Details - MVP.Aero

Special pricing depicted below only offered on reservation deposits received prior to Oct 31, 2014.
THIS DEPOSIT AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between MVP.Aero, Inc. (“MVP.Aero”), and the
“Depositor” (or “You” or “Your”) herein identified as;
Depositor’s Information
Company & Title (if any)
City, State, Country
Zip / Postal Code
Credit Card Information
Depositor’s Signature
Deposit Date & Time Stamp
Aircraft Positions are assigned as determined by the Deposit Date and Time Stamp above on this Deposit Agreement
when officially signed by an officer of MVP.Aero Inc. Other important terms of Aircraft Position assignment are further
defined below.
Depositor wishes to place a refundable deposit in the amount of $5,000 to hold a delivery position on one (1) of the
Depositor’s Choice of Aircraft (hereinafter “DCA”) selected by the Depositor by marking an “x” in the table below.
Depositor’s Choice of Aircraft
Choose One Aircraft Type
Price *
Estimated *
MVP Production LSA Aircraft
MVP ELSA Kit Aircraft
I Will Decide Later (1 week from following Friday, see Paragraph 4 below)
Check One
* See MVP deposit agreement below for price adjustments at the time of delivery. Estimated Delivery dates are not guaranteed.
Subject to availability, Depositor may upgrade this Aircraft Position Deposit to higher MVP ownership levels for better
price and benefits at any time.
Note: A processing fee of $500 applies to all deposits. See paragraph 3 for details.
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1. INTRODUCTION. MVP.Aero is developing an aircraft design which will be sold as 1) a production LSA aircraft or 2)
an ELSA kit aircraft hereinafter collectively referred to as the MVP. MVP.Aero has discussed the general concept
and specifications of the MVP with the Depositor and the Depositor has requested that MVP.Aero accept a
refundable position deposit in anticipation of MVP.Aero completing the design, testing and production of the MVP.
2. Binding Upon Funds Received. The Depositor is requesting assignment of a Delivery Position and the Depositor’s
signature (actual or electronic), together with payment of the Deposit Amount indicates the Depositor’s
understanding and agreement to the statements above. This Agreement shall not be binding on the Parties until the
signature by all Parties is made, together with the full Deposit Amount paid to the Escrow Agent.
4. I Will Decide Later. If You choose option 3, “I Will Decide Later” as your choice of aircraft, You will have until the
close of business on Friday of the following calendar week to notify MVP.Aero Inc. of Your Depositor’s Choice of
Aircraft. During that time period Your Depositors Date and Time Stamp shall preserve the priority of your order in
relation to others as defined later in this Agreement. If You have not specified a Depositor’s Choice of Aircraft by
the stated time limit then Your Depositors Choice of Aircraft will be automatically designated as choice #1, MVP
Production LSA Aircraft.
5. Aircraft Delivery Position Assignment. MVP Delivery Position numbers are assigned at the open of MVP.Aero Inc.
business on the Monday of each week (not including Holidays). All signed and paid up Deposit Agreements from
two business weeks prior will be assigned a specific delivery position number in the Depositors Choice of Aircraft
category, strictly in the same order of the Deposit Date and Time Stamp of each Deposit Agreement. You will be
issued an MVP Delivery Position Certificate by email to the Depositor’s specified email address. The Certificate is
evidence of your delivery position assignment but the Company’s records shall be controlling in the event of any
disputes. Delivery Positions are subject to prior commitments and availability, as determined by MVP.Aero in its
sole discretion. In addition to Deliver Positions being issued to the general public, MVP.Aero may have previously
made commitments for Delivery Positions for factory’s dealers, demonstrators, prototypes, flight testing, review by
governmental regulators, marketing campaigns, or for other general business purposes that MVP.Aero believes are
appropriate and in its best business interest.
6. Transferability – This deposit Agreement may be transferred to another legal entity provided Depositor receives
prior written consent from MVP.Aero Inc. which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. MVP.Aero reserves the
right to charge Depositor a processing fee of $500.00 for transference of this Agreement. The receiving legal entity
of this Agreement shall NOT have a right of transferability.
7. Price. The Purchase Price of the Aircraft shall be adjusted at the time of delivery for the following:
i. Buyer’s choice of Aircraft options as defined and offered prior to the time of delivery;
ii. Change in CPI defined as the change in the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers published by the
United States Department of Labor as of June 1, 2014 and the rate in effect on the first day of the month
immediately preceding the delivery date;
iii. Change in engine price defined as the difference in the US published retail price of the Rotax 912iS engine as
of June 2014 (herein agreed currently to be $26,200) and the US published retail price stated as of the time
of delivery; this adjustment shall be made separately from the adjust for the CPI in (ii) above;
iv. Buyer if purchasing an E-AB Kit Aircraft, may choose the alternate Rotax 914UL (ASTM spec) engine for the
difference in the retail price to the Rotax 912iS engine (retail price as agreed in para 1diii above) and the US
published retail price stated for the Rotax 914UL (ASTM spec) engine as of the time of delivery.
v. The Purchase Price is exclusive of and does not include any sales or use tax, value-added taxes, duties,
registration fees or any charges that may be levied by governmental authorities in connection with the
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purchase, sale, transfer, use, registration, export, import of the Aircraft (collectively, "Taxes"). Taxes required
by law to be charged at the point of sale will be added to the Purchase Price and collected by Seller for
payment to the proper authorities.
8. Estimated Delivery. The MVP development is an on-going process and as such, MVP.Aero does not guarantee
estimated delivery dates. Estimated delivery dates are subject to change.
9. Actual Delivery Dates. MVP delivery dates will be set at such time as MVP.Aero believes that it has developed the
project to the point where it can begin to approximate delivery dates associated with Delivery Positions. Depositor
will be then contacted and given the opportunity to enter into an Aircraft Purchase Agreement for the MVP. If
Depositor fails to enter into the Aircraft Purchase Agreement within thirty (30) days of being contacted by
MVP.Aero, MVP.Aero reserves the right to “bump” Depositor from the Delivery Position and reassign a new Delivery
Position according to the then next available Delivery Position being offered to the general public. If Depositor does
not enter into an Aircraft Purchase Agreement for the substituted Delivery Position, MVP.Aero shall direct the
Escrow Agent to pay the Depositor the Refundable Portion of the Deposit Amount.
10. Specifications. The Delivery Position relates to the MVP, the targeted specifications are described on Exhibit A (the
“Aircraft”). Seller will, as part of the Aircraft Purchase Agreement (as more fully defined below), inform Depositor
of the detailed specifications for the Aircraft, which will include final dimensions, standard equipment, performance
specifications, documentation, options, etc. Any specifications referred to on Exhibit A, Seller’s website or
otherwise in any materials or information provided by Seller (other than the Aircraft Purchase Agreement) are
preliminary only and may be changed at any time. Depositor expressly acknowledges that Depositor has not
relied on any oral or written representations except as specifically stated in the Agreement and that Seller has
made no representations as to the suitability of the Aircraft for any particular purpose of Depositor.
11. Purpose of Deposit. This deposit shall hold one (1) delivery position of the DCA for the Depositor who anticipates
purchasing one DCA with the full amount of the Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000) deposit (the “Deposit Amount”) being
applied against the purchase price at the time the Purchase Agreement is entered into by the Parties.
12. Escrow of 90% of Deposit. Ninety Percent (90%) of the Deposit Amount ($4,500) (the “Refundable Portion”) will be
held in an escrow account by MVP.Aero’s Attorney’s Hesson & Birtch, LLC of Neenah, Wisconsin (or such other
escrow agent or title company designated by Hesson & Birtch, LLC as its successor) (the “Escrow Agent”). The
interest from this Deposit Amount shall be used to cover administrative costs concerning the escrow account and it
shall not be credited to the Depositor in any fashion, whether for refund or sales contract execution. Any excess
interest earned on the account above the costs of maintaining the escrow account shall be distributed to MVP.Aero,
who shall be responsible for and pay any and all taxes related to the account and shall be non-refundable.
13. Prohibitions. The Depositor may not sell, transfer, or trade Depositor’s position without the written consent of
MVP.AERO and such consent is at the sole discretion of MVP.Aero. If a deposit has been refunded, a new Deposit
Amount shall be required to obtain a new position, which would be given at the next available Delivery Position, the
same as any new Depositor. When a deposit is withdrawn, the Delivery Position is forfeited.
14. No Representations or Warrantees. The Parties acknowledge that the MVP is in the development stage. MVP.Aero
makes no representations or warrantees, expressed or implied, with respect to the MVP, its performance, its option
list, or it actual delivery dates.
15. Escrow Agreement. The Escrow Agreement, as published on the MVP.Aero website outlines the terms of the Escrow
with the Escrow Agent and the Depositor acknowledges and agrees to the terms of the Escrow Agreement.
16. Termination. Depositor may cancel this Agreement by providing written notice to the Escrow Agent with a copy to
MVP.Aero at any time prior to the Depositor entering into a Purchase Agreement. The Deposit Amount will be
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refunded less the Five Hundred Dollar ($500) Non-refundable Portion. Payment of the Refundable Portion shall be
made by the Escrow Agent within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Depositor’s notice of cancellation.
17. Jurisdiction. This Agreement and all acts and transactions pursuant hereto and the rights and obligations of the
Parties hereto shall be governed, construed and interpreted in accordance of the laws of the State of Minnesota.
Each of the Parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts of Minnesota.
18. Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall become binding upon Seller’s acceptance (including by electronic means such
as by return email to Buyer confirming the execution and delivery of this Agreement). Buyer acknowledges and
agrees that it has read, understood and agrees to the provisions hereof. Prior to acceptance, this offering is subject
to change in Seller’s sole discretion at any time. There are no assurances by Seller that the terms and conditions of
this Agreement, including the Purchase Price, are or will be the same for all purchasers. This Agreement constitutes
the entire agreement among the parties with regard to the subject matter contained in this Agreement, and
supersedes all prior written or oral understandings, concerning its subject matter.
Accepted for MVP.Aero Inc. By:
MVP.Aero Inc.
1907 Wayzata Blvd E., Ste 140
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55391
[email protected]
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Exhibit A
Targeted MVP Aircraft Specifications
Amphibious Aircraft
Two (2) seats only
Useful load Approximately 450 lbs.
(option dependent)
Endurance – 4 hours (not including
Rotax 912iS engine (ASTM Spec)
All required ASTM LSA flight instruments
Mode C Transponder
Dual controls
Manual Folding Wings
Retracting Side Canopies
Retracting Forward Canopy
Two (2) Removable Multi-Seats
Aircraft Parachute
Night Lighting Package
Aircraft tent
Origami deck
Forward deck hard point & seat pedestal
Retracting instrument panel
Water thrusters
Aux fuel tank (10 Gal.)
1. And other unpublished options as developed and defined from time to time.
2. MVP.Aero reserves the right to discontinue optional equipment without notice or to substitute like optional
equipment in its sole discretion..
 Kit to include A1 specifications above
 Buyer’s estimated build time for MVP ELSA Kit is 40 hours.
 Kits do not include paint.
Included in Kit
 all composite airframe parts
 Oil radiator and oil system
components for Rotax engine
 all metal airframe parts
Wiring harness for Rotax engine and
 wheels / tires / brakes
specified avionics
 Two (2) completed multi-seats
 Engine exhaust for Rotax engine
 Engine mount for Rotax engine
 All hardware
 Fuel tank (26 Gal.) & fuel system
 Complete aircraft fabric system
components for Rotax engine
 Three (3) blade propeller & spinner
 Radiator and cooling system
components for Rotax engine
 Bilge pump
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