Issue 2 / 2014 CHARGE A Technical News Journal from Deki Electronics Ltd November 2014 Editor’s Desk Employee Motivation Survey Dear Reader, More than 60% of Deki’s sales are in the lighting segment where, whilst the growth of the CFL market has declined, LED bulbs are fast gaining ground. In fact, most of the large CFL manufacturers are now focusing on LEDs. The Ministry of Power, Government of India, has decided to give two LED bulbs per household at Rs 10 each to households in Andhra Pradesh through Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL). EESL will procure LED bulbs in bulk from the manufacturers and then sell to households at the special price. Distribution companies will repay EESL from the ensuing savings in power in 5 to 8 years. This model is a joint outcome of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), EESL and the distribution companies. EESL completed procurement of 2 million LED bulbs in the beginning of October 2014 as against the total requirement of 7.4 million in Andhra Pradesh. It is expected that other states will follow the Andhra Pradesh model. Deki has a full range of capacitors for the LED driver. The technical write up in this issue of Charge talks of the various types of drivers available in the market and the film capacitors required for different applications. There are a number of options available to the customer where Grade 1 is the most recommended and Grade 5 the least. And, as always, we look forward to your comments and suggestions. R Anil Bali External Customer Satisfaction Survey A t Deki Electronics we have been conducting a Customer Satisfaction Survey every six months for the last 10 years, with our major customers. In the most recent survey, conducted in July 2014 for the January-June 2014 period we obtained a 84.4% satisfaction rating from our customers. One of the reasons for the rising satisfaction scores is that we ask our customers to highlight two parameters that they would like Deki to focus on in the ensuing six months. This feedback results in an action plan that is shared with the customers. Closing the loop thus, indicates Deki's customer orientation and this has been appreciated by our customers. eaders may be aware that Deki also conducts an employee satisfaction survey every six months. In this survey all the direct employees are asked fifteen questions pertaining to: 1. their work environment 2. salary 3. satisfaction level 4. growth opportunity 5. knowledge of targets, standard specifications, operating procedures, etc. They give marks to each question and this is then consolidated into a report that compares the results of the most recent survey with that of the previous months. The report, along with the action points for improvement, are discussed with all the employees in an “Open House” by our Managing Director, Mr Vinod Sharma. The total score in the August 2014 survey was 86% and based on the feedback we have identified two areas for improvement in work environment. With the installation of new machines by December 2014, as part of Deki’s expansion programme, these issues too should get resolved. Training in Deki R eaders may be aware that training at Deki receives utmost importance. As an integral part of continual skill enhancement, it has been growing consistently. There was a 64% jump in training hours, from 2580 hours to 4234 hours, in 2012. This increased further to 4407 hours per month in 2013. With three months to go we are on track for an increase in 2014 as well. As part of the system, detailed stage wise training is conducted in which knowledge of the process and the machines is imparted. This is followed by a written test in which an employee must score a minimum of 80% at critical stages to qualify to run the machine. Deki’s training modules have been well recognised and serve as a benchmark for component manufacturers. Deki spends a considerable amount of time in training External customer satisfaction survey results For your FREE subscription, please contact Deki Electronics Ltd, B-20 Sector 58, NOIDA 201 301. Phone +91 120 2585457, 2585458 Fax +91 120 2585289 E-mail [email protected] CHARGE A Technical News Journal from Deki Electronics Ltd APPLICATION NOTES Low Cost LED Driver High End LED Driver (High Efficiency Resonant Power supply) The capacitive power supply is the economic version of low power LED driver. It has less component count and more efficient for low power LED drivers. The capacitor Cx acts as a voltage dropper. Cx In order to achieve a very high efficiency of over 95%, a resonance based power supply is employed in high power LED drivers for street light, high bay light applications, etc. Resonant elements L, C employed. Combination of L and C forms various types of circuits out of which typical popular designs are series resonant power supply, parallel resonant power supply, LLC resonant power supply. Fig: Low Cost LED Driver R1 ~ + – 220V AC 4×1N4007 ~ R2 C1 Film capacitor requirement: Cap Function Type Cx Voltage dropping Voltage Requirement MPET/MPP-AC/ 400V DC, 500V DC, MPET-F/MPP-F/ 275V AC, 305V AC, MPET-AC 310V AC (High Reliability) Cap Range 0.1 to 2.2uF Model 1: Series Resonant circuit High End LED Driver (Power factor corrected Flyback) The Flyback power supply is the most commonly used high end LED medium power LED driver upto 150W. It consist of following sections, EMI filter, Input Bridge rectification, PFC and Gate Drive section, Snubber, Power Transformer, Output rectification, Output filter. Model 2: Parallel Resonant circuit Fig: High End LED Driver (Power factor corrected Flyback) Film capacitor requirement: Cap Function Type MKP-X2 MKP-Y2 250/275V AC C1 EMI Suppression EMI Suppression Smoothing Voltage Requirement 275/305/310V AC 400/450/500/ 630V DC C2 Snubber MPET/ MPP-AC/ MPET-F/ MPP-F/ MPP-DC MPP-DC/ PP-MPP Cap Range 0.004 to 10uF 0.001 to 0.1uF 0.1 to 2.2uF 400/630/1000/ 1250/1600V DC 0.0022 to 0.47uF Cx Cy Model 3: LLC Resonant circuit 2 CHARGE A Technical News Journal from Deki Electronics Ltd APPLICATION NOTES High End LED Driver (Buck Power Supply) In case of high end low power applications where very low output voltage is required, buck based (step down) LED driver is employed to handle larger output currents as well. Film capacitor requirement: Cap Function Type Voltage Cap Requirement Range C1 EMI MKP-X2 275/305/310V AC 0.004 Suppression to 10uF LLC- Schematic Circuit Film capacitor requirement: Cap Function Type C1 Resonant capacitor C6 EMI Suppression Smoothing C7 Voltage Requirement MPP-DC/ 630/1000/1250/ DPSH/ 1600V DC MPP-MPP/ PP-MPP MKP-Y2 250/275V AC MPET/ MPP-AC/ MPET-F/ MPP-F/ MPP-DC 400/450/500/ 630V DC Cap Range 0.001 to 0.47uF 0.001 to 0.1uF 0.1 to 2.2uF Buck Power Supply- Schematic Circuit Recommended Capacitors for Applications: Application/Function Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Voltage dropping MPET-AC (High reliability) MPP-AC MPP-F MPET-F MPET-AC Smoothing MPP-AC/MPP-DC MPP-F MPET-F MPET-AC - Snubbing PP-MPP MPP-DC - - - Resonance PP-MPP MPP-MPP DPSH MPP-DC - EMI Suppression Line to Line IS/MKP-X2 MPP-AC MPET-AC - - EMI Suppression Line to Ground IS/MKP-Y2 Miniature MPP-F Series for LED Deki has developed a capacitor series for LED lights. This series is flame-proof and will fail in the safe mode. The capacitor size is very compact and can easily fit in to the LED light. Improving the life of a capacitor 1. Make sure that there are no hot-spots near the capacitor 2. Voltage across the capacitor should not be more than the rated voltage 3. Select the capacitor as per the tables provided here 4. Ambient temperature should not be more than the maximum operating temperature indicated 5. For temperatures in excess of 85° C please apply the requisite voltage derating factor. 3 CHARGE A Technical News Journal from Deki Electronics Ltd Launch of the Swachh Bharat, Swachh Deki mission Employee Suggestion Scheme T T he Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi launched the Swachh Bharat mission for a clean India as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary in 2019. Towards this dream, Deki Electronics took the initiative to launch the Swachh Bharat, Swachh Deki mission on 2 Oct 2014 with 106 members of the Deki Team taking a pledge to remain committed towards cleanliness. They spent 4 hours cleaning the company premises and its surrounding as well as the park across, along with our MD, Mr Vinod Sharma, our VP, Mr Anil Bali, our VP (Tech), Mr P Sankar Raj and other HoDs. The huge effort ended with some fun events followed by lunch. The Deki Team is ready for the Swachh Bharat, Swachh Deki mission he suggestion scheme at Deki has been growing continuously. Since the start of the scheme in 1999 we have implemented 22,176 suggestions. In Deki parlance a suggestion is treated as a suggestion only if implemented. The scheme is very simple. An employee fills up a suggestion form mentioning: a) The present process b) The proposed process c) The savings/benefits from the proposed process. The form is given to the section in charge who forwards it to the committee with his remarks. The committee meets every week and decides on the suggestions that have merit and acceptable. All acceptable suggestions are rewarded every week. Average suggestions per month From the Archives: An old article published in Mint, New Delhi is revisited O n February 21, 2010, Mint, New Delhi published an article by Prof Nirvikar Singh, professor of economics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, titled "Budgeting for growth". The article discussed the problems of doing business in India and their effect on small and medium enterprises in the country. Prof Singh showcased the success of Deki Electronics, led by our Managing Director, Mr Vinod Sharma, in overcoming these problems. He used the example of Deki in putting forth ideas on improving business efficiency in India. Prof Singh recently revisited his article of 2010, and mentioned Deki's experience and growth at seminars in Stanford and Harvard universities in the USA.
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