ARF, 13-14 February 2014 Grants and fellowships overview (non-EU resources for career funding) Cristina Soriano Head of the Education and Training Program (E&T) [email protected] SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Incoming Outgoing On site Other support SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Incoming Ambizione Advanced Postdoc.mobility (reintegration phase) SEFRI fellowships Cogito fellowships EuroScholars ThinkSwiss fellowships … SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Incoming Ambizione Advanced Postdoc.mobility (reintegration phase) SEFRI fellowships Cogito fellowships EuroScholars ThinkSwiss fellowships … SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Incoming Ambizione Advanced Postdoc.mobility (reintegration phase) SEFRI fellowships Cogito fellowships EuroScholars ThinkSwiss fellowships … write a doctoral thesis salary + project costs 4 years humanities and social sciences Swiss masters degree up to 2 years after degree change of institution (or 1 semester abroad during PhD) SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Incoming Ambizione* Advanced Postdoc.mobility (reintegration phase) SEFRI fellowships Cogito fellowships postdoctoral research salary + project costs 3 years up to 5 years after PhD high-level publications min 1 year gone from PhD institution EuroScholars ThinkSwiss fellowships … * Ambizione can also be used by researchers already located in Switzerland who wish to become autonomous SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Incoming Ambizione Advanced Postdoc.mobility (reintegration phase) SEFRI fellowships Cogito fellowships Reintegration criteria: EuroScholars relevance of the research for the career in Switzerland and academic ThinkSwiss fellowships added value for knowledge transfer other countries and Switzerland between … Postdoc back in Switzerland Wrap-up, or new project Right after (or no later than 12 months after) mobility end salary + social charges (project costs) 3-12 months not back to home institution apply before leaving up to 5 years after PhD Swiss / residence/ married (non Swiss) 3 years of previous research at a Swiss institution SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Incoming Ambizione Advanced Postdoc.mobility (reintegration phase) EuroScholars Euroscholars: (bachelor & master) from US & Canada ThinkSwiss scholarships ThinkSwiss: (doctoral) from US & Canada SEFRI* fellowships SEFRI: (doctoral & postdoctoral) from anywehere Cogito fellowships Cogito: (postdoctoral & professor) from anywhere … * SEFRI = Secrétariat d’Etat à la Formation, à la Recherche et à l’Innovation SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Outgoing Doc.mobility NCCR Doc.mobility Early Postdoc.mobility Advanced Postdoc.mobility Cogito postdoc mobility Boninchi postdoc mobility Zdenek/ Bakala postdoc mobility … SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Outgoing Doc.mobility NCCR Doc.mobility Early Postdoc.mobility Advanced Postdoc.mobility Cogito postdoc mobility Boninchi postdoc mobility Zdenek/ Bakala postdoc mobility … SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Outgoing Doc.mobility NCCR Doc.mobility Early Postdoc.mobility Advanced Postdoc.mobility Cogito postdoc mobility Boninchi postdoc mobility Zdenek/ Bakala postdoc mobility … stay abroad while PhD travel, living costs (research, conferences, matriculation) 6-18 months 1 year candoc experience at Swiss institution Swiss / residence/ married SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Outgoing Doc.mobility NCCR Doc.mobility Early Postdoc.mobility Advanced Postdoc.mobility Cogito postdoc mobility Boninchi postdoc mobility Zdenek/ Bakala postdoc mobility … Student hired by NCCR funded/hosted project 6-12 months Applications to NCCR You will be mailed instructions Until end 2016 SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Outgoing Doc.mobility NCCR Doc.mobility Early Postdoc.mobility Advanced Postdoc.mobility Cogito postdoc mobility Boninchi postdoc mobility postdoc abroad travel, living costs (research, conferences, matriculation) 18 months* (no follow-up > advanced) within 6 months of ending PhD1 and up to 2 years after viva Swiss / residence/ married (non Swiss2: 3 years of previous research at a Swiss institution) Zdenek/ Bakala postdoc mobility * Ashorter … duration of a minimum of 12 months is possible in justifiable cases 1 But you need to be a doctor by the time you leave 2 Swiss nationals domiciled abroad and foreign nationals must declare in writing that they intend to pursue a scientific career in Switzerland after the mobility fellowship SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Outgoing Doc.mobility NCCR Doc.mobility Early Postdoc.mobility Advanced Postdoc.mobility Cogito postdoc mobility Boninchi postdoc mobility Zdenek/ Bakala postdoc mobility … postdoc abroad travel, living costs (research, conferences, matriculation) 12-36 months + return grant up to 5 years after PhD Swiss / residence/ married (non Swiss) 3 years of previous research at a Swiss institution SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities On site Personal funding and/ or project funding for local researchers Marie Heim-Vögtlin (MHV) SNF professorships SCOPES / SCIEX Boursières d’excellence Cogito foundation projects Jacobs foundation projects SNIS projects … NOTE: The SNSF Ambizione can also be used by researchers working in Switzerland who wish to become autonomous. See “Incoming” grants SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities On site Marie Heim-Vögtlin (MHV) SNF professorships SCOPES / SCIEX Boursières d’excellence Cogito foundation projects Jacobs foundation projects SNIS projects … SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities On site Marie Heim-Vögtlin (MHV) SNF professorships SCOPES / SCIEX Boursières d’excellence Cogito foundation projects Jacobs foundation projects SNIS projects re-start a non-linear career doctoral students and postdocs females (and males)* salary (contribution to project & child care) Part-time allowed 2 years excellent record host institution statement on the possibility of extending employment after MHV not an incoming grant 1 … * MHV is primarily aimed at women researchers whose chances of obtaining other funding are reduced due to non-linear career paths 1 If the candidate already has strong links with Swiss research or if they intend to follow their spouse to Switzerland in the near future, an exception may be granted. Please get in touch with the MHV secretariat for further information. SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities On site Marie Heim-Vögtlin (MHV) SNF professorships SCOPES / SCIEX Boursières d’excellence Cogito foundation projects Jacobs foundation projects SNIS projects … autonomy salary (assistant professor) + project costs, team salary, infrastructure 4 + 2 years high-profile publications 2-9 years postdoc experience several years away from home institution (1 abroad) Swiss degree or 2 years at Swiss institution desirable: teaching experience desirable: institution change SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Other support 120% postdoc Tremplin grant Support for researchers with family obligations Support for female careers REGARD courses International short visit Go away or bring people for short visits* Publication grants Fees for book (esp. thesis) publication Media training grants Training on outreach communication Travel grants Support for conference travel … * 1 week – 3 months SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Other support 120% postdoc Tremplin grant Support for researchers with family obligations Support for female careers REGARD courses International short visit Go away or bring people for short visits* Publication grants Fees for book (esp. thesis) publication Media training grants Training on outreach communication Travel grants Support for conference travel … * 1 week – 3 months SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Other support 120% postdoc Tremplin grant REGARD courses International short visit Publication grants Media training grants Travel grants … SNSF/ NCCR postdocs* with family obligations 20% contribution: • Part-time (max reduction 40%) + 20% = support person (at 60% max) • Up to 20% postdoc salary to child care costs (max 1K/ month) 4 years max postdocs originally hired at 80-100% NCCR postdocs: support available until end 2016 applications directly to NCCR you will be mailed instructions * Only researchers with a postdoctoral contract (not collaborateur, MA, etc) SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Career funding opportunities Other support 120% postdoc Tremplin grant REGARD courses International short visit Publication grants Media training grants Travel grants … UNIGE female career support Replacement for a semester deadline: 15 March 1014 Info: Bureau de l’Égalité mmes/subside-tremplin.html SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Incoming Career funding opportunities Outgoing On site Other support More details Swiss National Science Foundation > click on menu “Funding” Cogito Foundation: Euroscholars: Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS): ThinkSwiss: Jacobs foundation: Fondation Ernst & Lucie Schmidheiny: Boninchi Foundation: Bureau de Égalité, UNIGE: SWISS CENTER FOR AFFECTIVE SCIENCES Incoming Career funding opportunities Outgoing On site Other support Additional sources of information Swiss foundations (association of Swiss grant-giving foundations): Euraxes network (promotion of European careers): CRUS (Conference of Swiss University Rectors): SEFRI (Secrétariat d’Etat à la formation, à la recherche et à l’innovation): Académie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales SAGW/ASSH: Prix-Bourses-Subsides (UNIGE Rectorate): International exchanges and study abroad office, UNIGE: AGFA (Association de Genève des Fondations Académiques): Aides financières Canton de Genève:
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