Building Science Graduate Program: Master of Applied Science Thesis SOUND LIVING IN VANCOUVER’S LANEWAY HOUSING Abstract Methods Results Findings In a context of increasing urban density and noise levels, laneway housing (LWH) is a compact housing form at risk of multiple noise issues due to factors related to its small form and siting in the unique acoustical environment of Vancouver’s laneways (LW). Currently, Vancouver’s LWH Guidelines do not specify acoustical requirements for laneway housing. Case studies: 4 laneways and 6 laneway houses Methods: ASTM standardized field tests and three industry models to evaluate acoustical viability of the laneway environment and of LWH construction. LANEWAY SOUND PROPAGATION Empirical Laneway Canyon Effects Acoustical issues of laneways and LWH were confirmed and quantified: LANEWAY SOUND PROPAGATION Field measurement Relative SPL, dBA By: Rosa Lin, MASc. Candidate Supervisor: Dr. Maureen Connelly, MAIBC BCIT CENTRE FOR ARCHITECTURAL ECOLOGY 0 -10 2. LWHs traits listed in “Acoustical Issues” contribute to inadequate façade insulation under excessive noise load. -20 -30 3. Laneways exhibiting urban canyon effects are 2-4 times louder than low density, highly vegetated laneways. -40 -50 -60 0 40 Relative SPL, dB(A) LWHs are close to lane and road traffic noises, especially on corner lots and/or in convenient high-transportation areas. Outdoor living and open windows are at risk with excessive noise load on the building envelope. 3. Predicts road traffic noise levels through laneways and outside all LWH facades Determines unique insulation requirement for each facade Estimates acoustical envelope components insulation (LWH E Owner, 2013) Field data Odeon simulation -25 -35 -45 -55 0 20 40 60 80 100 rating FAÇADE SOUND INSULATION Field Measurement by ASTM E966 of Road Traffic Noise in Lane 70 120 140 160 180 High density high reflectivity 65 60 55 CMHC criteria (max) 50 45 40 low density low reflectivity 0 20 60 80 100 120 35 2. Require use of predictive noise models and encourage acoustical awareness in the design process. 30 25 20 A B Empirical C D E F CMHC CMHC criteria criteria(min) 3. Increase laneway vegetation and use absorptive ground cover such as grasscrete paving. RESIDENT ACTION: 1. Improve windows. 2. Implement green walls and high mass enclosures. 3. Furnish rooms in ways that improve noise insulation. Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Loss by ASTM E966 40 30 20 A B C D E F 10 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 Frequency, Hz LWH Model Results 50 40 LWH Model vs. Empirical Data (1 of 6 LWH models) 30 40 20 10 80 Batt-Insulated Assemblies vs. Rigid Foam SIPs 60 AFOITL Field Data LWH model 80.0 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 LWH Model using AFMG Soundflow + NRC Laboratory Test Data (windows) 40 (B. Nelms, 2013) 1. Specify acoustical criteria and reference COV SoundSmart strategies in LWH Guidelines and LWH Design Guide. FAÇADE SOUND INSULATION Empirical Results by Field Tests Transmission Loss, dB (Kung & Yan, 2011) high reflectivity 40 Recommendations REGULATORY ACTION: Sound Insulation Rating Distance from side street, m Transmission Loss, dB Small space, low sound absorption, high fenestration/ façade ratio, open layout, bedroom and patio on noisy sides, and lightweight building materials (e.g. EPS SIPs), etc. lead to inadequate noise insulation for health. 180 -15 50 LWH: SMALL FORM & LOW INSULATION 160 4. Weaknesses and improvements were identified in using modelling tools for LW and LWH design applications. Laneways and LWHs need better acoustical design and construction for occupant health. (1 of 14 Odeon models) Sound Transmission Class LWH: HIGH EXPOSURE TO NOISE SOURCES 140 Distance from source, m (aligned to empirical data at ref. 15m) Road Traffic Noise, LAeq 2. 120 CMHC Traffic Noise Model & Criteria Compliance CMHC Traffic Noise Model Case study laneway 1 of 4 100 distance from source, m -5 Showing 1 of 4 case study laneway models 1. 80 Frequency, Hz 20 0 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 Laneways can exhibit urban canyon effects due to narrow form and reflective built surfaces that amplify noise generated by unique laneway functions and outside transportation. 60 60% Reflective Laneway 5 LANEWAY ENVIRONMENT (V. Bischoff, 2014) 20 Odeon Model Validation Odeon Models Acoustical Issues (U.Gent, 2014) Point Source Sound Attenuation Through Laneways Transmission Loss, dB This thesis investigated whether or not four case study laneways and six laneway houses (LWH) in Vancouver meet CMHC Noise Criteria for residential health. The results confirmed noise problems and quantified the magnitude and led to recommendations for improving acoustical environmental quality in LWH. 1. Half or more of laneways and LWHs tested and modelled exhibit noise conditions that do NOT meet CMHC criteria. EPS fibreglass mat XPS mineral fibre polyiso rockwool Research Committee: Patrick Ryan, MSc., P.Eng. Deputy Chief Building Official and Assistant Director of Planning and Development, City of Vancouver Dr. Colleen Chan, P.Eng. Faculty of Civil Engineering, BCIT External Examiner: Dr. Michelle Vigeant, Associate Professor of Acoustics & Architectural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University See thesis for complete work and bibliography. 9/20/2014
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