CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Dr. Thomas Straub Professor of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship School of Management Fribourg University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland Director DAS & CAS - Management for Non Profit Organizations Executive Program GSEM, University of Geneva, Switzerland Personal details: 10 Rue Louis de Montfalcon Phone: +41-79 291 9767 CH-1227 Geneva (Carouge) Email: [email protected] Switzerland Born March 28, 1973 in Herrenberg/Germany German citizen, Swiss C Permit Relevant Competencies and experiences: Professor in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at School of Management Fribourg International teaching experience at all levels (Bachelor, Master of Science and Executive level) Author of several books and peer reviewed articles on Strategic Management and Business Administration Founder & Co-Director of Executive Programs (CAS & DAS) at GSEM, University of Geneva Expert & Project leader of International third party financed Research and Development projects (e.g. Project funded by: e.g. Swiss National Research Fund (SNF) - in Romania; Swiss Development Agency (SDC) - in Mongolia, French Ministry of Justice, Multinational Companies) Member of the Executive and Scientific Board of NPOs and Executive Programs Strong local and international Network Cultural awareness Fluent in English and French; Mother tongue German, basic Spanish PhD in Economic and Social Sciences, with a special focus on Management Main Appointments : University of Applied Science Western Switzerland (HES-SO) School of Management Fribourg Professor of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship - Since 2012 Member of the Pedagocial Board of the Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) “Formations à la direction des Insitution Educatives, Sociales et Socio-Sanitaires”, HETSGenève, HES-SO - Since 2012 Director of the modules “Management opérationelle” and “Management Stratégique” of the Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) “Formations à la direction des Insitution Educatives, Sociales et Socio-Sanitaires”, HETS-Genève, HES-SO - Since 2013 Elected Member of the Academic Executive Board (Comité R&D) Since 10/08 Fribourg, Switzerland University of Geneva, GSEM GSEM – Geneva School of Economics and Management - Since 2009 Chargé de Cours suppléant (Master, Bachelor and Executive Program/MBA) - Since 2013 Co-Director, DAS “Gestion et Management pour Organismes Sans But Lucratif” and other related programs (e.g. Ateliers) - Since 2010 Founder & Co-Director, CAS “Modern Management for Non Profit Organizations” - Since 2014 Member of the Scientific Board, CAS-DAS “CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility” Since 10/09 Geneva, Switzerland University of Bucharest, Department of UNESCO Associate Professor of Corporate Strategy and Entrepreneurship - Since 2013 President of the International Scientific Committee of the MBA Program Since 10/09 Bucharest, Rumania Bern University of Applied Sciences Section Business Professor of Leadership and Organization - 2007-2008 Director of the Center for Corpoprate and Business Development - 2007-2008 Director of the Research Field Idividual and Organizational Development 10/05 - 09/08 Bern, Switzerland University of Geneva (HEC) Faculty for Economic and Social Science, Insitute for Management Chair of Strategic Management, Prof. Dr. Dr. Jarillo Research and Teaching Assistant - 2003 – 2005 Delegate to the Participative Faculty Council - 2003 – 2005 Delegate to the Council of Professors 03/00 - 02/06 Geneva, Switzerland Other Appointments: Since 04/12 Geneva, Switzerland Since 08/10 Lille, France 2010 Luxembourg 10/09 – 10/10 Geneva, Switzerland Since 05/09 Lausanne, Switzerland Thomas Straub – CV Executive Program MAS "Strategic Development and Management of Humanitarian Action" CERAH - Centre for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action ; In partnership with The Graduate Insitute and University of Geneva - Associate lecturer - Member of the Scientific Board - CAS “Designing Strategies and Projects for Humanitarian Action” EDHEC Business School Innovation & Development ; Strategic Management ; Strategic evaluation ; Change Management Lecturer Fonds National de la Recherche de Luxembourg (FNRL) Grant scheme entitled “Aides à la Formation-Recherche (AFR)” Expert IT Management Forum Western Switzerland Forum for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) of Multinational Companies located in Western Switzerland Founder and Director Association Suisse d’Organisation et de Management (ASO) Federal Executive Training and Promotion of Management, - Formation Brevet de spécialiste en Organisation - Formation Certification en gestion de processus - Formations Certification en Management de Projet IPMA, PMI & PMO - Formation à Hermes –OM and Business Analyst Member of the Board 2/11 Swiss Accountancy Academy - Since 2001 Lecturer for Strategic Risk Management - 2006-2008 Responsible of the Modules Organization and Strategy Since 2001 Lausanne and Zürich, Switzerland 02/07 – 3/07 World Health Organization (WHO/OMS) Health Action in Crises International independent Consultant (P4) Kinshasa, DR Congo Geneva Knowledge Group Knowledge Management Consulting Company: Management Moderator / Consultant 03/00 - 01/05 Geneva, Switzerland Detrey Dentsply GmbH Financial Accounting Department Temporary employee as a creditor Accountancy, Participation in the preparation of the annual financial statement. 11/99 - 01/00 Constance, Germany University of Constance Faculty of Politics and Management and Faculty of Psychology - Prof. Klimecki, Chair of Management - Prof. Gollwitzer, Chair of Social Psychology and Motivation Student Research Assistant 03/97 - 08/99 Constance, Germany Education: 03/03 - 07/06 Geneva, Switzerland University of Geneva, Fatulté desSciences Economique et Sociales (SES), Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) PhD in Economic and Social Sciences - Business Administration Main focus on Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior and Finance Doctoral thesis: Reasons for frequent failure in Mergers and Acquisitions Graduated as: Docteur ès sciences économiques et sociales, mention gestion d’entreprise (PhD in Business Administration) Board of examiners: - Prof. Dr. Dr. Jarillo, Former Chair of Corporate Strategy, Managing Partner S.I.A. - Prof. Dr. Probst, Chair of Organization & Management, Managing Director WEF - Prof. Dr. Gomez, Former Rector, University of St.Gallen; Former Chairman of the Board SIX Swiss Exchange - Prof. Dr. Morard, Former Dean of the Faculty Economic and Social Sciences - Prof. Dr. Flückiger, Vice Rector of the University of Geneva, Former Vice-President of the Swiss Antitrust Committee 10/92 - 08/99 Constance, Germany University of Constance Master Studies of Politics and Management Main focus on Management and International Relations Master thesis: How can Human Resources Development contribute for the Organizational Knowledge Management – based on the example of Robert Bosch GmbH Graduated as: Diplom Verwaltungswissenschaftler (Master in Politics and Management) Board of examiners: - Prof. Dr. Klimecki†, Chair of Management - Prof. Dr. Neidhardt, Chair of Political Theory 09/93 - 07/94 Grenoble, France Thomas Straub – CV Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP), University Pierre Mendès France, Erasmus Internship Graduated with: Diploma “Certificat d’Études Politiques” (Certificate in Political Science) 3/11 Conferences/Presentations: 10/2014 Singapore 10/2014 Budapest, Hungary 07/2014 Constanta, Romania 06/2014 Nicosia, Cyprus 07/2013 Liege, Belgium 02/2013 Geneva, Switzerland 08/2012 Paris, France 06/2012 Neuchâtel, Switzerland 3/2012 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 01/2012 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 11/2011 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 10/2011 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Thomas Straub – CV The role of venture capital for entrepreneurship in less developed economies. 2014 Asia Conference on Economics & Business Research (ACEB2014). Organized by: Aventis School of Management and Asia Pacific International Academy. (This work was supported by SNF and UEFISCDI within the Romanian-Swiss Joint Research Project IZERZ0 _142306 / 1). Presentation of an article with Stefano Borzillo, Andi Caragea, Roxana Voicu-Dorobantu and Aron Jinaru Entrepreneurial Challenges related to Competition among Non-Governmental Organizations. Competitiveness of the CEE Region in the Global Economy Conference (AIB-CEE Conference 2014). Organized by: Academy of International Business (AIB) and Competitiveness Research Center (CRC). (This work was supported by SNF and UEFISCDI within the RomanianSwiss Joint Research Project IZERZ0 _142306 / 1). Presentation of an article financed by SNF and with D. Schwenger and S. Borzillo. Regional Knowledge Transfer Workshop for Entrepreneurs. (This work was supported by SNF and UEFISCDI within the Romanian-Swiss Joint Research Project IZERZ0 _142306 / 1). Presentation of Romanian-Swiss Joint Research Project with Stefano Borzillo. The Presence of Venture Capital in Less Developed Regions - a Key Cultural Necessity?, ICEIRD 2014. The 7th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development. (This work was supported by SNF and UEFISCDI within the Romanian-Swiss Joint Research Project IZERZ0 _142306 / 1). Presentation of an article with Aron Jinaru, Alexandru Caragea, Roxana Voicu-Dorobantu, and Stefano Borzillo. Competition and Strategy of Non-Governmental Organizations, 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise. Organized by: EMES European Research Network, in partnership with the Centre for Social Economy (HEC Management School of the University of Liege). Presentation of an article with D. Schwenger and S. Borzillo Modern Trends in Corporate and Social Entrepreneurship, Conference on Public Diplomacy and International Cooperation: Innovation as a Tool for Social and Economic Changes, U.N. Palace of Nations, Geneva. Organized by: the International Investment Center (IIC), NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC UN in cooperation with Market Research Foundation. Guest Speaker Round table: Grands ensembles et poupées russes : Chocs, entrechocs et pare-chocs, les imbrications de notre monde. Université d’été du MEDEF. Organized by : Le Mouvement des entreprises de France - Medef (Engl.: Movement of the Enterprises of France) Guest speaker New Challenges in Leadership and Management. Soirée Campus de l’ASO. Swiss Association for Organization and Management (‘ASO’). Speaker & Organizer Comprehensive Perspective on What Causes M&A failure. 3rd Merger Integration Management Forum. New Horizons for your Strategic, Workforce, Finance and IT Objectives. Organized by: Thought Leader Global and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC). Speaker Strategic insight: A comprehensive analysis of what causes M&A failure. Front End Mergers & Acquisitions. Navigating the complexities of global opportunities for business growth. E.N.G.’s 2nd Senior Executive Summit. Organized by E.N.G. Speaker & Leader of a Think tank on Evaluating successful M&A transactions The challenge to create and manage a Inter-organizational Community of Practices, HR Transformation, Talent and Employee Engagement Forum. Organized by Thought Leader Global and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC). Speaker A Comprehensive Analysis of what Causes M&A Failure, 3rd Annual M&A Process Optimization and Integration Management - Overcome unavoidable complexities and ensure M&A success with the right strategy. Organized by marcus evans, Beyond the Deal, Hay Group. Speaker & Panel Discussion Member 4/11 08/2011 St Antonio, Texas, USA 07/2011 Roskilde, Denmark 06/2011 Fribourg, Switzerland 05/2011 Bucharest, Rumania 01/2011 Washington, USA 11/2010 Paris, France 10/2010 Köln, Germany 09/2010 Kuala Lupmpur, Malaisia 09/2010 Tehran, Iran 05/2010 Geneva, Switzerland 05/2010 Geneva, Switzerland 05/2010 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 05/2010 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 01/2010 Nyon, Switzerland 10/2009 Lausanne, Switzerland 05/2009 Lausanne, Switzerland Thomas Straub – CV Does M&A Integration Really Matter?, Academy of Management Conference (AOM). Presentation of an article with M. Rossi Market Revolutions in Global Philanthropy, 3rd EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise. Social Innovation through Social Entrepreneurship in Civil Society EMES Conference 2011. Presentation of an article with M. Rossi and M. Martin New trends in Scientific Research, Soirée Campus de l’ASO (Swiss Association for Organisation and Management. Speaker The importance of M&A integration in strategic deals, Theme III – The Influence and Impact of Culture(s) on Economies and Economic Relationships, Eurasian Inter-university Dialogues on Cooperation for Higher Education Development, European Centre for Higher Education (UNESCO-CEPES). Presentation of an article GEM 2012 Annual Meeting. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor – Babson College, Universidad del Desarrollo. Speaker, Representation of the Swiss Unit L’entrepreneur socialement engagé : pour une validation empirique du concept ; Colloque - Le pilotage de la performance durable : enjeux inter et intra organisationnels, Ecole Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur, C.I.R.C.E.E. (Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Commerce Extérieur et l’Economie). Presentation of an article with Matthias Rossi An Entrepreneurial Perspective on SME Internationalization, G-Forum, Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference 2010. Presentation of an article with R. Baldegger Instant Internationalization of Mature SMEs: Critical Incidents leading to Rapid Internationalization, The Global Conference of Entrepreneurship and SME (GCSME). Presentation of an article with R. Baldegger and Chair of the Session interdisciplinary studies Entrepreneurial framework conditions: Where is the best place to do M&A transactions? International economic attractiveness as related to law, The International Conference on Entrepreneurship, University of Teheran. Presentation of an article with G. Cavallier New trends in Scientific Research, Soirée Campus de l’ASO (Swiss Association for Organisation and Management). Speaker & Organization Staff competency management: how to build the next generation IT workforce?, IT Management Forum Western Switzerland, Merck Serono S.A., Geneva. Conference Leader Addressing the Valuation Gap between Buyer and Seller, 1 day Workshop at the Conference for Corporate Legal Strategies for M&A. Capitalise on the M&A Resurgence and Overcome the Legal Risks Faced. Organized by marcus evans. Workshop Leader The Flip Side of Failure: A Holisitic Approach for M&A Success, Conference for Corporate Legal Strategies for M&A. Capitalise on the M&A Resurgence and Overcome the Legal Risks Faced, organized by marcus evans. Guest Speaker Presentation Effective IT Management Practices, IT Management Forum Western Switzerland, Generali Assurances Générales SA ; Conference Leader New trends in managing knowledge, IT Management Forum Western Switzerland, Philip Morris Interlantional S.A. Conference Leader New trends in Scientific Research, Soirée Campus de l’ASO (Swiss Association for Organisation and Management) Speaker & Organizer 5/11 Gründerausbildung in der Schweiz – Vom Studenten zum Unternehmer, jointly organized by the Swiss Institute for SMEs, University of St. Gallen and the Swiss innovation promotion agency CTI. Participant 10/2008 Zürich, Switzerland Mergers & Acquisitions: Comparative Economic Analysis of Laws (with G. Cavalier), CELS Conference (Law and Economy), jointly organized by New York University, Cornell University and Texas University. Speaker 08/2008 New York/Ithaca, USA Organizational Development between lack of Specialists and Career Development, Conference on Strategic Organizational Development, University of Applied Science Berne. Workshop Leader 06/2008 Bern, Switzerland Reasons for frequent failure in Mergers and Acquisitions, The Lake Leman Organization Research Group (LL’ORG), University of Geneva. Speaker 07/2008 Geneva, Switzerland New Challenges in Leadership and Management, Soirée Campus de l’ASO, Swiss Association for Organization and Management (‘ASO’). Speaker 04/2008 Lausanne, Switzerland How to deal with Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments?, Autorité des Marché Financiers (‘AMF’). Speaker 02/2008 Paris, France Les fusions-acquisitions et l’analyse économique du droit (with G. Cavalier), Université Paris X Nanterre. Speaker 12/2007 Paris, France Les fusions-acquisitions et l’analyse économique du droit (with G. Cavalier), Conference on Law and Economics of the French Ministry of Justice. Speaker 10/2007 Paris, France 08/2006 Le droit, une nouvelle dimension de performance pour les Fusion et Acquisitions (with G. Cavalier), Université de Lyon 3. Speaker Lyon, France Dimensions for failure in Mergers and Acquisitions, The Lake Leman Organization Research Group (LL’ORG), University of Geneva. Speaker 12/2005 Geneva, Switzerland Dimensions for failure in M&A (with G. Cavalier), ICRAM-PhD Course, University of Geneva. Speaker 10/2005 Geneva, Switzerland Reasons for M&A failures (with C.-J Jarillo), PhD-Seminar of the department of Management (Prof. Dr. Baldauf), University of Berne. Speaker 10/2005 Geneva, Switzerland Challenges for Europe, Bright Conference, University of Leiden. Speaker 05/2004 Leiden , Netherlands Representative Publications: Books: Straub, T. (forthcoming 2015) Mergers & Acquisitions - Erfolgsfaktoren für mittelständische Unternehmen. Haufe Fachbuch, Haufe Lexware, Munich. Straub, T. (2014) Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre – Das Übungsbuch, 2. Edition, Pearson Studium, Munich. Straub, T. (2014) Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 2. Edition, Pearson Studium, Munich. Straub T. (2013) NGO – Strategic Management, Governance. Training Module. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), MCDS, Institute for Finance and Economics, Ulaanbaatar. (ISBN: 978-99962-56-54-7). Straub T. (2013) NGO - Financial Management. Training Module. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), MCDS, Institute for Finance and Economics, Ulaanbaatar. (ISBN: 978-99962-56-53-0). Straub T. (2012) NGO - Leadership, Conflict Resolution. Training Module. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), MCDS, Institute for Finance and Economics, Ulaanbaatar. (ISBN: 978-99962-56-36-3). Straub T./ Borzillo, S. (11/2012) Le management des connaissances, Dossier HRM-HR Today. Thomas Straub – CV 6/11 Straub, T. (2012) Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre – Das Übungsbuch, 1. Edition, Pearson Studium, Munich. Straub, T. (2011) Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 1. Edition, Pearson Studium, Munich. Stadler, L.; Klarner, P.; Schmitt, A.; Straub T. (2010) More than Bricks in the Wall: Organizational Perspectives for Sustainable Success, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden. Straub, T. (2007) Reasons for frequent failure in Mergers & Acquisitions, A Comprehensive Analysis. Deutscher Universitäts Verlag (DUV), Gabler Edition Wissenschaft, Wiesbaden. Articles, book chapters & other publications: Straub T./Cavalier G./Paulsen M. (In process) An analysis of entrepreneurial framework conditions: Comparing Share Deals from Civil Law and Common Law Systems for Mergers and Acquisitions. Voicu-Dorobanţu, R.; Jinaru, A.. ; Caragea, A.; Straub, T., Paraschiv, D. M. (in process) Modelling attitudes and policies in the Romanian entrepreneurial ecosystem. ECOCYB Journal, Romania. Voicu-Dorobanţu, R.; Jinaru, A.. ; Caragea, A.; Straub, T., Paraschiv, D. M. (submitted and forthcoming 2014) Atitudini, politici și capital teritorial în ecosistemul antreprenorial inovativ din România –Attitudes, policies and territorial capital in the Romanian innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem. Journal Amfiteatrul Economic, Romania. Schwenger D./Straub T./Borzillo S. (2014) Non-governmental organizations: strategic management for a competitive world, Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 35 Iss: 4, pp.11 – 19. Jinaru A./Caragea A./Voicu-Dorobantu R./Straub, T/Borzillo S. (2014) The Presence of Venture Capital in Less Developed Regions - a Key Cultural Necessity? In: Papadopoulos G. A./Ketikidis P. H./Kofteros S. A. (ed.) ICEIRD 2014. The 7th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings, June 2014, Nicosia/Cyprus, pp. 315-325. Schwenger D./Straub T./Borzillo S. (2013) Competition and Strategy of Non-Governmental Organizations, 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise – Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings. Rossi M./Martin M./Straub T. (2013) L’entrepreneuriat social, Revue Economique et Sociale, Vol71, No. 1, pp. 9-17. Borzillo S./ Straub T. (2013) La gestion des connaissances comme levier de la compétitivité, L'ENA hors les murs, 428, 20-21. Straub T./Borzillo S./Probst G. (2012) A Decision-Making Framework to Analyze Important Dimensions of M&A Performance, in: Sydney Finkelstein, Cary L. Cooper (ed.) Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions (Advances in Mergers & Acquisitions, Volume 11), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.199-235. Borzillo S./Straub T./Antino, M. (2012) Le rôle des communautés de pratique dans les Acquisitions d’entreprises, Revue économique et sociale, Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 97-108. Straub T./Baldegger R. (2011) The Influence and impact of culture on economics and economic relationships in the Eurasian context – The example of M&A integration in strategic deals, Eurasian Inter-university Dialogues on Cooperation for Higher Education Development– Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings, Bucharest, Romania. Straub T./Windhövel K. (2011) Les Femmes Dirigent-t-Elles Différemment des Hommes?, Mai, L’ECHO de l’ASO - La newsletter de l’Association Suisse d’Organisation et de Management, Lausanne, p. 4. Martin M./Rossi M./Straub T. (2011) L'entrepreneur socialement engagé : pour une validation empirique du concept. In : Moncef B./Carbone V./Soulerot M., Le management durable au coeur des organisations, Lavoisier, Paris. Baldegger R. J./Brühlhart A. A./Schüffel P. E./Straub T. (2011) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Unternehmertum im weltweiten Vergleich. Länderbericht Schweiz 2010. Baldegger R. J./Brühlhart A .A./Schüffel P. E./Straub T. (2011) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. L’entrepreneuriat en comparaison internationale. Rapport national suisse 2010. Somme E./Straub T. (2011) L’industrie pharmaceutique: État des lieux et perspectives stratégiques, Les Cahiers de l’ASO, N° 14, Edition 2010 Lausanne, p 67-73. Straub T./Borzillo S./Devins G. (2010) Les organisations ambidextres: Exploration vs. Exploitation des connaissances, L’ECHO de l’ASO, Lausanne, p. 4. Straub T./Cavalier G. (2011) Where is the best place to do M&A transactions? International economic attractiveness as related to law, IUP Journal of Business Strategy (IJBS), Vol. VIII, No. 2, June, p. 49-60. Cavalier G./Straub T. (2010) Les fusions-acquisitions et l’analyse économique du droit : approche comparée France Etats-Unis, Recueil Dalloz, pp. 2-17. Baldegger R. J./Schueffel P. E./Straub T. (2010) Instant Internationalization of Mature SMEs: Critical Incidents leading to Rapid Internationalization, The Global Conference of Entrepreneurship and SME (GCSME), Kuala Lumpur. Thomas Straub – CV 7/11 Straub T. (2010) Major challenges in doing M&A – A theoretical approach, in: Stadler et al. (2010) More than Bricks in the Wall: Organizational Perspectives for Sustainable Success, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden. Straub T./Cavalier G. (2010) Comparing Civil Law and Common Law Systems for Mergers and Acquisitions – An Economic Analysis, Journal of US-China Law Review, Volume 7, Number 2, pp. 1-12. Touali M./Straub T./Coraux G. (2010) Le partage de connaissance inter-organisationnel entre multinationales : L’enjeu du domaine de l’IT Management, Les Cahiers de l’ASO, N° 13, Edition 2009 Lausanne. Straub T./Cavalier G. (2009) Mergers and Acquisitions Comparative Economic Analysis of Laws: France vs. USA, Journal of Civil Law Studies, ISSN 1944-3749, Volume 2, pp. 147-183. Straub T./Touali M./Borzillo S. (2009) Les communautés de pratiques interorganisationnelles en IT management entre multinationales, Revue économique et sociale, vol. 67, Ed. SEES, Lausanne. Boutillier, M./Straub T. et al. (2009) La localisation des hedge funds en Europe et son impact sur les politiques réglementaires,, EconomiX-AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financier (AMF), Paris/France. Straub T./Cavalier G. (2008) M&A: Comparitive Economic Analysis of Laws: France and USA, Social Science Research Network (SSRN), New York. Straub T./Kehls P. (2008) Karriereentwicklung von Fachkräften und Experten in wissens- und technologieintensiven Unternehmen, KTI-Projektskizze für den Schwerpunkt „Enabling Sciences“ / Unternehmensführung, Bern. Straub T./Cavalier G. (2007) Les fusions-acquisitions et l’analyse économique du droit : approche comparée France – Etats-Unis, in : Le droit et l’économie, 38e Congrès Mouvement Jeune Notariat, San-Francisco, p. 85-90. Straub, T./Cavalier, G. (12/2005) L'approche différenciée du contrat dans les opérations de fusion ou d'acquisition, Research project for the French Ministry of Justice, Paris. Straub, T. (2007) Optimisation du Management de Projet par l’OMS en République Démocratique du Congo, World Health Organization (WHO/OMS), Kinshasa. Case studies: Probst, G. /Straub, T. (2006) The challenge for WIPO of establishing the Creation, Ownership and Exploitation of Health Research Results in Central Africa, Case Study, University of Geneva (HEC), Geneva. Probst, G. /Borzillo, S. /Straub T. (2005) La fusion Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie : Un défi pour deux banques privées genevoise, Case study, University of Geneva (HEC), Geneva. Straub, T. /Jarillo, J.-C. (2004) Cinemas in Geneva: An Industry Analysis, Case study (French), University of Geneva (HEC), Geneva and European Case Clearing House, ECCH (Ref. no.: F305-256-1), England Straub, T. /Jarillo, J.-C. (2004) Cinemas in Geneva: An Industry Analysis, Teaching Note (French), University of Geneva (HEC), Geneva and European Case Clearing House, ECCH (Ref. no.: F305-256-8), England. Research & Consulting projects: Since 2014 Implementation of the GEM Project (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) in Burkina Faso and Cameron. In collaboration with: Université du Québec, Trois Rivières/Canada ; Université Hassan II, Casablanca/ Morocco, Funded by: Centre de Recherches pour le Développement International (CRDI), Canada, Budget : ~700.000.-USD, Duration : 3 years. Expert of the Swiss Delegation Since 2012 La Région capitale suisse, plaque tournante de la formation dans les matières politique et Administration Funded by: Régioncapitalesuisse, Bern, Budget: 10.000.-SFR, Duration: 1 year. Project leader Since 2012 The Role of Venture Capital to support Entrepreneurship In collaboration with: Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), Bucharest Research project for the Romanian-Swiss Research Program (RSRP) Funded by: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) in cooperation with the Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) to implement the program. Budget: ~400.000.-SFR, Duration: 2 years. Project leader Berne, Switzerland Thomas Straub – CV 8/11 2012-2014 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2011 Lausanne, Switzerland 2011 Geneva, Switzerland 2010-2011 Geneva, Switzerland 2010-2011 Geneva, Switzerland 2010 Fribourg, Switzerland 2009-2011 Fribourg, Switzerland 2008 Bern, Switzerland 02/07 – 3/07 Kinshasa, DR Congo 2007 Paris, France 2006 Paris/Lyon, France Thomas Straub – CV Capacity building for local NGOs in Mongolia Development project for the Swiss Federation, represented by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, acting through Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development Mongolia (SDC), in cooperation with the World Bank, Budget: ~100.000.-SFR, Duration: 2 years. Expert Strategy finding and Implementation for Swisscom Consulting project for Swisscom (Western Switzerland), Geneva Consultant Strategy finding and Implementation for a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Consulting project for the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Geneva Consultant Analysis of the Strategic Options for a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Research project for Carrefour Rue, Geneva Project leader Analysis of Strategic Business Units of a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Research project for Carrefour Rue, Geneva Project leader Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Unternehmertum im weltweiten Vergleich, Länderbericht Schweiz 2010 Funded by: CTI: l'agence pour la promotion de l'innovation and University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Budget: ~160.000.-SFR, Duration: 1 year. Co-Project Leader Inter-organizational Communities of Best Practices among multinational companies around lake Geneva In collaboration with School of Business Administration Geneva. Members were CIOs of Swiss multinational Companies such as Givaudan S.A., Nissan International S.A., Bunge Ltd, Sicpa SA, Firmenich S.A., PMI S.A., JTI S.A., Pictet & Cie, MerckSerono S.A., SGS Group, SC Johnson Europe Sàrl, Ferring Pharmaceuticals S.A. and Generali Assurances Générales SA. Funded by: RCSO HES-SO, Merck Serono S.A., Genève; Philip Morris International, Lausanne; Givaudan S.A., Genève, Budget: ~220.000.-SFR, Duration: 2 years. Project leader Organizational Development between lack of Specialists and Career Development. Funded by: CTI: l'agence pour la promotion de l'innovation, ABB and Unique, Budget 1.200.000.SFR, Duration: 2 years. Collaborator Evaluation and Optimization of Projects with operational difficulties in DRC (Congo) Funded by: World Health Organization (WHO/OMS), Health Action in Crises, Budget: 10.000.-SFR, Duration: 1 month. International Independent Expert La localisation des hedge funds en Europe et son impact sur les politiques réglementaires Research Project on Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments In collaboration with l’Université Paris X, EconomiX, l’Université Lyon III, l’Université Paris I, l’Université Paris XI. Funded by: Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF). Duration : 2 years. Expert for Switzerland Les fusions-acquisitions et l’analyse économique du droit : approche comparée France – Etats-Unis Research Programm on Law and Economy In collaboration with Université de Lyon III. Funded by: French Ministry of Justice, Budget : 45.000SFR, Duration : 2 years. Co-Project Leader 9/11 Research Networks and Intellectual Property: A Model for Supporting Developing Country Researchers in Creating, Owning and Exploiting Health Research Results In collaboration with: World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), the Graduate Institute of International Studies (GIIS), Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC, now GSEM) University of Geneva, the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), the Swiss Tropical Institute and the Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED). Funded by: GIAN - Geneva International Academic Network / RUIG –Réseau Universitaire International de Genève (now: SNIS – Swiss Network for International Studies), Budget: 380.000.SFR, Duration: 2 years. Project Member 2004 - 2007 Geneva, Switzerland Pedagogical skills (Teaching) and Supervision of Research Projects: PHD-level 2004 – 2005 M&A Seminar for PhD students (with Prof. J.-C. Jarillo), University of Geneva (HEC, now GSEM) (in French) Executive / MBA-level CSR Strategy, Governance & Social Innovation, DAS/CAS Corporate Social Responsibility, Since 2013 GSEM - University of Geneva. (in English) Introduction Workshop: Business Game, Executive MBA, GSEM - University of Geneva (in Since 2013 Since 2012 French and English) Système de management, Module Management et pilotage, MAS/DAS en Direction et Stratégie d’institutions éducatives, sociales et socio-sanitaires (DSIS), HES-SO - Haute Ecole de travail Since 2012 social Genève - HETS Geneva (in French). Culture and Strategy, CERAH - Centre for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action; The Graduate Institute -University of Geneva (in English). Since 2009 Corporate Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Department of UNESCO, University of Bucharest, Since 2007 Bucharest/Rumania (in English). Strategic Management for Non-Profit Organizations, Executive Program, GSEM - University of Since 2007 Geneva (in English and French) Strategic Risk Management, Swiss Accountancy Academy, Lausanne and Zürich Since 2001 Mergers & Acquisition in the Health Sector, Health Management MBA, University of Applied 2010 Sciences Berne (in German) 2010 Knowledge Management, Health Management MBA, University of Applied Sciences Berne (in German) General Management (Leadership, Human Resource and Organization), CECID Executive 2007 Program, University of Geneva (in French) Knowledge Management and Innovation, MBA in Human Resource Management. University of 2007 Applied Sciences Berne (in German) Master-level Since 2014 Since 2011 Since 2010 Since 2010 Since 2010 Since 2009 2008-2009 2008 Bachelor-level Since 2010 2008 - 2013 Since 2008 Since 2007 Since 2009 Thomas Straub – CV Change Management, MSc in Strategy and Consultancy, EDHEC Business School, Lille/France (in English) Organizational Behavior, MSc in Standardization, Social Regulation and Sustainable Development, Faculté des Sciences de la Société (SDS), University of Geneva (in English) Strategy evaluation, MCS EDHEC Business School, Lille/France (in English) Innovation & Development, MSc EDHEC Business School, Lille/France (in English) Strategic Management, MSc EDHEC Business School, Lille/France (in English). Corporate Strategy and Entrepreneurship, MSc in Business Administration, Department of UNESCO, University of Bucharest, Bucharest/Rumania (in English). Politique de l’entreprise II, HEC (now GSEM), University of Geneva (in French). Organizational Restructuring (Human Resource and Organization), University of Applied Sciences Berne (in German). Strategic Management: Principles and Practice, EDHEC Business School, Nizza/Lille/Paris (in English). Management II, School of Management Fribourg (in French and German). Management I, School of Management Fribourg (in French and German). Normatives und Strategisches Management, University of Applied Sciences North-Eastern Switzerland (FHNW), (in German). Gestion d’entreprise, GSEM, University of Geneva (in French). 10/11 Leadership and Management, University of Applied Sciences Berne (BFH) (in German). 2005-2008 Research Projects Supervision Supervision of Bachelor, Master and Executive Program Thesis in various Insitutions Project Leader and Expert of different Research and Development Projects o E.g. (a) Development project for the Swiss Federation, represented by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, acting through Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development Mongolia (SDC), in cooperation with the World Bank; (b) Research project for the Romanian-Swiss Research Program (RSRP), Funded by: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) in cooperation with the Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) to implement the program. Other Activities and Skills: Didactical Courses : Since 2007 Several didactical Courses at HES-SO University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, RCFE (Réseau Romand de conseil formation et évaluation pour l’Enseignement Universitaire) and University of St-Gallen/Switzerland. Editorial Review Boards: 2011 Bingley, United Kingdom International Journal of Strategy and Management Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011 International Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research (IJCAR) Saurashtra University Rajkot, India 2010-2011 Candler, NC, USA 2010-2011 Candler, NC, USA 2007 Geneva, Switzerland Journal: Entrepreneurial Executive (EE) Allied Academies Inc. International Journal of Entrepreneurship (IJE) Allied Academies Inc. Jounal M@n@gement Official Journal of the « Association Internationale de Management Stratégique » Empirical Methods: 08/2011 09/2011 08/2004 08/2004 Statistics with SPSS for Social Scientists, Swiss Summer School on Advanced Methods in Social Science 2011, Lugano/Switzerland (1 week). Case Studies: Design, Methods, and Reporting, Swiss Summer School on Advanced Methods in Social Science 2011, Lugano/Switzerland (1 week). Statistic course on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS/SPSS (5 days), Prof. Schmidt, Swiss Summer School on Advanced Methods in Social Science 2004, Scholarship Swiss National Fund (SNF), Lugano/Switzerland (1 week). Statistic course on Methods of Regression Analysis with SPSS (2 days), SPSS AG, Zürich/Switzerland. Language skills: Fluent in English and French; Mother tongue German, Basic Knowledge Spanish Thomas Straub – CV 11/11
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