2013-2014 Entomology Graduate Student Accomplishments

Graduate Student Accomplishments Summer/Fall 2013 – Spring/Summer 2014 Joni Blount Honors, Awards, Scholarships •  Oral CompeAAon PhD-­‐ 2nd Place; Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America •  Oral CompeAAon PhD-­‐ 2nd Place; Georgia Entomological Society •  Dow AgroSciences Xxpire™ InsecAcide Entomology Training; Group Leader, June 18, 2014 Publica5on •  Gardner WA, Blount JL, Golec JR, Jones WA, Hu XP, Talamas EJ, Evans RM, Dong XL, Ray CH, BunAn GD, Gerardo NM, Couret J. 2013. Discovery of Paratelenomus saccharalis (Dodd) (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae), an egg parasitoid of Megacopta cribraria F. (Hemiptera: Plataspidae) in its expanded North American range. Journal of Entomol Sci 48(4): 355. Jayce Brandt President, H.O. Lund Entomology Club, 2013-­‐2014 Par5cipa5on at professional mee5ngs: •  Entomological Society of America, November 9-­‐14, 2013, AusAn, TX, “Effects of infecAon by bacteriophages APSE-­‐2 and APSE-­‐3 on the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) bacterial symbiont Hamiltonella defensa” Jayce Brandt, Michael Strand, Kerry Oliver Par5cipa5on at professional mee5ngs •  UC Davis BioinformaAcs training for Galaxy (June 2014) Publica5on Pablo Chialvo • 
Scod CH, Zaspel J, Chialvo P, Weller SJ. 2013. A preliminary molecular phylogeneAc assessment of the lichen moths (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: ArcAinae: Lithosiini) with comments on palatability and chemical sequestraAon. SystemaAc Entomology 39(2): 286-­‐303. Kerri Coon Teaching • 
Symbiosis and Ecological RelaAonships in Nature. FYOS1001, University of Georgia. Co-­‐taught with Dr. Michael Strand Honors Awards or Scholarships • 
University of Georgia InnovaAve and Interdisciplinary Research Grant ($1,000) • 
Honorable MenAon, Microphotography, Ag and Art Contest, CAES, UGA • 
1st place, H.O. Lund Oral Paper CompeAAon, Entomology, UGA ($250) Coon KL, Vogel KJ, Brown MR, Strand MR. ‘Gut microbial diversity and funcAon in mosquitoes.’ • 
2nd place, E. Broadus Browne Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Research and CommunicaAon, CAES, UGA ($1,000) Coon KL. ‘Transstadial transmission of gut bacteria essenAal for development of Aedes aegyp: and other vector mosquito species.’ • 
2nd place, Oral Ten-­‐Minute Paper Student CompeAAon, ESA Annual MeeAng ($50) • 
First Year Odyssey Program, UGA ($3,500) Par5cipa5on at professional mee5ngs • 
Molecular Parasitology and Vector Biology Symposium, Athens, GA. Coon KL, Vogel KJ, Brown MR, Strand MR. ‘Gut microbial diversity and funcAon in mosquitoes.’ (Poster) • 
Entomological Society of America, AusAn, TX. Coon KL, Vogel KJ, Strand MR. ‘Gut microbial diversity and funcAon in mosquitoes.’ (Oral presentaAon) • 
REU Closing Symposium, Athens, GA. Knight VR, Coon KL, Vogel KJ, Strand MR. ‘Influence of larval aquaAc habitat on the growth and development of the mosquito Aedes aegyp:.’ (Poster) Outreach • 
2012 – present. Entomological Society of America -­‐ Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology Sec:on Representa:ve, Student Affairs Commidee (SAC) (Discipline Specialty – Microbiology) • 
Coon KL, Vogel KJ, Brown MR, Strand MR. 2014. Mosquitoes rely on their gut microbiota for development. Molecular Ecology 23(11):
2727-­‐2739 Conor Fair Outreach •  Dow Chemical Employee EducaAon, Griffin, GA, 60 parAcipants Bethany Harris Par5cipa5on at Professional Mee5ngs •  Harris, B. & Braman, K. (March 2014). Are All Plants Equal? Insect Visita:on in a Conserva:on Garden. Oral presentaAon at Turf and Ornamental Symposium at the Entomological Society of America Southeastern Branch MeeAng, Greenville, SC •  Harris, B. & Braman, K. (April 2014). Insect-­‐Related AKtudes: Understanding How the Public Perceives “Bugs”. Poster presented during Annual Georgia Entomological Society MeeAng, Valdosta, GA Outreach •  Young Scholar’s Program Mentor Assistant, UGA Griffin Campus -­‐ mentored high school students for research in the lab, greenhouse, and field to complete a project Courtney Holt Honors or Awards •  2nd place, Oral Paper CompeAAon, Lund Week, UGA, $100 •  Beckham Award, 1st place, Ph.D. Oral Paper CompeAAon, Georgia Entomological Society, Valdosta, GA, $100 – Oral PresentaAon: “Impacts of annual flow variaAon on the aquaAc macroinvertebrate community of the Chadahoochee River.” Authors: C.R. Holt, D. Pfitzer, C. Scalley, B.A. Caldwell, and D.P. Batzer •  UGA Graduate School Travel Grant, $500 •  Society of Wetland ScienAsts, South AtlanAc Chapter Travel Grant, $500 Publica5on •  Holt, C.R., D. Pfitzer, C. Scalley, and B.A. Caldwell. In press. Macroinvertebrate community responses to annual flow variaAon from river regulaAon: an 11-­‐year study. River Research and ApplicaAons. Brad HounkpaA Honors, Awards or Scholarships •  West African Research AssociaAon Travel Grant and the Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP) Award to do field work in four West African countries (Benin, Ghana, Niger, and Togo) to catalog West African lady beetles and develop databases Par5cipa5on at professional mee5ngs •  K. HounkpaA, J A. Forrester, and Joseph V. McHugh. InteracAve Lucid key to the world species of Noviini (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera). Ph.D Student Paper CompeAAon. Georgia Entomological Society, Valdosta, GA •  HounkpaA, K., G. Goergen, and J. McHugh. Anomala denuda and A. plebeja (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae): two poorly known species of shining leaf chafers in Southern Togo (West Africa). SOLA Scarab workers Symposium, Entomological Society of America, AusAn, TX Ian Knight Honors, Awards or Scholarships •  2nd place, MS Student Oral PresentaAon at Georgia Entomological Society. Knight, LA., Culbreath, A., and M. Toews. Cultural pracAces to reduce thrips densiAes and disease transmission in peanut •  Nominated by Entomology for The E. Broadus Browne Research Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Research •  1st place, MS Student Oral PresentaAon CompeAAon,PotenAal for managing thrips in seeding codon using parAcle films. Southeastern Branch ESA Par5cipa5on at professional mee5ngs •  Knight, LA. Rains, G. and M. Toews. Cultural pracAces to decrease thrips densiAes in codon producAon systems. Beltwide Codon Conference, New Orleans, LA •  Knight, I.A., Culbreath, A., and M. Toews. Cultural pracAces to decrease thrips densiAes in codon and peanut producAon systems. Student PresentaAon, ESA, AusAn, TX Bryana Libby Honors, Awards, or Scholarships •  Excellence in graduate recruitment award, UGA Graduate School $3,000 Brian Lidle Honors, Awards or Scholarships •  Georgia Entomological Society M.S. Scholarship •  T.L. Bissell Award, First place B.S./M.S Student Paper CompeAAon, Lidle, Brian A. and M.D. Toews. Efficacy of Selected Classes of InsecAcide for Managing SAnk (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Georgia Codon. Georgia Entomological Society •  T.S. Hall Memorial M.S. Student Award, Honorable MenAon, Lidle, Brian A. and M.D. Toews. A Comparison of Organophosphates, Pyrethroids, and NeonicoAnoids for Managing SAnk Bugs in Codon. Beltwide Codon Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana •  UGA Tiuon Campus Photo Contest Winner, Outreach AcAvity •  3rd place, Lidle, Brian A., J.M. Moore, T.W. Phillips, M.D. Toews, and F.F. Turpin. Management of Cigarede Beetle PopulaAons within Tobacco Receiving StaAons by Using MaAng DisrupAon Techniques. (Poster) Georgia AssociaAon of County Agricultural Agents MeeAng 2013, Buford, GA Par5cipa5on at professional mee5ngs •  Lidle, Brian A., J. M. Moore, F. S. Turpin, T. W. Phillips and M. D. Toews. MiAgaAon of cigarede beetle infestaAon at tobacco receiving staAons. Tobacco Workers’ Conference, Pinehurst, North Carolina •  Lidle, Brian A. and M.D. Toews. A Comparison of Organophosphates, Pyrethroids, and NeonicoAnoids for Managing SAnk Bugs in Codon. Presented at the Annual MeeAng of the Entomological Society of America at AusAn, Texas, Nov 10-­‐13, 2013 Outreach: U.S.A. Science and Engineering FesAval, in D.C. Planet Invertebrata Adam MarAnez Honors, Awards, or Scholarships •  1st place: ESA Southeastern Branch PhD Student, oral paper compeAAon. MarAnez AJ, Oliver KM. 2014. Variability in aphid suscepAbility to a parasitoid, $500 Publica5ons •  MarAnez, AJ, Weldon SR, and Oliver KM. 2014. Effects of parasiAsm on aphid nutriAonal and protecAve symbioses. Molecular ecology. 23:1594-­‐1607. •  MarAnez AJ, Rider SG, Doremus MR, Russell JA, Oliver KM. 2014. Aphid-­‐encoded variability in suscepAbility to a parasitoid. BMC Evolu:onary Biology. Accepted for publicaAon. Melissa Madee Honors, Awards, or Scholarships •  President’s Prize, Poster: “Specific signal pathway inhibiAon via oral dosage delays egg maturaAon in Aedes aegyp:” Melissa Madee, Michael Strand, Mark Brown. Entomological Society of America, $175 •  H. O. Lund Club Lund Week, Poster Session, 2nd place $100 Tommy McElrath Honors, Awards, or Scholarships •  1st place -­‐ Student TMP CompeAAon McElrath TC, JA Robertson, J Osborn, KB Miller, MF WhiAng & JV McHugh. A molecular phylogeneAc analysis of the basal Cucujoidea, with special consideraAon of the Cucujidae sensu lato (Coleoptera:Cucujiformia). ESA SysEB, $175 •  Ernst Mayr Travel Grant in Animal SystemaAcs -­‐ Museum of ComparaAve Zoology -­‐ $1460 b) CanaColl FoundaAon Travel Grant -­‐ Canadian NaAonal CollecAon of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes , $170 •  Research Travel Grant -­‐ H.H. Ross Memorial Fund, UGA, $450 •  Travel Grant -­‐ UGA Graduate School, $500 Par5cipa5on at professional mee5ngs •  Entomological Society of America, AusAn, TX •  McElrath TC, OF Boyd, JV McHugh. 2013. MonotomID -­‐ an interacAve key on a Aght budget -­‐ InteracAve Keys Transforming IdenAficaAon: Melding TradiAonal Methods with New Technologies Symposium •  ORGANIZER: SysEB -­‐ SecAon Symposium: InteracAve Keys Transforming IdenAficaAon: Melding TradiAonal Methods with New Technologies •  Team captain, UGA Linnaean Games Team Nancy Miorelli Honors, Awards, or Scholarship •  Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award and nominated for Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Georgia CTL Par5cipa5on at professional mee5ngs •  ESA November 2014, AusAn TX, Invited Talk “Is Online EducaAon Really So Distant?” Nancy Miorelli, Dr. Marianne Shockley •  ESA Southeastern Branch, March 2014, Greenville SC, Poster, “Is Online EducaAon Really So Distant?” Nancy Miorelli, Dr. Marianne Shockley Bred Nolan Par5cipa5on at professional mee5ngs •  ESA Southeastern Branch MeeAng; competed in Linnaean Games Outreach •  Five presentaAons at 2014 Young Harris Beekeeping InsAtute •  Talk about bees (Beer & Bees/Terrapin Brewery) and demonstraAon with observaAon hive, April 2014 Anita Shrestha Honors, Awards, or Scholarships •  Thrips-­‐Tospovirus EducaAonal Network Mentor RotaAon Fellowship, $4000 •  SApend of $500 for serving as a mentor for Thrips-­‐Tospovirus EducaAonal Network •  Outstanding PhD Student Award, Georgia Entomological Society, Valdosta, GA, $500 •  3rd place PhD Student Paper compeAAon, Comparison of TSWV-­‐
infected and non-­‐infected Frankliniella fusca transcriptomes •  virus. Georgia Entomological Society, Valdosta GA, $50 Par5cipa5on at professional mee5ngs •  Entomological society of America, AusAn, TX -­‐Comparison of transcriptot:nes of vector and non-­‐vector thrips species of Tomato spoded wilt Outreach •  Mentor for "Thrips-­‐Tospovirus EducaAonal Network" outreach program •  Mentor for Young Scholar program, UGA, Tiuon, GA •  Judge for Regional Science Fair at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Tiuon, GA Publica5ons •  Srinivasan, R., D. Riley, S. Diffie, and A. Shrestha. 2014. Winter weeds as inoculum sources of Tomato spoSed wilt virus and as reservoirs for its vector, Franklinie/la fusca in fannscapes of Georgia. Environ. Elizabeth “Liz” Studer Honors, Awards, or Scholarships •  Outstanding TA Biological Sciences, UGA •  Center for Teaching and Learning Assistantship to design and teach new Entomology for Teachers Course-­‐ Graduate ssistantship •  Acceptance into Future Faculty Program (top 1% of UGA Outstanding TA Award Recipients) Par5cipa5on or aJendance at professional mee5ngs •  Entomological Society of America: Southeastern Branch MeeAng. Feb 2014. Historical Study of Tiger Beetle DistribuAons in Georgia. Liz Studer and Joseph McHugh. Outreach •  UGA MAREX Coastal Ecology Summer Camps – teach K-­‐12 summer camps
about coastal invertebrates Alice Sutcliffe Honors, Awards, or Scholarships •  Dean’s Award for InternaAonal Study ($1000) Par5cipa5on at professional mee5ngs •  InternaAonal Society of Vector Ecology Congress Stephanie Weldon Honors, Awards, or Scholarships •  UGA Graduate School DissertaAon CompleAon Award $12,900 assistantship for the 2014-­‐2015 academic year •  USDA AFRI Student Travel Grant $500 travel grant from USDA-­‐NIFA’s Agriculture and Food Research IniAaAve Program on Plant-­‐ Associated Insects and Nematodes Publica5ons •  Dykstra H, Weldon S, MarAnez A, White J, Hopper K, Heimpel G, Asplen M, Oliver K. (In press) Factors limiAng the spread of the protecAve symbiont Hamiltonella defensa in the aphid Aphis craccivora. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. •  Weldon S, Oliver K. (In press) Bacteriophage dynamics in heritable symbioses. In Hurst C (Ed.), The mechanisAc benefits of microbial symbionts. Springer. •  MarAnez A, Weldon S, Oliver K. (2014) Effects of parasiAsm on aphid nutriAonal and protecAve symbioses. Molecular Ecology 23: 1594-­‐1607.