Oi! 2014 OCT-DEC 10-12月通訊 燃點!香港藝術創意徵集 第二輪召集 Ignite! Hong Kong Art Portfolio Collection Second Open Call 超過 300 位本地創意天才已成為「燃點!」創意份子! 「燃點!」現正展開第二輪召集,誠邀所有在本港居住及工作的創意天才上載或更新個人簡歷及作品集至這個 網上平台,與油街實現「火花!」展覽系列客席策展人、館長及公眾分享你的創作。 來!讓你的創意綻放,共同開創藝術新境界! 提交網站:www.igniteart.hk 提交期限:即日至2015年1月11日 詳情請留意網站及臉書專頁更新 臉書專頁:www.facebook.com/igniteart Over 300 local creative talents have become “Ignite!” Creatives! Ignite! is now launching its second open call! All creative talents who work and live in Hong Kong, and the creative talents who have already joined the first open call, are cordially invited to upload or update respectively their profile and portfolio of works at www.igniteart.hk. You’ll be able to share your works with the guest curators of the Sparkle! exhibition series, Oi! curators and the public. Let your creativity blossom – join us as we set course for a new horizon in art! Website for submission : www.igniteart.hk Submission period : Until 11 January 2015 For more information, please visit the website and its Facebook Page : www.facebook.com/igniteart 第六屆藝遊鄰里計劃:公開徵集展覽計劃 The 6th Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme : Open Call for Exhibition Proposals 引發藝術創意 ‧ 開拓社區想像 歡迎本地創意份子提交展覽及活動計劃 首屆「藝遊鄰里計劃」於2000年推出,目的是推廣香港的視覺藝 術,向市民介紹本地優秀藝術工作者的作品。計劃推行至今共舉 辦了五屆,曾於港九新界不同場地展出近200位本地藝術家的作 品,吸引逾百萬人次參觀。 新一屆的「藝遊鄰里計劃」期望進一步連結藝術與大眾,我們支 持本地創意份子從社區及本地文化歷史中吸取創作靈感,並以藝 術創新的精神開拓觀眾對社區的想像及延續本地文化的傳承。 歡迎一眾創意人士包括藝術家、策展人、設計師等參與,有興趣 提交展覽計劃的朋友,請密切留意油街實現網頁,詳情將於2014 年11月底公佈。 油街實現 網頁:www.lcsd.gov.hk/apo/ 查詢:2512 3009 / 2512 3005 Inspiring Artistic Creativity and Expanding Community Imagination Open Call for Exhibition & Activity Proposals Debuted in 2000, the “Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme” aims to promote Hong Kong’s visual art and to introduce the works of distinguished artists to the public. In the five incarnations since its initial launch, the scheme has showcased the creations of 200 local artists and attracted over one million visitors in a variety of venues across the territory. The new edition of the “Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme” sets out to provide a further connection between art and the public. Our goal is to support local artists to find inspiration in their neighbourhoods as well as in local culture and history in order to expand the audience’s imagination for their communities through the spirit of art creation and thus to preserve and continue the heritage of local culture. Artists, curators, designers and other creative and talented locals are all welcome to submit exhibition proposals. Details of the scheme and the open call for submissions will be published on the Oi! website by the end of November 2014. Stay tuned! Oi! Website : www.lcsd.gov.hk/apo/ Enquiries : 2512 3009 / 2512 3005 火花! 展覽系列 Sparkle! Exhibition Series 透過「火花!」展覽系列,油街實現為本地年青策展人搭建舞台,讓他們天馬行空的想法得以在此實現。 The “Sparkle!” exhibition series is a stage that Oi! has created for young local curators to realise their unbound creativity. 像是動物園 Zoo as Metaphor 客席策展人: 黎蘊賢 展覽 參與藝術家: 區華欣、許敖山、馮程程、伍韶勁及黃鴻飛 日期:26.7 — 5.10.2014 演出者: 陳昊瑜、陳瑋聰、陳秄沁、陳冠而、陳翊麒、鍾雅欣、梁家維、伍綺琪、譚愷澄、黃雋謙 時間:上午10:00 — 晚上8:00 (逢星期一上午10:00 — 下午2:00休息,公眾假期除外) 及余依庭 地點:油街實現展覽廳 1 免費入場 設計合作伙伴: 葉小卡 關於這個計劃的題目,大概動物園、博物館奇珍、藝術品展覽,它們之間好像就有一種不言而喻的連繫。 這個「展覽」的其中一個前設,就是這將不會是一個聯展。參與創作人其實是一個創作團隊,進行了這個共同 創作。即使你可能看得出哪些部份是來自哪位創作人的手筆,但將它們單獨地去欣賞是沒有多大意義的,因為 它們都在互相扣連成為一個整體的「敘述」。 運用這個空間,這個油街展場的時空,團隊其實是創作了一場「敘述」。既假又真。 最後沒有假扮一個動物園;卻虛構了一個「珍藏展」。 藏品有真有假,有的確實是珍藏,有的其實是創作。在珍藏與創作之間,構成了一個場景,隱隱呈現了一個 具癖好的收藏家,敘述着大概是這個收藏家對城市的觸感,隱含着城市內不同文化、面貌(地方)、價值、記憶的 消逝…… 從這個「珍藏展」,導賞員(演員)會帶領你慢慢回到「現場」,時空既是一個展場,是現在的油街實現,又是以 往的香港皇家遊艇會,曾經是一個碼頭,那麼以後呢? 敘述的尾聲,大概要提一提大家,還有甚麼要去記住,甚麼正在消失或被消失當中…… Orlean Lai Guest Curator : Exhibition Artists : Au Wah-yan, Steve Hui, Vee Leong, Kingsley Ng and Wong Hung-fei Alpha Chan, Anson Chan, Ceci Chan, Fee Chan, Jacky Chan, Chung Nga-yan, Aska Leung, Performers : Kiki Ng, Christa Tom, Bosco Wong and Yu Yee-ting Design Partner : Karr Yip Exhibition Date : 26.7 — 5.10.2014 Time : 10:00am — 8:00pm (Closed on Mondays from 10:00am — 2:00pm, except public holidays) Venue : Exhibition Gallery 1, Oi! Free admission A zoo, a museum and an art exhibition, the link among them seems explicable, but also metaphorical. Before the project began, the team set the parameters: do not make it a group show, make it a collaborative project. Even though visitors may be able to recognise which parts of the creation have been contributed by which artists, there is little meaning in trying to appreciate the works separately. Their existence can only make sense when they are perceived connectedly as one whole narrative and experience. The team has taken the exhibition space to create the narrative in full dimension. Partly fictional, partly genuine. In the end, there is no imitation of a zoo, but a fabricated “Collection” show. In “The Collection”, some pieces are real and some are creations. In the midst of these collections and creations, a scenario of an unusual collector appears, retrieving faded memories of our city... Leaving “The Collection”, our tour guides (performers) will lead you back to the living presence, currently an exhibition space, but once the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club and a pier. So what will it be in the future? By the end of the narrative, visitors will have been reminded to remember, something is disappearing... 團體展覽導賞 展覽查詢及活動報名 歡迎團體 / 學校於展期內預約免費導賞服務,請於參觀日最少五個 電話:2512 3009 / 2512 3008 / 2512 3005 工作天前致電預約,活動時間以油街實現安排為準。費用全免。 傳真:2512 3022 臉書:www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace/ 2014 OCT-DEC 10-12月通訊 假如 (在一起) Can We Live (Together) 客席策展人: 梁志剛 @ 社區耕種計劃 Michael Leung @ Community Farming Project 盧樂謙 @ 人民足球 Him Lo @ People’s Pitch 李俊峰 參展藝術家及計劃: 梁志剛 @ 社區耕種計劃、盧樂謙 @ 人民足球、何穎雅、高穎琳 @ 週街展、吞拿魚獎、 百呎公園、假如 (死在香港)、梁御東聯同 BLOKE、姚妙麗 設計合作伙伴: 葉小卡 李俊峰的「假如 (在一起)」展覽計劃旨在審視藝術家們「走在一起」的共生協作狀態,從而勾畫出社區運動與 香港藝術的自發組織生態,探討這種自發性對當下香港的藝術生態,乃至人文生活有何重要。 展覽探討幾位自發組織發起人 / 藝術家的案例,從而提議一種以共同協作而生的創作方式。如梁志剛與友人 共同創立的 HK Farm,盧樂謙與友人策動的「人民足球」,在北京胡同裏創辦「家作坊」的何穎雅,收集北角 街頭的剩餘物資搭建小屋,並邀請大家在小屋插播錄像。他們的創作方式擺脫一般以個人觀點出發的藝術生產 方法,通過商討、合作、對話和交往的過程,在組織成員之間由下而上地建構共同的理念,實現「在一起」的 理想。此外,藝術家梁御東和姚妙麗根據前哨展「假如 (藝術村)」的創作,進一步深化,以回應自主組織生態 的想像。 何穎雅 @ 油街社區放映棚 Elaine W. Ho @ Oil Street Community Screening Hut 高穎琳 @ 週街展 Kobe Ko @ Chow Kai Chin 吞拿魚獎 Tuna Prize 假如 (死在香港) As If (Death in Hong Kong) 展覽 日期:1.8 — 19.10.2014 時間:上午10:00 — 晚上8:00 (逢星期一上午10:00 — 下午2:00休息,公眾假期除外) 地點:油街實現展覽廳 2 免費入場 Guest Curator : Lee Chun Fung Exhibition Artists & Projects : Michael Leung @ Community Farming Project, Him Lo @ People’s Pitch, Elaine W. Ho, Kobe Ko @ Chow Kai Chin, Tuna Prize, 100 ft. PARK, As If (Death in Hong Kong), Ocean Leung featuring BLOKE, Joe Yiu Design Partner : Karr Yip Can We Live (Together) – An exhibition curated by Lee Chun Fung – sets out to examine the collaborative relationship between artists in order to outline the ecology of local art / community initiatives, and thus to explore the importance of practices of self-organisations in Hong Kong’s art community and cultural life. The exhibition looks at the cases of several self-initiators / artists to propose a creative approach based on collaboration. Examples include “HK Farm”, a project founded by Michael Leung and friends, “People’s Pitch” initiated by Him Lo and his friends and a “self-organised“ video screening hut from HomeShop founder Elaine W. Ho. These creative approaches break away from the traditional mind-set of generating art from the personal perspective. Instead, art is created through deliberation, co-operation, conversation and the building of relationships : a common idea is developed using a bottom-up approach to achieve the ideals of “being together”. In addition, artists Ocean Leung and Joe Yiu further develop the outcomes of “WHAT IF (Artist Village)” launched in the kick-off exhibition of Sparkle!, in response to the imaginative ideas of an ecology of self-organisations. 百呎公園 100 ft. PARK Exhibition Date : 1.8 — 19.10.2014 Time : 10:00am — 8:00pm (Closed on Mondays from 10:00am — 2:00pm, except public holidays) Venue : Exhibition Gallery 2, Oi! Free admission 梁御東聯同 BLOKE @ 發生過 Ocean Leung featuring BLOKE @ It Happened Exhibition Guided Tours Enquiries and Reservation for Education and Extension Activities Free guided tours are available for groups and school parties. Please book your tour by phone at least five working days before the planned date of your visit. The time of the tour will be arranged by Oi!. Tel : 2512 3009 / 2512 3008 / 2512 3005 Fax : 2512 3022 Facebook : www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace/ 姚妙麗 @ 有商有量 實現油街 Joe Yiu @ Let’s Talk and Archive Oi! 生活現場 In-Situ! 不同的社群留駐油街實現,每日實實在在地生活,藝術空間將成為生活現場。 藝術進入生活,為日常「升級再造」。 在展覽廳內,沒有藝術展覽,只有最不熟悉的日常。偶然到來,傾聽到別人的故事,在樹下細聽街道的聲音, 身旁有人與你一起修補一直沒丟棄的衣服,在需要歇息時躺在地上,然後為自己寄上一個明天所需要的包裹。 在平常的人和事中,文字、影像、聲音、故事浮現,昇華。 油街實現夥拍生活書院一群朋友,將與不同的社群攜手將藝術注入日常、化作生活,在過程中,重新發現生活 旅程中被忽略了的種種風景。 日期:展覽廳 1:7.11.2014 — 15.1.2015 展覽廳 2:7.11.2014 — 25.1.2015 時間:上午10:00 — 晚上8:00 (逢星期一上午 10:00 — 下午 2:00 休息,平安夜下午 5:00 休息) 地點:油街實現展覽廳 1、2 免費入場 有關活動詳情,請留意 www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace。 When different people and groups come to stay at Oi! and work In-Situ, the space will be transformed and empowered. Integrating art into daily lives with the idea of transformation, the ordinary will be enhanced. In the galleries, there will be no art exhibitions; all we have are the daily lives. You may randomly come to the space to listen to others’ stories, sit under a tree to hear the sound of the street, and may be with people next to you, repair old clothes which are being kept. When getting tired, lie down and take a rest. Then mail yourself a package for tomorrow’s needs. From the ordinary encounters, text, images and sounds, stories re-appear. Oi! joins hands with friends of the School of Everyday Life to live our lives together with different community groups. In the process of encounters, we may re-discover the neglected scenery of our life journeys. Date : Exhibition Gallery 1 : 7.11.2014 — 15.1.2015 Exhibition Gallery 2 : 7.11.2014 — 25.1.2015 Time : 10:00am — 8:00pm (Closed on Mondays from 10:00am — 2:00pm, except public holidays) Venue : Exhibition Gallery 1 & 2 Free admission For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace 2014 OCT-DEC 10-12月通訊 XCHANGE 世上有完美嗎? 如果沒有,那甚麼是不完美? XCHANGE 藝術項目由油街實現與 I’MPERFECT 項目策劃人余志光 和林偉雄合辦,通過不同形式的分享和參與,讓我們重新感受及 檢視完美與不完美的定義,擁抱不完美。 I’MPERFECT TEA 重新演繹傳統涼茶店凝聚社區的角色,塑造一個自在和促進交流 的空間。讓我們呷着茶,交換身邊與內在的、大小的不完美事。 配合和本地農夫合作建造草藥園圃,為參觀者帶來多層次、多角 度的本土涼茶體驗。每日數量有限,換完即止。 日期:即日起至 15.2.2015 (公眾假期、平安夜及除夕休息) 地點:油街實現活動室 1 開放時間:逢星期三至日中午12:00 — 晚上8:00 I’MPERFECT EXPERIENCE I’MPERFECT Tour 由視障人士及其助手帶領,I’MPERFECT Tour 導賞團讓參加者把 不同的感官化作視野去探索北角社區。 日期:22.11.2014 (星期六) 時間:下午2:00 — 5:00 集合地點:油街實現活動室 1 名額:14人,費用全免 I’MPERFECT Senses 工作坊 工作坊將運用頌缽,以助觸發參加者瞬間的專注力和深層休息, 開啟各種感官,讓人完全投入扎根於完美或不完美的當下。 日期:12.10.2014 (星期日) 時間:下午2:00 — 5:00 (星期日) 地點:油街實現 名額:20 人,年齡不限 費用:HK$120 * (只限現金,費用於工作坊即場繳交) 報名請瀏覽:www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace * 收費詳情請參閱附錄之「參加者優惠細則」。 I’MPERFECT Art 工作坊 參加者將與在智力或身體上具不同程度殘障的人士,攜手參與多 項藝術創作活動。 日期:第一節 1.11.2014 (星期六) 第二節 8.11.2014 (星期六) 時間:下午2:00 — 5:00 地點:油街實現活動室 1 名額:每節20人,費用全免 I’MPERFECT Creative 工作坊 工作坊旨在啟發年輕設計師或人才,讓他們重新檢討和正視生活 中的不完美,從而把它們化作一系列的創意作品。 日期:7.11.2014 (星期五) Does perfection exist? If not, then what is imperfect? XCHANGE is a collaboration of Oi! with Eddy Yu and Hung Lam who initiated the I’MPERFECT project, which encourages us to redefine our perception on “perfection” and “imperfection” through different forms of exchange and engagement. I’MPERFECT TEA I’MPERFECT TEA introduces multi-experience with traditional herbal tea, where interaction and sharing are celebrated in this re-imagination of traditional tea house. Please come and share your imperfect issues in exchange of homemade herbal tea. Available while stocks last. Date : From now on until 15.2.2015 (Closed on public holidays, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve) Venue : Activity Room 1, Oi! Opening Hours : 12:00nn — 8:00pm (Wednesdays — Sundays only) I’MPERFECT EXPERIENCE I’MPERFECT Tour Guided by a visually impaired and an assistant, I’MPERFECT Tour offers the opportunity for the participants to explore some old districts in North Point by using different senses about vision. Date : 22.11.2014 (Saturday) Time : 2:00 — 5:00pm Assembly Venue : Activity Room 1, Oi! Quota : 14 persons Free programme 時間:下午2:00 — 5:00 地點:油街實現活動室 1 名額:20人,費用全免 I’MPERFECT Food 工作坊 工作坊會分享有關耕種、剩食及廚餘等議題,並利用不太完美的 蔬果製作果汁,讓參加者重新檢視食物美醜的定義及體會這些不 完美「其實挺好」。歡迎家長及小朋友參加。 日期:13.12.2014 (星期六) 時間:下午2:00 — 5:00 地點:油街實現活動室 1 名額:20人,費用全免 以上活動須預先報名,先到先得。 詳情及報名方法請瀏覽 www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace I’MPERFECT BARTER I’MPERFECT Senses Workshop The workshop will incorporate singing bowl, a facilitator to trigger instant concentration and deep relaxation, to activate all senses and to stay completely grounded in the perfect or imperfect present. Date : 12.10.2014 (Sunday) Time : 2:00 — 5:00pm (Sunday) Venue : Oi! Quota : 20 persons, all are welcome Fee: HK$120 * (Cash only, to be collected in the workshop) For registration : www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace * Please refer to the “Notes of Discount” for the payment details. I’MPERFECT Art Workshop Participants will take part in different art-making activities with people of different levels of intelligence and physical disables. 提倡以物易物的流轉模式,各取所需,互相成全。活動期間, 參加者可攜同從獨立小店購得的糧食如罐頭、米等到場,以交換 中草藥小盆栽或與有機農夫交流栽種心得,體驗城中種植。活動 收集得來的所有物資,將以平等分享的理念轉換到有需要的社群 手中。 農夫駐場時間:逢星期四下午3:00 — 晚上7:00 即場參與,無須報名。 Date : Session 1 — 1.11.2014 (Saturday) Session 2 — 8.11.2014 (Saturday) Time : 2:00 — 5:00pm Venue : Activity Room 1, Oi! Quota : 20 persons per session Free programme I’MPERFECT Creative Workshop The workshop aims to inspire young designers or talents to re-examine and confront the imperfection in life and turn them into a series of creative works. Date : 7.11.2014 (Friday) Time : 2:00 — 5:00pm Venue : Activity Room 1, Oi! Quota : 20 persons Free programme I’MPERFECT Food Workshop The workshop will share with participants the topics of planting and food waste. It will then make use of the less-than-perfect fruits and vegetables to produce juices, of which participants will appreciate that imperfection is “actually quite nice”. Parents and children are welcome. Date : 13.12.2014 (Saturday) Time : 2:00 — 5:00pm Venue : Activity Room 1, Oi! Quota : 20 persons Free programme Reservations are required for the programmes above, and will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. For details and application method, please visit : www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace I’MPERFECT BARTER I’MPERFECT BARTER advocates a new idea of exchange that goes beyond monetary transactions. Participants can exchange food supplies bought from independent grocery stores, such as canned food, in return of pot plants or planting tips from organic farmer at Oi!. The collected food supplies will then be shared to the communities in need. Resident farmer will be present every Thursday 3:00 — 7:00pm Registration is not required. 2014 OCT-DEC 10-12月通訊 城建藝行 Connectivity! Urban Re-arc-tion 由油街實現及香港中文大學建築學院共同籌劃 「城建藝行」是一個在地的城中學習計劃,在真實的社區中構建一個藝術與建築的平台。當課室脫離學校, 就如城市中一個等待填充的單位。是次城中學習計劃將由油街實現毗鄰社區主導,從北角油街出發,以學術及 藝術為基礎,共同為社區創造改善城市的意念與在地方案。 社區研究 社區研究項目為期兩個月,以探討北角和毗鄰社區為主,集中研究居民如何通過會面和溝通而形成社區發展。 簡報會將於12月在油街實現舉行,總結是次研究成果。 聚焦社區工作坊 將舉辦一系列工作坊,收集和回應北角社區的民生,從而將藝術和生活帶來油街實現。 日期:10 — 12.2014,共 6 節 地點:油街實現活動室 2 有關活動詳情,請留意 www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace。 Co-organised by Oi! and School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong “Connectivity! Urban Re-acr-tion” is an urban classroom project that offers a platform for art and architecture in community. Classrooms are like active cells in the city, not just within schools. This project will empower communities along the Oil Street of North Point and the vicinity to make collective improvements in creating urban ideas and works in place. Urban Research Study Urban Research Study is a 2-month continuous study of the area of North Point and its vicinity. It is a more focused study on the particulars of how the district was developed upon the meeting and communication of people. A presentation will be held in December 2014 at Oi! to conclude the study. Community Focus Workshop A series of workshop will be conducted to collect and respond to the livelihood of the North Point district. It is to bring forth art and living into Oi!. Date : Oct — Dec 2014, 6 sessions Venue : Activity Room 2, Oi! For details, please visit www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace. 油街實現 香港北角油街 12 號 (港鐵炮台山站 A 出口) 查詢電話 : 2512 3000 傳真 : 2512 3022 網址 : www.lcsd.gov.hk/apo 臉書 : www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace 開放時間: 星期一 : 下午2:00 — 晚上8:00 星期二至日 : 上午10:00 — 晚上8:00 逢星期一上午10:00 — 下午2:00 休息 (公眾假期除外) 平安夜 (12月24日) 下午5:00休息 油街實現導賞團 免費入場 Oi! Tour 為了讓公眾更了解油街實現這幢二級歷史建築,我們特設 免費導賞團,為大家介紹油街實現的歷史、建築風格及 展覽作品等。導賞團歷時約40分鐘。毋須登記,歡迎任何 人士即場參加! 時間:每天下午2:30、4:45及6:30開始 地點:油街實現入口集合處 * 導賞團以廣東話主講 團體預約導賞 我們歡迎本地學校、註冊慈善團體及非牟利機構預約 免費導賞服務。請於參觀日期前最少五個工作天,致電 2512 3000 預約,活動時間以油街實現安排為準。 To give the public greater insight into Oi!, a free guided tour of the Grade 2 Historic Building will be held every day to explore its history and architectural features, and also to introduce the works of art currently on display in the exhibitions. The tour will last about 40 minutes. Enrolment is not required, everyone is welcome! Time : 2:30, 4:45 and 6:30pm daily Venue : Gathering point near the entrance of Oi! * Conducted in Cantonese Guided Tour for School / Organisation Free guided tours will be arranged for local schools, registered charitable organisations and registered non-profit-making organisations upon request. Please make your reservation at 2512 3000 at least five working days in advance of your visit. The time of the tour will be confirmed by Oi!. 前往方法 訪客可乘港鐵至炮台山站,於 A 出口步行至油街,或乘巴士2, 2A, 8X, A11, 10, 18, 18P, 19, 23, 25A, 63, 65, 81, 89R, 102, 106, 110, 112, 116, 307P, 601, 619, 619X, 680, 680A, 690, 692, Oi! 12 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong (MTR Fortress Hill Station Exit A) Enquiries : 2512 3000 Fax : 2512 3022 Website : www.lcsd.gov.hk/apo Facebook : www.facebook.com/oioilstreetartspace Opening hours : Mondays : 2:00 — 8:00pm Tuesdays to Sundays : 10:00am — 8:00pm Closed on Mondays from 10:00am — 2:00pm (except public holidays) Closed at 5:00pm on Christmas Eve (24 December) Free admission How to Access To reach us, you can take the MTR to Fortress Hill Station (Exit A), bus nos. 2, 2A, 8X, A11, 10, 18, 18P, 19, 23, 25A, 63, 65, 81, 89R, 102, 106, 110, 112, 116, 307P, 601, 619, 619X, 680, 680A, 690, 692, 802 and mini-bus nos. 56, 69. 802 號或小巴 56, 69 號亦可到達。 本通訊由藝術推廣辦事處於2014年編印。 版權屬香港特別行政區政府所有 © 2014年。版權所有,未經許可不得翻印、節錄或轉載。 Published by the Art Promotion Office 2014. Copyright © 2014 by The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. All rights reserved. 2014 OCT-DEC 10-12月通訊 新媒體 新思維 new media ‧ new idea 起承轉合 x 多媒體工作坊 (粵語) Audio-Visual Creation X Multi-Media Workshop (in Cantonese) 藝術創作已不再局限於傳統媒介,科技的介入令藝術創作百花齊 導師:蔡世豪 放。電子音樂人兼聲影藝術家蔡世豪將介紹何謂多媒體藝術,再 日期:8, 15, 29.11.2014 (逢星期六,共 3 節) 結合聲音、影像,啟導大家如何利用最便利的影音產品如數碼相 時間:下午2:30 — 5:30 機、手提電話即興創作,一同 jam 出FUN。 地點:香港視覺藝術中心三樓上層 U3 工作室 名額:10 人 蔡世豪,城市大學創意媒體學院碩士,香港 Time Out 雜誌 The Best of Hong Kong Indie 2009第一位,CNNGO十大最佳香港音 樂單位(2011),並獲2012香港藝術發展獎:藝術新秀獎〔媒體藝 術〕。演 出 包 括 : 香 港 Clockenflap 2011 音 樂 與 藝 術 節 、 瑞 士 年齡:18歲或以上 費用:HK$360 (* 優惠收費見附錄) 材料費:約HK$300 (材料由導師協助購買,學員亦可自行購買) 截止報名日期:31.10.2014 (星期五) Electron Festival 2012、德國 Worldtronics 2012 等。至今已舉行兩 場個人多媒體音樂會《聲‧影‧演》(2010)及《星‧音‧演》(2013)。 藝術家蔡世豪 Artist Choi Sai-ho 「閃現」互動光藝術初探 (英語輔以粵語) “ON-n-ON” Introduction to Interactive Light Art (in English supplemented with Cantonese) 在新媒體藝術領域裏,「光」為創作者帶來視覺效果、主題或技術上的源源靈感!工作坊從電子的基本原理開始, 深入淺出地帶領參加者編寫簡易的應用程式,及電子發光體的互動設計,最後創作出富個人特色的光藝術作品。 藝術家馬克‧穆地現為香港城市大學創意媒體學院資深研究員及兼職講師,曾於2013年獲選參與彭博數位藝術培育 計劃,作品曾於FILE國際電子語言藝術節、國際電子藝術論壇、「慢之極之快:動漫美學雙年展2013-14」等大型 展覽及藝術節中展出。若想了解這炙手可熱的素材,並為創作開拓新的可能性,萬勿錯過! 導師:馬克‧穆地 日期:1.11 — 13.12.2014 (星期六,6.12 除外,共 6 節) 時間:上午11:00 — 下午1:00 地點:香港視覺藝術中心 4 樓多用途活動室一 名額:10 年齡:15 歲或以上 費用:HK$480 (* 優惠收費見附錄) Arrivals 馬克‧穆地 Marco De Mutiis 備註:導師可為學員代購電子零件,參加者亦可自行購買 截止報名日期:20.10.2014 (星期一) In the realm of new media art, “light” has brought artists numerous inspirations for its intriguing visual effects, themes and technologies. The workshop will start from the basic of electronics to simple programming, then guide you through the design of light object and interactivity, finally you will be able to create your own custom light artwork. The promising young artist Marco De Mutiis is currently a senior research associate and part-time lecturer at the City University of Hong Kong for the School of Creative Media. He received the Bloomberg Digital Arts Initiative in 2013 and his works have been shown at international festivals and exhibitions including FILE Electronic Language International Festival, International Symposium on Electronic Art and This Slow ‧That Fast : Animamix Biennale 2013-14. This fun and hands-on workshop is suitable for beginners and all of those who want to extend their scope of artistic creations with interactive light and electronic design. — 流連幻境 虛擬水墨分享會 (粵語) The Virtual World of Water and Ink (in Cantonese) 水墨創作已由毛筆和宣紙的二維空間走向三維的立體裝置,甚至 導師:黃琮瑜 躍然於虛擬的數碼世界。由實體的筆跡到電腦螢幕上的墨影,其 日期:6, 13.12.2014 (星期六,共 2 節) 調和融合成為藝術家的研究方向。本地藝術家黃琮瑜畢業於香港 時間:下午4:00 — 5:30 中文大學計算機科學系碩士,後獲獎學金赴英完成數碼藝術碩 地點:香港視覺藝術中心三樓多用途工作室二 士,現於香港理工大學多媒體設計課程擔任講師,他專注於現代 名額:30 人 水墨探索,並成功發展有關的數碼程式編寫及多媒體系統,包括 年齡:15 歲或以上 模擬水墨滲染效果的系統、以三維方式處理山石造境的系統、模 費用全免,先到先得 擬煙、雨、雪、游魚的系統、隨機動畫、實時互動、圖型辨識、 截止報名日期:30.11.2014 (星期日) 動態偵測等各種系統。他將於活動的第一節分享十年來的創作成 果,並於第二節淺談電腦編程的技法,讓對水墨畫創作有經驗的 人士,認識數碼水墨效果的「隨機性」和「互動性」,並結合自 身的水墨語言和真蹟,呈現嶄新的水墨藝術新面貌。 Instructor : Marco De Mutiis Date : 1.11 — 13.12.2014 (Saturdays, except 6.12, Total 6 sessions) Time : 11:00am — 1:00pm Venue : Multi-purpose Room 1, 4/F, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre Quota : 10 Age : 15 or above Fee : HK$480 (* Please refer to Appendix for Discount Rate) Remarks : Participants buy the electronic components on their own or through the instructor Application deadline : 20.10.2014 (Monday) Sodom 黃琮瑜 Wong Chung-yu 起動! 工作室 stud!o in act!on 塑膠彩繪畫初階 (粵語) Acrylic Painting (in Cantonese) 本課程介紹塑膠彩繪畫的基本技巧。藝術家高天恩着重實物觀 導師:高天恩 察、理解造形及空間處理,與大家討論繪畫元素、物料應用、調 色、色彩運用及構圖等;亦會介紹名家作品,理論及應用並重, 日期:13.11.2014 — 12.2.2015 (逢星期四,共 12 節,25.12.2014 及 1.1.2015 除外) 適合具備素描基礎的人士報讀。 時間:下午6:00 — 9:00 地點:香港視覺藝術中心四樓多用途工作室 高天恩,畢業於美國加州州立長堤大學,主修繪畫。作品常於本 名額:10人 地及海外展出,也是第一位將美國南加州社區公共壁畫概念及技 年齡:18歲或以上 費用:HK$1,440 (* 優惠收費見附錄) 術引進香港的藝術家。現任香港大學專業進修學院、曾任香港理 工大學設計系、香港嶺南大學、香港教育學院、香港城市大學、 香港藝術學院、香港皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術系等之客席講師。 材料費:約HK$500 (學員需自行購買材料,並於第一堂帶備所需物料。 導師將提供指引,並以電郵預先通知。) 作品被香港藝術館收藏。 截止報名日期:31.10.2014 (星期五) 《 男孩。風景 (三)》 高天恩 油彩布本 122 x 183 厘米 香港藝術館藏 — Boy Landscape III Celia KO Oil on Linen 122 x 183 cm Courtesy of Hong Kong Museum of Art 易‧ 複製 倒模陶藝工作坊 (粵語) Moulding in Ceramics (in Cantonese) Easy Duplicate — 複製往往被視為簡單乏味的事,但在陶藝的領域裏,用倒模的方 導師:黃浩麟 法,複製變成一個富趣味的過程,而倒模出來的物件,往往出人 日期:22.11.2014 — 10.1.2015 (星期六,共 8 節) 意表!導師黃浩麟擁有超過十多年的陶藝教育經驗,於澳洲皇家 時間:上午10:00 — 下午1:00 墨爾本理工大學學士主修陶瓷,作品曾入圍第57屆意大利Premio 地點:香港視覺藝術中心四樓陶瓷室 Faenza國際當代陶瓷藝術比賽,並曾於香港、上海、台灣、內 名額:10 地景德鎮、意大利、南韓等地展出,及被香港公營機構收藏。工 作坊中,參加者將了解基本的倒模原理及技巧,嘗試多樣化的方 年齡:18歲或以上 費用:HK$960 (* 優惠收費見附錄) 法,以泥及石膏製作帶藝術性及實用性的模具,及考慮過程中需 材料費:約HK$700 (材料由導師協助購買,學員亦可自行購買) 要解決的技術性問題,參加者將創作別樹一格的「複製品」! 備註:工作坊只適合有創作陶藝經驗的人士,請於報名時夾附 最近的陶藝作品;若報名人數超出限額,導師將以作品 作收生考慮。 截止報名日期:1.11.2014 (星期六) 黃浩麟陶藝作品 Moulded works by Tiger Wong 中國書畫文化系列 Chinese culture, calligraphy and painting series 中國水墨詩意 (粵語) Poetic Chinese Ink Paintings (in Cantonese) 行書研習 (粵語) Semi-cursive Script Calligraphy (in Cantonese) 「故畫者,天地無聲之詩;詩者,天地無色之畫。」(葉燮《赤霞樓詩集序》) 課程將通過示範,逐步介紹行書的基本筆法,字形結構及不同書法家之風格 中國藝術以作品言情、表現作者的修養及氣度。詩畫融合,以簡潔詞藻及畫 特色。內容將包括王羲之、黃山谷、米芾之局部研習,讓學員對行書有所認 家的妙筆,達至詩情畫意,讓詩意能發揮畫意,畫可以盡顯詩意,詩歌及畫 識及懂得如何欣賞。鄭明,1973年畢業於台灣師範大學美術系。1978-2000 的配合將意境開闊。課程涉獵題材包括山水、花鳥及人物等,並介紹詩於畫 年擔任香港中文大學藝術系教授,1977年獲香港當代藝術雙年展之書法獎。 中的呈現及融合。何鳳蓮自1979年隨趙少昂教授學畫,一直專注研習技法及 現為立法會書法導師,香港中文大學藝術系兼任教授。曾舉辦個展15次及參 理念,善於繪畫山川、花鳥、游魚、人物等題材的作品;曾隨本地詩人潘小 加聯展七十餘次。 磐學詩,以詩入畫,豐富畫作內容和意境。 導師:鄭明 導師:何鳳蓮 日期:6.11.2014 — 5.2.2015 (星期四,共 12 節,25.12.2014,1.1.2015 除外) 日期:6.11.2014 — 22.1.2015 (星期四,共 10 節,25.12.2014,1.1.2015 除外) 時間:上午10:00 — 下午1:00 時間:下午6:00 — 9:00 地點:香港視覺藝術中心三樓上層U3工作室 地點:香港視覺藝術中心三樓上層U3工作室 名額:10 名額:10 年齡:18歲或以上 費用:HK$1,200 (* 優惠收費見附錄) 材料費:約HK$500 (材料由學員自行購買) 截止報名日期:24.10.2014 (星期五) 《 烟雨灉江 》 何鳳蓮 「卧看灕江水 悄然下小舟 碧簪私玉帶 烟雨畫中留」 年齡:18歲或以上 費用:HK$1,440 (* 優惠收費見附錄) 材料費:約$500 (材料由學員自行購買) 截止報名日期:24.10.2014 (星期五) 2014 OCT-DEC 10-12月通訊 開講!周六藝術講 (粵語) Saturday art talk (in Cantonese) 每月第一個星期六,您有甚麼好去處 ? 來 vA! 參加「開講!」吧!我們邀請了本地資深藝 術家和學者蒞臨,與您分享他們所關注的藝術議題或他們熟悉的藝術範疇,豐富您的藝 術知識和創作靈感! 時間:星期六 下午5:00 — 6:30 日期: 講者: 講題: 地點:香港視覺藝術中心四樓演講廳 4.10.2014 張益平 攝影人生 名額:40 1.11.2014 司徒元傑 中國藝術的「曲」、「藏」、「留白」 免費參加,先到先得 6.12.2014 朱興華 創作信念 若有突發原因導致講者、講題、日期或時間等更改,恕不另行通知。 藝術錄像帶節目 art video programmes 地點:香港視覺藝術中心四樓演講廳 時間:每日下午1:30 (逢星期二休息) 1 — 6.10.2014 Vanila Netto:數碼人像 8 — 13.10.2014 Henri Cartier-Bresson : 紀實攝影 免費入場 15 — 20.10.2014 保羅高更的故事一 Gauguin : The Full Story – Part One (60分鐘 mins) 名額 70 位,先到先得 22 — 27.10.2014 保羅高更的故事二 Gauguin : The Full Story – Part Two (60分鐘 mins) 英語旁白 29.10 — 3.11.2014 如何觀賞山水畫 節目如有更改,恕不另行通告 5 — 10.11.2014 遊藝之旅 — 洛杉磯 12 — 17.11.2014 遊藝之旅 — 澳洲 19 — 24.11.2014 遊藝之旅 — 意大利 26.11 — 1.12.2014 遊藝之旅 — 倫敦 3.12 — 8.12.2014 如何自我創作 10 — 15.12.2014 藝術再現 17 — 22.12.2014 美國現代藝術 24 — 29.12.2014 雕塑藝術家 Sculptor : Donald Judd (24分鐘 mins) 31.12 — 5.1.2015 雕塑藝術家 Sculptor : Tony Cragg (60分鐘 mins) Venue : Level 4, Lecture Theatre, vA! Time : 1: 30pm daily (Closed on Tuesdays) Free admission 70 seats, first-come, first-served English narration Programmes are subject to change without prior notice Digital Portrait The Impassioned Eye How to Look at a Painting of a Place Destination Art : Los Angeles (24分鐘 mins,中文字幕 Chinese subtitle) (72分鐘 mins) (23分鐘 mins,中文字幕 Chinese subtitle) (24分鐘 mins) Destination Art : Australia (24分鐘 mins) Destination Art : Italy (24分鐘 mins) Destination Art : London (24分鐘 mins) How to Look at a Painting on Your Own Framing and Forming Who Gets to Call it Art? (23分鐘 mins,中文字幕 Chinese subtitle) (24分鐘 mins) (80分鐘 mins) 公眾及顧客諮詢座談會 customer and hirer liaison meeting 香港視覺藝術中心定期舉行「公眾及顧客諮詢座談會」 ,歡 迎 各 位 提 出 對 中 心 設 施 及 服務的意見。 日期:17.11.2014 (星期一) 時間:下午3:00 — 5:00 地點:五樓大堂 報名時無須連同學費支票,獲取錄者將另收到繳費通知。 *「 報名表格 」刊登於本通訊附錄,報名及收費詳情請參閱附錄之「報名及優惠須知」。 Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre regularly organises “Customer Liaison Meeting” to collect the opinions. Welcome to give us your suggestions about the centre. Date : 17.11.2014 (Mon) Time : 3:00 — 5:00pm Venue : L5, Reception Lobby Cheques should not be submitted upon application. Successful applicants will receive a payment notification. “Application Form” is included on the Appendices page. Please refer to the “Notes & Discounts to Programme Applicant ” for the application and payment details. 2014 租用者展覽 時間:每日上午10:00 — 晚上9:00 ( 除特別註明外),逢星期二休息 hirers’ exhibitions 費用:免費入場 地點:香港視覺藝術中心五樓展覽廳 * 展覽廳於籌備展覽期間暫停開放,詳情請瀏覽中心網頁。 節目內容並不反映康樂及文化事務署的意見 如有查詢,請聯絡各主辦單位 節目如有更改,恕不另行通告 思覺領域 State of Mind 展覽以群組雕塑的方式展示,在劃分領域下試圖探討人類在生活 中的精神狀態。作品中可見符號和身體語言為主導元素,帶出藝 術家對訊息泛濫下所質疑的思維反應,反諷生命的意義。 The sculptures are showcased in groups and are divided into different areas in the gallery. Monica attempts to explore our state of mind in life by applying notations and body languages in her works. The exhibition is playful and witty in search of the human thoughts under the rapidly change of information nowadays. 8.10.2014 (6:00 — 9:00pm) 9 — 12.10.2014 (10:00am — 9:00pm) 13.10.2014 (10:00am — 6:00pm) 查詢 Enquiries:Monica Tai (9818 5225) 一時一樣 TIMELINE 一群喜愛藝術、來自不同成長背景的甲乙丙丁,透過多元化媒 體,細訴對逝去事物的追憶,分享十個親身經歷的「懷舊」故 事…… Having different backgrounds and various life stories, we came together as a group for our common interest in visual art. Through exploration of diverse art forms, this exhibition will share narratives of our unique memories; and our reflection of the years passed and times gone by. <方向 — 版畫 •綜合 > <Direction : Print •Hybrid > 4 — 6.12.2014 (11:00am — 8:00pm) 7.12.2014 (11:00am — 5:00pm) 由弘藝版畫工室主辦,於2014年11月15-24日在香港視覺藝術中 心展覽廳舉行,為期十天。 主辦機構:美諦藝術有限公司 Organiser : Metta Fine Arts Ltd. 隨着時代進展與科技革新,新觀念和新媒介都為當代版畫發展提 供了更多可能性,令傳統版畫原本的性質、創作與展示方式起了 明顯的變化,例如結合不同印製原理與技術,混合其他媒介,以 立體藝術形式和裝置藝術形式展示等。 查詢 Enquiry:鄭蕙文 Janet Cheang (2165 4758) 是次活動包括九位不同背景及年代的藝術家:李東強、鍾永文、 廖少珍、馬桂順、廖井梅、曾月群、何玉明、黃麗蘭及梁曉然。 他們均曾在本地及海外進修版畫或藝術,為香港具代表性的版畫 家,各有獨特的風格和表現方式,活躍藝壇。 This is an assessment show of the RMIT Master of Art (2013-2014). The artwork and thesis shown are being developed within the two years of the course. Bess Ho will present her parkscape in watercolour painting and printmaking. Michael Bett will present his landscape and seascape in oil painting. This is a printmaking project initiated by Art Horizon Printmaking Workshop. Printmaking exhibition : 15-24 November 2014. 11.12.2014 (12:00nn — 6:00pm) The exhibition will feature works by 9 local printmakers (John Li, Chung Wing Man, Liu Siu Jane, Ma Kwai Shun, Liu Zhengmui, Sally Tsang, Bess Ho, Wendy Wong, Terence Leung) coming from different generations and education background. RMIT Master of Fine Art Assessment Show Enquiry : Bess Ho (9723 0766) SUCRED ART : RUSSIAN ICONS OF THE XXI CENTURY An Exhibition of Russian Orthodox Icons (Part of Russian Arts and Culture Festival in Hong Kong FROM RUSSIA WITH ART) 查詢:駱燕平 (9723 0193)、姚美連 (6300 1298) Enquiries : Yummie Lok (9723 0193), Lucy Yiu (6300 1298) 反反概念 Neo-Stuckism 14.11.2014 (3:00 — 8:00pm) 15 — 23.11.2014 (10:00am — 8:00pm) 24.11.2014 (10:00am — 6:00pm) 韓國十月文化節其中一節目。 一個香港及韓國藝術家交流的展覽。 主辦機構:弘藝版畫工作室 Organiser : Art Horizon Printmaking Workshop Come to enjoy exquisite examples of Orthodox Christian art. One of the programmes of Festive Korea 2014. A cultural exchange exhibition between Hong Kong and Korea. 查詢 Enquiry:梁先生 Terence Leung (9584 8703) 12.12.2014 (3:00 — 9:00pm) 13 — 14.12.2014 (11:00am — 9:00pm) 15.12.2014 (11:00am — 7:00pm) 22.10.2014 (6:00pm — 8:00pm) 23 — 26.10.2014 (12:00nn — 7:00pm) 27.10.2014 (12:00nn — 4:00pm) 10-12月通訊 Time : 10:00am — 9:00pm (except stated otherwise), Closed on Tuesdays Venue : L5, Exhibition Hall, vA! Admission : Free * Exhibition Hall is closed during set-up and dismount of exhibitions. Please check the centre’s website for more information. Programme contents do not reflect the views of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department For enquiries, please contact the respective organisers Programmes are subject to change without prior notice With the advancement of modern technology, contemporary printmakers are able to explore new ideas and alternative approaches in both studio practice and visual presentation. Nowadays, in addition to the integration of various conventional printing processes and media, more and more printmakers have also explored 3-dimensional visualisation, adopted a more open presentation involving installation art, conducted experiments in relation to the use of safer and simplified media — together with a growing concern about social and environmental issues in thematic expression. 15.10.2014 (4:00 — 9:00pm) 16 — 19.10.2014 (10:00am — 9:00pm) 20.10.2014 (10:00am — 6:00pm) OCT-DEC Few customs or traditions have endured for longer than a millennium, but the use of icons in Russia is among them. Icons are sometimes called windows on eternity, for they are believed to reveal a piece of heaven. Their beauty is without parallel. In this exhibition, FROM RUSSIA WITH ARTS is pleased to share more than 30 examples of Russian Orthodox and Greek Byzantine iconography, along with some photo and video materials giving a glimpse into the history, philosophy and artistic work of traditional orthodox icon painting. Join us for special programs and lectures by our special guests. LIFE INSPIRED Life inspired drawing group will collaborate to exhibit a body of work inspired by the figure. Some proceeds of the show will be donated to a charity for Art Therapy for kids. 版藝情真 2014 — 香港版畫協會會員作品展 Heartstring 2014 — Works by Hong Kong Graphics Society 查詢 Enquiry:徐小姐 Ms Tsui (2858 1771) 26.11.2014 (5:00 — 9:00pm) 27.11.2014 (10:00am — 9:00pm) 28.11.2014 (10:00am — 5:00pm) 此展覽展出香港版畫協會會員近期之作品,展品包括凸版畫、 凹版畫、平版畫、絲網版畫及混合媒界版畫。 同一天空下 UNDER ONE HEAVEN Enquiry : Mrs. Helen Boyd (9123 8664) This exhibition will display the most recent prints of the members of Hong Kong Graphics Society. Exhibits of relief prints, intaglio, lithographs, screen prints and mixed media prints are included. 英國藝術家 Jane Rhodes 與香港畫家李麗芬和高冠雲以「同一天 空下」為題,展出媒介、風格迴異的繪畫,體現多元文化、價值 和觀點。 Banned in Burma : Painting Under Censorship 17.12.2014 (3:00 — 9:00pm) 18 — 21.12.2014 (10:00am — 9:00pm) 22.12.2014 (10:00am — 2:00pm) 主辦機構:林龍傑創作室 Organiser : Roger Lin Studio Limited Local artists, Susan Ko and Miss Lai-fun Li are joined by visiting British artist, Jane Rhodes, showing the work that is representational of the different values and cultures that are ‘under one heaven’. Paintings in various media and styles demonstrate the disparate views and values that have both inspired and united. 29.10.2014 (5:00 — 8:00pm) 30.10 — 2.11.2014 (10:00am — 8:00pm) 3.11.2014 (10:00am — 4:00pm) Opening ceremony : 30.10.2014 (6:00pm) 國際制裁的解除有助緬甸的藝術發展跳升至下一個當代亞洲藝術 的領域。是次展覽展出超過20個當代緬甸藝術家創作的展品,述 說緬甸在軍事政權抵制下的故事。 The lifting of international sanctions has Burma poised to become the next frontier in Asian contemporary art. In one of the first exhibitions of its kind outside Myanmar, this show will feature works of over 20 leading Burmese artists who endured and resisted censorship under the military regime. 29.11.2014 (12:00nn — 9:00pm) 30.11.2014 (10:00am — 9:00pm) 1.12.2014 (10:00am — 7:00pm) 查詢 Enquiry:高冠雲 Susan Ko (8108 4442) 陳淑儀 + 陳淑儀雙人展 GEMINI : Chan Suk Yee + Chan Shuk Yee Enquiry : Melissa Carlson (6935 2869), Ian Holliday (9426 4810) 同名同姓,同是著名藝術家司徒志明門下弟子,同樣熱愛旅遊及 繪畫,兩個畫家的個人風格及面貌卻如雙子星座般迴異。 「心色密語」 “Music of the Mind” With the same name, with the same teacher – the well-known artist, Marco Szeto, with the same passion for travelling and painting, the styles and characters of the works of these two artists are as different as the polarized personality traits of the Gemini twins. 北歐芬蘭女畫家 Anneli Kivinen 首次在港展出她超過25件混合媒體 的新作品。耐人尋味的符號洋溢着獨特的色彩在中國宣紙上奔放 地展現着她心底密語。 5.11.2014 (6:00 — 9:00pm) 6 — 12.11.2014 (10:00am — 9:00pm) 13.11.2014 (10:00am — 3:00pm) 查詢:陳淑儀 (6301 3908) Enquiry : Mrs. Isabella Leung (9093 2050) 開放時間: 每日上午10:00 — 晚上9:00,逢星期二休息 冬至(12月22日)、平安夜(12月24日)及 除夕(12月31日) 下午5:00 休息 聖誕節及翌日(12月25日及26日)、元旦日 (2015年1月1日)全日休息 主辦機構:香港版畫協會 Organiser : Hong Kong Graphics Society 查詢 Enquiry:梁巧恩 Yen Leung (9222 4095) 丁公與我 — 丁衍庸贈徐志宇作品展 Master Ding and Me : An Exhibition of Ding Yanyong’s Works Given to Tsui Chi Yu 丁衍庸(1902—1978),上世紀中國著名畫家,49年後定居香港。 新亞書院藝術系創系老師之一,畢生任教於香港中文大學藝術 系。生平慷慨以畫作贈予學生。 展覽展出徐志宇所獲丁氏贈予的115件水墨畫、書法及篆刻作品, 均為丁氏60年代中至70年代中橫跨十年的作品。同場亦展出四件徐 志宇的鐵料鍾鍱及焊接山水雕塑,以示丁老師對其藝術創作之啟發。 The first solo exhibition of Scandinavian artist Anneli Kivinen in Hong Kong features over 25 pieces of her recent works. Using acrylic and mixed media on rice paper, Anneli projects moments of her mind through unique motifs in a harmonious blend of vibrant colours and Chinese ink on rice paper to unexpected results. 配合展覽,邀請得香港中文大學藝術系兩位退休老師在展場介紹丁 衍庸教授的藝術(包括繪畫、書法、篆刻、詩文及題款等)和生平。 詳情如下: 27.12.2014 (3:00 — 5:00pm) 嘉賓:高美慶教授 28.12.2014 (3:00 — 5:00pm) 嘉賓:李潤桓教授 展覽附註:藝術欣賞,不涉銅臭,請勿問價,免壞雅興。 27 — 29.12.2014 (10:00am — 9:00pm) 查詢:9680 4414 Opening Hours : 10:00am — 9:00pm daily, closed on Tuesdays Closed at 5:00pm at Winter Solstice Festival (22 December), Christmas Eve (24 December) and New Year Eve (31 December) Closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day (25 & 26 December) & New Year’s Day (1 January 2015) 前往方法 訪客可乘港鐵至金鐘站,於B出口經太古廣場及循香港公園依路標步行至香港視覺 藝術中心,或乘巴士 3B, 12, 12A, 23, 23B, 40 及103 號;或小巴 1A, 9, 28 號可達。 How to Access To reach us, you can take the MTR to Admiralty Station (Exit B), bus nos. 3B, 12, 12A, 23, 23B, 40, 103, and mini-bus nos. 1A, 9, 28. 本通訊由藝術推廣辦事處於2014年編印。 版權屬香港特別行政區政府所有 © 2014年。版權所有,未經許可不得翻印、節錄或轉載。 Published by the Art Promotion Office 2014. Copyright © 2014 by The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. All rights reserved. 2014 OCT-DEC 10-12月通訊 游 香港詩人梁秉鈞的旅程 (1949 - 2013) — 「香港週 2014 @ 台北」參與節目 — Journeys of a Hong Kong Poet, Leung Ping Kwan (1949 - 2013) — A Participating Programme of “Hong Kong Week 2014 @ Taipei” 主辦機構:港台文化合作委員會 協辦機構:香港經濟貿易文化辦事處 (台灣 ) 支持機構:香港旅遊發展局、香港貿易發展局及香港電影發展局 聯合籌劃:藝術推廣辦事處及香港藝穗會 繼今年初於香港舉辦的《回看 也斯(1949—2013)》展覽計劃,藝術推廣辦事處與香港 藝穗會再次攜手合作,將香港重要詩人、作家、學者、文化人梁秉鈞及香港藝術家的創 作藉「香港週2014」呈現於台灣觀眾眼前,促進港台文化的交流。 梁秉鈞 (1949—2013),筆名也斯,是一位前衛、具國際視野的跨界探索者。他對香港有 極深厚的感情,同時遊歷世界各地,發現新的味道、事物、人物和見解。多年來,也斯 藉詩歌創作與跨藝術媒體對話,與攝影師、視覺藝術家、設計師、音樂家及舞蹈家有 不同的合作計劃。 展覽以也斯詩作的八個主題 —「形象香港」、「游詩」、「大地上的居所」、「蓮葉」、 「食事風景」、「游於藝」、「問候」及「頌詩」為基本架構,呈現也斯與香港藝術家 及朋友一同創作的百多組詩歌與藝術作品。在台北的展覽更邀請年青台灣創作人王雅 蘭、李彥志、吳耿禎、張士飛和蔡宛璇等以不同藝術媒介回應也斯的詩作。 也斯的生命與美學讓我們看見文學跨越界別的各種可能性。他累積近半世紀的創作, 是一趟文字的旅程,也是一趟側面觀察香港文化、文學風景的旅程。 展覽 日期:17.10 — 2.11.2014 時間:17.10.2014 (下午2:00 — 7:00) 18.10 — 2.11.2014 (上午10:00 — 晚上7:00) 地點:台北華山1914文化創意產業園區東2館B 免費入場 展覽查詢及延伸活動詳情 電話:2512 3005 (藝術推廣辦事處) / 2521 7251 (香港藝穗會) 臉書:www.facebook.com/apo.hk/ Presented by Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee In association with Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office (Taiwan) Supported by Hong Kong Tourism Board, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hong Kong Film Development Council Co-organised by Art Promotion Office and Hong Kong Fringe Club Following the exhibition “Leung Ping Kwan (1949 – 2013), A Retrospective” held earlier this year in Hong Kong, the Art Promotion Office and Hong Kong Fringe Club are joining forces once again to promote cultural conversations between Hong Kong and Taiwan. In the upcoming “Hong Kong Week 2014”, the works of Hong Kong artists, as well as those of Leung Ping Kwan – a prolific poet, novelist, scholar, and literary, film and cultural critic of Hong Kong – will be presented to the Taiwan audience. Leung Ping Kwan (1949 – 2013) (pen-name Yasi) was a celebrated man of letters in Hong Kong. He traversed comfortably across different media, and geographic and cultural borders. An avant-garde artist, Yasi was never afraid to engage his writing with other art forms, be it visual art, design, music, dance, fashion or a mix of them. In his vision of this Journeys exhibition, literature did not rest between pages of text, instead it was alive; literature was a part of his dialogue with life – a life full to the brim with his many artist-friends. With more than one hundred works of art, artists featuring creative dialogue with artist-collaborators, the exhibition comes under eight themes – Images of Hong Kong, Journeys, Residence on Earth, Lotus Leaves, Foodscape, Art Poems, Greetings, and Odes – with a ninth section featuring the work of emerging artists from Taiwan, including Zepulj Kaluvung, Li Yen-zhi, Jam Wu, Chang Shih-fei and Tsai Wan-shuen : the artists have all been inspired by Yasi and respond to his art with their own art forms. Altogether, the exhibition is at once real and symbolic of Yasi’s journeys from East to West and then back again. It contains Yasi’s presence – his wit and humour, his generosity and open spirit, his never-ending sense of curiosity, his vast museum of life. The many events of “Journeys of a Hong Kong Poet, Leung Ping Kwan (1949 – 2013)” celebrate Yasi’s life and continue the voices in Hong Kong literature and culture. Exhibition Date : 17.10 — 2.11.2014 Time : 17.10.2014 (2:00 — 7:00pm) 18.10 — 2.11.2014 (10:00am — 7:00pm) Venue : 2B, Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei Free admission www.facebook.com/yasiretrospective/ Enquiries and Details of Extension Activities Tel : 2512 3005 (Art Promotion Office) / 2521 7251 (Hong Kong Fringe Club) Facebook : www.facebook.com/apo.hk/ www.facebook.com/yasiretrospective/ 藝聚政府大樓 2013-14 Art@Government Buildings 2013-14 民政事務局主辦 康樂及文化事務署藝術推廣辦事處籌劃 支持單位:民政事務總署及香港郵政 節目統籌:社群藝術網絡 「藝聚政府大樓」計劃善用了政府大樓的公共空間,讓市民在繁忙的生活中也能接觸和欣賞本地藝術作品, 亦為藝術家開拓一個向公眾展示作品的平台。今年計劃委約了四位藝術家,為四座不同服務性質的政府建築物 製作藝術作品。 為了讓大家瞭解作品的內容和藝術家的創作過程,一系列為小朋友和家長們、學校師生、藝術愛好者和社區居 民而設的導賞團及工作坊已於六月陸續展開。有關活動詳情及報名方法,請密切留意計劃臉書專頁: www.facebook.com/AGB2013-14。 「藝聚政府大樓2014-15」會於2014年底公開徵集提案。有關詳情,請密切留意藝術推廣辦事處網頁及臉書內的 公布。 展覽 日期:11.3.2014 — 31.3.2015 地點:郵政總局、伊利沙伯體育館、紅磡社區會堂及沙田大會堂 免費入場 展覽小冊子可於藝術推廣辦事處網頁www.lcsd.gov.hk/apo/下載。 查詢:社群藝術網絡 電話:6717 8723 電郵:[email protected] Presented by the Home Affairs Bureau Organised by the Art Promotion Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department Supported by the Home Affairs Department and Hongkong Post Programme Coordinator : Community Art Network “Art@Government Buildings” makes use of the public areas in government buildings to give the public greater opportunities to access and appreciate art in their busy daily lives, and to provide local artists with a platform to showcase their works. In the 2013-14 project, four artists have been selected to create new works for four government buildings that offer different services. To introduce the ideas and creative processes behind the works, a series of workshops and guided tours specially designed for children and parents, school teachers and students, as well as art lovers and local residents was launched in June. For details and enrolment, please visit the project’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ AGB2013-14. A call for proposals for AGB 2014-15 will be launched in late 2014. Please keep a close eye on the APO’s website and Facebook page for details. Exhibition Date : 11.3.2014 — 31.3.2015 Venue : General Post Office, Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Hung Hom Community Hall and Sha Tin Town Hall Free admission The exhibition leaflet can be downloaded from the APO’s website at www.lcsd.gov.hk/apo/ Enquiries : Community Art Network Tel : 6717 8723 Email : [email protected] 「藝聚政府大樓一日遊」、「填滿天空:迷你風箏製作親子工作坊」和「藝術筆友」活動已經 展開,其他活動包括學校導賞團、「寫生漫步九龍城」等工作坊亦陸續舉行。快來把握最後機會, 盡速報名喔! “Four-Buildings-a Day” Tours, “Fill the Sky : Mini Kite Making Workshop” and “Artlink” have all been launched, and other activities including guided tours for schools and “Outdoor drawing at Kowloon City” are being rolled out. This could be your last chance to apply – grab it now! 2014 OCT-DEC 10-12月通訊 駿業街遊樂場第一期以四個功能性的貨櫃作 展示用途,透過文字、影像及藝術作品介紹 觀塘區的工業發展歷史。 In Tsun Yip Street Playground Phase 1, four containers are transformed into functional pavilions to showcase Kwun Tong’s industrial development through an exhibition of graphics, videos and works of art. 九龍東工業的過去與未來 — The Spirit of Creation — The Past and Future of Industries in Kowloon East 創造精神 隨著一系列推動九龍東轉型的工作,發展局起動九龍東辦事處於2012年年底委託了由 學者及不同專業組成的顧問團隊,展開了關於九龍東的工業文化研究,記錄觀塘及九龍 灣豐富多采的工業文化和故事,提出如何結合和轉化這些集體珍藏與城市空間營造的策 略,引領優質及有機的城市發展。 位於觀塘的駿業街遊樂場第一期率先實踐了研究的建議,起動九龍東辦事處與康樂及文 化事務署邀請了香港大學建築學院社區項目工作坊為展覽裝置策劃,在優化公共空間設 計和藝術裝置中融入研究的成果,以「創造精神」為題作展覽,細訴曾為建構香港而努 力的一代人的故事,並啟發未來路向,傳承過往堅毅、果敢及創新的精神,以開拓更廣 闊的未來。 研究除了建議有建築設計特色的公共空間外,亦設計了一份探索地圖,將九龍東一些具 歷史、建築及文化價值的景點串連起來,讓公眾認識和細味這區的工業文化和發展進 程,從而啟發對未來的期盼,延續以往的創造精神。有關研究的詳情,可瀏覽起動九龍 東辦事處網址:www.ekeo.gov.hk。 Following a series of work to facilitate the transformation of Kowloon East, the Energizing Kowloon East Office (EKEO) of the Development Bureau commissioned a consultancy team comprising academics and professionals to conduct the Industrial Heritage Study of Kowloon East in late 2012. The study recorded the vibrant and diverse industrial culture of Kwun Tong and Kowloon Bay and the stories of these districts, and explored the strategies by integrating and transforming these collective treasures and urban spaces in a way that can break new ground in the organic development of Hong Kong and its quality of life. The transformation of Tsun Yip Street Playground Phase 1 in Kwun Tong is the first project to showcase how the findings of the study can be incorporated in designs to enhance public spaces. In this connection, the EKEO and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department invited the Community Project Workshop of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong to be the Exhibition Installation Planning of the project, to plan an exhibition on the theme of the “Spirit of Creation”, the essence of economic development in Hong Kong, while injecting the study’s outcomes into the design of this public space. Recounting the stories of the generation that spared no effort in constructing Hong Kong, the exhibition aims to inspire us with direction, to pass on the spirit of perseverance, boldness, innovation and to build a broader and brighter future. In addition to implanting an architectural character into the public space, a discovery map is designed to introduce distinctive spots with historical, architectural and cultural value in Kowloon East, which encourage the public to explore and appreciate the industrial culture and development of the district, thus inspiring their expectations for the future and sustaining the creative spirit that has led us to where we are today. Details of the study can be found on the EKEO’s website at www.ekeo.gov.hk. 展覽 日期:9.2014 — 9.2017 地點:觀塘駿業街遊樂場 Exhibition Date : 9.2014 — 9.2017 Venue : Tsun Yip Street Playground, Kwun Tong 2014 藝綻公園 2014 ArtAlive@Park 2014 藝術推廣辦事處籌劃 創意伙伴︰明愛白英奇專業學校設計學系 Programme coordinator : HULU Culture 香港知專設計學院 香港理工大學設計學院 節目策劃︰文化葫蘆 為期三個月至8月19日的「藝綻公園2014」在5月19日於中西區海 濱長廊 ( 中環段 ) 揭幕。「藝綻公園」為一項大型創意藝術探索計 劃,旨在讓本地大專學生發揮創意,並將藝術帶入社會各階層。 今屆的「藝綻公園」邀請了三所本地附設設計學系的大專院校為 創意伙伴,特別為場地設計了共13組藝術品。開幕禮上,我們很 榮幸能邀請多位嘉賓、團隊導師、學生藝術家及各大專院校代表 出席。當中包括前任康樂及文化事務署署長馮程淑儀太平紳士、 中西區區議會副主席陳學鋒議員、民政事務局副秘書長賴黃淑嫻 女士、香港理工大學設計學院院長及太古設計學講座教授方啟思 教授、明愛白英奇專業學校校長關清平教授、香港知專設計學院 院長盧林先生及藝術推廣辦事處總監劉鳳霞博士。開幕禮吸引了 不少市民及遊客,並獲媒體廣泛報導,反應熱烈。 此外,計劃的節目策劃文化葫蘆邀請了來自不同界別的團體, 參與籌劃展覽期間的特別節目。在5月24日,狂舞派、Supper Moment及KOLOR為大眾帶來連場勁歌熱舞,在炎炎夏日下, 喚起觀眾對生活的熱愛。此外,與草原地圖合作的以物易物地攤 「交換草場」,已於6月14日、6月28日及7月12日順利舉行。 在不涉及金錢交易的情況下,參加者以不同的物品或服務作為交 換,過程更能鼓勵人與人之間的交流,得到意想不到的收穫。 最後在7月6日和7月20日舉行的「藝遊童樂日」,邀請了智樂兒童 遊樂協會為小朋友設計了約8個遊戲區,讓小朋友在公園寬闊的環境 盡情地遊玩。是次「藝綻公園2014」的活動已圓滿結束,並獲得 公眾的熱烈參與,好評如潮。 10-12月通訊 Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department Organised by the Art Promotion Office Artistic collaborators : Department of Design, Caritas Bianchi College of Careers Hong Kong Design Institute School of Design, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University 康樂及文化事務處主辦 OCT-DEC With the exhibition period till 19 August, ArtAlive@Park 2014 kicked off on 19 May at Central and Western District Promenade (Central Section). “ArtAlive@Park” is a large-scale public art project that sets to showcase young people’s artistic talents in local parks. It also aims to make art accessible to all sectors of the community and to bring people to arts. For a period of three months, ArtAlive@ Park 2014 has invited the schools of design of three local tertiary institutions to work as the artistic collaborators, who have designed 13 site-specific artworks. At the opening ceremony, it is our honour to have the officiating guests, team leaders, student artists and representatives from each institution, including Mrs. Betty Fung Ching Suk-yee, JP, Ex-Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Mr. Chan Hok-fung, Vice Chairman of the Central & Western District Council, Mrs. Avia Lai Wong Shuk-han, Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs, Prof. Cees de Bont, Dean of School of Design and Swire Chair Professor of Design of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Prof. Reggie Kwan, President of Caritas Bianchi College of Careers, Mr. Leslie Lu, Principal of Hong Kong Design Institute and Dr. Lesley Lau, Head of Art Promotion Office. The ceremony has attracted the public, and was widely covered by the media. Moreover, HULU Culture, our programme collaborator, has invited various sectors of groups to present a series of special programmes accompanying the event. On 24 May, a local dance group, The Way We Dance, and two local bands, Supper Moment and KOLOR , have set aflame our passion of life through energetic music and rhythms of dance under the summer heat. Besides, in collaboration with Lawnmap Hong Kong, an outdoor barter event titled “Exchange Square on the Lawn” was held successfully on 14 June, 28 June and 12 July. Without the involvement of money as the medium of exchange, participants returned to the most primitive system of exchange. The process boosted the interaction among participants, bringing with unexpected and unique rewards. Last but not least, “Fun with Art”, a children carnival arranged by Playright Children’s Play Association, was held on 6 July and 20 July. Playright has designed eight booths with interactive games for the participating children to have fun at park. With the public’s active support, ArtAlive@Park 2014 has come to an end successfully. 多位嘉賓、團隊導師、學生藝術家及各大專院校代表出席「藝綻公園2014」 的開幕禮。 Our honour to have officiating guests, team leaders, student artists and representatives from each institution joining the opening ceremony. 開幕典禮後,設有特設導賞團帶領主禮嘉賓參觀13 組學生的作品,其中 一件為《瞻天勁草》。 13 artworks were introduced to the officiating guests during the guided tour after the ceremony. Artwork includes Sky Serenity. 狂舞派 x Supper Moment x KOLOR 音樂會 Dance and Music Show with The Way We Dance x Supper Moment x KOLOR 交換草場 Exchange Square on the Lawn 藝遊童樂日 Fun with Art 本地樂隊 Supper Moment 帶來多首勵志的歌曲,更帶動全場歌迷大合唱, 使炎夏一度升溫。 Supper Moment, a local band, performed a series of encouraging songs that engaged everyone within earshot. 在「交換草場」上,可以用一件物品、一個秘密、甚至是一份開心,以作 交換,會得到意想不到的收穫。 At Exchange Square on the Lawn, you could exchange anything with an item, a secret, or even a slice of happiness, and receiving a surprising reward. 在多個遊戲區裏,小朋友盡情的與家人、朋友,以及剛認識的小朋友一同 遊玩,忘記了夏日的炎熱。 Having fun at park intensified the interaction among one another and the summer heat could be forgotten. 藝術推廣辦事處 電話:2512 3021 網址:www.lcsd.gov.hk/apo 傳真:2512 3022 臉書:www.facebook.com/apo.hk 辦公時間: 香港公共博物館網頁:www.museums.gov.hk 星期一至五 上午8:45 — 下午1:00 下午2:00 — 6:00 逢星期六、日及公眾假期休息 Art Promotion Office Tel : 2512 3021 Fax : 2512 3022 Office Hours : Mondays — Fridays 8:45am — 1:00pm 2:00pm — 6:00pm Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays Website : www.lcsd.gov.hk/apo Facebook : www.facebook.com/apo.hk Website of Hong Kong Public Museums : www.museums.gov.hk 本通訊由藝術推廣辦事處於2014年編印。 版權屬香港特別行政區政府所有 © 2014年。版權所有,未經許可不得翻印、節錄或轉載。 Published by the Art Promotion Office 2014. Copyright © 2014 by The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. All rights reserved. 2014 OCT-DEC 10-12月通訊 Newsletter 惡劣天氣特別措施 Arrangements under Inclement Weather 開放安排: 八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號 香港視覺藝術中心及油街實現將會關閉。倘若八號熱帶氣旋警告信號除下時距離香港視 覺藝術中心及油街實現正常關閉時間不足兩小時,當日將不會開放。 黑色暴雨警告信號 若香港視覺藝術中心及油街實現經已開放,開放時間則維持不變。若黑色暴雨警告信號 在香港視覺藝術中心及油街實現開放前生效,香港視覺藝術中心及油街實現將不會開 放,直至該警告信號除下。若警告除下時距離香港視覺藝術中心及油街實現正常關閉時 Opening : Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above vA! and Oi! will be closed. It will remain closed if the signal is lowered less than 2 hours before the normal closing time. Black Rainstorm Warning Signal If the signal is issued during the normal opening hours, vA! and Oi! will remain opened. If the signal is issued before the opening hour, vA! and Oi! will be closed until the signal is cancelled. If the signal is cancelled less than 2 hours before the normal closing time, vA! and Oi! will remain closed. 間不足兩小時,當日將不會開放。 活動安排 #: 親子、兒童、幼稚園、小學、特殊學校、兒童中心、老人中心及其他同類型團體: 三號熱帶氣旋警告信號 / 紅色或黑色暴雨警告信號 不論警告信號於何時除下,該日未舉行的活動全部取消,正在進行的活動則繼續舉行。 Programme arrangements # : Family, children, kindergarten, primary school, special school, child centre, elderly centre and other similar organisations : Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 / Red or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal Programmes not yet held will be cancelled. Programmes already in progress will continue. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above All programmes scheduled for that day, including those due to taking place after the signal has been lowered, will be cancelled. 八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號 不論警告信號於何時除下,該日未舉行的活動全部取消。 成人、中學、大專及其他同類型團體 #: 黑色暴雨警告信號 正在進行的活動繼續進行,若節目舉行前三小時內黑色暴雨警告信號仍然生效,未舉行的 活動將全部取消。 八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號 Adult, secondary school, post-secondary school and other similar organisations # : Black Rainstorm Warning Signal Programmes already in progress will continue. If the signal is in force within three hours before the programmes commence, the activity will be cancelled. Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above All programmes scheduled for that day, including those due to taking place after the signal has been lowered, will be cancelled. 不論警告信號於何時除下,該日未舉行的活動全部取消。 # 各項取消活動將延期舉行,或安排退還報名費予參加者。 查詢電話:2521 3008 (香港視覺藝術中心) / 2512 3000 (油街實現),並請留意電台及電視 台有關報告。 # Cancelled programmes will be postponed or fees refunded. For enquiries, please contact us at 2521 3008 (vA!) / 2512 3000 (Oi!) or watch out for announcements on TV and radio. 報名表格 Application Form 第一部份:個人資料 第二部份:兒童 / 親子工作坊用 第三部份:擬參加之活動 第四部份:(若參加者年齡不足18歲,必須 Part I : Personal Particulars Part II : Children / Family Workshop Part III : Programmes Selected 由家長或監護人填寫此欄) 姓名 Name 兒童姓名 Child’s Name 節目名稱 Programme Title 性別 Sex 性別 Sex 年齡 Age 年齡 Age Part IV : (Parent / Guardian should fill in 電話 Tel ( 日 Day ) ( 夜 Night ) 與申請人之關係 Relationship with the Applicant this part for participant under the age of 18) 本人 I (姓名,請用正楷 Name in Block Letters) 費用 Fee HK$ 同意敝子女參與上述活動。 agree my child to attend the activity mentioned above. 第五部份:申請收費優惠 傳真 Fax Part V : Apply for Discount (收費節目適用 For those charged programmes only) 電郵 Email 本人申請 半價 / 九折* 收費優惠,並已夾 附證明文件。 I apply for 50% / 10%* discount with the enclosed document. 通訊地址 Address (* 請刪去不適用者 Please delete as appropriate.) 日期 Date 申請人簽署 Signature 備註 Notes : 致 To # # 香港視覺藝術中心 vA! 油街實現 Oi! 藝術推廣辦事處 香港中區堅尼地道7A Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, 7A Kennedy Road, Central 香港北角油街 12 號 12 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong 香港北角油街 12 號 12 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong 電話 Tel : 2521 3008 電話 Tel : 2512 3000 電話 Tel : 2512 3021 傳真 Fax : 2501 4703 傳真 Fax : 2512 3033 傳真 Fax : 2512 3033 電郵 Email : [email protected] 電郵 Email : [email protected] 電郵 Email : [email protected] 請參考「報名及優惠須知」 Please refer to “Notes & Discounts to Programme Applicants” 閣下於表格內所提供的個人資料將會存檔於本中心作紀錄。根據個人資 料(私隱)條例第十八、二十二及附表一載列的第六原則,閣下有權要求查 閱及更正申請表格內所提供的個人資料。如有任何有關該表格所收集資 料的查詢,包括查閱及更正資料,請聯絡藝術推廣辦事處行政組,地址: 香港北角油街12號,電話:2512 3021。 The personal date you provided by means of this form will enter the record of the centre. You have the right to request the correction of personal date as stated in this form in accordance with Section18,22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this form, including the request for access and corrections, should be addresses to: The Administration Team, Art Promotion Office, 12 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel : 2512 3021. 收費優惠詳見附錄「參加者優惠細則」。 Please refer to Appendices for Notes of Discount. 2014 OCT-DEC 10-12月通訊 Newsletter Notes & Discounts to Programme Applicants 報名及優惠須知 1. 除特別註明外,請將填妥之報名表格郵寄、傳真、電郵或親身交到藝術推廣辦事處轄下 相關中心 #。如享費用優惠者,請附上有關證明文件副本。 2. 每人只限交一份報名表格(可選多項節目)。 3. 資料不全或不正確者,恕不受理。 4. 除特別註明外,所有報名申請須於截止報名日當天下午5:30前寄交相關中心 #集中辦理。 若報名人數超逾所限名額,辦事處將於下一個工作天下午3:00以公開抽籤形式選出參加者。 5. 如活動尚未滿額,截止報名日期將延長至活動前兩個工作天,以先到先得的形式接受申請。 如報名人數不足,辦事處有權取消活動。 6. 獲取錄者將收到繳交費用通知,收到通知的申請人須繳交劃線支票(每項活動請用支 票一張,抬頭寫「香港特別行政區政府」),於活動舉行兩個工作天前寄到或親身交到藝 術推廣辦事處轄下相關中心 #,並請於支票背面註明活動名稱及申請人的姓名。報名時 暫無須遞交支票,截止報名後,獲取錄者將獲通知有關交費用之事宜。 7. 費用收據將於活動舉行時派發,已繳付之費用概不退回。 8. 不獲取錄者恕不另行通知。 9. 為配合活動的內容編排及工作室安全使用守則,若殘疾人士欲參與活動,請先致電查詢 及安排 #。 # 請根據報名活動舉辦單位,逕聯絡「香港視覺藝術中心」、「油街實現」或 「藝術推廣辦事處」(聯絡方法請參閱報名表格) 1. For application, except stated otherwise, please send fax, email or bring in person a complete application form to the organising centre # of the Art Promotion Office. Please include copies of verifying documents for those applicants entitled to discounted fees. 2. Only one application form is accepted for each person (Applicants may select more than one programme on the same form). 3. Applications with incomplete or inaccurate information will not be accepted. 4. Except stated otherwise, all application forms received before 5:30pm on the closing date of application will be processed in one lot. If applications received are in excess of the maximum capacity, a draw will be conducted at the respective centre # at 3:00pm on the following working day to determine the successful applicants. 5. Registration for any remaining vacancy will be arranged, on a first-come, first-served basis, until two working days before the relevant programme begins. The office reserves the right to cancel any programmes if there are insufficient applicants. 6. Successful applicants will receive a payment notification. Please send or bring in person, two working days prior to the commencement of each programme, a separate crossed cheque for each course payable to the "HKSAR Government" to the organising centre # of the Art Promotion Office. Please mark the name of applicant and programme title at the back of each cheque. There is no need to submit cheque during the application period. Successful applicants will be notified after the deadline for application. 7. Fees from successful applicants are not refundable in case of withdrawal, receipts will be disturbuted during programmes. 8. No notifications will be given to unsuccessful applications. 9. Due to programme arrangements and the safety use of the art studios, applicants with disabilities please call the organising centre # for more information before applying. # Please contact “vA!”, “Oi!” or “APO” according to the programmes you would like to join (Contact details can be found on the application form). Notes of Discount * 參加者優惠細則 * 參加者 優惠折扣 報名時須附交之證件副本 Applicant Discount Photocopy of the relevant document should be submitted 全日制學生 半價 有效之證明文件(如學生證) Full-time Student 50% off Valid Student I.D. Card 六十歲或以上高齡人士 半價 年齡證明文件(如長者咭) Senior Citizen aged 60 or above 50% off Identification of age (e.g. Senior Citizen Card) 殘疾人士 半價 社會福利署發放之傷殘津貼證明, People with Disabilities 50% off Document showing the receipt of Disability Allowance from the Social Welfare Department; or document from registered rehabilitation service agencies; or Central Registry for Rehabilitation Card for People with Disabilities. Member of the Friends of the LCSD Museums 10% off Museum Friends Membership Card LCSD Museum Pass Holder 10% off Museum Pass 博物館導賞員 Docent of the LCSD Museums 10% off Docent I.D. Card 部分節目需遞交報名表格。 Submission of application form is required for certain programmes. Programmes are subject to change without prior notice. 或經註冊康復中心發給之證明文件, 或香港特別行政區政府康復服務 中央檔案室殘疾人士登記證 康樂及文化事務署轄下 九折 博物館之友會員證 博物館之友 康樂及文化事務署轄下 九折 博物館入場證 博物館入場證持有人 康樂及文化事務署轄下 節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。 九折 導賞員證 本通訊由藝術推廣辦事處於2014年編印。 版權屬香港特別行政區政府所有 © 2014年。版權所有,未經許可不得翻印、節錄或轉載。 Published by the Art Promotion Office 2014. Copyright © 2014 by The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. All rights reserved.
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