November 2014 Newsletter Issue #3 Dear Parents, Welcome to November! The first nine weeks of school flew by quickly and before we know it, we will be ready for our annual Winter Break. Please take the time to discuss with your child his/her recent report card/grades, making sure to include both the positives of what he/she accomplished, along with any challenges he/she may have faced first quarter. Each of our students analyzed their own quarter grades and wrote academic goals for themselves upon returning from Fall Break, so ask your child about their goals! Teachers will continue to monitor/mentor students to help them achieve their own personal growth goals during 2nd quarter. The HJHS faculty and administration would like to thank our PTRO and all of the parents who assisted in providing soups, salads and desserts during parent-teacher conferences on October 16th. Being able to eat dinner at school as we hosted our annual parent-teacher conferences was very convenient and allowed our staff to schedule more conferences in the allotted time. Conferences were scheduled for students specifically identified by teachers; however, if you would like to meet with one of your child’s teachers, please do not hesitate to contact them by phone or email to discuss your concerns. You can locate contact information and a teacher directory, along with other useful information on our HJHS website: Thanks also to PTRO and the many parents who attended and helped make our Shadow-A-Student Day on October 3rd successful! Volunteers are always needed and appreciated, so please let us know if you are willing and able to help in the Spirit Store or at any of our future events (form attached in newsletter). We have included a calendar of dates/events for the months of November and December in this newsletter. Please take special note of the early release and no school days. The calendar is also available on the HJHS website as previously provided above. A special thank you goes out to all of the Veterans this month who served or are serving in our Armed Forces – we appreciate YOU! Please see the recognition letter from our new GPS Superintendent, Dr. Kishimoto, at the end of this newsletter. We believe that working together as a home and school TEAM is the best way to ensure success for our students – thank you for your continued participation in your child’s education and support of HJHS! We also encourage you to exercise your right to vote on November 4th – one vote can truly make a difference! Sincerely, Marcie Taylor Principal Congratulations to our October Students of the Month! Kathryn Bartlett Shea Burcham William Rieck Marin Barton Andrew Culley Emmalee Stone Cameron Bennett Ryan Greene Tiffany Zimmermann GREAT JOB HURRICANES! WE ARE PROUD OF YOU!! Highland Junior's 17th Annual Spelling Bee competition will be held on Thursday, November 6th in the media center during 1st - 3rd hours. Parents of contestants are welcome to attend and should be in the library by 8:00 am. Parents attending, we kindly ask that you honor a few simple requests: if you would like to take pictures, please do so only between each round of words, cell phones need to be turned off or on silent during the Bee, and if small children are attending with you and they become noisy/fussy, they need to be taken outside to the courtyard immediately, so as not to distract the participants and hinder the judges' ability to hear each speller's spellings. Students who qualified for the Bee were given specific directions to follow the day of the Spelling Bee, as well as a list of the Spelling Bee Rules and a word list to study in advance. If you have any further questions regarding the competition, please contact Ms. Glenn. Good luck to all contestants, and may the best speller win! :) PARENT-TEACHER RESOURCE ORGANIZATION (PTRO) NEWS We are grateful for the support of our PTRO board members for this school year! Kryste Turner Robert Birosh Tammy Demko Co-Treasurer Co-Treasurer Secretary [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Come join us at our PTRO meetings on the first Monday of each month @ 6:00pm in the library! *Next meeting date is November 3rd @ 6:00pm We collect BOX TOP$-drop them off in the white container labeled "box tops" located in the front office! PTRO also collects Little Caesar’s box labels for free pizzas at school events! Final Exams and Winter Break REMEMBER: REST AND EATING BALANCED MEALS CAN RESULT IN BETTER TEST SCORES District Final Exams will be given on Wednesday, December 17 th and Thursday, December 18th. Both days will have an adjusted bell schedule that will include longer class periods for our students to take their final exams. Please schedule appointments (medical, dentist, orthodontia, etc.) and trips at a different time. Friday, December 19th is a final exam make-up day as well as a half-day for teacher grading with student dismissal at 12:00pm. Students who do not take final exams at the scheduled times in December will be issued an Incomplete for the course(s) and will have to take the exam(s) upon their return in January. We appreciate you planning accordingly and marking these important dates in your calendar now. Thank you! 7th Grade Social Studies Update It has been a busy first quarter and we have learned so much!! Seventh grade students began the year by analyzing the differences between Northern and Southern culture and society leading up to the Civil War. Classes then used this knowledge to identify and describe causes leading up to the Civil War. The past few weeks, students have been studying the major events of the Civil War itself and putting the finishing touches on a Civil War project. As we begin the second quarter, we are looking at how our nation struggled to rebuild following the war. We will also be discussing industrialization and immigration before preparing for finals!!! REMINDER: All 7th grade Social Studies teachers are available for tutoring during lunch. 8th Grade Social Studies 8th grade classes will be winding down their American Founding and Government Unit. We have reviewed the Revolutionary War, discussed the failure of the Article of Confederation which led to the writing of the Constitution, and dabbled in some legal aspects of the Constitution looking at rights and responsibilities all in the first 11 weeks of the school year. As we complete this unit, students should be continuing to see examples of our studies in current event issues. They are encouraged to make those connections and share those ideas with their parents. Our next unit of study is economics. We will look at comparative economic systems, basic understanding of the business cycle, factors of production and end with a personal finance unit. It would be very helpful, if at any point, parents can explain economic choices, family budgets, or basic credit/debit card factors in the household to help reinforce the material discussed here at school. This will be our last unit of study for the semester, before finals prep begins. All 8th Grade Social Studies teachers are available for student help, either at lunch or before/after school. Students are encourage to meet with their teacher for clarification and study help. Please have the students check with their teacher for individual availability. News from Our Counseling Department Mrs. Grayson 7th Grade [email protected] Mrs. Proft 8th Grade [email protected] Tips to Prevent Cyberbullying 1. Keep the computer and other devices in a common area. 2. Learn how various social networking websites work. Become familiar with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. Become “friends” with your student or “follow” them on these websites. 3. Acquire their password to their phone and other accounts. The device belongs to the adult! 4. Talk regularly and specifically with your children about online issues. Let them know they can come to you for help if anything is inappropriate, upsetting, or dangerous. 5. Build trust with your children. Set time limits, explain your reasons for them, and discuss rules for online safety and Internet use. Ask your children to contribute to establishing the rules; then they'll be more inclined to follow them. HJHS CAREER DAY The Counseling Dept. will be hosting our annual Career Day on Wednesday, January 28, 2015. We are seeking parents who would be interested in participating in showcasing their profession to our 8th graders. If you are interested in being a presenter send your contact information (name, email address, cell phone number, child’s name, and your title/profession) To Joan Proft at [email protected] or call at 480-6324739 Ext. 2333 School Happenings around Campus 8th Grade Orchestra Congratulations to the 8th grade orchestra for earning a rating of Superior with Distinction at the A.B.O.D.A. Fall Orchestra Festival on Saturday, October 18. They received the highest rating from each of the three judges. The 8th grade orchestra competed against other junior high and high school orchestras from all over the state. They were also the largest group (102 members) performing during the two day festival. You can come hear this award winning group along with the amazing 7th grade orchestra at their next concert on December 8 in the Highland High School Auditorium. Knighty Knight Theater Presents: Best Buddies is hosting a FREE movie night created by one of our SPICE students, Dade Meadows. Knighty Knight Theater will be projecting the movie in the courtyard Friday, November 14th, from 6 - 8pm. The movie of choice will be Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Feel free to bring family, friends, and a picnic blanket to enjoy the viewing! Food trucks will be available as well as our spirit store for snacks! See attached flyer for details! Student Council News On November 22, Student Council will join with NJHS members as they participate in their Semester 1 Community Service Project by shopping for toys for pediatric patients at Cardon Children’s Hospital. They will also continue to host Fun Friday activities, plan the December Fun Fest, and Winter Sports Pep Assembly. They will also begin planning a holiday luncheon for staff members. If you have a company that would like to sponsor an activity at one of our Fun Fests, please send an email to [email protected]. Visitors on Campus In order to provide the best possible security for our students, we require that you always check into the administration office before going onto campus. Please do this even while waiting outside our doors in the courtyard for your student. You are welcome to visit the administration building or attendance office WITHOUT a visitor’s badge, but all other areas on campus require a badge during school hours. Thank you for your cooperation with this security policy! Halloween Fundraiser – Costumes for a Cause Thank you to all the teachers and students who participated and contributed to the Halloween Fundraiser – Costumes for a Cause on October 31st! Money raised this year will be donated to Cardon Children’s Hospital to assist with their holiday toy drive! AWESOME job Hurricanes – THANK YOU!! Volunteers Needed at Highland Jr. High!! Do you have skills and talents that might be put to good use by schools in a time of budget constraints? Do you want to make a difference in the education of our youth and the future of our society? Do you want to give back to your community or the educational system that made a difference in your life? Do you want to show your child that their education is important to you? Do you want to model volunteerism and generosity for your family? Do you have an interest in volunteering at HJHS for the 2014-2015 school year? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, please fill out this sheet with information on how we may contact you. Your service is needed and appreciated, even if it is only for an hour or two on an occasional basis. Please make sure to note your preferences and an attempt will be made to honor those requests. We appreciate your time and look forward to working with you to make this another successful year! Thank you – HJHS Administration Name ____________________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone Number ______________________________ Cell Number ____________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________________________________ Interested in volunteering (circle one): Weekly Monthly As needed for special projects Days/Times Interested in Working ____________________________________________________________ Special Skills/Talents/Interests (i.e. computer skills) _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferences (i.e. office jobs, teacher assistance, special events) _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ HJHS Master Calendar of Events November 3 5 5 6 10 11 12 19 19 19 20 21 26 27 –28 PTRO Meeting – Library, 6:00pm School-wide AVID/College T-shirt Day Early out Wednesday, dismissal at 2:00pm Spelling Bee – Cafeteria, 8:00am Winter Sports Tryouts Begin Veterans Day – No School Early out Wednesday, dismissal at 2:00pm End of 13.5 Week Grading Period Early out Wednesday, dismissal at 2:00pm School Play “Our Town” – Cafeteria, 4:30pm School Play “Our Town” – Cafeteria, 7:00pm School Play “Our Town” – Cafeteria, 7:00pm Early out Wednesday, dismissal at 2:00pm Thanksgiving Break - No School December 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 15 15 15 15 17 18 19 22 – 31 Cross Country Tri-Meet – Home, 4:00pm PTRO Meeting – Library, 6:00pm School-wide AVID/College T-shirt Day Early out Wednesday, dismissal at 2:00pm Band Concert-HHS, 7:00pm Winter Pep Assembly, Gymnasium, P.M. Double Assembly Girls Softball – Away vs. DRJH, 3:45pm Boys Basketball – Away vs. DRJH, 4:00pm Wrestling – Home vs. DRJH, 4:00pm Winter Fun Fest, 3:15-4:45pm Girls Softball – Away vs. GrJH, 3:45pm Boys Basketball/Cross Country– Away vs. GrJH, 4:00pm Wrestling – Home vs. GrJH, 4:00pm Cross Country Meet – Away vs. GrHS., 4:00pm Orchestra Concert-HHS, 7:00pm Winter Sports Pictures Holiday Choir Concert-HHS, 7:00pm Early out Wednesday, dismissal at 2:00pm Test Taking Strategy Video - P.M. Double Assembly Schedule, will be shown during 8B Girls Softball – Home vs. SVJH, 3:45pm Boys Basketball – Home vs. SVJH, 4:00pm Wrestling – Away vs. SVJH, 4:00pm Girls Softball – Home vs. GJH, 3:45pm Boys Basketball – Home vs. GJH, 4:00pm Wrestling – Away vs. GJH, 4:00pm Cross Country Meet – Away vs. SVJH, 4:00pm Finals Finals Early Release Schedule – Grading Day, dismissal at noon Winter Break - No School OTHER DISTRICT NEWS BUS DRIVERS NEEDED Gilbert Public Schools Transportation Department has a critical need for good Bus Driver applicants. Recently the School Board approved raising the starting wage for bus drivers. We will be holding training classes throughout the school year. The next scheduled training class is November 17, 2014. This position has flexible part time schedules with the possibility of full time and benefits in the future. Please share this message with your family and friends. Thank you for your support. Bus Driver Term: 9 Months Wage: $12.87 per hour Paid Training Must have a good driving record Please apply online at or for more information call 480 497-3311 Option 1. Junior High Honors Testing Saturday, January 10, 2014 8:30 am – 12:30 pm Community Education Office 6839 E. Guadalupe Rd. Mesa, AZ 85212 Phone: 480-892-9089 No student will be evaluated without parental consent. Students must sign up for the test in the front office and return a signed parent permission slip no later than January 7 th, 2015. Please remember students can only take this test once during a 12 month period. Dear Winter Sports Families, We are fast approaching our Winter Sports Season. Cheer tryouts begin on Monday, November 3, 2014. Our Boys Basketball, Girls Softball and Danceline tryouts begin on Monday, November 10, 2014. Wrestling practice also starts on Monday, November 10, 2014. Our Boys and Girls Cross Country practice begins on Monday, November 17, 2014. Please have your child’s eligibility packet completed and turned in as early as possible. We will do our best to clear students as quickly as possible on a first-come, first-served basis. Clearance Requirements: Clearance includes a current physical, completed after March 1, 2014, using the correct AIA form. There are also forms that must be notarized, which can be done in the Athletic office, but the signer must be present and have a valid form of identification. All student athletes must have health insurance. If you currently do not have a policy one may be purchased at to cover your child for athletics. History has shown that some of our student athletes wait until the last minute to turn in required paperwork. If your child has not been cleared and does not receive a pink clearance slip by November 3, 2014, he/she will not be allowed to try out until it is completed. Students not cleared on time may miss part of the tryout process, not allowing them to show their full potential. To guarantee being cleared on time, clearance packets must be completed and turned in to the Athletics office by Monday, November 3, 2014. Clearance packets can be picked up in the Athletic office or printed at the Gilbert Public Schools Website: Please do not hesitate to contact our Athletics office with any questions at 480-632-4739 Ext. 2001. Thank you and best of luck to all our winter student athletes. The Hurricane Athletic Team Winter Sports 2014-2015 Boys Basketball – 4pm & 5pm Softball – 3:45 pm Wrestling – 4:00 pm all sites Tryout start date 11/10/14; Practice Start Date 11/17/14; Contest start date 11/24/14 Date GJH Mon GrJH HJH MJH DRJH SVJH H-GCA GCA A-GrJH 11/24 Mon A-GCA H-MJH 12/01 BB-Away BB-Home SB-Home SB @ MJH Thurs A-SVJH A-MJH A-DRJH H-GrJH H-HJH H-GJH 12/04 H-Wr H-Wr H-Wr A-Wr A-Wr A-Wr Mon H-DRJH H-HJH A-GrJH A-SVJH A-GJH H-MJH 12/08 A-Wr A-Wr (HJH) H-Wr (GrJH) H-Wr (SVJH) H-Wr (GJH) A-Wr (MJH) DRJH) Tues H-GCA A-GJH 12/09 Thurs H-MJH A-DRJH H-SVJH A-GJH H-GrJH A-HJH 12/11 A-Wr H-Wr A-Wr H-Wr A-Wr H-Wr Mon A-HJH H-SVJH H-GJH H-DRJH A-MJH A-GrJH 12/15 H-Wr (HJH) A-Wr (SVJH) A-Wr (GJH) A-Wr (DRJH) H-Wr (MJH) H-Wr (GrJH) Tues A-GCA (BB) H-DRJH 12/16 SB-Home BB-Home SB- @ DRJH Winter Break Thurs H-GrJH A-GJH A-MJH H-HJH A-SVJH H-DRJH 1/08 A-Wr H-Wr H-Wr A-Wr H-Wr A-Wr Mon H-SVJH H-MJH H-DRJH A-GrJh A-HJH A-GJH 1/12 A-Wr (SVJH) A-Wr (MJH) A-Wr (DRJH) H-Wr (GrJH) H-Wr (HJH) H-Wr (GJH) Tues A-GCA H-SVJH 1/13 BB @ GCA BB-Home SB-Home SB @ SVJH Thurs A-DRJH A-HJH H-GrJH H-SVJH H-GJH A-MJH 1/15 H-Wr H-Wr A-Wr A-Wr A-Wr H-Wr Tues A-MJH H-DRJH A-SVJH H-GJH A-GrJH H-HJH 1/20 H-Wr A-Wr H-Wr A-Wr H-Wr A-Wr Thurs H-HJH A-SVJH A-GJH A-DRJH H-MJH H-GrJH 1/22 A-Wr H-Wr H-Wr H-Wr A-Wr A-Wr Mon A-GrJH H-GJH H-MJH A-HJH H-SVJH A-DRJH 1/26 H-Wr (GrJH) A-Wr (GJH) A-Wr (MJH) H-Wr (HJH) Tues A-Wr (SVJH) H-Wr (DRJH) H-GCA A-HJH 1/27 -Wrestling Conference Meet @ CVHS 2/4/15 * Make-Up Date: 1/29 (if necessary)* -Playoff Dates: 1/29 (play-in), 2/2, 2/3, 2/5 CROSS COUNTRY SCHEDULE 2014-2015 Cross Country @ 4:00pm Practice start date 11/17/14, Contest start date 12/01/14, Contest end date 1/29/15 Date GJH GrJH HJH MJH DRJH SVJH GCA Mon A-SVJH H-MJH H-DRJH A-GrJH A-HJH H-GJH A-HJH H-SVJH H-GJH A-MJH A-MJH H-GrJH H-HJH A-DRJH 12/01 Mon (w/GCA) A-DRJH H-HJH A-GrJH 12/8 Mon (w/GCA) H-MJH A-DRJH A-SVJH A-GJH 12/15 (w/GCA) Thur H-HJH 1/08 (w/GCA) Mon A-GrJH 1/12 Tues A-SVJH A-GJH H-DRJH A-MJH H-GrJH A-GJH H-GJH A-MJH H-HJH H-SVJH A-DRJH A-GrJH (w/GCA) H-Tri A-GCA A-GCA A-GJH A-GCA A-GJH H-Quad A-HJH A-GCA H-Tri A-GCA A-HJH A-GCA H-Quad 1/20 Mon 1/26 CROSS COUNTRY TRI & QUAD-MEETS Mon Tri-Meet @ HJH HJH, DRJH, GCA Tri-Meet @ MJH MJH, SVJH, GCA Mon, 12/15 Tri-Meet @ DRJH GrJH, DRJH, GCA Thur, 1/08 Tri-Meet @ GJH GJH, HJH, GCA Mon, 1/12 Tri-Meet @ GrJH GrJH, GJH, GCA Tues, 1/20 Quad Meet @ GCA-Crossroads Park GCA, GrJH, DRJH, HJH Tues, 1/20 Tri-Meet @ GJH SVJH, GJH, MJH Mon, 1/26 Quad Meet @ GCA-Crossroads Park GCA, GrJH, SVJH, MJH Mon, 1/26 Tri-Meet @ HJH GJH, HJH, DRJH 12/01 Mon 12/08 Conference Meet: 1/29/15 @ Crossroads Park Make-Up Date: 1/27/15 @ Scheduled Site Thank you to Wing Orthodontics for their generous support of HJHS! Tax Credit Donation Information A Great Way to Support Your School! Two methods to contribute: 1) You may download and print this 2014 Tax Credit Form. You will then need to complete and mail the form to the address found on the bottom of the form. 2) You may make your tax credit contribution online. This link will take you to a secure site to make your online contribution: Online Tax Credit Contribution This credit, effective January 1, 1998, allows an Arizona taxpayer to contribute $200 per individual tax return or $400 per joint tax return to a school’s extra-curricular program. Contributions can be made to the school of your choice or a combination of schools. At Highland Junior High School, we have many extra-curricular programs that can benefit from these funds! They include classroom field trips, after-school enrichment programs, registration fees for music festivals, special musical instruments, extra sports equipment, athletic and tournament fees. A new revision to this law requires us to use the funds for educational or competitive events (athletic fee); events that are recreational, amusement, or tourist activities are not allowed. Please consider making your tax credit contribution to HJHS! Tax credit contributions must be postmarked, or electronically submitted by December 31 of each year in order to be applicable for that tax year. A tax credit receipt will be mailed to you. Commonly Asked Questions: Who can make a contribution? We can accept contributions only from individuals. We cannot accept contributions from businesses or corporations. Do I have to have children enrolled in school? No- Any Arizona individual paying state income tax can make a tax credit contribution to be used towards extra-curricular fees. Do I have to live within the District? No- Any individual who pays Arizona State income tax can contribute. Do I have to donate the full $200 or $400? No – But remember, you can take this credit on any tax liability for state income taxes up to $200 on an individual tax return or $400 on a joint return. You may donate up to your $200 or $400 limit in installments during the calendar year or donate it at one time. How does this work on my tax return? As an example, let’s say you made a $300 tax credit contribution. When you file your state taxes, you will note the credit with a 322 form. (downloadable from the State.) If your State tax return calculates to a $500 refund, applying the credit will increase your refund to $800. If your State tax return calculates to a $400 liability (you owe) then applying the credit will reduce your liability to $100. However, you cannot receive a refund greater than your State income tax assessment for the tax year. Can a taxpayer receive a refund of these credits? No – The credits may only be used to the extent they reduce a tax liability to zero on your Arizona tax return. Any unused amounts may be carried forward for not more than five consecutive taxable years. Can a taxpayer make a payment of fees to an organization (e.g., PTA, school foundation, school district or school club) which then gives the funds in a lump sum to the school or directly pays for extra-curricular activities? No – ARS § 43-1089.01 requires that the fees be paid “to a public school”. Therefore, the payment must be made directly to the public school only. Superintendent Christina M. Kishimoto, Ed.D. October 24, 2014 GPS Governing Board President Staci Burk Clerk Daryl Colvin Members Jill Humpherys Lily Tram Julie Smith Dear Parents, Veterans Day will be celebrated throughout our nation on Tuesday, November 11th. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the men and women who have served our country and to those who currently are answering the call of duty to defend our great nation. Many GPS staff members are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces and we, as the Gilbert Public Schools family, honor them. Please encourage your children to reach out to veterans in your family, neighborhood or church to thank them for their service, their courage and their dedication. In the days surrounding November 11th, Gilbert Public Schools will be hosting various programs paying tribute to our service members. A list of those events can be found on our website at Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto Superintendent “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” - Elmer Davis 140 South Gilbert Road Gilbert, AZ 85296 Phone 480.497.3300
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