., Engin, B., Martinkova, M., Osuch, M., Willems, P., and Yucel, I. Hydrological model parameter uncertainty in investigations of climate change impacts on peak flow across Europe. EGU 2014-13118. Wilson, D., Hisdal, H., Lawrence, D. 2014. Trends in floods in small Norwegian catchments – instantaneous vs. daily peaks, In: Hydrology in a Changing World: Environmental and Human Dimensions, Proceedings of FRIEND-Water 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam, February 2014, IAHS Publ.. Lawrence, D., Paquet, E. 2013. Comparison of precipitation/runoff methods for design flood estimation for combined snowmelt/rainfall events. In Loukas, A., and Kjeldsen, T., (eds.) Proceedings “Advanced methods for Flood Estimation in a Variable and Changing Environment”, Volos, Greece, October 24th – 26th, 2012, pp. 79-86. Paquet, E., , Lawrence, D. 2013. Extreme flood estimation by the SCHADEX method in a snow-driven catchment: application to Atnasjø (Norway). EGU 2013-8155 Vormoor, K., Heistermann, M., Lawrence, D., Bronstert, A. 2013. Climate change impacts on flood seasonality in Norway.EGU 2013-13255 Lawrence, D. 2012. Climate change and flood frequency: The critical roles of process and seasonality. In P. Nachtnebel and K. Kovar (eds.), HydroPredict 2012, Volume of Abstracts. 3rd International Interdisciplinary conference on Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology and Water Resources Management: Water Resources and Changing Global Environment, 24-27 September, 2012, Vienna, Austria, 55. Lawrence, D. 2010. Hydrological projections for changes in flood frequency under a future climate in Norway and their uncertainties. In: Hydrology: From research to water management (Ed. by Apsite, E., Briede, A. Klavins, M) Proceedings of the XXVI NHC, NHP Report No. 51, 203-204. Lawrence, D., Graham, P. 2010. Climate change projections and flood risk management. Proceedings of the SAWA Mid-term conference Gothenburg,Sweden, 25-27 May 2010. Report Nr. 5/2010, Berichte des Landesbetriebes Straßen, Brücken und Gewässer, Hamburg; pp. 18-19. Lawrence, D., Engen-Skaugen, T. 2010. Floods in Norway under a near future 2021-2050 climate: Hydrological projections for rainfall vs. snowmelt floods and their uncertainties. Proceedings of the Conference on Future Climate and Renewable Energy: Impacts, Risks and Adaptation, 31 May – 2 June 2010. Oslo: Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, pp. 32-33. Hisdal, H., Lawrence, D. 2010. Climate change impacts on hydrology and adaptation needs related to water resources management in Norway, In: Hydrology: From research to water management (Ed. by Apsite, E., Briede, A. Klavins, M) Proceedings of the XXVI NHC, NHP Report No. 51, 135-137. Lawrence D., Beldring S., Haddeland I., and Væringstad T. 2008. Integrated framework for assessing uncertainty in catchment-scale modelling of climate change impacts: Application to peak flows in four Norwegian catchments. In Sveinsson, O.G.B., S.M. Gardarsson, and S. Gunnlaugsdottir (eds.): XXV Nordic Hydrologic Conference, NHP Report No. 50, 182-190. Other recent external presentations: Lawrence, D. 2012. Klimaendring og fremtidige flommer I Norge (Climate Change and Future Floods in Norway). Energi Norge/Norsk hydrologiråd seminar ”Kraftverkshydrologi og Produksjonsplanlegging”, 5-6. november, 2012, Trondheim Lawrence, D. 2012. Comparison of the Norwegian and the Swedish/Finnish methods for design inflow estimation for two catchments in Norway, with implications for the assessment of climate change impacts. Symposium “Deciphering River Flood Change”, 3-5 September 2012, Vienna, Austria. Lawrence, D. 2012. Fremtidige flommer i Norge. Energi Norge Vassdragsteknisk Forum, vintermøte 25 January 2012, Oslo. Lawrence, D. 2011. Fremtidige flommer i Norge. ”Klimaendringer og effekter på hydrologi og kraftproduksjon”, Statkraft Miniseminar, Oslo, 19 May 2011. Lawrence, D. and Haddeland, I. 2009. Hydrologic effects of climate change in south east Europe. What do we know? Presentation at Workshop on Climate Change and Changing Runoff in Southeastern Europe, Organized by Statkraft in Belgrade 25-28 May 2009. Lawrence D. 2008. Uncertainty in hydrologic scenarios for the average annual flood. Presented at Seminar on Kraftrelatert hydrologi, meteorologi og klima, Norwegian Electricity Industry Association (EBL), 18-19 November 2008, Trondheim
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