Pricelist 06/2014 - GBIC + Mini-GBIC/SFP + XENPAK/XFP + SFPP März Network Services GmbH André Malige Blümnerstr. 16 D-04229 Leipzig Tel. +49-341-4781993 Fax +49-341-4781995 [email protected] Germany / EU Discount-Price in Euro Product-number Export Discount-Price in US$ 10-Gigabit-Ethernet-Interface-Module (XENPAK - OEM) - compatibly to 10GBASE-SR (Short Reach XENPAK 10GbE 850nm, MMF (33/66m), SC) 10GBASE-LR (Long Reach XENPAK 10GbE 1310nm, SMF (10Km), SC) 10GBASE-ER (Extended Reach 10GbE 1550nm, SMF (40Km), SC) 10GBASE-LX4 (XENPAK 10GbE 1310nm, SMF (10Km), MMF (240/300m), SC) 650 € 600 € 800 € 700 € $845 $780 $1.040 $910 10-Gigabit-Ethernet-Interface-Module (XFP - OEM) - compatibly to 10GBASE-SR-XFP (Short Reach XFP 10GbE 850nm, MMF (33/66m), LC) 10GBASE-LR-XFP (Long Reach XFP 10GbE 1310nm, SMF (10Km), LC) 10GBASE-ER-XFP (Extended Reach XFP 10GbE 1550nm, SMF (40Km), LC) 10GBASE-ZR-XFP (Extended Reach XFP 10GbE 1550nm, SMF (80Km), LC) 280 € 550 € 1.500 € 2.100 € $364 $715 $1.950 $2.730 10-Gigabit-Ethernet-Interface-Module (SFPP - OEM) - compatibly to 10GBASE-SR-SFPP (Short Reach SFPP 10GbE 850nm, MMF (33/66m), LC) 10GBASE-LR-SFPP (Long Reach SFPP 10GbE 1310nm, SMF (10Km), LC) 10GBASE-LRM-SFPP (Long Reach SFPP 10GbE 1310nm, MMF (220 m), LC) 10GBASE-ER-SFPP (Extended Reach SFPP 10GbE 1550nm, SMF (40Km), LC) 10GBASE-ZR-SFPP (Extended Reach SFPP 10GbE 1550nm, SMF (80Km), LC) 10GBASE-C01-SFPP (Copper SFPP 10GbE , RJ45) 280 € 550 € 550 € 1.500 € 2.100 € 90 € $364 $715 $715 $1.950 $2.730 $117 3COM 3CGBIC91 Agilent HFBR-5601 20 € $26 3COM 3CGBIC92 Agilent HFBR-5611 30 € $39 3COM 3CGBIC93A Extreme 10018 / Foundry E1G-TX 30 € $39 3COM 3CGBIC97 Extreme 10017 / Foundry E1G-LHA 150 € $195 110 € $143 23 € $30 23 € $30 3COM 3CSFP92 Finisar FTRJ-1319 Foundry E1MG-LX 33 € $43 3COM 3CSFP93 Foundry E1MG-TX 55 € $72 3COM 3CSPF97 Finisar FTRJ-1519 160 € $208 110 € $143 45 € $59 50 € $65 GBICs 1000BaseSX/SC (OEM) - compatibly to Cisco WS-G5484 Nortel AA1419001 Extreme 10011 Enterasys GPIM-01 Allied Telesis AT-G8SX Foundry E1G-SX GBICs 1000BaseLX/SC (OEM) - compatibly to Cisco WS-G5486 Nortel AA1419002 Extreme 10013 Enterasys GPIM-09 Allied Telesis AT-G8LX10 Foundry E1G-LX GBICs 1000BaseTX/RJ45 (OEM) - compatibly to Cisco WS-G5483 Nortel AA1419042 Enterasys GPIM-02 Allied Telesis AT-G8T GBICs 1000BaseZX/SC (OEM) - compatibly to Cisco WS-G5487 Nortel AA1419004 Enterasys GPIM-08 Allied Telesis AT-G8LX70 GBICs 1000BaseSX+/SC (OEM) - Multimode-Fiber up to 2 km - compatibly to Enterasys GPIM-03 Mini-GBICs / SFPs 1000BaseSX/LC (OEM) - compatibly to Cisco GLC-SX-MM Nortel AA1419013 Extreme 10051 Enterasys MGBIC-LC01 Allied Telesis AT-SPSX HP J4858A/J4858B/J4858C 3COM 3CSFP91 Finisar FTRJ-8519 Foundry E1MG-SX Mini-GBICs / SFPs 1000BaseSX/MTRJ (OEM) - compatibly to Enterasys MGBIC-MT01 Nortel AA1419014 Mini-GBICs / SFPs 1000BaseLX/LC (OEM) - compatibly to Cisco GLC-LH-SM Nortel AA1419015 Extreme 10052 Enterasys MGBIC-LC09 Allied Telesis AT-SPLX10 HP J4859A/J4859B/J4859C Mini-GBICs / SFPs 1000BaseTX/RJ45 (OEM) - compatibly to Cisco GLC-T Nortel AA1419043 Enterasys MGBIC-02 Allied Telesis AT-SPTX Mini-GBICs / SFPs 1000BaseZX/LC (OEM) - compatibly to Cisco GLC-ZX-SM Extreme 10053 HP J4860B Enterasys MGBIC-08 Allied Telesis AT-SPLX70 Foundry E1MG-LHA Mini-GBICs / SFPs 1000BaseSX+/LC (OEM) - Multimode-Fiber up to 2 km - compatibly to Enterasys MGBIC-LC03 Allied Telesis AT-SPEX Mini-GBICs / SFPs 100BaseFX/LC (OEM) - Multimode-Fiber up to 2 km - compatibly to Cisco GLC-FE-100FX Enterasys MGBIC-LC04 Allied Telesis AT-SPFX/2 Mini-GBICs / SFPs 100BaseLX/LC (OEM) - Singlemode-Fiber up to 10 km - compatibly to Cisco GLC-FE-100LX Enterasys MGBIC-LC05 Allied Telesis AT-SPFX/15 Alle genannten Produkte sind sofort ab Lager lieferbar. Es handelt sich hierbei größtenteils um Demo- oder Gebrauchtgeräte (teilweise auch Neugeräte/ originalverpackt), voll funktionsfähig mit 12 Monaten Gewährleistung. Preise ab Lager, zzgl. 19 % MwSt, Zahlungsziel 10 Tage netto. Das Angebot erfolgt freibleibend solange Vorrat reicht. Von einigen Angeboten sind mehrere Stück vorhanden, größtenteils aber nur jeweils ein Exemplar / eine Konfiguration. All products mentioned are immediately available from stock. It concerns here to a large extent demo or using devices (partly also new equipment/ originallypacked), fully functionally with 12 months warranty. Prices from stock, excl. VAT, date of payment 10 days net. The offer effected supply is enough not-binding so long. From some offers several piece available, to a large extent however only in each case a copy / a configuration is. Other offers:
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