CT Group of institutions Information Booklet Rules and Regulations for MST Examination MAQSUDAN CAMPUS Greater Kailash, GT Road, Maqsudan, Jalandhar-144008 Ph: 0181-5009595, 5009605, 5009591 SHAHPUR CAMPUS Village Shahpur, Post Office Udopur, Jalandhar-144020 Ph: 0181-5055127-28 FAX: 0181-5055130 Web: www.ctgroup.in Email: [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS Part Description I Instructions for Superintendent/ Deputy Superintendent 1. Date sheet 1-4 1 2. Call for Question Paper(s) and rules for paper setting 1 3. Seating Plan 2 4. Duty Chart 2 5. 2 6. Arrangement of basic inventory for the conduct of MST examination General Instructions for Students regarding MST Examination 7. Starting of MST Examination 3 8. Closing of Session and hand over of answer sheets for evaluation Record to be maintained during MST examination 4 9. 10. Compilation report of MST Examination II Page no. Annexure(s) Annexure-1 Attendance Sheet 2 4 4 5-13 5 Annexure-2 Date Wise Consumption Of Answer Sheet 6 Annexure-3 Date Wise Detail Of Absentees 7 Annexure-4 Daily Duty Chart 8 Annexure-5 Duty Chart For Supporting Staff 9 Annexure-6 Format for Paper Setting 10 Annexure-7 Branch/ Semester Wise Result Analysis 11 Annexure-8 Performa for receiving of answer sheets for evaluation Performa for Seating Plan 12 Annexure-9 Annexure-10 Label for question paper envelope 13 14 Part-I Instructions for Superintendent/ Deputy Superintendent Superintendent/ Deputy Superintendent will be responsible for smooth conduct of MSTs. 1. Date sheet: a) The Superintendent will frame the datesheet and display the same on the notice board for the information of students and also supply the same to all the HODs of the various branches. b) Datesheet should be got checked/ confirmed from its respective departments for any discrepancies/ modification etc. after that it should be available for general information. 2. Call for Question Paper(s) and rules for paper setting: a) Question paper should be settled by the concerned teacher, typed in the prescribed format (Form: MST-006) and hand over to the Examination Supdt. in a sealed cover at least three days before the date of examination. The paper setter must paste label, duly filled in, (annexure-10) on sealed envelope, before submitting to the Superintendent. b) The question papers must be got Xeroxed at least 3 days before the commencement of MST examination. c) Each question paper will be of Maximum specific marks. i.e. 30 marks each for MST-I & II and 60 marks for MST-III. d) The question paper pattern for the Mid Semester Examination will be exactly as half of PTU pattern for MST-I & II and exactly same in MST-III. e) The question paper should be set from entire syllabus as desired to be covered before the tests. f) The paper setter must not keep any copy (soft or hard) of the paper with him/her. g) The duration of the examination will be of 90 minutes in case of MST-I & II and 3 hours in MST-III. h) Every care should be taken so that there is no mistake in the question paper. No correction will be allowed during the exam. i) THE QUESTION PAPER SHOULD BE DIFFERENT IF SAME SUBJECT IS BEING TAUGHT IN DIFFERENT CLASSES. (In case of multi-section classes, the teachers should sit together and set a single question paper) j) If the question has two or more parts, then the marks of each part should be written separately. 1 3. Seating Plan: a) Seating plan should be prepared by Superintendent with the help of Deputy superintendent one day before examination b) Superintendent must display the seating plan on the notice board 15 minutes before the commencement of examination. c) Superintendent must ensure seating capacity of rooms/ hall before preparing seating plan 4. Duty Chart: a.) Duty Chart for both Teaching Faculty for Invigilation and non teaching staff for supporting services will be prepared with the help of deputy superintendent by calling faculty list from the HOD of various departments and b.) Superintendent must inform the deputed faculty/ staff at least 3 days before the commencement of MST examination. c.) While preparing duty chart for supporting staff, various duties may be assigned to the staff. 5. Arrangement of basic inventory for the conduct of MST Examination: a.) Superintendent should ensure that he/she has the basic inventory for the conduct of MST. Inventory like thread, stamp pad, needle, stapler and stapler pins, scissor, packing paper etc. b.) Superintendent also ensure the proper stock of Answer Sheets. 6. General Instructions for Students regarding MST Examination: a) Students should enter the examination hall 15 minutes before the start of the exam. b) Students must carry their Identity Card before entering the examination hall. No student will be allowed to enter with identity card. c) If any student late by 10-15 minutes, he/she will be allowed to enter with the permission of Superintendent. If late by more than 15 minutes, there is no entry. d) Attendance in all semester tests is compulsory in order to avoid fine. A fine will be charged for not appearing for semester exams without the leave application to class coordinator. e) A fine will be imposed on students leaving blank sheets (i.e. not attempting any answer). f) If any student found using unfair means, he/she will be responsible for any strict action. Any student found talking, cheating or using any foul means will be facing a punishment of not being allowed to sit in the rest of the examinations, a special record 2 will be attached to his/her respective file & a notice to the parents for such kind of an act will be issued. g) Mobile phone/ any means of communication are not allowed in the examination hall. h) No student is allowed to leave the examination hall before half time. i) Students are required to leave the examination hall immediately after handing over the answer sheet to the invigilator. j) All MST’s are compulsory. k) If a student does not take any two tests on account of some reasons, the final decision in this regard shall rest with the Committee / Coordinator / Director. l) Students who will not comply with the above said instructions will be detained in the final examination. 7. Starting of MST Examination: a.) Examination must be started on prescribed time and also end on the prescribed time. b.) Invigilators will report for duty at least 20 minutes before the start of examination. They will remain vigilant during the conduct of examination and will not leave the place of duty. c.) Information regarding any student using unfair means or doing misbehave should be immediately reported to Supdt./Dy. Supdt. d.) The question papers must be handed over by the superintendent/ deputy superintendent to the invigilators only 5 minutes before the commencement of examination. e.) Invigilators are required to check the details filled by the students on the title page of answer sheets before signing the same. f.) No invigilator should go on leave without making proper adjustment of invigilation duty in writing. g.) Invigilators are not allowed to leave the examination hall without permission from the Examination Superintendent. h.) Invigilators are required to sign duty chart and are not allowed to exchange duties without prior information to Examination Superintendent. i.) No student will be allowed to go out of the examination hall for drinking water or washroom. The students should be advised to bring their water bottles. j.) The invigilators will carefully count the number of answer sheets at the end of the examination. 3 k.) Invigilators are required to check the attendance sheet of students. Overwriting, if any, should be counter-signed by the invigilator. Any absentee in attendance should be marked as absent by invigilator. l.) Invigilators should not allow the students to share the stationery material. 8. Closing of Session and hand over of answer sheets for evaluation: a.) As the session closed, the answer sheets collected by the invigilators must be handed over to the superintendent. b.) Superintendent should count the answer sheets and packed it with the help of supporting staff and hand over to the concerned faculty for evaluation. c.) Answer Sheets to be handed over to the Examination Superintendent after exam is over and exam record register to be signed by Invigilator. d.) The faculty member will mark the answer sheets and show the same to the students within one week’s time from the date of examination. The answer sheets will be kept by the teacher after showing them to the students. e.) Marks of the students will be compiled by the teacher and transmitted to the respected Head within one week of the examination. A hard copy of the marks sheet will be retained in the course file. 9. Record to be maintained during MST examination: a.) Attendance sheets of students (daily, branch/ semester wise) (Form: MST-001) b.) Date wise consumption of Answer Sheets (Form: MST-002) c.) Absentees record (consolidated date wise) (Form: MST-003) d.) Duty Chart (for both invigilators and supporting staff) (Form: MST-0014 and MST-005) e.) Daily Seating Plan (Form: MST-009) f.) Branch/ Semester wise result analysis (Form: MST-007) g.) Performa for receiving of answer sheets for evaluation (Form: MST-008) 10. Compilation report of MST Examination: a.) After completion of the each MST examination, a compilation report is to be prepared by the concerned superintendent, containing all the above mentioned Performa(s) and a report written by the superintendent about the conduct of examination and any suggestions regarding this. Each report and Performa must be signed by the superintendent and this report should be submitted within 10 days after the closing of the MST examination. 4 Annexure-1 Part-II Annexure(s) Form: MST-001 CT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, JALANDHAR ATTENDANCE SHEET MST (I/ II/ III) Name of the Institution:_________________________MST I/ II/ III______ M/E______ Date:___________ Course:_________ Branch:_________ Semester:________ Paper: _________________________________ SR Roll No. Signature SR Roll No. Signature Total no. of students:_______________ Present:_______________ Absent:____________ Roll no. of Absentees:___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Signature of invigilators ____________________________ Signature of Superintendent 5 Annexure-2 Form: MST-002 CT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, JALANDHAR Date wise consumption of Answer Sheet for MST (I/ II/ III) Name of the Institution:__________________________________________________MST I/ II/ III_____ Sr Date Course/ Branch/ Sem No. of answer sheet consumed (both M/E) TOTAL ____________________________ Signature of Deputy Superintendent ______________________ Signature of Superintendent 6 Annexure-3 Form: MST-003 CT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, JALANDHAR Date wise detail of Absentees for MST (I/ II/ III) Name of the Institution:______________________________________________MST I/ II/ III_________ Sr Date Course/ Branch/ Sem M/E ____________________________ Signature of Deputy Superintendent Roll no. of Absentees ______________________ Signature of Superintendent 7 Annexure-4 Form: MST-004 CT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, JALANDHAR Daily Duty Chart for MST (I/ II/ III) Name of the Institution:_______________________________________________________________ MST (I/ II/ III):_______________ M/E: ___________ DUTY OF INVIGILATOR STAFF Sr Name of Faculty Designation Department Date:__________________ Room No. Signature ________________________ Signature of Superintendent 8 Annexure-5 Form: MST-005 CT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, JALANDHAR Duty Chart for Supporting Staff for MST (I/ II/ III) Name of the Institution:________________________________________________________________ MST (I/ II/ III):_______w.e.f.__________________________________________ Date:____________ DUTY OF SUPPORTING STAFF Sr Name of staff member Duty as Signature ________________________ Signature of Superintendent 9 Annexure-6 Form: MST-006 FORMAT FOR PAPER SETTING (MST I/ II/ III) (Name of the Institution) Course: Branch: Semester: Time allowed: Instruction(s) to the candidates: 1. 2. 3. Roll No:………………… Subject & Code: Maximum Marks: Space for questions 10 Annexure-7 Form: MST-007 CT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, JALANDHAR BRANCH/ SEMESTER WISE RESULT ANALYSIS Name of the Institution: ________________________________________________________________ Course:_____________ Branch:____________________ Semester:________ MST I/ II/ III__________ Sr Paper Code Students No. of first division(s)___________________ Total number of Present Absent Pass Fail Pass % No. of second divison(s)____________________ Special remark(s) if any_______________________________________________________________ _______________________ Signature of HOD Date:______________ 11 Annexure-8 CT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, JALANDHAR Form: MST-008 Performa for receiving of answer sheets for evaluation Name of the Institution:___________________________________________MST I/ II/ III_______ MST I/ II/ III _________________ w.e.f _______________________________________________ Sr Date of exam Branch/Sem Subject and Paper ID Received by with date ________________________ Signature of Superintendent 12 Annexure-9 Form: MST-009 CT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, JALANDHAR Performa for Seating Plan Name of the Institution:_________________________________________________________________ MST (I/ II/ III):____________________Room No. ________________________ Date:______________ Row-I Row-II Row-III Row-IV Row-V Total Total Total Total Total Note: Number of rows/ columns may be increased or decreased as per seating capacity/ arrangement. _________________________ Signature of Superintendent 13 Annexure-10 MST-I/II/III (Commencing w.e.f. _________ to _________) MST-I/II/III (Commencing w.e.f. _________ to _________) Name of the Institution:………………………………………… Name of the Institution:………………………………………… Course:…………Branch:…………….. Semester:…………… Course:…………Branch:…………….. Semester:…………… Subject with code:………………………………………………. Subject with code:………………………………………………. Date of Examination:………………….. No. of copies:………. Date of Examination:………………….. No. of copies:………. Name of paper setter:………………………………………….. Name of paper setter:………………………………………….. MST-I/II/III (Commencing w.e.f. _________ to _________) MST-I/II/III (Commencing w.e.f. _________ to _________) Name of the Institution:………………………………………… Name of the Institution:………………………………………… Course:…………Branch:…………….. Semester:…………… Course:…………Branch:…………….. Semester:…………… Subject with code:………………………………………………. Subject with code:………………………………………………. Date of Examination:………………….. No. of copies:………. Date of Examination:………………….. No. of copies:………. Name of paper setter:………………………………………….. Name of paper setter:………………………………………….. MST-I/II/III (Commencing w.e.f. _________ to _________) MST-I/II/III (Commencing w.e.f. _________ to _________) Name of the Institution:………………………………………… Name of the Institution:………………………………………… Course:…………Branch:…………….. Semester:…………… Course:…………Branch:…………….. Semester:…………… Subject with code:………………………………………………. Subject with code:………………………………………………. Date of Examination:………………….. No. of copies:………. Date of Examination:………………….. No. of copies:………. Name of paper setter:………………………………………….. Name of paper setter:………………………………………….. MST-I/II/III (Commencing w.e.f. _________ to _________) MST-I/II/III (Commencing w.e.f. _________ to _________) Name of the Institution:………………………………………… Name of the Institution:………………………………………… Course:…………Branch:…………….. Semester:…………… Course:…………Branch:…………….. Semester:…………… Subject with code:………………………………………………. Subject with code:………………………………………………. Date of Examination:………………….. No. of copies:………. Date of Examination:………………….. No. of copies:………. Name of paper setter:………………………………………….. Name of paper setter:………………………………………….. MST-I/II/III (Commencing w.e.f. _________ to _________) MST-I/II/III (Commencing w.e.f. _________ to _________) Name of the Institution:………………………………………… Name of the Institution:………………………………………… Course:…………Branch:…………….. Semester:…………… Course:…………Branch:…………….. Semester:…………… Subject with code:………………………………………………. Subject with code:………………………………………………. Date of Examination:………………….. No. of copies:………. 14 Date of Examination:………………….. No. of copies:………. Name of paper setter:………………………………………….. Name of paper setter:…………………………………………..
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