l Dear Prospective AMIAS The paperwork necessary to complete your certification as an Area 51 ,Al-Anon Member lnvolved in Alateen Service is included in this AMIAS Application Packet. Complete the registration form and be sure to have your District Representative sign it if you have one. ln addition, please glve two names for reference. Be sure to sign all forms. You will have to get a fingerprint card from your local law enforcement agency. Please stress that the prints need to he clear to enable the Crime Bureau to read them. lf they have a digital print machine, the prints are usually much better. NOTE: I would advise calling them before you go as many only do this on certain days of the week. Also, be sure to complete all the information on the card. NOTE: The AKiq block should indicate your maiden name{s). Keep your receipt in case the fingerprints need to be repeated. They won't charge you the second time. Forward all forms to the Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP). You can find the e-mail link on this web page under Contact Area Officers and Coordinators. Since you will have to mail the fingerprint cards. you will need to contact me for my mailing address. Requirements for Al-Anon Members lnvolved in Alateen Service are found on the Area 61 Alateen Safety and Behavioral Requirements which can be found on this web page. FORMSATTACHED: Waiver Agreement and Statement for State of Wisconsin Privacy Statement Authorization for Release of lnformation for Wisconsin Al-Anon/Alateen, lnc. Area 61 Alateen Sponsorship Registration Form Al-Anon Member lnvolved ln Alateen Service for WSO PROCESS: Fingerprints returned to the AAPP are sent to Wisconsin State Crime lnvestigation Bureau {ClB) ln about two weeks, the MPP checks their lnternet data base for results (Approved OR Rejected) lf the fingerprints are rejected for "quality", the applicant is asked to have them redone. lf rejected for the same reason a second time, the AAPP determines if the Area 61 Sponsorship form has the required signatures for approval. lf so, the AAPP signs the AMIAS Form approving the applicant and fonrrards to WSO. WSO records information and assigns AMIAS an lD number. They return to the AAPP as certified The A4PP sends an approval letter to you and e-mails your District Representative if there is one. You will also be sent the six page Area 6l Training Manual, dated 2007 which will give you enough information to get you started. IF YOU HAVEN'T ALT READY DONE SO, YOU WILI NEED TO ATTEND A FORMAL AMIAS TRAINING. That training is done at the Spring & Fall Assemblies and I will work with the Alateen Coordinator to schedule some on an as needed basis. Every year WSO requires that all areas conduct a recertification process, You will be contacted in March or April, so be sure to keep your address and group information updated. Revised 5-15-13 c-'d-I+ ffiffi:rsi, iliflSr..;,# q'.1&:.& STATE OF 1{rISCSN$IN I}EPAR.TMET.TT SF JUSTECE DTWSION OF' LAW INFIORCIMENT SERI/TCES Cdmc fdomatioa BgrEau P,O. Box 2688 Madison" Record CheckUnit lYI S70Ia688 608r266,s?64 WANIER AGREEMENT AT{D STATEMETTIT I hereby authorize the agency listed below to submit a set of my fingerprints to the Wisconsin Departrnent of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the pqpose of accessing aad reviewing Wisconsin and national cdminal history records that may pertain to me_ By signing this waiver agreement it is my intent to authorize dissemination of zuch criminal history record information that may pertain to me to the agency with which I am employed seeking employment with, seeking to serve as a volunteer for, orseeking iicensure &our- I also understand that &is information may only be used forthe purpose itwas zubmitted. I understand that it is not employment discrimination because of arrest record to reflse to employ or license, or to suspead from employment or licensirg, any infividual who is subject to a pending criminal charge or has been convicted of any felony, misdemeanor or other offense if the circumstances of the offense or cbarge substantially relale to the circumstarces ofthe particularjob or liceflsed activity. I have been informed of my right to obtain a copy of the criminal history records, if any, and of my right to be given a reasonable amourt of time to chailenge the accuracy and or to complete any information contained in the criminal history record. The procedwes for obtaining a change, correction, or updating of an FBI identification record are set forth in &e Code of Federal Regulations (2S CfR 16.34). N*me: Address: Date: Witness; Name of Agency: Agency Address: Signature: US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Justice Information Service s Div ision Wiscousin Depa rtuent of Justice Division of Law Enforcement Services Ci me l4fo rtn a ti o n Bur e a u @ryr r'uthoritv: rhe FBl's-acc:1":d* ,*""*.rffi tr::-ation requested by rhis fonn is generauy authorized rmder 28 U-S',C- 534- Depending on the nature of yoL application, supplemental au&orities include numerous Federal stafises, huadreds of-State statutetpu$u&t to Pub.i. 92-544, Prmidenkal execrdive orders, regulations and/or orders of the Attomey General of the united States, or ofier authorized althorities. Examples include, but are not limited to:5 U'S-C' 9l0t; Pub-L- 94-29; PubI. t0l{o4; and Executive tuers 10450 and li96E. providing the requested information is volunary; however, failure to firnish &e information may affect timely completion or aiproval of y*r. application. Social Security Account Number (sSAlrQ: Yow SSAN is needed Io keep records accurate because other people may have the same name and birth date. Pu$uant to the Federal Privacy AL.t of lg74 (5 USC 55?a), theoqo"tirrg aiency is responsible for informing you whether disclcsure is mandatory or voluntarjr, by what statutory or otler u,rtt crrity you, SSAN is solicited, and what uses r'ryill be made of it Executive,Order 9397 also asks Federal agencies to use this number to help identifr individuals in ageary rec,ords- Prircipal Purpose: Certain determinations, such as employment, securiry" ticensing, and adoptiorl may be predicated on fingerprint based checks- Your fingerprinB and other information with) iUi, io.* may be ""-(*A along "ontuin"a submitted to the reques!1g-u8"tty, the ageacy conducting the applioation itvestigation, *d/or nBi forthe pr:rpoie of comparing the submitted informaiion to available recnrds in order to idertify othei information that may be pertLent to the application. During the processing of this applicaiorq and for as long he-rea€er as may be relevaut; the;divity for which this application is being submitted, the FBI may disclose any poentiatly pertineni information to the requesting agency and/orto the agency conduaing the irvestigatioa- The FBI may also retain the submitted information in the FBI's perma[ent collection of fingerprints and related information, where it will be subject to comparisons against other submissions received by the FBI. Depending oa the nature of your application, the rJquesting ag"ncy and/oitne agency conducting t}le application investigation may also retain the fingerpriars and other submitted information for other authorized purposes of such agency(ies). Rontine Uses: The fingerprints and information reported on this form rnay be disclosed pursu111t to your consen! and may also be disclosed by the FBI without your consent as lermitted by the Federal PrivacjeAct of l97i (5 USC 552a(b)) and all applicable routine uses as may be published at any time in the Fedsral Register, including the routine uses for the FBI Fingerprint Identification Records System (Justice/FBl-009) and the FBI's Blanket Routine Uses (JusticeffBI-BRU). 'Or Routine rses include, but arc aot limited to, disclosures to: appropriate tovcrnmsntal authorities responsible for cidl criminal law enforcemenl counterintelligence, national security or public safety matters to which theinformation rnay be relevant to Slate and local governmental agencies and aongovernrnental entities forapplication processing as authorized by Federal and Sate legislation, executive order, or regulation, including employment, security, licensing, and adoption ehecks; and as otherwise authorized by taw, treaty, executive order, regulation, or other lawful authority. tiottrer agencies are involved in processing this application, they may have additional ror[ine uses. Additional Isformation: The requesting agency and/or the agency conducting the application investigation will provide you additional information pertinent to the specific circumstances of this application, which may include identificition of otherauthorities, purposes! uses, and consequences ofnot providing requested information. In addition, any such agency in the Fedcral Exccutive Branch has also pubtished notice in the Federal Register describing any system(sj of records in which that agency may also maintain your records, including the authorities, purposes, and routine uses for the system(s). I have read, understand and agree to the use ofinformation provided as detailed above. Signature AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION I hereby empower Wisconsin Al-Anon/Alateen, lnc. to obtain through the Criminal lnvestigation Bureau (ClB) a copy of my arrest records maintained by the Federal Bureau of lnvestigation and the Wisconsin Department of Justice associated to me pursuant to a search based on a fingerprint submittal within one Year of the date on this form. I also understand that federal law prohibits the sharing of this information with anyone other than the Area 61 Alateen Process Person (AAPP). the I also have the right to obtain a copy my criminal history records, if any, and the right to challenge accuracy and completeness of any information contained in the criminal history record when obtained other than by fingerprint. That is by name, social security number, etc. only. I understand I have a right to obtain a determinetion as to the validity of such challenge before final determination regarding associaticn with Wisconsin Al-Anon/Alateen, lnc- Full Name: {Signature} Current Address: {Number & Street) (City/state/Zip) Date: Revised 5-3-13 Angn Ar A1.1qtefru SpONSCIRSHtp RSCISTRATION FOnnA tslosl telosl Today's Date Previous l\a Add 7i State City Alternate Phone Phone Email Date of Birth Place of Bi {City, County, & State) s5# Sex: M*--F. District Race - Alateen group name & nurnber if established group: If not an established group, remember to Change Form (6R-3). #, fill out an Alateen Registration/GrouB Records Al-Anon group name & number if associated with Alateen group Provide the names cf two Al-Anon personal references that are not related to you. These references should be able to attest to your participation in the program, service experience, reliability, and dependability. Name Phone# Narne Applicant Sign *signing this form gives Area 51 permission to do a background check' Update your troup and AMIAS registrations by submitting thenr to the current Area 61- Alateen Process Person each year. NOTE: Groups that are not in cornpliance with Area Sl guidelines will not be registered with WSO and will not be listed in schedules, answering services, or Web Site. Any question regarding the registration of Alateen group or AMIAS guidelinesforms may be directed to Area 61's current Alateen Process Person. have reviewed this as District Representative for District l"{/LL DOCS-JtlNI{.docx \Aleb: www.area6:,afg,or8 Pgl of I : _ __ - _-rv-r Al-Anon Member av^vrrrErt/r, r.tl y frl y t/l.I In lnvolved tII Alateen rr.,.}l.,rt II lJl,l Service Service vlrLru It-, |I a L It is requked thatthis tarm be compteted by att At-Anon memfurs involved in servie to Alateen. (Plax Pdnt) First & Last Hame: Street Addrcss: City, State/Province: ZiplPostal Gode/Phone: e-mail: I gy_in- compliane wlth my arca's srltety and abtde bythem. bhaviont rqutrcments and agree to Date To the &€.st of my knowledge, the above AI-Anon membrrneefs the area's safety and bhavionl rqulrements. Authorized Area Signature Area# Please Pfint Name Belaw: Date to the wso annually that sch AhAnon memfur lnvolved in Alateen servle has met the area's safeti and behavioral rcqulrcrnents and has agreed to abide by them. wso Assigned it"igr"d lD tp Number: Nr* l WSO Each area must @rttfy ' For Area Use: riPre r.vw I I I Anne 61 AmrrEN SerrrY AND Busavtonqr RSQUIREMENTS lnformation may be found in the following Conference Approved Literature publications: . Guide for Sponsors of Alateen Groups (P-29) . . Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual - {P-24127\ Alateen Safety Guidelines 6-34 Additional information may be found in the following: r . r Area 61 Policy Manual Area 6L's Role of Sponsors Al-Anon Board Motion of December 2003 {WSO) WHo WIIT ARTR 61 RTcocNIzf, As (AMTAS)? AN AL-ANoN MEMBER IIUvOIVTO IN ALATEEN SERVICE A recognized Al-Anon Member lnvolved in Alateen Service (AMIAS) is a responsible adult member of Al-Anon who attends Al-Anon regularly and who shares his or her recovery experience gained through working the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts. He or she will have passed the Area 61's requirements for AMIAS. He/she helps the Alateens to focus on the Al-Anon prograrn. lt is in sharing recovery that we provide hope for the future. Requirements for Al-Anon Mgmbers lnvolved in Alateen Service 1. Every Al-Anon member {including, but not limited to Sponsors, substitute sponsors, transportation providers, etc.) involved in Alateen service must: a. b. c. Be an A[-Anon member regularly attending Al-Anon meetings. d" Not have been convicted of a felony, and not have been charged with child abuse or any other inappropriate sexual behavior, and not have demonstrated emotional problems which could result in harm to Alateen members. A child abuse and criminal records background check will be required for all adults involved in Alateen Service. Be at least 23 years old. Have at least two years in Al-Anon in addition to time spent in Alateen. 2. There must be at least one Alateen Sponsor at every Alateen meeting. Note: Although not currently a requirement by Area 51, we strongly suggest that each group have two sponsors. 3. The Area prahibits overt or covert sexual interaction between any adult and Alateen member. Area 4. Any conduct contrary to applicable State of Wisconsin or State of Michigan laws is strictly prohibited by Area 6L. 5. Area 61" requires procedures for Participating Minor lnformation and Permission Forms when applicable (See Area 61 Policy Manual for these forms.) The name sf Alateen can only be used with functions in perticipation with or in conjunction with the structure of Area 61 AlAnon Family Groups. 6l Al-Anon/Aiateen Policy Manual 2012 Edition www,erea6lafs,org Page 1 of2 - Revised 5112/20L3 l Process 1. Contact the District Representative (DR) to let them know of your desire to become an AlAnon Member lnvolved in Alateen Service and complete necessary forms: Area 61 Alateen Sponsorship Registration Form, Al-Anon Member lnvolved in Alateen Service, and Alateen Registration/Group Records Change Form (6R-3). Remember to have your DR sign your form. lf your District is not represented contact your Area Alateen Coordinator or the Area Alateen Process Person {AAPP). 2. Obtain one fingerprint card from the Area 61 AAPP. Go to your local law enforcement agency and have your fingerprints taken. Mail all forms and fingerprint cards to the AAPP. 3. Pass 4. Change the Alateen Registration/Group Record Change Form tGR3) if you are the group's regular sponsor. The AAPP will forward the forms to WSO to register or update the group. 5. The AAPP will contact you and your DR to let you know of your registration. 6. the background check. Update your group and sponsorship registrations, by submitting them to the current Area 61 AAPP each year by January 3L or date determined by WSO. NOTE: Groups that are not in compliance with Area Sl Guidelines will not be registered vuith WSO and will not be listed in schedules, answering services or Web Site. Area 61Al-Anon/Alateen Policy Manual 2012 Edition www.a rea6lafq.orq Page? of2 - Revised 5/L2/2013
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