PRAGATI SACHAN et al. DATE OF PUBLICATION: SEP 23, 2014 ISSN: 2348-4098 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 7 SEP-OCT 2014 BARRELSHIFTER 1PRAGATISACHAN,2ANCHALKATIYAR,3ANITADIDAL,4PALLAVIGAUTAM M.TechScholar,VLSI,JayotiVidyapeethWomen’sUniversityJaipur,Rajasthan,INDIA,E‐mail: , [email protected] [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] ABSTRACT Barrelshiftersareoftenutilizedbyembeddeddigitalsignalprocessorsandgeneral‐purposeprocessorstomanipulatedata. Thisexaminesdesignalternativesforbarrelshiftersthatperformthefollowingfunctions: Shiftrightlogical,shiftrightarithmetic,rotateright,shiftleftlogical,shiftleftarithmetic,androtateleft.Fourdifferentbarrel shifter designs are presented and compared in terms of area and delay for a variety of operand sizes. This also examines techniquesfordetectingresultsthatoverflowandresultsofzeroinparallelwiththeshiftorrotateoperation. 1. INTRODUCTION arithmetic and shift left arithmetic operations. An n‐bit logarithmicbarrelshifteruseslog2(n)stages[1,2].Each bitoftheshiftamount,B,controlsadifferentstageofthe shifter.Thedataintostagecontrolledbybkisshiftedby 2kbitsifbk=1;otherwiseitisnotshifted.Techniquesare also presented for detecting results that overflow and results of zero in parallel with the shift or rotate operation. A barrel shifter is a digital circuit that can shift a data wordbyaspecifiednumbersofbitsinoneclockcycle.It can be implemented as a sequence of multiplexors (mux),andinsuchanimplementationtheoutputofone muxisconnectedtothenextmuxinawaythatdepends ontheshiftdistance.Barrelshiftersareoftenutilizedby embeddeddigitalsignalprocessorsandgeneralpurpose Tableno.‐1:Shiftandrotateexamplefor processorstomanipulatedata.Shiftingandrotatingdata A=a7a6a5a4a3a2a1a0andB=3 is required in several applications, variable‐length coding, and bit indexing. The mux based barrel shifter Operation Y architecture are designed using 4:1,8:1,16:1,32:1,and 64:1muxtrees.Eachmuxtreeisdesignedusing2:1mux. 3‐bitshiftrightlogical 000a7a6a5a4a3 The power consumed by mux trees is quite significant andcannotbeignored.Thusitisimportanttominimize 3‐bitshiftrightarithmetic a7a7a7a7a6a5a4a3 power dissipation of mux trees within low power designs.Multiplexersaredigitalcircuitthatgeneratesan 3‐bitrotateright a2a1a0a7a6a5a4a3 output that exactly reflects state of one of a number of datainputs,basedonvalueofselectlines.Amultiplexer 3‐bitshiftleftlogical a4a3a2a1a0000 withtwodatainputandoneselectlineisreferredas“2‐ to‐1or 2:1”multiplexer. A barrel shifter primarily offers 3‐bitshiftleftarithmetic a7a3a2a1a0000 fiveoperations;rotateright,rotateleft,shiftrightlogical, shift left logical, and shift right arithmetic, shift left 3‐bitrotateleft a4a3a2a1a0a7a6a5 arithmetic. An n‐bit logarithmic barrel shifter uses log2 (n)stages[1,2].Eachbitoftheshiftamount,B,controls a different stage of the shifter. The data in to stage 3. DESIGNMETHODOLOGIES controlledbybkisshiftedby2kbitsifbk=1;otherwiseit is not shifted. Techniques are also presented for Tools:‐Modelsim detecting results that overflow and results of zero in parallelwiththeshiftorrotateoperation. BlockDiagram:‐ 2. DESIGNSPECIFICATION Basic shifter and rotator designs are described first followedbyMux‐baseddata‐reversalbarrel‐shifters.The term multiplexer refers to a 1‐bit to 2‐to‐1 multiplexor unlessotherwisestated.Arowofnmultiplexorsreverse the order of the data when left=1 to produce the final result. A Mux based data reversal barrel shifter, also detectoverflowandresultsofzero.Overflowonlyoccurs when performing a shift left arithmetic operation and one or more of the shifted‐out bits differ from the sign bit. The operation performed by the barrel shifters is controlled by a 3‐bit opcode, which consists of the bits left, rotate and arithmetic, additional control signal, sra and sla are set to one when performing shift right INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, ENGIEERING AND TECHNOLOGY- 1434 PRAGATI SACHAN et al. DATE OF PUBLICATION: SEP 23, 2014 ISSN: 2348-4098 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 7 SEP-OCT 2014 TheblockdiagramshowingtheDatain,direction,input reversal,shiftorrotate,selectline,outputreversal,data out. TableNO.–2:BarrelShifterFunctionality 3.1Operationcontrolbit 1. A B‐bit shift right logical operation performs a B‐bit rightshiftandsetstheupperBbitsoftheresulttozeros. Mode Rotation Direction Description 2.AB‐bitshiftrightarithmeticoperationperformsaB‐ bit right shift and sets the upper B bits of the result to an‐1,whichcorrespondstothesignbitofA. Shift Left Logical 0 0 Logicshiftleft,0is shifted through the right most (lsb)bit. 3. A B‐bit rotate right operation performs a B‐bit right shiftandsetstheupperBbitsoftheresulttothelowerB bitsofA. Rotate Left 1 0 Left rotate, the right most bit is shifted back in formtheright. Shift Right Logical 0 Rotate Right 1 1 1 Logical shift right, 0isshiftedtheleft most(msb)bit. Right rotate, the right most bit is back in from the left. The right rotator and the logical right shifter supply different inputs to the more significant multiplexors. Withtherotator,sincealloftheinputbitsareroutedto the output, there is no longer a need for interconnect lines carrying zeros. Instead, interconnect lines are insertedto enable routingofthe 2k loworderdata bits tothe2khighordermultiplexorsinthestagecontrolled bybk.Changingfromanon‐optimizedshiftertoarotator has no impact on the theoretical area or delay. The longer interconnect lines of the rotator; however, can increasebothareaanddelay.Thelogicalrightshiftercan be extended to also perform shift right arithmetic and rotate right operations by adding additional multiplexors.Thisforan8‐bitrightshifter/rotatorwith three stages of 4‐bit, 2‐bit, and 1‐bit shifts/rotates. Initially, a single multiplexor selects between '0' for logicalrightshiftingand1forarithmeticrightshiftingto produces.Inthestagecontrolledbybk,2kmultiplexors selectbetweensforshiftingandthe2klowerbitsofthe dataforrotating.Beforeandaftertherightshifter,when a left shift operation is performed, these multiplexors reversethedataintoandoutoftherightshifter.Whena rightshiftoperationisperformed,thedataintoandout oftheshifterisnotchanged. Tableno3 4.AB‐bitshiftleftlogicaloperationperformsaB‐bitleft shiftandsetsthelowerBbitsoftheresulttozeros. 5.AB‐bitshiftleftarithmeticoperationperformsaB‐bit leftshiftandsetsthelowerBbitsoftheresulttozeros. Thesignbitoftheresultissettoan‐1. 6.AB‐bitrotateleftoperationperformsaB‐bitleftshift andsetsthelowerBbitsoftheresulttotheupperBbits ofA. The operation performed by the barrel shifters is controlled by a 3‐bit opcode, which consists of the bits left, Rotate, and arithmetic, as summarized in Table 3. Additional control signals, sra and sla, are set to one when performing shift right arithmetic and shift left arithmeticoperations,respectively. 4. DESIGNIMPLEMENTATION Abarrelshifterisoftenimplementedasa:‐ RotateandShiftDirection:‐Thedirectionoftherotate and shift operation is implemented by reversing the inputandoutputvector,usingthismethodallowsforthe shiftorrotatelogictobekeptsimple. [A]LogicalShiftOperation:‐Thelogicalshiftoperation inserts0valuesforeachshiftoperation.Theinputvector is shifted in the selected direction according to the numberofbitsintheselectindication. [B] Rotate Operation: ‐ The rotate operation is a shift where the bit which is shifted out of the vector MSB is insertedatitsLSB. [C] Shift and Rotate Operation: ‐ We defined A to be theinputoperand,Btobetheshift/rotateamount,andY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, ENGIEERING AND TECHNOLOGY- 1435 PRAGATI SACHAN et al. DATE OF PUBLICATION: SEP 23, 2014 ISSN: 2348-4098 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 7 SEP-OCT 2014 tobetheshifted/rotatedresult.WedefineAtobeann‐ bitvalue,wherenisanintegerpoweroftwo.Therefore, Bisalog2(n)‐bitintegerrepresentingvaluesfrom0ton ‐ 1 we define A to be the input operand, B to be the shift/rotate amount, and Y to be the shifted/rotated result. We define A to be an n‐bit value, where n is an integer power of two. Therefore, B is a log2(n)‐bit integerrepresentingvaluesfrom0ton‐1. 4.1.Figure1‐8‐Bitlogicalrightshifter 4.2.Figure2‐8Bitrightrotator Figure1showstheblockdiagramofan8‐bitlogicalright shifter, which uses three stages with 4‐bit, 2‐bit, and 1‐ bit shifts. To optimize the design, each multiplexor that has'0'foroneofitsinputscanbereplacedbya2‐input andgatewiththedatabitandbkasinputs.Asimilarunit thatperformsrightrotations,insteadofrightshifts,can be designed by modifying the connections to the more significant multiplexors. Figure 2 shows the block diagramofan8‐bitrightrotatorwhichusesthreestages with4‐bit,2‐bit,and1‐bitrotates.Therightrotatorand the logical right shifter supply different inputs to the moresignificantmultiplexors.Withtherotator,sinceall of the input bits are routed to the output, there is no longer a need for interconnect lines carrying zeros. Instead,interconnectlinesareinsertedtoenablerouting of the 2k low order data bits to the 2k high order multiplexors in the stage controlled by bk. Changing fromanon‐optimizedshiftertoarotatorhasnoimpact onthetheoreticalareaordelay.Thelongerinterconnect linesoftherotatorcanincreasebothareaanddelay.The logicalrightshiftercanbeextendedtoalsoperformshift right arithmetic and rotate right operations by adding additional multiplexors. This approach is illustrated in Figure 3, for an 8‐bit right shifter/rotator with three stages of 4‐bit, 2‐bit, and 1‐bit shifts/rotates. Initially, a single multiplexor selects between '0' for logical right INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, ENGIEERING AND TECHNOLOGY- 1436 PRAGATI SACHAN et al. DATE OF PUBLICATION: SEP 23, 2014 ISSN: 2348-4098 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 7 SEP-OCT 2014 shiftingandan‐1forarithmeticrightshiftingtoproduce s. In the stage controlled by bk, 2k multiplexors select between s for shifting andthe 2k lowerbits of the data forrotating. 4.3Figure3‐8Bitdatareversal 5. SIMULATIONANDRESULTS 5.1.SimulationResult(rightshift) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, ENGIEERING AND TECHNOLOGY- 1437 PRAGATI SACHAN et al. DATE OF PUBLICATION: SEP 23, 2014 ISSN: 2348-4098 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 7 SEP-OCT 2014 5.2.SimulationResult(leftshift) 5.3.SimulationResult(reversal) 5.4.SimulationResult(rotator) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, ENGIEERING AND TECHNOLOGY- 1438 PRAGATI SACHAN et al. DATE OF PUBLICATION: SEP 23, 2014 ISSN: 2348-4098 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 7 SEP-OCT 2014 5.5.SimulationResult(shift+rotateright) 5.6.SimulationResult(shifts+rotatesleft) 5.7.SimulationResult(barrelshifter) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, ENGIEERING AND TECHNOLOGY- 1439 PRAGATI SACHAN et al. DATE OF PUBLICATION: SEP 23, 2014 ISSN: 2348-4098 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 7 SEP-OCT 2014 6. FUTUREEXPECTS The future expects of barrel shifter is that it minimize the area and power delay of the circuit. Area and delay estimates, based on synthesis of structural level VHDL, indicatethatdata‐reversalbarrelshiftershavelessarea than two's complement or one's complement barrel shifters and that mask‐based data‐reversal barrel shifters have less delay than the other designs. As the operandsizeincreases,thedelayoftheshiftersincreases asO(log(n))andtheirareaincreasesasO(nlog(n)).Into the future expectation we attach a overflow detection logic,sothedatashouldnotbewaste. 7. CONCLUSION This paper named “Barrel Shifter” undertook by the studentofM.Tech(VERILARGESCALEINTEGERATION) THIRD SEMESTER under the guidance and support of ourteacher. The reason behind undertaking this project simply lies with the fact that there are so many circuits that have morepowerconsumptionanddelay,sotominimizethe areaanddelayweareusingshiftingorrotation.Herewe aredoingshiftrightlogical,shiftrightarithmetic,rotate right,shiftleftlogical,shiftleftarithmetic,androtateleft. Four different barrel shifter designs are presented and compared in terms of area and delay for a variety of operand sizes. This is also examines techniques for detecting results that overflow and results of zero in parallelwiththeshiftorrotateoperation. Toresolvethispurposewehavemadethisveryproject, so that if such a kind of system is used then at least it may be able to sense the shifting or rotation and accordinglynecessaryconditionscanbeundertaken. REFERENCES 2.BarrelShifterorMultiply/DivideICStructure. 3.CircuitforRotating,LeftShifting,orRightShiftingBits. 4.MultilevelBarrelShifterforCORDICDesign. 5.High‐SpeedBarrelShifter. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, ENGIEERING AND TECHNOLOGY- 1440
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