Neurotrophic compounds from Indonesian Zingiberceae plant, BANGLE Miwa Kubo1, Megumi Nakai2, Kenichi Harada1, Nobuaki Matsui1, Masaaki Akagi1, Midori Suenaga1, Yoichi Matsunaga1, Yoshiyasu Fukuyama1 1Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokushima Bunri University, Tokushima, 770-8514, Japan; 2Department of Pharmacy, Kochi Medical Graduate School, Nankoku, Kochi 783-8505, Japan; As part of our efforts to discover natural products with neurotrophic properties, we investigated the MeOH extract of the root of BANGLE (Zingiber purpurenum) that exhibited neuritogenesis activity in PC12 cells at 25 μg/mL, resulting in the isolation of neurotrophic phenylbutenoid dimers 1 and 2, and 3 – 5 as new compounds. Compounds 3 and 4 are the first example of curcumin coupled with phenylbutenoid. Compounds 1 and 2 found not only to significantly induce neurite sprouting of PC12 cells, but also to increase the neurite length and number of neurites in primary cultured rat cortical neurons, and also showed protective activity against cell death caused by deprivation of serum. Furthermore, chronic treatment of these compounds enhanced hippocampal neurogenesis in dementia model OBX mice. Compounds 3 and 4 had s i g n i fi c a n t N G F - p o t e n t i a t i n g e f f e c t s o n P C 1 2 c e l l s . A d d i t i o n a l l y, c o m p o u n d 3 a c c e l e r a t e d t h e p r e v e n t i o n o f A β 4 2 a g g r e g a t i o n . N. Matui, Y. Kido, H. Okada, M. Kubo, M. Nakai, N. Fukuishi, Y. Fukuyama, M. Akagi, Neuroscience Letters, 513 (1), 72-77 (2012). Effects of Neurotrophins Differentiation Extract Neuronal Maturation Ageing Death Astrocyte Neurons Oligodendrocyte NMR spectrum (600 MHz, C6D6) of 3 1H + - + ++ - O 3 1 H 7 11 4'' 8'' 6'' OMe OH OH 2 4 OMe OMe Cassumunarin A (4) 1 23.0 A 69.7 6 43.8 H [α]D = + 0 (c 0.1, MeOH) IR ν max : 3389 (OH), 1658 (C=O), 1579 (arom.) cm-1 UV λ max (log ε) : 359 (2.65), 287 (3.87), 259 (3.92) nm FAB-MS : m/z 609[M+K]+ HR-FAB-MS : found 609.1819 calcd 609.1819 for C34H34O8K B OCH3-8'' OCH3-8' H-2' (d, J = 15.4) H-2'' (d, J = 15.5) H-12 H-8 H-9' H-11 H-9'' 9 149.3 11 OCH3-9 OCH3-10 149.3 H-6 H-3 15 HO HO CHO 16 MeO OH O MeO OH HO MeO 18: R=OH 19: R=OMe 17 20 : R=OH 21 : R=OMe 22 23 24 OMe O OH OH OMe OH MeO OH O OMe MeO O O S-CoA HO O S-CoA O HO CoASH 110.6 111.1 8'' 127.2 3'' 146.9 O Screening R S-CoA O O R MeO R CO2 R 2 Column : 10 × 250mm COSMOSIL 5C18-AR-II" Mobile phase : MeOH : H2O = 83 : 17 Flow rate : 2.0 mL/min, Detector : UV 254nm Injection volume : 3µL (4 mg/mL) OMe R OMe 1 OMe OH H H-H COSY HMBC R= OMe O 5 OH 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 time (min) OMe OH OMe OH OMe OMe OMe O OMe 12%! OH OH O OH OMe Comparison of HPLC Chromatograms between MeOH Extract and Compound 1 OMe O c OMe OMe 1 R Curcumin OMe OMe OH H2O OCH3 OCH3 NGF-like compounds from BANGLE MeO O R O b OH 7'' OCH3 OMe 28 27 O OMe 122.8 5'' 26 OMe R 8' O a CoASH O R 146.9 R CO2 malonyl-CoA OH 7' OMe 25 µg/mL Plausible biosynthesis of compound 3# 123.8 143.4 OMe 25 O OMe OMe OMe OMe Ctrl# ( 0.5% EtOH )# OCH3 H-3' (d, J = 15.4) RO OH MeO OMe C 121.1 D H MeO MeO HO 13 : R = Me 14 : R = H OMe 144.7 3' 127.1 195.2 O MeO MeO MeO MeO CHO RO O H 115.2 122.9 10 MeO OMe 5' O 7 132.5 OMe OH 119.1 1'' O HO 11 : R = Me 12 : R = H O OH * * 196.1 1 MeO RO MeO 6 5 MeO OMe + H O O O OMe OMe 3: R =H 4 : R = OMe MeO MeO OMe OMe R 9 MeO MeO OH OMe 2 : R = OMe 8 : R = OH MeO MeO OMe O OMe R OMe feruloyl-CoA OH OMe OMe 1 : R = OMe 7 : R = OH Absence of NGF R OMe O R H MeO OMe OMe Cassumunarin A# δC = 43.6 ppm# OH OMe OMe 3 H-5 H-4 MeO OMe OMe H-3'' (d, J = 15.5) OMe NGF-like Activity of BANGLE # in PC12 Cells # HMBC correlation of 3 OH 9' 3'' O 9 7' 5' 3' 1' 1'' OH OH O O 5 Compounds isolated from BANGLE This plant is used as a spice and also used for traditional Indonesian medicine ʻjamuʼ. Purpose : Fever, Headache, Stomach pain, Rheumatism, Obesity The ingredients of herbal medicine in women after childbirth. etc…# result CABE JAWA LEMPUYANG DELINGO BANGLE MAHONI TEMU HITAM KUNIT MANGGA GAMBIR JAMBU BOL JEDAM SAHAMBUNTIT PUPUK POLAJADI CEPLE SARI Mangosteen Delima precursor cells Development BANGLE (Zingiber purpureum) Screening of Indonesian Food Plant Extract by PC12 Cells# Neurotrophins (NGF, BDNF, NT-3, NT-4/5 ) Neuronal stem cells Cassumunarin A OMe 3 1 MeO (10 mM) OMe H-2 OMe OMe 19 1 1) Tom J. Mabry, Tetrahedron Lett., 35, 981-984 (1994).! 5 A B 70 ** 60 RFU! Compound 4! 60! 500! 0! 0! 1! 5! 2000! 10! 1500! 50! 100! 1! 5! 10! 50! 500! 0! 475! 100! 495! 515! 535! 555! 575! 0! 475! 595! 495! 515! 535! 555! 575! 595! Concentration (uM)! Reduction in β-sheet formation by compounds 1 and 3. (A): Percentage change of β-sheet. (B) or (C): Relative fluorescence units (RFU) of thioflavin T. Aβ42 (12 μM) in PBS were incubated with compounds 1 and 3 at the indicated concentrations (0, 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 μM) at 36°C for 1 h. The samples were diluted 10-fold and incubated with 5 μM ThT for 30 min at 4°C. Fluorescence intensity was measured with excitation at 440 nm, and emission at 475- 650 nm using a spectrophotometric plate. β-sheet formation was detected as a peak at 490 nm. 20 10 3 (3 µM) 2500! 1000! 20! ** NGF 1 (2ng/mL) (30 µM) 3000! 2000! 1000! 0! 30 2500! 1500! 40! 40 3 (3 µM) 3 1 3500! Compound 1! 80! ** 50 4000! 3000! !"#$ % of beta-sheet! 80 0 time (min) Compound 41 4500! Compound 13 100! ** 90 1 (30 µM) 30 35 40 C 3500! 100 NGF 2ng/mL 15 20 25 4000! 120! control 10 Reduction in β-sheet formation by compounds 1 and 3. Neurite Outgrowth of PC12 Cells Promoted by 3# 4 (3 µM) 4 (10 µM) 4 (10 µM) 4 (3 µM) Neurotrophic Effects of 1 and 2 in Cultured Cells Neurodifferentiation of PC12 Cells by 1 and 2# Control (0.5 % EtOH) Neurite Outgrowth of Cultured Rat Cortical Neurons Promoted by 1 and 2 1 (30µM) NGF (10ng/mL) Control (0.5 % EtOH) 2 (30µM) 1 (3 µM) bFGF (10ng/mL) Neurite length PC12 cells were cultured in 24-well plates in DMEM + 10% HS and 5% FBS for 24 h at a density of 2x103 cells/cm2, and then medium was changed to DMEM + 2% HS and 1% FBS containing 1 and 2. After 4 days cells with neurites were counted.# 2 (3 µM) Neurite number Viability MeO OMe 300 ## 60 40 ## 40 ## 20 0 C 20 NGF 10 30 10ng/mL Comp.1 (µM) 0 C 50.0 50 54.4 53.1 40 33.1 30 20 7.0 194.9 ** 172.2 170.3 157.9 150 100 50 0 0.4 ctrl 0.5% EtOH 0.4 NGF 10 ng/mL 3 1.2 10 0.5 20 30 40 (+)-19 (+)-11 ( (µM) µM ) 3 2.5 10 1.3 20 0 30 40 (-)-19 (-)-1 ( (µM) µM ) ctrl bFGF 0.5% 10 ng/ EtOH mL 0.03 0.3 3 19 1 ((µM) µM ) 0.03 0.3 20 2 ((µM) µM ) 3 0.03 0.3 3 0.03 0.3 (+)-19 (+)-1 ((µM) µM ) (-)-19 (-)-1 ((µM) µM ) 3 5.0 6.6 ** 6.2 ** 6.0 161.6 8.3 10 NGF 10 30 10ng/mL Comp.2 (µM) 199.9 ** 182.6 185.4 * * 195.9 ** 200 8.0 6.8 ** 5.7 ** 5.2 5.9 ** 4.9 4.7 4.0 350 194 ** 200 150 110 113 109 112 97 100 250 188 178 185 200 129 150 3.0 146 125 150 159 MeO 100 2.0 OMe 100 50 OMe 50 1.0 0.0 ctrl 0.5% EtOH bFGF 10 ng/mL 0.03 0.3 3 0.03 19 1 ( (µM) µM ) 0.3 20 2 ( (µM) µM ) 3 OMe 250 132 * 100 OMe 1 342 ** 300 188 ** 158 ** Viability ( % ) ## 60 229.5 ** Viability ( % ) ## 60 68.4 70 231.5 ** 223.0 ** Average of neurite number 80 250 230.1 ** 250 Average of neurite length ( µm ) 80 80 Percentage of cells with neurites ( % ) % cells with neurites Neuritogenesis 254.4 ** 0 ctrl bFGF 0.03 0.3 3 30 0.5% 10 ng/ EtOH mL 19 1 ( (µM) µM ) 0.03 0.3 3 20 2 ((µM) µM ) 30 0 2 ctrl bFGF 0.03 0.3 3 30 0.5% 10 ng/ EtOH mL (+)-19 (+)-1 ((µM) µM ) 0.03 0.3 3 OMe 30 (-)-19 (-)-1 ( µM ) (µM) Neurogenesis Effects of 1 and 2 in OBX Mice Neurogenesis of Phenylbutenoid Dimers in OBX Mice Protocols memory impairment deppression Olfactory Bulbectomized (OBX )Mice Brain immunohistochemistry neurodegenerative model mice olfactory bulb MeO OBX Animals ddY (8W) MeO OMe OMe OMe OMe 1 H N Schedule 0 7 14 21 28 day OMe OMe 2 H Double-labeled for NeuN and BrdU BrdU(green) Merged (yellow) O CF3 Fluoxetine SSRI BrdU (50mg/kg I.p.) Brain Comp.1 Comp.2 400 300 200 100 0 ng / tissue Plasma 500 sham OBX OBX! Veh. (i.p.) IHC : Immunohistochemistry NeuN: Neuron specific nuclear protein BrdU: 5-Bromo-2 -deoxyuridine The concentration of 1 and 2 in plasma and brains of mice after oral administration 600 non IHC (BrdU / NeuN) Comp.1 (50mg/kg/day p.o.) Comp.2 (50mg/kg/day p.o.) fluoxetine (10mg/kg/day i.p.) ng / mL NeuN(red) Quantitative analysis of the number of BrdU and NeuN coexpressing cells. Confocal laserscanning microscope SSRI : Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors OBX Confocal microscopy images of double staining for BrdU and NeuN in DG regions of the hippocampus. hippocampal 600 Comp.1 500 Comp.2 400 BrdU NeuN Merged OBX! FLU. (i.p.) 300 OBX! Veh. (p.o.) OBX! 1 (p.o.) OBX! 2 (p.o.) 200 100 0.5 1 2 time (hr) 24 0 0.5 1 2 time (hr) 24 Compounds 1 and 2 were administrated orally to the mice. The mice were sacrificed at various time points, and blood and brain tissue were collected. The concentrations of 1 and 2 in plasma and brain tissue were analyzed by HPLC/MS. Acknowledgement# We would like to thank Shinya Hosoda and Eishin Kato (Hosoda SHC Co., Ltd) for their assistance. "
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