“Home of the Cougar Cubs” March 2014 Cub’s Corner Mon Inside this issue: Principal & Asst. Menu Emergency Contact/ 3 4/5 6 Parent’s Corner Honor Roll 11 Cultural exchange— Planet project 2nd gr. 12 PE Club info/ Black History Contest 13 Help Wanted / 14 Child Find, Get a JUMP on Development & info. Thank you/SAC info Thu Fri 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 TerraNova Testing TerraNova Testing TerraNova Testing TerraNova Testing TerraNova Testing Students Need To Be In School Students Need To Be In School Students Need To Be In School Students Need To Be In School Students Need To Be In School 17 18 19 20 21 7/8/9 /10 Reflection Contest/100 days of school Club Info. Wed 2 Principal’s Corner TerraNova info Tue PD 1/2 Day Students Released at 11:05 24 25 26 15 Early Bird Registration for returning students 16/17 MARCH 2014 27 Music 2nd Grade Jungle Party Musical Show APRIL 2014 10-14 TerraNova Testing 21 PD (1/2 day release 26 Early Bird Registration at 11:05) 4 No school Teacher W/day 7-11 Spring break 24-25 No School — PTC 24-25 Registration for SY 14-15 DoDEA VISION STATEMENT: To be among the world’s leaders in education, enriching the lives of military–connected students and the communities in which they live. DoDEA MISSION STATEMENT: To educate, engage, and empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world. VICENZA VISION STATEMENT: VES = Values, Excellence, and Success - Building a strong foundation for lifelong learning. 28 Principal & Assistant Principal’s Corner Page 2 TerraNova Tips for Parents The week of 10 through 14 March, Vicenza Elementary third, fourth, and fifth grade students will take the TerraNova Multiple Assessment, Third Edition. There are several things you as a parent can do to help your child do his/her best on this norm-referenced test. Encourage your child to develop good study habits throughout the year. These include reading and following directions carefully, avoiding careless errors, and rechecking work. Explain the purpose of the test, which is to find out which skills the students have learned and which skills need further development. Remind your child that this is not a test that they can fail. Rather, it is an opportunity to show what they have learned in school. Let your child know that the test is a “snapshot” of the many things he or she has learned so far. Last minute studying won’t help very much because the tests cover a wide array of information. Let your child know that it is important for her/him to do her/his best on the test. However, the test is only one measure of what your child knows. Reassure your child that he/she need not worry about the test. Students who are selfconfident and calm do better on tests. Be sure your child gets plenty of sleep and has a nourishing breakfast and lunch. Taking tests takes energy. Be sure your child drinks plenty of water every day. The brain thinks better when it is well hydrated. Make sure your child gets to school on time. Rushing or worrying about being late may affect test performance. Please avoid scheduling doctor or dentist appointments during testing times. Ask your child about the testing at the end of each day. At the end of the school year when the test results arrive, discuss your child’s scores with the teacher or counselor and your child. Afterwards, ask the teacher to suggest activities that can be done at home to improve your child’s skills and knowledge. Ms. Allison Peltz Principal, Vicenza Elementary School Dr. Lorena M. Reinhardt, EdD Assistant Principal Vicenza Elementary School Page 3 Terra Nova Testing Information March 10-14, 2014 Monday, March 10, 2014 Grades 3-5 Instructions Reading – Part 1 Break Instructions Reading – Part 2 Break Instructions Reading – Part 3 Break Instructions Reading – Part 4 10 minutes 25 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 25 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes 8:30 - 8:40 8:40 - 9:05 9:05 - 9:15 9:15 - 9:20 9:20 - 9:35 9:35 - 9:45 9:45 - 9:50 9:50 - 10:15 10:15 -10:25 10:25 - 10:30 10:30 -10:45 10 minutes 30 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 8:30 - 8:40 8:40 - 9:10 9:10 - 9:20 9:20 - 9:25 9:25 - 9:35 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 30 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 50 minutes 8:30 - 8:40 8:40 - 8:50 8:50 - 8:55 8:55 - 9:25 9:25 - 9:35 9:35 - 9:40 9:40 - 10:30 10 minutes 25 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 35 minutes 8:30 - 8:40 8:40 - 9:05 9:05 - 9:15 9:15 - 9:20 9:20 - 9:55 10 minutes 25 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 40 minutes 8:30 - 8:40 8:40 - 9:05 9:05 - 9:15 9:15 - 9:20 9:20 - 10:00 Tuesday – March 11, 2014 Grades 3-5 Instructions Language – Part 1 Break Instructions Language – Part 2 Wednesday – March 12, 2014 Grades 3-5 Instructions Math – Part 1 Instructions Math – Part 2 Break Instructions Math – Part 3 Thursday – March 13, 2014 Grades 3-5 Instructions Science – Part 1 Break Instructions Science – Part 2 Friday – March 14, 2014 Grades 3-5 Instructions Soc. Studies – Part 1 Break Instructions Soc. Studies – Part 2 Page 4 NZAELEMENTARYSCHOOL K1 ('1 ) Gtr ckoJon Lq I {oil & (1)Chiok·m h'l"'l•:brw <lrnner r::>l <:r (2) F ;; h Scrndwi:h or (V) Cht(n Appkot.r: •:· f!l 8l"JW'I Ri<;-_, .>1 ('!) Chii(N 3: cr kr d (\1) ll&ffll 'l lr rnf'lr Fr.\:. .1d n (.JnI:JJ'O':.; :w0::'=' . P•.> l tlrJ Cri11ki,.:.J Orcr ·r g:• W••::Ig .:•;;: ll xkil,:.;>, m IrUIIVI1r1 (_;l.p :S.to::rHO:'J Br<x.:..:vli ( ;nrnr:hv 1;;'1rro 800 f.lffi 8r€fHl To et right m<eans to eAt to your health.It means f ueling your body with a dequate calo.-ies: and nut rients by selec:ting a v.ariaty of f ood:"'i:. You h•ve a bout 10,000 t.;astm b uds, so don' t be afr-aid to experim ent with new fl•vor-s and fCJCJd::s. l.1 ('I )B cr k•:": Ch : k•:•n & q;1--1rrr & d r·J r;·.\ :.: lrb rx :v) t:h- f;!'l pin p)nnc: rr.ll&<: r A ·.1plrJ C:i·r uIH WJII Brrxrd 1\ ppl.-, Slif":,\r: ;tJ:q:arS"HlP f-'e-a3 teame d Uroccoi l::a ·u;, m:lh?ad 18 (1 )( : 01<:k >i11 porft "a·o I. .. ,.. r :·,to,:,t,. Bf·V'Wf l Ri (.: i:! vr (v)T "ri'{l'oki VAg,:,lflbl «o {"1) UUO I'LII,c l'ort-: :=:crn r:I-Nio:l •:•l •.... W,Ct!ikH .--. umt$1m Rl::lirr)(l)'IV S:ll<:ld -rr Jt :'";\ViM :"':r rp B l::ll•tl' d Bo;- :r:: r\'r·rf'lr ii. Crl!":rrmhti<':k:o. e;r-i-.... -r hr.rn fi. eh- (v) \/"' 8"" B.rr!J""' Or?l r gWigA"l :SI::l rrUwdr -.in& i>pplo1o 81f ltHtil l rurt :...;wrr1Wp (1)0ri:..:l'.t!JI<.jUt!c'HH.:ilvr p)1 rrv ?rd or 11 ;IPl";l'o f!O?l wr(1?.rll!": I r;:.,.-'1 Appe l Sl1 &. "'"r"..-..,..,:n :p1-,-.,,"·,,, (2)GrH: :I Hcrm & Chrx,·:· (1)r,:,prw:>mnir'i7'";, Mard nn Cr rar93r::: :=: i r.C1:r •.kor1 ::::trl trd r n ril ri Or r (:n:lpt'-.:l lflr p,""J;.\ IN'!flr:l (YOU 5 !1 . Rir:r:,Bo-M r:rr lll'l flm-rl l h-:<:<":•( \1 (1)Ciilu" R::.ko:.d Fil- fi, l:::h.>w-1 -{ .:•Jr cv:chik'N :::nl rrrJ 8tlll<:lii::C Si t: :11<1.1 C::rrrvtc: Chocota:e- Ghlp Cool:tre- knoc.v 4 legend htu it thai 51_ Patri-ck ;ood on th healthy a nd aetiva No lunch (2)0PKV Uu:::k0ala d 1\pp!c, 31io •:' CnJrchy l""';;. nnl 11 r C1.r I r1rrl )\11 Sul - 8m11-• P:u Di :1)1creo: ••. k l t...: f..;:) PL!I If:'!d f.• - <.>:.J (\i)Chri : n?l oc (\J)V :,ggr;,l(:.ll'g::r to heJp selec:t fruit:5 and vegetab les th ..t ;ue full of benefici..l nuu·ietl ts f ot·a L.----'.oif...;_s;tyl e. ::t·::;mq> 1-'t> t F1u l::::..,.;rt C_l p (1)--lant:Ll"9E' or (1 ) I .J r};Eo y t IOIIJc·or (v Humrr ll8 1lad Bow l'::.;,rl"l PO F.il.:tr"BvM · r:I C()rn l ru1t VVIrt r.;.u p Aplo:o C:innal"' JilErl!' a<:.l R. ta:5ty and nutri tious foods av.allabl• todav th at are ju::i> t w.illting to be discovered. Tnr one new" fruit, v•u-t.abl• .a n d whol• <'1.1''1 Irih ..,ill i(je m-1d deliredo Mnon tha; drov• ;he i"' I<'U'Id' ndke" into Irlond l"'l!:mains snak'l!:-f r-.e'l!: re vn today *Menu subject to change :-.Mo· r di l!!h·os is Fr·ch f a r· Fat T..•sclay . r·a f c based on local availability of product 2-5 MENU Monba(Y Webnesba;y_ Tae&Oa(Y National Nutrition Month 4 (" )Mabalt :3ub (1)General Ts 's Ctlicktn & BI""OWn Rice (>)< :tu: :k()ll 1---!J!l t-.!oll r Hn•wl -<•c( (2)B8Q)?ork Riblets w/ "" -.. pmn 'f'•ll rHim rl:i·:'v: --lm rt _ X.;.. C""r iV.'N ;a lae /) reaches Bl&ck Bt ans !k !d·;.· b V ! ·He R wwr (\/) Crer p:-3 S:trfj mtrd Brocco i t- 11.1!w1d Ghoo.:oll<:r Chip C'Joki t 10 (1)t lem:;:.r..rge-r Burgl'lr or 12)'-./ :ggir,:, Orerngt> W ""d 3 8ernerner Rinbo'¥"' Salad ;'_e-r. S:icks w,-q:pu :,tr .,Ui { )(;)r h·<:J Hm ,;.. C lnoe- -.eo (3) CI'IIIy Turkey Apple flavors and foods. (1)( :1id<CI (,WH I(lla; (V! Hunnnut>V1ggieYIJrap N) l1r lqy al:ul (2) Ho:: m & 011btr Sr<t Su b (3)Chicken Ctt es11.--S11IDd ;1)C:IIi1 1kc,n-p;r-n cr1r.n'N p gl-.e oii (V)C:I'ik"N M rHm<llm adequate calories and nutr·ients by selecting a vari ety of foods. You have abou t 10,000 taste buds, so d on't be .afraid to exper-imen t U£ith new Cr J p 11 (1! reppi:!r:::>ni ra:z: a Chtrr,:, s., pizz a l\J) repp3r-::;-:: To eat right mean s to eat to your·health. It m eans fueling your body with (1)f--lll nd r-'o-k I :1< :m: (2 )LRugnRwl GRrll(: BreAd Ther·e is a whole '-Wo.-ld of u.sty an d nu tritiou s foods :v)Spinerc hl8"" er""I0Ut>3EldiiiE13 (2)Met TACOS pear Siic "s available today th a t are just waldng to be S1tram tr d Brocc oli discovered. Try on e n ew {J)M andrin hic :EnSalad fruit. vegetable and whole r·u t Swirl (;; 18 (1)38Q Chick>;r bil.;s grain every week. U se the coiOI"S of th e r ainbow to h elp select fr ui ts and vegetabl es that are fu l of beneficial n ut•·ien ts fot·a healthy and actlv• 1.0 (:2)ui<Ht:lltt:h'r t IJ1. (vi ChikN NtJggeb: (3tTurkeyAifredo wJ GRrtlc Brnd lifestyle. :3allilld ;; llm!; clrnc:lt; Dii) (YOU knoc..vl L.-.rgrrmd ha.: it that St . Patr·ick tt11od non Iria:h hi llt id.-.r ond dr.r livcJ"td a a:t J'mon that dr·ovG thit iWld't •no.l••• into th..r; •U;o_ Ir re ktnd ro;moin• •ndke -fr«c even todo.y Mardi6rus i s FJ"II:ln oh for Fat T.,.-sday, J"CJf•rH-r- i ng t11 th e pJ-a<lt ic;;eCJfth e l wd n ight Qfeat ing rid-!1111 1". fatty f oods b:tfor£ th£ rit ua l fa!l t ing a f t h£ Lr!nt£ n s£a!lon . uo*' ich b£gi ns on A!lh W£ dn12:sday. Page 5 NZAELEMENTARYSCHOOL SURE START MENU National Nutrition Month Chicken Egg Roll & Bro Nn RicQ GrapQS steamed Broccoli Milk BBQ Pori< Ribleb w/ ,Di_9P..;.rRoll s .,..._AM>l- }:: ots c,.- l-'lt11Pr11-'ork I c.o Peaches Bl t:k Bt CIIt::l To eat .-iuht mean s to eat Turkey Sausage 0melet & to your health . It means fueling your body w ith adequate calories an d nutrients: by sC!!Iecting a French Toa:st or Bluebeny Pancake3 el Potato Crinkles Milk Orongl2! W€!dg Mlk ,•_ variety of foods. Y ou have about lO,<X>O taste buds, so don"t be afraid to expa-irnent with new na.vors and food:s. There is a whole world of tasty and nutritious foods Chicken Quesadillas tv'lo:llonSiic Steamed Broccoli Mlk available today that are just waiting to be dis covl!!l'"ed.Try one nf!!\AI f ruit, vegetable and whole grain every week. Use the colors of the rainbow to help select fruits and vegetabl es that are full of benefidal nutrients for a heth y .and .active L---- lif_e_st yl e. ChiCken or Ch1k'N (V) Parmesam & Spaghett i Pasta prange W edges Cr.een P.ee:J Mfk Turkey Hot Dog PQaChQS S•de Gard<m Salad Mlk Philly chee:Je Sub PGoochoo Sugar Snap 1-'eas Mlik r-.1\P.Ion Sir.AS Steamed Broccoli Mfk HamburgGor M nrl rin Onmges Sugar Snap Peas Mlk Taco Rice Bowl Apple Sl icoo Steamed Broccoli Mtk Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza Gn:IIJI:':S Crunchy Carrol Silck:J Mlik Diyou knoc.v 4 Legend hiH it that t. Pat rick stood on an Irish hillslc:Lz and Brown Rice Banana Steamed Carrots Mlk deli'IIIZred a sermon that drove the I•lan d'• snakes into the s;uu. :Indund l"cmuins; s;nukc -fno:c cvc01 h•duy. Mnrdi 6rn,c t.c F••otneh for F4+ Tua!ld4y. r•lli!!flll!!rring to thlli!! proe ticlll! 1wpcdn·••doy. ritual *Menu subject to change based on localavailability of product Vicenza Elementary School EARLY BIRD PRE-REGISTRATION FOR CURRENTLY REGISTERED STUDENTS SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015 When? Time? Where? Wednesday, March 26, 2014 from 0900 to 1300 & from 1400 to 1530 Vicenza Elementary School (Villaggio Area) Atrium (in front of school) SchoolRegistration is REQUIRED every school year. Page 6 Dear Parents/Sponsors, It is very important that the school has your current updated emergency contact information. You may update your emergency contact information by asking for the slip at the school front desk. Information will be updated in our school computer program and your child(ren)’s Teacher(s), School Nurse, & Bus Office will be notified upon receipt. Below is a copy of the actual slip for your information. Change of Emergency Contact Slip Date: / / 20 Vicenza Elementary School allows two emergency contacts. Name of person making change: Student’s Name: Grade: Teacher: Name of New Contact # 1: Phone Number of New Contact: Name of New Contact # 2: Phone Number of New Contact: Parents’ Corner The Vicenza Elementary School administration invites you to respond by email to the following statements. Your comments and the responses will be placed in the next newsletter. 1. Something I like about Vicenza Elementary School. 2. Something I would like to know. 3. Something I would like to suggest. Please send your responses to the following email address: [email protected] Page 7 All As Honor Roll List 4th Grades 2nd quarter SY 2013-2014 EA DM KA AM TB EM CB CN MC MP GC LP IC CR AG MS EK DT LK CW All As Honor Roll List 5th Grades 2nd quarter SY 2013-2014 JA BP JC AP AC SP TD ER AD KR JJ WS SJ S MacR EM CM GS CS KT DT Page 8 All As & Bs Honor Roll List 4th Grades 2nd quarter SY 2013-2014 JA AM LA FN JA YO EB SO JB MB MR JR NB IR GB MS JB GC NC WC CD MD BF JH AJ PJ ML AL SL WM AS JS MS AS HS BS IW MW HW SW SW KW LW SZ Page 9 All As & Bs Honor Roll List 5th Grades 2nd quarter SY 2013-2014 ZA CA PA SB JB KC JC GC PC KC JD AF ZF VG LH AH LH BK BK AK BL AL LM NM R McC PP A Q DR CR AS HS MS DT TW LW P a g e 10 Most Improved Student 2nd quarter SY 2013-2014 YA JA JB SJ AL R McC DR DT JD ZF SG JL DT XT LW •. PTA Reflections SY 2013-2014 (Local Level) Theme:"Believe, Dream, Inspire" Vicenza Elementary School • Primary:Preschool - Grade 2 Category: Photography First Place - M K "The Wide Seas" (2•'Grade-Ms. H's class) • Intermediate:Grades 3-5 Ca tegory:Visual Arts First 'Place - L K "Night and Day" (4th Grade - Ms. VB's class) Second Place - C R "VES Cougar" (4th Grade - Dr. S's class) Third Place - M P (4th Grade - Dr.S's class) Category: Literature 1st Place - Mary Pflaum "Ode to the Sea Bass"(4''Grade- Dr.S's dass) 2nd Place - Georgette Annan "Evil Gossip Girls" (3nl Grade -Miss M'’s class) Page 11 Page 12 Cultural Exchange On Feb 13, 2014, Vicenza Elementary school was involved in a cultural exchange with an Elementary School from Padova. I want to thank teachers Mrs. K P, Ms. C M, Ms. D M, and Mrs. P S for hosting the Italian student exchange. They provided both the Italian and American students an excellent opportunity to use each other’s languages for their enrichment, and for the development of their communication skills. A big “grazie,” also, to all the parents who contributed to make this event a success. ES Host Nation Teacher “2014 - A Space Odyssey” Planet Projects Mr. S’s Second Grade Class Page 13 PE Club was a huge Success, with 30 students participating in grades 3-5! Thank you to the parents for allowing your kids to attend! We had a lot of fun playing many different games and learning new skills. Black History Observance Rooted in Family, Faith, and Food Essay and Art Contest Winners: A S —5th grade A Q— 1st grade M H—1st grade M D—1st grade E H—3rd grade J M—3rd grade D W—3rd grade C’s Corner GET a JUMP on Development! You can have your infant, toddler, or preschooler screened by a member of the Early Intervention Team or the Developmental Preschool Team. These teams offer a free developmental screening for your infant, toddler, or preschooler — birth through five years of age. To schedule an appointment for your baby from birth—35 months of age call EDIS at 636-9230 (0444 61 9230). To schedule an appointment for your toddler or preschooler 36 months up to 60 months, contact us at 0444 71 7710 or 6583 to schedule a screening for your son or daughter. The Case Study Committee involves parents in the special education process. The CSC ensures procedural safeguards are followed and that confidentiality is protected. Volunteers Substitute Teachers: if you are interested in substitute teaching at VES, please apply in USAJOBS at: http://www.usajobs.gov/ Please stop by the VES office if you need more information . If you would like to Volunteer as a chaperone, aide for special events or in the classrooms, please stop by the office to get an application packet to become a VES registered Volunteer. Li b r a r y "Because the VES library is full of wonderful children's books and other resources for research and developing projects, it is known as our Information Center. We are looking for volunteers to assist with our many activities in the Information Center.” Contact Ms. M, our Information Specialist, or the front office to become part of our program. Contact info: DSN 634-7710 CIV: 0444-71-7710 ART ROOM VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Mrs. H is looking for volunteers to help out in the art room. Volunteers are needed in the morning or after school for general classroom needs, such as mounting and hanging artwork, setting up bulletin boards, and preparing supplies. She would also love to have volunteers come in during class time to help with messy projects such as painting, ceramics, mask making etc. If you are interested in coming in to help with some hands-on projects you can email her directly to set up a time that works for you at [email protected]. Page 15 Club Information Homework Club- Thursday from 2:50 until 4:00P.M. This club will take place in Mr. Leavitt's 5th Grade class· Room 1248. This club is opened to third, fourth and fifth graders. DATES: Begin on 7 November, 2013 and continue through 22 May, 2014 POC: Mr. L - Student Council will meet every Wednesday from 2:40-4:00 in Science Lab. Room #1219. The dates are as follows: Oct.30, Nov. 6, Nov.20, Dec.4, Dec.ll, Dec.18, Jan.8, Jan.15, Jan. 22, Jan.29, Feb 5, Feb.12, Feb.19, Feb.26, Mar. 5, Mar. 19, Mar. 26, Apr. 2, Apr. 16, Apr. 23, Apr. 30, May 7, May 14. THE LAST MEETING WILL BE HELD MAY 21"' 2014. This club is open to third, fourth, and fifth graders. POC Ms. C ------------------------------- Physical Education Club for 3rd-5th grade students on Tuesday, January 7th, 2014, and continuing until Friday, February 28th, 2014. Tuesdays: Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28 Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25 Fridays: Jan. 10, 17,31 Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 (no school for students on Jan. 24) PE Club will begin right after school in the VES gym on Tuesdays and Fridays from 2:50p to 4:30p. POC: Ms. M Hand Craft Club For 3rd to 5th grade students Meeting on Monday afternoon 1500-1615 Starting 27 Jan thru 5 May 14 POC Ms. P W ROBOTICS CLUB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. POC MS. F ADVANCED 5th grade Monday Monday, Janua ry 27th Monday, February 3rd Monday, February lOth Monday, February 24th Monday, March 3rd Monday, March lOth Monday, March 17th Monday, March 24th Monday, March 31st Wednesday, April 2rd: Final and Family Invite Comp Lab -1445 -1600 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BASIC 4th-5th grade Monday/Thursday Thursday, January 23rd Thursday, January 30th Thursday, February 6th Thursday, February 13th Thursday, February 20th Thursday, February 27th Thursday, March 6th Thursday, March 13th Thursday, March 20th Thursday, March 27th: Final and Family Invite ---- Page 16 A big thank you to Mrs. F for volunteering in our classroom Ms. P W 3rd grade PE Club was a huge success, with 30 students participating in grades 3-5! Thank you to the parents for allowing your kids to attend! Mrs. A M VES Physical Education Do you have a question, concern, or idea that would help Vicenza Elementary School? Come check out the School Advisory Committee! If you have a concern, question, or suggestion about VES, and wonder if the School Advisory Committee can help, please email the SAC Chairperson at kristamnovak @yahoo.com. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, at 3:00pm, in Room 0263. Deadline for submitting an agenda item is March 5, 2014. If you cannot attend, please submit your concerns via email, or in the SAC Suggestion Box in the main office, and they will be brought to the meeting. Children are welcome. The SAC is a committee of school employees, parents, and community members that makes recommendations, and advises the principal on school policies, instructional programs, and educational resources, allocations of resources, pupil services, and standards of conduct within Vicenza Elementary. Please note that the SAC does not address personnel practices, internal management or PTSA concerns. Page 17 Vicenza Elementary School Advisory Council SAC Maintaining the Quality of Education School Advisory Council Complete this card to have your idea or question discussed at the next SAC meeting. • Review school policy Date: __________________________________________ and make Topic: _________________________________________________________ recommendations to principals. Idea/Question: • Recommend solutions to a problem. • Determine feasibility of new programs. • Keep the community aware of plans and programs initiated at Contact Information: Name: _________________________________ Email: __________________________________________ the school. • Hold forums on particular topics and Phone: ______________________________________________ invite community Disclaimer: The first line of communication is between parent and teacher and/or school administration. SAC cannot address matters that pertain to personnel policies and/or grievances of employees. Names and contact information on this form are considered confidential and wilI only be known to the voting members of SAC and school administration. Place this form in a sealed envelope, marked ATTN: SAC, and leave it at the VES front desk. Expect a reply of receipt within one week. members to present views. DODDS-Europe Page 18 C’s Corner In case of inclement weather or emergency situations, please visit this website: http: //www. imcom europe.army.mil/webs/sites/staff_org/safety/road_conditions/ index.asp The community commander may determine Unit 31401, Box 11 APO, AE 09630 Phone: 0444-71-7710 DSN: 634-7710 Fax: 0444-71-6743 DSN Fax: 634-6743 that it is necessary to close school, delay the opening of school, (usually a two hour delay), or release students early. The decision to close or delay the opening of school cannot be made by school officials. On mornings with heavy snow, ice, or fog, students and their sponsors should listen to AFN radio for announcements about school closure or delays. Consult your school’s “Student Handbook” for guidance specific to your location. Find us in the web: http://www.vice-es.eu.dodea.edu/
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