North American Invasive Species Management Association Cordially Invite You to our Annual Conference Monday, September 29 through Wednesday, October 1, 2014; Fargo, ND Holiday Inn (see NAISMA website for link and phone number) Conference Sponsors & Vendors (as of August 19, 2014) 2014 Annual Meeting September 29-October 1, 2014 REGISTRATION FORM For hotel information please visit WWW.NAISMA.ORG ________________________________________________________________ Last name First name Affiliation ________________________________________________________________ Mailing address City State Zip code ________________________________________________________________ Phone # w/area code e-mail address Quantity Registration Regular Meeting Spouse Award Dinner One Day Registration NDSU tour (limited space, must sign up) Vendor Booth 2015 NAISMA regular membership renewal. Early By 8/18/14 $ 175 $ 50 $ 95 No Charge $ 350 $ 65 Late Total After 8/18/14 $ 225 $60 $ 110 NA $450 $65 Total Conference Highlights General Session: Featuring: North Dakota State Univ: Long Term Success Story for Leafy Spurge Research Update from USDA Radio and TV Personality Terry Fleck: Institute of Attitude Use of Unmanned Aerial Drones Deb McCullough: Emerald Ash Borer Breakout Sessions: Visit NAISMA Website for current updates Check Enclosed Credit Card Information Account #________________________________________________ Tour: North Dakota State Univ. Research Greenhouses and Facilities Exp Date ____________________________________ Security Code (on back)__________ Billing Address & Zip______________________________________________________________________ Print Name________________________________ Signature____________________________________________ Mail: North American Invasive Species Management Association 205 W. Boutz Rd, Bldg 4, Ste 5 Las Cruces, NM 88005 Fax: 575-527-8853 Meeting at a Glance Schedule (subject to change) Monday, September, 29, 2014 (registration opens at noon) Education Summit: A committee meeting for the Advertizing and Outreach Committee to organize a combined effort for invasive species education on a national level. Committee Meetings CMIP Exam NAISMA Board of Director’s Meeting Tuesday, September 30, 2014 General Session Rod Lym (NDSU)- -Long term success story of leafy spurge control. Mike Foley - USDA Research Overview Terry Fleck - Institute of Attitude Ken Grafton, Vice President for Agricultural Affairs, NDSU Tour of NDSU Research Greenhouses and facilities Trade Show Mixer and Silent Auction Wednesday, October 1, 2014 General Session Dr. John Nowatzki – Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Deb McCullough- Emerald Ash Borer, Forestry Insects NAISMA Business Meeting Breakout Sessions: Research Biocontrol State/Province Updates Safety EDRR and Management Social/Cash Bar Banquet and Awards NAISMA Annual Conference and Business Meeting Holiday Inn, Fargo, ND Monday, September, 29, 2014 9:00-11:00 am Education Summit and Marketing and Outreach (Conference Room)- Julie Kraft The Education Summit will be a committee meeting for the Advertizing and Outreach Committee to organize a combined effort for invasive species education on a national level. 9:00-11:00 am Midwest Biocontrol Focus Group (Mezzanine I) 12:00-5:00pm Registration Opens (Atrium, Press Room)) Vendor Set up (Dakota Hall) Committee Meetings 1:00-5:00pm Room Time Mezzanine II 1-3 pm Committee Weed Free Forage: Train the TrainerAll Welcome Aaron Foster Chairperson Allen Schnetzky Weed Free Forage Mezzanine I 3-5 NAISMA Professional Improvement Mezzanine II 3-5 NAISMA Certified Manager of Aaron Foster & Jen Grenz Invasive Plants Exam Conference Room 1-3 pm 5:00pm-6:30 pm Mapping David Moorhead and Aaron Foster Executive Board Meeting (Mezzanine IV) Board Dinner TBA Tuesday, September 30, 2014 8:00am – 5:00 pm 7:30am – 5:00 pm Breakfast (on your own) Registration (Atrium, Press Room) Exhibitors displays (Dakota Hall) GENERAL SESSION (Royale, Embassy A&B) 8:00am Anthems: Canadian and American (Fargo Legion) Welcome: NAISMA President Jennifer Grenz, Governor of ND (invited), Agriculture Commissioner (invited), 8:30am 9:00am 9:45am 10:00am 11:00am Announce Vendors and Sponsors Rod Lym - -Long term success story of leafy spurge control Break (Sponsored by DuPont Land Management) (South Foyer) Mike Foley - USDA Research Terry Fleck - Institute of Attitude Tuesday, September 30, 2014—Cont. 12:00pm Lunch (Sponsored by Dow AgroSciences) (Pool Patio) 1:30pm Ken Grafton, Vice President for Agricultural Affairs; Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources; and Director of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station 2:00pm Board Buses for tour of NDSU Research Facilities Agriculture Ambassadors from NDSU will direct people ------ 5:00pm Arrive back at Hotel 6:00-8:00pm Trade Show Mixer- An opportunity for conference participants to enjoy an evening of mingling with fellow attendees and vendors while enjoying beer, brats, wine and cheese along with a silent and live auction. (Crowne Hall)--Bring Item to auction off (must be turned in to Registration desk before noon) Wednesday, October 1, 2014 7:00-8:00am Exhibitors Breakfast Buffet, Visit with Exhibitors (Crowne Hall) GENERAL SESSION (Royale, Embassy A&B) 8:00am 8:05am 9:00am 10:00am 10:30-12:00 Session Introduction - Derrill Fick Dr. John Nowatzki – Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Deb McCullough- Emerald Ash Borer Break (South Foyer) NAISMA Business Meeting Wednesday, October 1, 2014 cont… 12:00-1:15pm 1:30-3:00pm Lunch (on your own) Breakout Sessions Research Biocontrol Executive Room Royale, Embassy A&B 1:30-Munevver Dogramaci - USDA Research -Foliar applied glyphosate affects underground adventitious buds and induces branching in following generations 2:00-Celestine Duncan -Applying field research to practical on-ground management 2:30-Mary Halstvedt- DOW- Plant Community Response when Controlling Invasive Weeds with Milestone Board Room 1:30-Deb McCullough – Forest Insects 2:00-Sharla HanzlikPurple Loosestrife control in NE 2:30- Rod Lym - field data 3:00pm 3:15-5:15pm State/Province Updates State and Canadian Province Updates Break (South Foyer) Breakouts Continued Research Executive Room 3:15- Registration Process for Herbicides–Mary Halstvedt- DOW Safety Royale, Embassy A&B 3:15- Spike King – SDDA Container recycling EDRR and Management Board Room 3:55-Perspective - DuPont - Scott Ountka 3:55-NPDES, Waters of the US – Karl Rockeman 3:15-Invasive Grass Identification - Kevin Sedivec- NDSU 3:55-ANS- DNRFergus Falls MNMark Ranweiler-Asian carp- ND Game and Fish Dept. 4:35-Surfactants - Bill Walker - CPS 4:35- Erik DietrichUTV safety - ND Parks and Rec 4:35- Gary AdamsAPHIS- Incident Command 6:00pm Social/Cash Bar (Sterling, Crowne) 6:30pm Banquet and Presentation of Awards Future NAISMA meetings: 2015: Coast Hotel, Vancouver, BC October 18-21, 2015 2016: Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City, UT September 25-28, 2016
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