Poster 31 Opioid Modulation of Inhibitory Synapses in Striatal Patch

Poster 31
Opioid Modulation of Inhibitory Synapses in Striatal Patch Compartments
Matthew R. Banghart, Shay Q. Neufeld, Bernardo L. Sabatini
Howard Hughes Institute, Dept. of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, USA
Opioid peptides and their receptors are prominent in the dorsal striatum, a brain region critical for the
generation of purposeful movements and goal-directed behavior. The mu-opioid receptor (MOR) is
highly enriched in striatal patch compartments, which are distinct limbic microcircuits embedded
within the sensorimotor dorsal striatum. Previous work has revealed patch-specific suppression of
inhibition by the MOR agonist DAMGO, but the pre- and post-synaptic neurons that are modulated
remain unknown1. Furthermore, enkephalin, which activates both MOR and the delta-opioid receptor
(DOR), is the apparent native ligand for MOR in striatum. The role of this endogenously occurring
peptide in opioidergic modulation in patches remains completely unexplored. Using slice
electrophysiology in tissue from transgenic mice in combination with optogenetics and
photoactivatable peptides, we identified the inhibitory synapses suppressed by opioid peptides,
mapped the underlying receptors, and defined the kinetics of modulation.
We first validated a transgenic mouse line that allows simultaneous observation of patches and postsynaptic cell identity. We confirmed that enkephalin suppresses local inhibition onto both direct and
indirect pathway striatal projection neurons selectively in patches. To determine the synaptic targets
of enkephalin we conditionally expressed ChR2 in specific cell types and found that particular
subsets of inhibitory synapses were suppressed. Investigation of the underlying receptors revealed
that although MOR contributes to the suppression of inhibition, DOR also plays a major role. We
further investigated the cellular locus of each receptor and their dependence on PKA signaling.
Finally, we probed the time course of opioid peptide modulation with caged enkephalin2, allowing
instantaneous delivery of saturating peptide concentrations. To our surprise, maximal synaptic
suppression required the presence of peptide for several minutes. These results delineate how opioid
release in striatum could shift the balance of limbic-associated striatal output by suppressing a subset
of inhibitory synapses in patches.
1. Miura M., Saino-Salto S., Masuda M., Kobayashi K. and Aosaki T. J Neurosci 27(36): 972128 (2007)
2. Banghart M.R. and Sabatini B.L. Neuron 73(2): 249-59 (2012)
Funding: This work was supported by the Charles A. King Trust (MRB), the National Institute on
Drug Abuse (K99DA034648 to MRB), the Canadian Institute of Health Research (SQN), the
National Institute of Mental Health (RO1MH085418&R01MH100568 to BLS), and the Howard
Hughes Medical Institute (BLS).