INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND MAY 2014 East AFRITAC News Highlights of East AFRITAC (AFE) Activities in May 2014 • IMF’s Africa Rising Conference: The IMF’s Africa Rising Conference was held in May 2014, in Maputo, Mozambique. The conference brought together policymakers from Africa and beyond, the private sector, civil society, academics, and private foundations with the goal of sustaining current growth and sharing its benefits among Africa’s population. • Public Financial Management: An East AFRITAC (AFE) mission to Malawi assisted with preparation of the PFM reform strategy and program. A mission to Rwanda provided assistance in implementation of the budget system improvement program. The PFM advisor conducted a study on payment arrears, and developed a survey program to gather information on factors that have contributed to the existing stock of arrears in Tanzania. • Revenue Administration: A mission was conducted to Tanzania on strengthening the organization of domestic taxes administration. The revenue administration advisor participated in a donors meeting on the Tax Modernization Project in Tanzania. • Monetary Policy and Operations: Assistance was provided to the Reserve Bank of Malawi in aligning foreign exchange market operations with the liberalized foreign exchange market regime. • Economic and Financial Statistics: Technical assistance was provided to Uganda on Supply and Use Tables, to Rwanda on quarterly GDP estimates, and to Tanzania on price statistics. • Regional: Missions to EAC member countries assisted in developing national plans to improve compilation and dissemination of government finance statistics. The Center’s Banking Supervision Advisor participated in an East African Summit on Governance, Risk and Compliance held in Nairobi, Kenya. • Workshops: East AFRITAC’s macroeconomic statistics advisor participated in the final regional workshop of the IMF-DFID Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) project in Entebbe, Uganda. PFM and macrofiscal advisors conducted an in-country workshop in Eritrea on the MediumTerm Expenditure Framework. • Staffing: A new resident advisor, Mr. Amitabh Tripathi, joins the Center to provide TA on public financial management. He will focus on the areas of budget execution, cash management, financial reporting and internal controls. • Country Corner: This features allows member countries to highlight AFE projects in their own words. This month’s edition covers the National Bank of Ethiopia’s (NBE) insurance supervision project that began in September 2011. • Forthcoming Activities and TA Dissemination: All forthcoming activities through end-July 2014 are provided in Table 1. One new report on National Accounts in Rwanda has been posted on AFE’s site on the IMF’s extranet. TABLE OF CONTENTS IMF’S AFRICA RISING CONFERENCE . . . 2 ERITREA . . . 2 MALAWI . . . . 2 RWANDA . . . 2 COUNTRY CORNER . . . 3 TANZANIA . . . 3 UGANDA . . . 4 REGIONAL . . . 4 STAFFING . . . 4 WORKSHOPS . . . 5 FORTHCOMING ACTIVITIES . . . 5 TA REPORTS . . . 7 East AFRITAC Bank of Tanzania Building North Tower, 10th Floor 10 Mirambo Street Dar es Salaam Tanzania Tel. +255 22 223 5353 Fax: +255 22 223 4204 East AFRITAC News - May 2014 1 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND MAY 2014 IMF’s Africa Rising Conference Over May 29-30, the Government of Mozambique and the IMF convened a high-level conference to take stock of Africa’s strong economic performance, its increased resilience to shocks, and key ongoing economic policy challenges. The event followed up on the 2009 Tanzania Conference, which helped galvanize international support for Africa after the 2008 financial crisis. The conference brought together policymakers from Africa and beyond, the private sector, civil society, academics, and private foundations with the goal of sustaining the current growth and sharing its benefits among Africa population. The topics discussed included: inclusive growth, how to harness the wealth stemming from Africa’s natural resources; closing the region’s infrastructure gap; creating an enabling environment for a dynamic business sector and job creation; how to deepen financial markets and broaden access to finance in the region; strengthening economic stability and overcome sociopolitical and institutional weaknesses in fragile states; and translating economic growth into poverty reduction. (See: http:// (L-R) IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde with Mozambican Finance Minister Manuel Chang. Eritrea Public Financial Management: From May 5-9, 2014, PFM and macro-fiscal advisors conducted an in-country workshop for officials from the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank of Eritrea (NBE) on the Medium Term Budgeting Framework (MTBF). Thirty-five participants attended mainly from the Finance Ministry, including the Director Generals of Budget, Treasury and Administration. The workshop was structured around four broad themes: (i) medium term budgeting–the conceptual framework; (ii) the prerequisites for a successful MTBF; (iii) the macroeconomic sectors–how they fit together; and (iv) achieving economic objectives– reducing poverty and promoting growth. The workshop was well received by participants who viewed it as a valuable learning platform. East AFRITAC News - May 2014 Eritrean Participants at the Medium Term Budgeting Framework Workshop, along with the East AFRITAC’s Advisors, May 5-9, 2014, Asmara, Eritrea. Malawi Public Financial Management: East AFRITAC’s short term expert provided guidance on preparation of a PFM reform strategy and program to Malawi from April 28-May 16, 2014. This assignment followed on from a March 2014 FAD-led mission on PFM reform priorities. It has sought to build on the program of corrective actions undertaken in response to the “cashgate” events by developing a prioritized PFM reform strategy. A draft strategy has been prepared. It aims to address the underlying weaknesses in the PFM framework, define the PFM priorities for the next three years and restore stakeholder confidence in the government’s financial management systems and practices. Further AFE missions will assist in finalizing the strategy and its implementation. Monetary Policy and Operations: From April 29May 9, 2014, an AFE mission assisted the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) in aligning foreign exchange market operations with the liberalized foreign exchange regime. Price discovery remains a challenge, the interbank market remained inactive, and there were residual exchange controls on travel and prepayments for imports. The mission provided guidance on supporting the price discovery process, introduction of a market initiated cap on the inordinately high bid and offer spreads in the interbank market and RBM intervention at market quotes. The mission also addressed strengthening internal capacity for intervention operations including collection and utilization of market intelligence, market analysis, and communication and integration of foreign exchange market operations in the conduct of overall monetary operations. Rwanda Public Financial Management: Rwanda is implementing a Budget System Improvement Program (BSIP) which aims at making the budget a more effective instrument of economic policy. The BSIP’s objectives include: (i) improving the program structure of the budget and its costing; (ii) 2 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND MAY 2014 Country Corner Ethiopia: East AFRITAC’s TA on Insurance Supervision In tandem with the changing socio-economic structure of the nation, particularly in the recent past few years, the Ethiopian insurance sector has been registering continuous growth in assets, capital, reserves, premium production as well as profitability. The market is endowed with current and future enormous potential for growth. Reinsurance and micro insurance sectors are emerging. To maintain the safety and soundness of the sector, protect consumers’ interest and ensure stability, strengthening the regulatory and supervisory framework and practices are undoubtedly essential. Bearing this in mind, the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), the regulatory body, kicked off a technical assistance (TA) program on “Strengthening the Solvency Framework for Insurers in Ethiopia” under the auspices of East AFRITAC. The missions started in September 2011 and have continued. Towards achieving this objective, the consultant appointed by East AFRITAC reviewed the overall regulatory and supervisory system, explored market issues, objectively identified the gaps that need to be addressed and then provided training on product development and pricing, valuation of liabilities, reinsurance, life insurance and actuarial reserves, capital adequacy and solvency, risk based supervision together with risk assessment and evaluation and others. The consultant also reviewed drafted directives on reinsurance operation of insurers, return forms, capital adequacy and solvency margin. These were redrafted and are ready to be issued shortly. On the grounds of the foregoing, we can fairly say that the project has met its objective, enhanced the capacity of the insurance regulatory body, and practically strengthened the solvency framework for Ethiopia. The need to continue with the project is essential from two strategic perspectives. First, as an emerging market, the insurance sector in Ethiopia has a number of development, regulatory and supervisory issues that ought to be harnessed. Second, it is useful to learn how other countries are progressing in market development and regulatory and supervisory dynamism. We have strong conviction that the project would create an opportunity for us to know and react. Strengthening and reviewing the entire system of risk based supervision and putting in place new procedure manuals, formulating a strategic framework for the development of life insurance, the regulation and supervision of reinsurance companies, stress testing and crisis management are among the immediate TA needs of the NBE. Finally, hoping the partnership would carry on, the NBE with due respect and sincerity thanks East AFRITAC for the continued support it has been extending to us and congratulate for the success it has been achieving. We also strongly propose the scaling up of the mission towards creating and working for regional ties and development in the field of insurance. Source: National Bank of Ethiopia strengthening the medium term expenditure framework (MTEF); and (iii) meeting new output/ outcome based reporting requirements. A mission from May 12-21, 2014, continued AFE’s assistance towards achieving these objectives. To this end, it proposed ways to tighten the links between programs and national/sector strategies whilst also modernizing the budget presentation with a simple, focused and consolidated program template. This would enhance the prioritization and decision making processes by gathering relevant information in a single document. Implementation of the BSIP remains work-in-progress which AFE will continue to support. The next PFM mission will concentrate on reviewing another challenging area, namely the capital budgeting framework. Economic and Financial Statistics: During May 5-23, 2014, assistance was provided to the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda in finalizing for East AFRITAC News - May 2014 dissemination, the rebased GDP estimates at current and constant prices. The annual and quarterly GDP compilation systems were updated to take account of the new benchmark estimates from the 2011 Supply and Use Tables (SUT). New methods were introduced and the major systems used for processing the data inputs required for estimation of GDP (including consumer prices, trade in goods, and value-added tax and income tax data) were all upgraded and their outputs integrated into the GDP processing system. The revised GDP estimates are expected to be released on June 17, 2014. Tanzania Public Financial Management: As one element towards a study on the prevention and management of payments arrears, from April 28-May 9, 2014, AFE has drafted a survey program to be applied at a 3 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND representative set of government spending units. The program seeks to test the reliability of current reporting on payment arrears as well as to gather information on factors that have contributed to the existing stock of arrears. Follow on assistance will be provided over the next months to guide the survey teams and then to draw on the results to propose measures for preventing further accumulation of arrears and for clearing the existing stock. Revenue Administration: A mission to Tanzania from April 30-May 13, 2014, provided the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) with technical assistance to strengthen the organization of domestic tax administration. The mission noted progress made by the TRA in re-organizing domestic tax administration based on advice provided by the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department. The focus of the mission was to provide guidance to the TRA on: (i) creating a single domestic tax administration; and (ii) building an effective domestic tax headquarters function. The mission developed a structure for a single domestic tax administration and a headquarters function and provided role descriptions for key jobs under the proposed structure. On May 22, 2014, the revenue advisor participated in the 14th meeting of the Tax Modernization Project that was also attended by various donor organizations (DANIDA, DfID, the Norwegian Government, IFC and the US Treasury). The meeting also included participants from the Zanzibar Revenue Board, who sought financial assistance from donors towards their third corporate plan. The meeting reviewed the status of implementation of the corporate plan, budget utilization and status of technical assistance. All donors re-affirmed their financial commitments. Economic and Financial Statistics: Price statistics missions to Tanzania (mainland and Zanzibar) during May 12-30, 2014 assisted with finalizing the export and import price indices, and producer price index for dissemination. A number of methodologies for further improving the indices were discussed, including rebasing, review and maintenance of the samples, splicing new products, quality adjustment, index scope and output editing. Publication manuscripts have been readied for the dissemination of these prices statistics during mid-to-late June 2014. Uganda Economic and Financial Statistics: Over May 5-23, 2014, AFE’s macroeconomic statistics advisor assisted the Uganda Bureau of Statistics in reviewing and finalizing the 2009/10 SUT and rebased annual and quarterly GDP estimates. The source data for the SUT are more comprehensive in coverage than the data that was available to compile the previous 2002 benchmark estimates (e.g., there East AFRITAC News - May 2014 MAY 2014 was previously no data for non-profit institutions or informal sector cross-border trade, and limited agriculture and informal sector data). The data quality of the source data for the current SUT is also better. The new benchmark estimates were included in the compilation worksheets and further advice was provided on improving the indicators and input data to be used to compile the quarterly and annual current and constant 2009/10 price GDP estimates. The Bureau expects to disseminate the rebased GDP estimates in September 2014. Regional Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision: On May 2, 2014 AFE’s Banking Supervision Advisor participated in the East African Summit on Governance, Risk and Compliance organized by the Capital Markets Authority of Kenya in cooperation with Thomson Reuters. The Advisor participated in a panel session discussing the regional status and developments with regard to the implementation of the Basel II and III framework. Government Finance Statistics: Missions to EAC member countries during April 7-May 9, 2014, assisted in developing national plans to improve compilation and dissemination of Government Finance Statistics (GFS) in line with international standards to achieve the fiscal data requirements associated with the convergence criteria under the East African Monetary Union Protocol. The plans seek a gradual improvement in: (i) sector coverage to include the extra-budgetary, local government, and social security funds sub-sectors; (ii) data frequency to produce monthly and quarterly GFS; and (iii) compilation and dissemination of balance sheet data. National GFS technical working groups will be invited to a joint EAC/East AFRITAC workshop in Arusha, Tanzania in August 2014 to present their finalized GFSM 2001/14 implementation plans. The workshop will also discuss a tentative TA work program designed to support these plans. Staffing A new PFM advisor, Mr. Amitabh Tripathi, joined East AFRITAC in May 2014. Mr. Tripathi has over twenty years of experience in public financial management. In India, he has worked with different departments of the Ministry of Finance where he has been closely associated with budget formulation and execution, accounting, financial reporting and internal audit. During 2006-08, Mr. Tripathi worked as PFM Advisor in Liberia, providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance and delivering 4 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND MAY 2014 financial management capacity building programs across line ministries of the Government of Liberia. In Lesotho, he assisted the Ministry of Finance (working with AFRITAC South) in developing the PFM reform strategy and provided guidance on formulation of an action plan. He will be working in areas of budget execution, cash management, financial reporting and internal controls. Workshops Economic and Financial Statistics: During May 26-30, 2014, AFE’s macroeconomic statistics advisor, along with officials from Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania (mainland and Zanzibar) and Uganda, participated in the final regional workshop of the IMF-DFID Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) project in Entebbe, Uganda. The main purpose of the workshop was to assess the progress made by participating countries over the last four years in improving the quality and range of the QNA produced. In addition to data quality improvements, it is expected that all AFE participant countries will be disseminating quarterly current and constant price estimates of GDP by production approach by September 2014. The project has been successful in assisting countries in improving the quality of the quarterly GDP at constant prices, developing quarterly GDP at current prices and improving consistency with international standards. Table 1. East AFRITAC: Forthcoming Activities in June and July 2014 AFE Activities Expected in June and July 2014 Public Financial Management TA Missions Country Subject Tanzania Consolidating Program Based Budgeting Uganda Reforming the Performance Budgeting System Kenya Program Design Improvement Date June 2-13, 2014 Expert(s) Tawfik Ramtoolah (LTX) June 30-July 11, 2014 Tawfik Ramtoolah (LTX) July 14-25, 2014 Tawfik Ramtoolah (LTX) Johan Mathisen (LTX) Guy Anderson (LTX) Tanzania Study on Payment Arrears – Conduct July 2014 (TBD) Survey and Analyze Results Malawi Finalization of PFM program June 2014 (TBD) Revenue Administration TA Missions Country Subject Date Kenya Developing a Compliance Risk June 23-July 4, 2014 Management Strategy Rwanda Consolidating Risk Management July 15-25, 2014 Practices in Customs Anchored on an Effective National Targeting Capacity Rwanda Establishing a Corporate Risk July 15-25, 2014 Management Department Macro-Fiscal Analysis Workshops Location Subject Date Mauritius Macro- Fiscal Modeling and July 1-11, 2014 Analysis Rwanda Macroeconomic Diagnostics July 14-25, 2014 Rwanda Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves July 8-12, 2014 East AFRITAC News - May 2014 Guy Anderson (STX) Expert(s) Michael Smithson (STX) Bruce Irving (STX) Don McPartland (STX) Expert(s) Fabio Comelli (IMF HQ) Jaromir Hurnik (ATI) Boaz Nandwa (ATI) Fazeer Sheik Rahim (LTX) Fazeer Sheik Rahim (LTX) Jules Leichter (STX) Bertrand Candelon (STX) Elias Kasozi (LTX) Sylvain Choquette (STX) 5 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision TA Missions Country Subject Uganda Market and Country and Transfer Risk Malawi AML/CFT Risk Assessment MAY 2014 Date June 2-13, 2014 Expert(s) Dirk Jan Grolleman (LTX) Paul Baneke (STX) June 15-26, 2014 Dirk Jan Grolleman (LTX) Ian Carrington (IMF HQ), Rebecca Obare (IMF HQ) June 28-August 8, 2014 Dirk Jan Grolleman (LTX) Jan Rein Pruntel (STX) Kenya ICAAP Mission Attachment Host Country Subject Date Beneficiary Malawi AML/CFT Supervision June 23-July 11, 2014 Two Officers of the Bank of Uganda Monetary Policy and Operations TA Missions Country Subject Date Expert(s) Rwanda Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves Government Finance Statistics TA Missions Country Subject July 8-12, 2014 Elias Kasozi (LTX) Sylvain Choquette (STX) Date Expert(s) Uganda GFS Compilation, Dissemination and Training July 8-18, 2014 Johan Mathisen (LTX) Brooks Robinson (STX) Rwanda GFS Compilation, Dissemination and Training July 14-24, 2014 Johan Mathisen (LTX) Ismael A. Zarco (STX) Scheduling of Implementation of GFS TA Recommendations and Dissemination Burundi GFS Compilation, Dissemination and Training Economic and Financial Statistics TA Missions Country Subject July 21-25, 2014 Brooks Robinson (STX) Ethiopia National Accounts Statistics June 23-July 04, 2014 Mr. Robin Youll (STX) Uganda Price Statistics June 30-July 18, 2014 David Collins (STX) Tanzania National Accounts Statistics July 23-29, 2014 Zia Abbasi (LTX) Workshops Location Subject Date Expert(s) United States IMF Statistics Advisors Workshop June 09-06, 2014 Zia Abbasi (LTX) Tanzania EAC National Accounts Harmonization June 23-27, 2014 Zia Abbasi (LTX) Kenya East AFRITAC News - May 2014 July 21-August 1, 2014 Vincent Marie (STX) Date Expert(s) 6 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND MAY 2014 East AFRITAC’s Technical Assistance Reports Posted on East AFRITAC’s Site on the IMF’s Extranet One new report has been posted this month, access to which is available to Steering Committee members that have signed confidentiality agreements: National Account Statistics Mission to Rwanda from February 17-March 5, 2014. East AFRITAC Member Countries • Eritrea • Ethiopia • Kenya • Malawi • Rwanda • Tanzania • Uganda • European Investment Bank • Germany • The Netherlands • Switzerland • Elias Kasozi, Monetary Operations • Zia Abbasi, Macroeconomic Statistics • The United Kingdom Economist Staff Center Coordinator • Sukhwinder Singh Advisors External Donors • African Development Bank • Australia • Canada • The European Union East AFRITAC News - May 2014 • Muyangwa Muyangwa, Revenue Administration • Guy Anderson, Public Financial Management • Tawfik Ramtoolah, Public Financial Management • Johan Mathisen, Government Finance Statistics • Angela Abayo Office Manager • Edina Moshi Administrative Staff • Sabah Abdulrahman • Diana Makiko • Evonne Massawe , IT Officer • Amitabh Tripathi, Public Financial Management • Fazeer Rahim, Macro-Fiscal Analysis • Dirk Grolleman, Financial Sector 7
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