STATE WATER QUALITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE July 11, 2014 MINUTES ATTENDEES: Members/Alternates: Michael Clar, Dave Duree, Senator Roy Dyson, Ellen Frketic, Jim Gracie, Marlou Gregory, Paulette Hammond, Fred Jacobs, Louise Lawrence, Lawrence Liebesman, Shannon Lucas, Steve Luckman, Katie Maloney, Terry Matthews, Nancy Pentz, Julie Pippel, Sarah Taylor Rogers, Fred Samandani, Richard Spencer, Steve Stewart, Mark Symborski, Steve Witt Excused Absences: Melissa Kenney, Theaux LeGardeur, John Scarborough, Karen Wiggen Others: Bruce Michael (DNR), Jay Sakai (MDE/WMA), Sherm Garrison (DNR), Jim George (MDE/SSA), Jay Prager (MDE/WMA), Jag Khuman (MDE/WQFA), Walid Saffouri (MDE/WQFA), Zoheh Muvahed (potential Alternate for Ellen Frketic), Jeff Reagan (A.A. County Watershed Stewards), Marya Levelev (MDE/WMA), Christine Thomas (MDE) Julie Pippel opened the meeting with introductions at 9:35 a.m. Motion to approve Agenda - approved. Motion to approve the Minutes from May 2, 2014 – change typo of law to “low” and remove Steve Witt from “present” – approved with changes. Presentation –– The Bay Restoration Fund – Legislative Changes And Other Program Information – Jag Khuman & Walid Saffouri, MDE Water Quality Financing Administration News from DNR – Sherm Garrison • Oyster Population o MD oyster population has continued to rise, and has reached its highest level since 1985. o A lot of the diseases are down and oyster survival rate has risen to 92 percent. o MD, NOAA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Oyster Recovery Partnership are working to restore oyster reefs in three of its rivers. • Chesapeake Watershed Agreement o Governor O’Malley hosted Bay Program partners in Annapolis on June 16th for the landmark signing of a new Chesapeake Watershed Agreement. o The new Agreement can be found at: pdf. • Report Card for Chesapeake Bay o Annual report card for 2013 scored a “C”. o It grades the condition of 15 regions of the Bay, and the Chesapeake overall based on 7 indicators, water quality and aquatic health, water clarity, underwater grasses, etc. o Upper Bay, Upper Western Shore and Patapsco/Back rivers at northern end showed improving trends (though Patapsco/Back rivers still scored and “F”). o The Patuxent scored and “F”, while the Lower Western Shore a “D”. o Every place else in Maryland scored a “C”. The report card is available online at: State Water Quality Advisory Committee Minutes -2• Mussels o Freshwater mussels are the most endangered group of organisms in U.S. o They serve as indicators of good water quality and play an important role in the health of streams and rivers by filtering large amounts of water. o DNR is helping to relocate freshwater mussels out of the way of highway repairs in Deer Creek; which will be the first significant freshwater mussel relocation project in MD. • Conowingo Dam o Working with Exelon, operator of the dam o Funding enhanced monitoring research o 2 year monitoring study with USGS o Looking at high flow events o One year to make a decision on reissuing license. News from MDE – Jay Sakai o . • Status of MS 4 Permits o Issued Tentative Determination for all remaining Phase I counties at the end of June. o Baltimore City, Montgomery, Prince George’s, etc. – all have received a request for judicial review o Just put out Carroll, Charles, Frederick, Harford, Howard o Close of comments this month. • General Permit o General Permit at EPA for review o Expect to do outreach before tentative in the fall. o Federal facility fees – on case-by-case basis. News from MDE/SSA – Jim George • 2013 milestones – Maryland has met its load resulting in nutrient and sediment load reductions from wastewater, urban/suburban runoff and agricultural lands that benefit streams and the Bay. 2014-2015 milestones – Finalized milestones were submitted to EPA on the scheduled due date and posted to MDE’s website. Not a lot of load reduction progress this period, but upgrading WWTPs. 2016-2017 – Upgrading Patuxent and Back River WWTPs. In Maryland, local partners develop 2 year milestones – we are in the process of evaluating these milestones -- this is the first time doing this -- we are hoping to have the evaluations done and make them public -- it is a voluntary undertaking for locals to set milestones. • Longterm WIP Enhancement -- MDE engaging in a WIP communication strategy -- Enhancing our webpage -- Need to improve communications more broadly • BMP Verification Process -- Process starting to unfold --Will be reaching out to everyone reporting on Bay restoration * Subcommittee issue State Water Quality Advisory Committee Minutes -3- Presentation –– The New Insights Reports – Christina Lyerly, MDE Subcommittees • Marcellus Shale – Fred Jacobs o New York – any watershed to New York unavailable for fracking. o Towns have right to ban fracking. • Watershed – Shannon Lucas o Still ongoing discussion about forum o Exploring having Severn River sponsor o Talking verification of BMPs. • WIP – Sarah Taylor Rogers o Dormant since Accounting for Growth is dormant. o More in-depth presentation on milestones (Jim George) • Land Use – Mark Symborski o Co-Committee with WIP – will talk to Dave Costello. • Water Reuse – Ellen Frketic o Letter regarding 0% waste plan. o Meeting after this meeting. o Chesapeake Water & Environmental Association – July 22, 2014 webinar New/Old Business • Retreat – Julie Pippel o Will be held at the Mayo Beach conference room on October 10, 2014 o Working on a draft agenda. o Breakfast – Sarah Taylor Rogers, Drinks/Ice – Julie Pippel, Lunch – Fred Jacobs? • Annual Report – Steve Witt o Draft to Executive Committee in September o Received Subcommittee Reports and Workplans. • Membership Update – Dave Duree o Last meeting reappointments were voted on. o Submitting in November to Secretaries o New Candidates: Zorie Murahad - WSSC, retiring end of August - nominated as Alternate to Ellen Frketic Jeff Reagan – Outreach and communication; on Subcommittee Water Monitoring Council, Watershed Steward’s Academy- nominated as Public Interest Member Jim Gracie – was Shannon Lucas’ alternate – nominated as Economic Interest member o Motion for approval of the above candidates – approved. • Future Meeting – December meeting on Fracking – Paulette Hammond to send out. Meeting Adjourned 12:21 p.m.
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