5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014) December 12th–14th, 2014, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India ROLE OF MQL AND NANO FLUIDS ON THE MACHINING OF NICROFER C263 P Subhash Chandra Bose1*, C S P Rao2, Kishore Jawale3 1 National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 506004, [email protected] (corresponding author) 2 National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 506004, [email protected] 3 National Institute of Technology, Warangal, 506004, [email protected] Abstract Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) is a very good tradeoff between over-use of cutting fluids and poor surface integrity obtained by dry machining. MQL provides eco friendly machining environment and improves machinability characteristics. Nanofluids have novel properties that make them potentially useful in heat transfer medium in cutting zone. This paper presents the effect of MQL and Nanofluids with 1% volume of Al2O3 and 4% volume Al2O3 on the machinability characteristics of Nicrofer C263 mainly with respect to Surface Roughness, Cutting Forces and Temperature dissipation. Experimental analysis for three different conditions – dry, MQL and MQL + Al2O3 Nanoparticles are carried out. It was found that use of combination of Nanofluids and MQL gives better surface finish with good temperature dissipation in cutting zone when compared with other conditions. It is also observed that there is a decrease in cutting forces and which may lead to reduced tool wear. Keyword: Nano Fluids, MQL, Super alloys, machining. Research by Rao DN, Srikant RR (2006) showed straight oil is not intended to be mixed with water. 1 Introduction Emulsions possess excellent heat transfer The objective of any machining operations is characteristics because of their high water content. primarily to obtain lower machining costs, improving Straight oils excel when a high degree of lubricity is quality of product and increasing productivity. This required. Both media guarantee efficient chip objective can be achieved by machiningat the highest transport, when compressed air is used instead of a cutting speed with maximum tool life and least cooling lubricant, the lubrication benefit of the fluid is discards. Somemachining operations can be carried lost. The coolant effect is much less pronounced than out “dry”, but cutting fluids have been with water or oil. Water and oil are also superior to air usedextensively and play a significant role in in terms of chip transport characteristics. In wet machining areas. EmelKuram, et al. (2013) state that machining, machining with cutting fluids causes cutting fluids affect theproductivity of machining environment, water source pollution and soil become operations, tool life, and quality of workpiece and polluted during disposal of the cutting fluid. preventthe cutting tool and machine from overheating In MQL operations, the media used is as well. generally straight oil, but some applications have also Dry machining means that no cutting fluid is utilized an emulsion or water as showed by M. N. used during process. For economicas well as Morgan (2012). These fluid media is fed to the tool environmental reasons machining process is carried and work piece interface in tiny quantities. This is out without any cuttingfluid but dry machining has done with or without the assistance of a transport some disadvantages. During dry machining medium, e.g., air. In many machining operations, process,temperature of the cutting tool is very high minimum quantity cooling lubrication (MQL) is the and this induces excessive toolwear thus decreasing key to successful dry machining. tool life. Also the chips generated at machining cannot Nanofluids are engineered colloidal washaway and these chips cause deterioration on the suspensions of Nanoparticles in a base fluid. It has machined surface. been found by M. M. A. Khan (2009), that Nanofluids The primary function of a cutting fluid in wet have much higher and strongly temperature dependent machining operations is to cool, to lubricate, and thermal conductivity at very low particle toremove the chips. Emulsions or straight oils are concentration, which is considered to be a key generally used depending on the manufacturing parameter for enhanced performance for many of the operation and machining task involved. Straight oil is applications. Al2O3 Nanoparticles have been a cutting fluid that is composed of mineral oil or analyzedby Pil-Ho Lee (2012) and it was found to be vegetable oil and is mainly used as a lubricant. 363-1 ROLE OF MQL AND NANO FLUIDS ON THE MACHINING OF NICROFER C263 most suitable as it increases wettability, reduces cutting forces, and shows enhanced tribological effects (like ball / roller effect) along with minimum toxic nature. 2 Experimental Procedure 2.1 Work piece Nicrofer C263 is a Nickel – Chromium alloy with chemical composition as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Chemical Composition. Ni 78.8% Cr 20% Ti 0.39% Mn 0.1% Si 0.7% C 0.01% Multi-layered PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) coated cemented tungsten carbide inserts are used for the turning tests. These inserts are manufactured by Widia. The coated carbide grade was TN6025, which is designed for light and medium turning operations of high temperature alloys. TN6025 inserts are Nano-multi layered TiAlN coated insert, which has a very high wear resistance and good toughness. 2.2 Machine Tool Experiments have been carried out by plain turning on Nicrofer C263 alloy on retrofitted VDF CNC lathe.VDF is an acronym forVereinigteDrehbank-Fabriken which translates basicallyto: Combined Lathe Makers.The ranges of the cutting velocity, feed rate and depth of cut were selected based on the tool manufacturer’s recommendation and industrial practices as shown in Table 2. Table 2: Experimental Conditions Machine tool: Retrofitted VDF CNC lathe Work pieces Cutting tool Insert code system Cutting velocity, Vc Feed rate, f: Depth of cut,d: MQL supply: Environment: Measurement of surface roughness Measurement of cutting forces Measurement of cutting temperature Nicrofer C263(42.18 X 250 of 4 rods) Multi-layered PVD coated cemented tungsten carbide inserts TNMG16040822 30 - 55 m/min 0.08 - 0. 2 mm/rev 0.5 - 1.5mm Air:5 bar, Lubricant: 60 ml/h Dry, MQL and MQL with Nano fluids. Handy surf Kistler Dynamometer INFRARED THERMOMETER 2.3 Cutting Fluid Here Vegetable Oil {Max mix ST-2020}, is used as cutting fluid in MQL condition and hereafter it is called as MQL. Max Mist ST-2020 is an environmentally acceptable vegetables oil based lubricant. Max mist ST-2020 will yield the lowest net manufacturing costs of any fluid as found byJung Soo, et al. (2011.) 2.4 Preparation of Nano fluids In this work the alumina (Al2O3) Nano particles are mixed with vegetable oil, as a base fluid to make Al2O3Nanofluid. Nano Al2O3 particles are selected due to their superior tribological and antitoxic properties based on study of Pil-Ho Lee, et al. (2012). The method used to make Nano fluid is given below. Take one gram of Al2O3 Nano particles and directly mix with 100 ml vegetable oil as a base fluid and prepare the sample.1Vol% of Al2O3 Nano fluid = 100 ml of vegetable oil + 1gm of Al2O3 Nano particles. 4Vol% of Al2O3 Nano fluid = 100 ml of vegetable oil + 4gm of Al2O3 Nano particles. The above composition has to be mixed continuously about 8 to 9 hours using Magnetic stirrer. The size of Al2O3 particles is about 5 Nm. Here after Nano fluid means a mix of MQL and Al2O3 particles. 2.5 Selection of Cutting Parameters The Experimental Design was done using Central Composite Design using Design Expert Software. The optimization was performed using Response Surface methodology. The initial values of each process parameter are selected according to the Tool Manufacturers specifications and ASME handbook standards, mentioned in Appendix. Optimum machining Parameters for Nicrofer C263 by using Response surface Methodology are shown in Table 3. Table 3: Optimum parameters for Nicrofer C263 Feed Depth Optimum Speed Nicrofer C263 Value mm/min mm/rev of cut Surface 0.12 0.75 0.829 42.74 Roughness Ra 0.09 0.9 Cutting Forces 136.716 54.75 Cutting Temp. 0.09 0.9 98 36 °C 3 Effects of MQL and Nanofluids Three optimum conditions obtained by RSM (Response Surface Methodology) has been selected to explore the role of MQL (Vegetable Oil) and MQL + Nano fluid (1% Al2O3 and 4%Al2O3) on the machinability characteristics of work material mainly in terms of Surface roughness, Cutting Temperature and Cutting Force. The observations for machining Nicrofer under different cutting fluid conditions are tabulated in Table 4. 363-2 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014) December 12th–14th, 2014, IIT Guwahati, Assam, India Table 4:: Experimental values of surface roughness, cutting forces and cutting cutting temperature of Nicrofer C263 263 under dry, MQL and Nano fluid conditions Nanofluid+MQ L (4% Al2O3) Nanofluid+MQ L (1% Al2O3) Mist coolant+MQL Dry condition Run No. Speed m/min Feed mm/rev Depth of cut Ra1 Ra2 Ra3 Avg. Ra micron Force Newton Temp. ° C 1 42.74 0.12 0.75 0.54 0.51 0.52 0.5233 163 65.2 2 54.75 0.09 0.9 0.52 0.48 0.49 0.4966 149 70.4 3 36 0.09 0.9 0.4 0.37 0.38 0.3833 194 72.9 1 42.74 0.12 0.75 0.65 0.66 0.68 0.6633 175 66.9 2 54.75 0.09 0.9 0.5 0.64 0.7 0.6133 161 72.8 3 36 0.09 0.9 0.6 0.52 0.54 0.476 216 74.6 1 42.74 0.12 0.75 0.69 0.62 0.69 0.666 252.8 99.1 2 54.75 0.09 0.9 0.62 0.75 0.73 0.70 191.8 76.8 3 36 0.09 0.9 0.51 0.48 0.53 0.5066 216.7 77.1 1 42.74 0.12 0.75 0.72 0.98 1.17 0.956 261 112.3 2 54.75 0.09 0.9 0.99 0.95 0.84 0.926 232 121.9 3 36 0.09 0.9 0.99 1.03 1.04 1.02 234 79.2 3.1 Surface Roughness It is observed that plain MQL condition gives better surface finish than the dry cutting process, which may be due to controlled deterioration of the auxiliary cutting edge caused by abrasion, chipping and built up edge formation. It is also observed that Nanofluid further decreases the surface roughness, this is because Nanofluids exhibit enhanced thermal properties such as higher thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficients compared with plain MQL. Increasing concentration of Al2O3 from 1% to 4% still st further enhances surface integrity. Figure 1depicts depicts surface roughness v/s speed, feed and depth of cut in all the three environment conditions i.e. Dry, MQL and Nano fluid, it is clear from the Figures that the range of the surface roughness is gradually decreasing from dry to MQL and MQL to Nano fluid id as shown in following Table 5. Figure 1:: Ra v/s experimental runs Table 5:: Surface Roughness Reduction Range of Surface roughness % of reduction Dry condition 0.92 to 1.02 µm - MQL 0.5 to 0.7 µm 31 – 38 % (1% Al2O3)Nano Fluid 0.47 to 0.66 µm 6 – 12 % (4% Al2O3)Nano Fluid 0.38 to 0.52µm 21 – 23 % 3.2 Cutting Forces Figure 2 for optimum Cutting Force v/s Speed, Feed and Depth of Cut ut conditions in all the four environments i.e. Dry, MQL and Nano fluid, it is clear that the range of the Cutting Force is gradually decreasing from dry to MQL and from MQL to Nano fluid is shown in Table 6. This reduction of cutting forces from dry condition to MQL may be due to change in the chip tool interaction and retention of cutting edge sharpness due to reduction of cutting temperature. It is observed that there is a reduction ofcutting cutting forces in Nano fluid conditions as compared to dry and MQL, this may be due to reduction of cutting zone temperatures, whichh results in less friction and a decrease in the formation of built up edges. 363-3 ROLE OF MQL AND NANO FLUIDS ON THE MACHINING OF NICROFER C263 4 Conclusions Based on the experimental conclusions are drawn: Figure 2: Fz v/s experimental runs Table 6:: Cutting Forces Reduction Range of Cutting forces % of reduction Dry condition 232 to 261 N - MQL 191.8 to 252.8 N 3 to 17 % 161 to 216 N 14 to 16 % 149 to 194 N 7 to 10 % (1% Al2O3)Nano Fluid (4% Al2O3)Nano Fluid 3.3 Cutting Temperature The Figures 3 depicts optimum Cutting Temperature v/s Speed, Feed and Depth of cut conditions in all the three environments i.e. Dry, MQL and Nano fluid. It is clear that the range of the Temperature is gradually decreasing from dry to Nano fluid is shown in Table 7. results, following 1. There is a reduction of 31 to 38% in surface roughness using MQL compared to dry machining.Use of (1% Al2O3) Nano fluids still further reduces surface roughness value by 6 to 12 %, compared to MQL. (4% Al2O3) Nanofluids reduces surface roughness by 21 to 23 % compared to (1% Al2O3) Nano fluids fluids. 2. Use of MQL reduces cutting forces by 3 to 17 % when compared with Dry machining. There is a further reduction off 14 to 16 % in cutting forces when (1% Al2O3) Nano fluids are used. (4% Al2O3) Nano fluid reduces Cutting forces by 7 to 10 % compared to (1% Al2O3) Nano fluids. fluids 3. MQL condition reduces cutting zone temperature by 3 to 18 %. Implementation of Nano fluids st still reduces this cutting temperature by 13 to 24 %. (4% Al2O3) Nano fluids reduce cutting temperature by 2 to 3 % compared to (1% Al2O3) Nano fluids. These experiments show that Surface Roughness, Cutting Forces and Temperature can be reduced significantly by machining Nicrofer C263 using Nano fluid (i.e. 1Vol% of Al2O3 Nano fluid)) as compared to Dry and MQL. Acknowledgement This paper is partly supported by DRDL Hyderabad. Material was being supplied by DRDL and experiments were conducted in PE Lab of NIT Warangal. 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