Analysis of Controlled Nucleation PDA: A Global Technologies Association Jim Searles, Ph.D. Director, Pharmaceutical Development Hospira, Inc. McPherson, KS, USA [email protected] PDA Europe Pharmaceutical Freeze Drying Conference, 16 September 2014, Brussels Belgium Freezing 5 Natural Steps: 1. Supercooling 2. Nucleation 3. Solidification 0 Temperature (deg. C) Controlled -5 -10 Product T’s -15 -20 Shelf T’s -25 -30 0 20 40 60 Time (minutes) 80 100 120 2 Freezing 5 Steps: 1. Supercooling 2. Nucleation 3. Solidification Temperature (deg. C) 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 0 20 40 60 Time (minutes) 80 100 120 3 Freezing 5 Steps: 1. Supercooling 2. Nucleation 3. Solidification Temperature (deg. C) 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 0 20 40 60 Time (minutes) 80 100 120 4 Freezing 5 Steps: 1. Supercooling 2. Nucleation 3. Solidification Temperature (deg. C) 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 0 20 40 60 Time (minutes) 80 100 120 5 Nucleation is not all of freezing • Only a fraction of the water crystallizes during the initial nucleation event • The remainder crystallizes during “solidification” • “Slushy” phase • Lots of changes can occur during this time Searles, Carpenter & Randolph 2001 J. Pharm. Sci. 90(7):860 6 Low-Particulate Scored Vial Particulate High- Effect of Nucleation T Cooled PreAgI Primary Drying Rate, mg/hr P. Syringae 150 130 110 90 70 R2 = 0.6037 50 -18 -12 -6 0 Nucleation Temperature, °C Searles et al. 2001 J Pharm Sci 90(7):860 7 L-Lactate dehydrogenase LDH activity assay was carried out using a kit (Sigma Chemical) based on the interconversion of lactate and pyruvate 8 Types Covered Rapid depressurization Praxair & SP Scientific ControLyoTM Ice fog Starts with Gasteyer et al. patent app filed in 2007 Pikal cold N2 introduction Rambhatla et al. 2004, Patel et al. 2009 IMA Life & Linde Veriseq® ice crystal injection Chakravarty et al. 2012 Rapid re-pressurization from vacuum Geidobler et al. 2012 & 2013, Izutsu et al. 2014 Millrock FreezeBoosterTM ice crystal injection Thompson 2013, Ling 2014 patent app Ultrasound Nakagawa et al. 2006, Hottot et al. 2008, Passot et al. 2009 (Telstar) 9 Also of Interest Peterson et al. 2006 (2), Woo & Mujumdar 2010 Kuu et al. 2013 J. Pharm. Sci Gap-freezing 102(8):2572 Vacuum-induced surface freezing Kramer et al. 2002, Liu et al. 2005 Done manually in the early days, Physical movement / disturbance mechanical method the subject of Hof 1998 patent EP 0777092 B1 SynchroFreeze – Hof Sonderlanlagen <in development> Electrical, magnetic field 10 Recent Reviews 11 Effects / Opportunities • Larger ice crystals – Lower water vapor flow resistance • Faster drying & lower product T’s – Ability to reduce lyophilization cycle times by further optimization – Lower specific surface area • Less damage to proteins – Faster reconstitution • Anhydrous mannitol crystals (Mehta et al. 2013) • Ability to use previously-unavailable thermal history post-nucleation for additional benefits and innovations 12 Rapid Depressurization SPECIFIC 13 1. Cool to desired temperature (below freezing point), and pressurize the chamber (at least 7 psig) 2. Rapidly depressurize 14 Postulated Mechanisms • Gas Bubbles: “An initial elevated pressure increases the concentration of dissolved gas in the solution. The rapid decrease in pressure after cooling reduces the gas solubility, and the subsequent release of gas from the sub-cooled solution triggers nucleation of the phase transition.” • Gas Cooling Freezes Liquid: “the temperature decrease of the gas proximate the material during depressurization causes a cold spot on the surface of the material that initiates nucleation.” • Evaporative Cooling: “the depressurization causes evaporation of some liquid in the material and the resultant cooling from the endothermic evaporation process may initiate the nucleation.” • Ice Fog: “the depressurized cold gas proximate the material freezes some vapor either in equilibrium with the material prior to depressurization or liberated from the material by evaporation during depressurization; the resultant solid particles re-enter the material and act as seeds or surfaces to initiate nucleation.” 15 2011 16 “Three anhydrous polymorphs (α-, β-, and δ-mannitol) and mannitol hemihydrate (MHH; C6H14O6·0.5H2O) have been observed in freeze-dried formulations” “The existence of MHH in the final lyophile is undesirable – the water released by MHH dehydration during storage has the potential to cause undesirable physical and chemical changes in other formulation components” High protein concentrations and other excipients can inhibit the formation of MHH. 17 18 “MHH formation was completely prevented when crystallization occurred at temperatures ≥-10 ºC. This can be practically challenging, since supercooling of solutions is commonly encountered during freeze-drying. Thus, the use of a freeze-dryer with controlled ice nucleation can be an effective strategy to cause ice crystallization at elevated temperatures (i.e. prevent pronounced supercooling) and consistently yield anhydrous mannitol.” “once anhydrous mannitol crystallized in the frozen solutions, it did not transform to MHH during freeze-drying and vice versa.” 19 20 Natural Controlled 21 22 DNA plasmid (pCMVLuc) cationic linear polyethylenimine forms polyplexes that interact electrostatically with the negatively charged DNA to form condensed complexes 23 24 2014 25 1 mg/mL 20 mg/mL 26 Ice Fog Injection SPECIFIC 27 Inject –50 °C nitrogen gas into humid chamber, and an ice fog results 28 Injection of –50 °C nitrogen gas into humid chamber after reducing the absolute pressure to ~1/10 atmosphere 29 30 31 IMA Life External ice fog generator to pump a suspension of ice crystals into the product chamber. 32 33 FreezeBoosterTM by Millrock Technologies 1. Product is maintained at a predetermined temperature and pressure in a chamber of the freeze dryer, and 2. A predetermined volume of condensed frost is created on an inner surface of a condenser chamber separate from the product chamber and connected thereto by a vapor port. 3. The opening of the vapor port into the product chamber when the condenser chamber has a pressure that is greater than that of the product chamber creates gas turbulence that breaks down the condensed frost into ice crystals 4. (The ice crystals) rapidly enter the product chamber for even distribution therein to 5. (which) creates uniform and rapid nucleation of the product in different areas of the product chamber. 34 Repressurization SPECIFIC 35 1. The shelves of the lyophilizer are cooled and the product is equilibrated to the desired product temperature. 2. The freeze-dryer is then depressurized to a specified vacuum set point (3.7 mbar, 2.8 Torr) and immediately brought to atmospheric pressure via the cold condenser. 3. During the repressurization, almost instant nucleation of the product takes place. 36 2013 To increase water vapor amount in the chamber and condenser coils, a tray of 100 mL high-purified water was placed into the lyophilizer, and in addition, 10 mL of water was sprayed on the condenser coils before triggering nucleation at a product temperature of −5◦C. After nucleation, the samples were thermally treated at −5◦C for 120 min. Complete solidification was achieved by ramping down to −60◦C with a ramp of 1◦C/min. 37 For this study, a modified controlled ice nucleation method based on the one reported by Geidobler et al. was also applied in the freezing step of some protein solutions (18). For the controlled nucleation, the sample-loaded lyophilizer shelf was cooled from room temperature to −5°C and maintained at that temperature for 1 h. Ice nucleation was triggered by a quick release of the vacuum after the chamber pressure was reduced to 4 mbar. Visual observation indicated simultaneous ice formation from the top of all solutions upon introduction of nitrogen gas through the drain. Primary drying was started after the shelf was cooled to −32°C (0.5°C/min). "Evaporation-induced cooling of the solution surface and induction of small ice crystals that are blown from the condenser by the nitrogen gas flow are considered to trigger the simultaneous freezing in many tubes." 38 Ultrasound SPECIFIC 39 40 41 42 Conclusions • There are controlled nucleation technologies that are close to commercialization • Benefits – – – – – – Less vial-to-vial heterogeneity Shorter primary drying at lower product temperatures Lower specific surface area of lyophilized cake Improved product appearance Shorter reconstitution time Expansion of the design space for achieving anhydrous mannitol crytallization – Improved protein recovery 43
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