www.iqeducation.in Name : …………………………………………………………… /q p:/ htt Roll No. : ……………………………………………………….. Invigilator’s Signature : ……………………………………….. CS/B.Sc.(H)/BT/GEN/MICRO-BIO/MOL-BIO/SEM-4/MOG-401/2013 2013 MOLECULAR GENETICS Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. pap Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. wb er. GROUP – A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : i) 10 1 = 10 Which of the following methods is most useful for enzymatic amplification of specific segment of DNA ? Nucleotide sequencing b) DNA hybridization c) PCR d) None of these. in a c. ut. 4701 a) [ Turn over CS/B.Sc.(H)/BT/GEN/MICRO-BIO/MOL-BIO/SEM-4/MOG-401/2013 ii) Gene expression is analyzed by /q p:/ htt iii) a) Southern blot b) Restriction digestion c) Northern blot d) None of these. In sourthern blotting experiment, the binding of transferred DNA to the nylon membrane is …………… type. pap iv) a) ionic b) covalent c) hydrophobic d) van der Waals. DNA hybridization is a technique, which relies on the wb er. following properties of DNA, except 4701 Double strandedness b) sequence specificity c) major and minor grooves d) denaturation-renaturation properties. in a c. ut . v) a) For RNA detection which PCR is best ? a) Nested PCR b) RT-PCR c) ARMS-PCR d) MS-PCR. 2 CS/B.Sc.(H)/BT/GEN/MICRO-BIO/MOL-BIO/SEM-4/MOG-401/2013 vi) In Western blot the protein samples are run on /q p:/ htt vii) a) Agarose gel b) polyacrylamide gel c) formaldehyde-agarose gel d) none of these. The stringency of a hybridization reaction depends on all of the following, except pap NaCl concentration b) type of reporter molecule c) nucleotide sequence of probe d) pH. wb er. a) viii) Ligase joins two DNA molecules together by forming a covalent bond between 4701 two PO 4 b) two OH c) one PO 4 and one OH d) Complementary nucleotides on opposite strands. -lactum ring is present in in a c. ut . ix) a) a) Tetracycline b) Ampicillin c) Kanamycin d) Streptomycin. 3 [ Turn over CS/B.Sc.(H)/BT/GEN/MICRO-BIO/MOL-BIO/SEM-4/MOG-401/2013 x) Principal function of reporter molecule in DNA /q p:/ htt hybridization assay aid in base pairing c) aid in the detection of probe target hybridization d) bind the target DNA to the solid support. More stringent washing condition is selected when a) Probe has lower affinity with the DNA b) Probe has higher affinity with the DNA c) Probe is radio-labelled d) Prove is non-radio-labelled/enzyme labelled. Microsatellites are in a c. ut . 4701 b) wb er. xii) enhance the stringency of hybridization reaction pap xi) a) a) frequently found in bacterial genomes b) always smaller than 50 bp c) used as DNA marker d) movable DNA elements. 4 CS/B.Sc.(H)/BT/GEN/MICRO-BIO/MOL-BIO/SEM-4/MOG-401/2013 GROUP – B /q p:/ htt ( Short Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following. 3 5 = 15 2. Write a short note on c DNA library. 3. Write the basic differences between capillary transfer and electro-transfer in sourthern blot. Define cloning vector. What should be the properties of a pap 4. good vector ? 5. 2+3 Why Type-II restriction enzymes are considered to be the wb er. most useful in molecular biology ? How it is different from Type-I ? 6. 3+2 What is MCS in a vector ? Why alkaline phosphatase treatment is needed in cloning ? What is linker ? How it 7. What is Directional Cloning ? When you use this ? Where it is different from conventional cloning ? 8. 1+2+1+1 in a c. ut . differs from adapters ? 2+1+2 What do you mean by Restriction Modification System in bacteria ? Explain. 4701 5 [ Turn over CS/B.Sc.(H)/BT/GEN/MICRO-BIO/MOL-BIO/SEM-4/MOG-401/2013 GROUP – C /q p:/ htt ( Long Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following. 9. 3 15 = 45 What is the basic structure of plasmid vector ? Explain the regulation of expression vector. What are steps of gene cloning ? What are the characteristics of YAC and BAC ? 3+5+3+4 pap 10. Write short notes on any three of the following : 3 Sanger and Coulson method for DNA sequencing b) Protein Blotting c) Microarray d) Inverse PCR. wb er. a) 5 11. What is Agarose ? PCR amplification is based on which theory ? Briefly discuss the steps of PCR with suitable in a c. ut . diagram. Write down the applications of PCR. Briefly explain the efficiency of PCR. 2+1+4+4+4 12. What is a probe ? How they are classified ? What is Dot Blot technique ? Briefly describe the technique of RFLP and Asymmetric PCR. 4701 2+3+4+6 6 CS/B.Sc.(H)/BT/GEN/MICRO-BIO/MOL-BIO/SEM-4/MOG-401/2013 13. Write short notes on any three of the following : 3 5 /q p:/ htt a) RAPD b) M13 vector c) Blue-White screening d) T-DNA transfer technique e) Southern Blotting. wb er. pap 7 in a c. ut . 4701 [ Turn over www.iqeducation.in Name : …………………………………………………………… /q p:/ htt Roll No. : ……………………………………………..………….. Invigilator's Signature : ……………………………………….. CS/B.Sc.(H)/BT/GENE/MOLBIO/MICROBIO/SEM-4/MOG-401/2012 2012 MOLECULAR GENETICS Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 pap The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. GROUP – A wb er. ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : i) 10 × 1 = 10 Type II restriction enzymes have which of the following characteristics ? Repetitive sequence b) c) Palindromic sequence d) Conserved sequence in a c. ut. ii) a) None of these. Which of the following parameters is taken in consideration during primer designing ? 4701 a) Length of DNA b) GC content c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these. [ Turn over CS/B.Sc.(H)/BT/GENE/MOLBIO/MICROBIO/SEM-4/MOG-401/2012 iii) Which one requires NAD+ ? /q p:/ htt iv) vi) b) E.coli DNA ligase c) Both of these d) None of these. What does PUC stand for ? a) Produced by the University of California b) Produced by the University of Cambridge c) Produced by the University of Colombia d) Produced by the University of Cornell. Cloning requires all the following, except a) Restriction enzyme b) DNA ligase c) Methylase d) Vector. BamH1 is a ................. type of restriction enzyme. a) Type I c) Type III b) Type II d) None of these. wb er. vii) T4 DNA ligase pap v) a) In southern blotting experiment, the binding of transferred DNA to the Nitrocellulose membrane is ............... type. ionic c) hydrophobic b) covalent d) van der Waals. in a c. ut . a) viii) If a probe length is less than 200 b.p. ............. is most useful. 4701 a) Nylon membrane b) Nitrocellulose membrane c) Whatman filter paper d) None of these. 2 CS/B.Sc.(H)/BT/GENE/MOLBIO/MICROBIO/SEM-4/MOG-401/2012 ix) /q p:/ htt Denaturants such as formamide cause ds DNA to melt by a) b) x) xii) wb er. pap xi) decreasing the repulsion between phosphates increasing the hydrophobic interactions between bases c) increasing the repulsion between the phosphates d) decreasing the hydrophobic interactions between bases. The technique of RT-PCR is best suitable for detection of a) Allele b) Pathogen c) Amplicon d) RNA. Which one is a reporter gene ? a) Lac Z b) Luciferase c) CAT d) All of these. Which one is employed in the DNA hybridization assay ? a) Etbr b) Enzyme c) Chemiluminiscent moiety d) None of these. GROUP – B ( Short Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following. 3 × 5 = 15 in a c. ut . 2. Describe Dot blot hybridization. 3. What is linker and its application ? How is it different from Adaptors ? 4. Write short notes on the following : a) M13 Phage vector. b) Micro-array c) Nested PCR d) RAPD. 4701 3 [ Turn over CS/B.Sc.(H)/BT/GENE/MOLBIO/MICROBIO/SEM-4/MOG-401/2012 5. Describe multiplex PCR. /q p:/ htt 6. What is SDS PAGE electrophoresis ? What is the significance of using SDS in this technique ? GROUP – C ( Long Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following. 7. 3 × 15 = 45 What is Cloning ? Write down the steps of gene cloning. Why Alkaline Phosphate treatment is needed in cloning ? Write a short note on Nick Translation. pap 8. 2+5+3+5 What are the properties of good vector ? What is Blue-White screening ? What is Agobacterium based plasmid vector ? Discuss the mechanism of T-DNA transfer. 9. 4+4+3+4 Describe Colony Hybridization techniques. What is Protein wb er. blotting Technique ? Briefly describe the technique. What kind of probe is used in Southern blotting ? 5+2+6+2 10. Write short notes on any three of the following : Maxam and Gilber's chemical degradation method. b) Gel Electrophoresis. c) Sanger and Coulson method of DNA sequencing d) Site Directed mutagenesis. in a c. ut . a) 11. Write short notes on any three of the following : a) Nested PCR b) Insertional inactivation c) Red white screening d) Site directed mutagenesis. 4701 4 3 × 5 = 15 www.iqeducation.in Name : …………………………………………………………… /q p:/ htt Roll No. : ……………………………………………..………….. Invigilator’s Signature : ……………………………………….. CS/B.Sc (H), Genetics, MolBio, MicroBio, BT/SEM-4/MOG-401/2011 2011 MOLECULAR GENETICS Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. pap Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. GROUP – A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) Choose the correct following : i) ii) 4701 alternatives for any ten of the 10 × 1 = 10 Cloning requires all the following except a) restriction enzyme b) DNA ligase c) methylase d) vector. EcoR1 is a what type of restriction enzyme ? a) Type I c) Type III ‘ARS’ stands for b) Type II d) None of these. in a c. ut. iii) wb er. 1. a) Artificially Replicating Sequence b) Autonomously Replicating Sequence c) Automatically Replicating Sequence d) None of these. [ Turn over CS/B.Sc (H), Genetics, MolBio, MicroBio, BT/SEM-4/MOG-401/2011 iv) Which one is employed in the DNA hybridization assay ? /q p:/ htt v) b) Enzyme c) Chemiluminicent moiety d) None of these. Which of the following method is most useful for enzymatic amplification of specific segment of DNA ? a) Nucleotide sequencing b) DNA hybridization c) PCR d) None of these. Gene expression can be analyzed by a) Southern Blot b) Restriction Digestion c) Northern Blot d) None of these. wb er. vii) Etbr pap vi) a) In Southern Blotting experiment, the binding of transferred DNA to the Nitrocellulose Membrane is .................... type. a) Ionic c) Hydrophobic b) Covalent d) van der Waal. viii) DNA hybridization is a technique, which relies on the following properties of DNA, except 4701 in a c. ut . ix) a) double strandedness b) sequence specificity c) major and minor grooves d) denaturation-renaturation properties. β-lactum ring is present in a) Tetracycline b) Ampicillin c) Kanamycin d) Streptomycin. 2 CS/B.Sc (H), Genetics, MolBio, MicroBio, BT/SEM-4/MOG-401/2011 x) For RNA detection which PCR is best ? /q p:/ htt xi) a) Nested PCR b) RT-PCR c) ARMS-PCR d) MS-PCR. In Southern Blotting transferred DNA to .................... type. experiment, the binding the Nylon membrane a) Ionic b) Covalent c) Hydrophobic d) van der Waal. of is xii) In Western Blot the protein samples are run on Agarose gel b) Ployacrylamide gel c) Formaldehyde-agarose gel d) None of these. pap a) wb er. GROUP – B ( Short Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following. 2. 3 × 5 = 15 Why are Type II restriction enzymes considered to be the most useful in molecular biology ? How is it different from Type I ? 3+2 Write a short note on c-DNA library. 4. What do you mean by restriction modification system in bacteria ? Explain. 5. Write the basic differences between Capillary transfer and Electro-transfer in Southern Blot. 6. Define cloning vector. What should be the properties of a good vector ? 4701 in a c. ut . 3. 1+4 3 [ Turn over CS/B.Sc (H), Genetics, MolBio, MicroBio, BT/SEM-4/MOG-401/2011 GROUP – C /q p:/ htt ( Long Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following. 3 × 15 = 45 What components involved in cloning ? Describe the cell based DNA cloning process with suitable diagram. What are the usefulness of M13 vector ? What are the characteristics of YAC and BAC vector ? 4+5+2+4 8. Describe the steps ( preferably with diagram ) involved in PCR mentioning the appropriate temperature. Write the advantages of PCR over cloning. 10 + 5 9. What is Southern Blotting ? Who invented it ? Write the basic steps involved in Southern Blotting ? What can you use as a probe in Southern Blotting ? 2 + 1 + 10 + 2 pap 7. What are the necessities of probe labelling in all blotting experiments ? b) What are the different types of labelling techniques for the probe ? c) Explain the process for developing probes to identify the pathogens. d) Give an example of non-radio labelling of probe. wb er. 10. a) 4701 a) In vitro DNA cloning b) Nick translation c) Directional cloning d) Plaque hybridization. 4 3×5 in a c. ut . 11. Write short notes on any three of the following : 3+4+6+2 Name : …………………………………………………………… /q p:/ htt Roll No. : ……………………………………………………….. Invigilator's Signature : ……………………………………….. CS/B.Sc.(H), BT, Mol-Bio, Micro-Bio, Genetics/SEM-4/MOG-401/2010 2010 MOLECULAR GENETICS Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. pap Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Graph sheet(s) will be provided by the Institution. wb er. GROUP – A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : 10 × 1 = 10 i) iii) 4034 a) restriction enzyme b) DNA ligase c) methylase d) vector. EcoR1 is a ……………… type of restriction enzyme. in a c. ut . ii) Cloning requires all the following except a) type I b) type II c) type III d) none of these. Which one of the following is used transformation ? a) CaCl 2 b) Na 2 CO 3 c) SnCl 2 d) NaCl. in bacterial [ Turn over CS/B.Sc.(H), BT, Mol-Bio, Micro-Bio, Genetics/SEM-4/MOG-401/2010 iv) ‘ARS’ is /q p:/ htt v) b) autonomously replicating sequence c) automatically replicating sequence d) none of these. Which one of the following is employed in the DNA hybridization assay ? a) Etbr b) Enzyme c) Chemiluminicent moiety d) none of these. Which of the following methods is most useful for enzymatic amplification of specific segment of DNA ? a) Nucleotide sequencing b) DNA hybridization c) PCR d) none of these. wb er. vii) artificially replicating sequence pap vi) a) Gene expression can be analyzed by a) southern blot b) restriction disation c) northern blot d) none of these. viii) Which of the following parameters consideration during primer designing ? x) 4034 taken a) Length of DNA b) GC content c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these. in in a c. ut . ix) is Bam H1 is considered to be which categories of restriction enzymes ? a) Type I b) Type II c) Type III d) None of these. For RNA detection which PCR is best ? a) Nested PCR b) RT-PCR c) ARMS-PCR d) MS-PCR. 2 CS/B.Sc.(H), BT, Mol-Bio, Micro-Bio, Genetics/SEM-4/MOG-401/2010 xi) /q p:/ htt In southern blotting experiment, the binding of transferred DNA to the Nylon membrane is …………… type. a) ionic b) covalent c) hydrophobic d) vander wall. In southern blotting experiment, the binding of transferred DNA to the Nitrocellulose membrane is …………… type. a) ionic b) covalent c) hydrophobic d) vander wall. xii) pap 2. GROUP – B ( Short Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following. 3 × 5 = 15 Why are type II restriction enzymes considered to be the most useful in molecular biology ? How is it different from type I ? 3+2 What is MCS in a vector ? Why alkaline phosphatase treatment is needed in cloning ? What is linker ? How it differs from adapters ? 1+2+1+1 4. What is directional cloning ? When you use this ? Where is it different from conventional cloning ? 2+1+2 5. Write down the steps involved in the extraction of genomic DNA from blood. 6. What do you mean by restriction modification system in bacteria ? Explain. GROUP – C ( Long Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following. 3 × 15 = 45 What characteristics cloning vectors have ? What is the criteria for choosing any cloning vector ? What is the utility of having antibiotic resistant markers in vectors ? What is blue-white screening and how you can screen the successful transformed cells carrying both the vectors and insert from those carrying only vectors by this method ? 4+2+2+2+5 4034 3 in a c. ut . 7. wb er. 3. [ Turn over CS/B.Sc.(H), BT, Mol-Bio, Micro-Bio, Genetics/SEM-4/MOG-401/2010 8. What components involved in cloning ? How is a foreign /q p:/ htt DNA being inserted into a host cell ? characteristics of vector ? What are the Write the approx. insert size of Phage, Cosmid, BAC, YAC vectors. 9. 4+3+4+4 Briefly describe the steps ( preferably with diagram ) involved in PCR mentioning the appropriate temperature at each step. How is annealing temperature related to Tm of your DNA sample ? Write the advantages of PCR over cloning. 7 + 3 + 5 pap 10. What is PCR ? Who invented it ? Why is it useful in modern biology ? How can you introduce a mutation in your DNA sample be PCR ( Assume that you know the sequence of the DNA sample ) ? 2+1+4+8 wb er. 11. Why you need to label your probe before using in all blotting experiment ? What are the different types of labeling techniques for the probe ? How can you introduce the following labeling in the probe : | 5 labeling b) 3 labeling c) Internal labeling. | in a c. ut . a) Give an example of non-radio labeling of probe. 4034 4 3+4+6+2 MOLECULAR GENETICS ( SEMESTER - 4 ) CS/B.Sc (H) (BT, Genetics, Mol.bio, Microbio)/SEM-4/MOG-401/09 www.iqeducation.in /q p:/ htt 1. ……………………………… Signature of Invigilator 2. ……………………………… Reg. No. Signature of the Officer-in-Charge Roll No. of the Candidate –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CS/B.Sc (H) (BT, Genetics, Mol.bio, Microbio)/SEM-4/MOG-401/09 ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT EXAMINATIONS, JUNE – 2009 MOLECULAR GENETICS ( SEMESTER - 4 ) pap Time : 3 Hours ] [ Full Marks : 70 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES : 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. This Booklet is a Question-cum-Answer Booklet. The Booklet consists of 32 pages. The questions of this concerned subject commence from Page No. 3. a) In Group – A, Questions are of Multiple Choice type. You have to write the correct choice in the box provided against each question. b) For Groups – B & C you have to answer the questions in the space provided marked ‘Answer Sheet’. Questions of Group – B are Short answer type. Questions of Group – C are Long answer type. Write on both sides of the paper. Fill in your Roll No. in the box provided as in your Admit Card before answering the questions. Read the instructions given inside carefully before answering. You should not forget to write the corresponding question numbers while answering. Do not write your name or put any special mark in the booklet that may disclose your identity, which will render you liable to disqualification. Any candidate found copying will be subject to Disciplinary Action under the relevant rules. Use of Mobile Phone and Programmable Calculator is totally prohibited in the examination hall. You should return the booklet to the invigilator at the end of the examination and should not take any page of this booklet with you outside the examination hall, which will lead to disqualification. Rough work, if necessary is to be done in this booklet only and cross it through. in a c. ut. 7. 8. wb er. 1. No additional sheets are to be used and no loose paper will be provided FOR OFFICE USE / EVALUATION ONLY Marks Obtained Group – A Question Number Marks Obtained ………………………………………………………… Head-Examiner/Co-Ordinator/Scrutineer 4440 (04/06) Group – B Group – C Total Marks Examiner's Signature CS/B.Sc (H) (BT, Genetics, Mol.bio, Microbio)/SEM-4/MOG-401/09 2 wb er. pap /q p:/ htt in a c. ut . 4440 (04/06) CS/B.Sc (H) (BT, Genetics, Mol.bio, Microbio)/SEM-4/MOG-401/09 3 ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT EXAMINATIONS, JUNE – 2009 MOLECULAR GENETICS SEMESTER – 4 /q p:/ htt Time : 3 Hours ] [ Full Marks : 70 GROUP – A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following : i) Cloning requires all the following, except a) Restriction enzyme b) DNA ligase c) Methylase d) Vector. EcoR1 is a ............... type of restriction enzyme. a) Type I c) Type III wb er. iii) b) Type II d) None of these. Which one of the following is used in bacterial transformation CaCl2 c) SnCl2 ‘ARS’ is b) Na 2 CO3 d) NaCl. ! Artifically Replicating Sequence in a c. ut . ! a) ! a) v) pap ii) iv) 10 × 1 = 10 b) Autonomously Replicating Sequence c) Automatically Replicating Sequence d) None of these. The stringency of a hybridization reaction depends on all of the following, except a) NaCl concentration b) Type of reporter molecule c) Nucleotide sequence of probe d) pH. 4440 (04/06) CS/B.Sc (H) (BT, Genetics, Mol.bio, Microbio)/SEM-4/MOG-401/09 vi) a) enhance the stringency of hybridization reaction b) aid in base pairing c) aid in the detection of probe target hybridization d) bind the target DNA to the solid support. Which one is employed in the DNA hybridization assay ? a) Etbr b) Enzyme c) Chemiluminiscent moiety d) None of these. pap viii) Principal function of reporter molecule in DNA hybridization assay /q p:/ htt vii) Which of the following methods is not useful for enzymatic amplification of a) Nucleotide sequencing b) DNA hybridization c) PCR d) None of these. b) restriction digestion Gene expression can be analyzed by a) southern blot c) northern blot d) in a c. ut . x) wb er. specific segment of DNA ? ix) 4 none of these. In southern blotting experiment, the binding of transferred DNA to the Nitrocellulose membrane is ............... type. xi) a) ionic b) c) hydrophobic d) covalent van der Walls. In West Blot, the protein samples are run on a) agarose gel b) c) formaldehyde-agarose gel d) 4440 (04/06) ployacrylamide gel none of these. CS/B.Sc (H) (BT, Genetics, Mol.bio, Microbio)/SEM-4/MOG-401/09 xii) produced by University of California b) produced by University of Cornell c) produced by University of Colombia d) produced by University of Cambridge. BamH1 is considered to be which categories of restriction enzyme ? a) Type I b) Type II c) Type III d) None of these. Which one is a reporter gene ? a) Lac Z c) CAT b) Luciferase d) All of these. wb er. xv) a) pap xiv) What does pUC stands for ? /q p:/ htt xiii) 5 For RNA detection which PCR is best ? a) Nested PCR c) ARMS-PCR b) RT-PCR d) MS-PCR. GROUP – B in a c. ut . ( Short Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following questions. 3 × 5 = 15 2. Mention 5 restriction enzymes indicating the type of ends they produce in DNA. 3. Write short note on Micro-array. 4. What do you mean by Restriction Modification System in bacteria ? Explain. 5. Write short note on c-DNA library. 6. How can you introduce radio-labelling in your DNA ? 4440 (04/06) CS/B.Sc (H) (BT, Genetics, Mol.bio, Microbio)/SEM-4/MOG-401/09 6 GROUP – C ( Long Answer Type Questions ) Answer any three of the following questions. /q p:/ htt 7. 3 × 15 = 45 What characteristics cloning vectors have ? What is the criteria for choosing any cloning vector ? What is the utility of having antibiotic resistant markers in vectors ? What is Blue-White screening ? How can you screen the successful transformed cells carrying both the vectors and insert from those carrying only vectors by this method ? 8. 4+2+2+2+5 Briefly describe the steps ( preferably with diagram ) involved in PCR mentioning the pap appropriate temperature at each step. How annealing temperature is related to Tm of your DNA sample ? Write the advantages of PCR over cloning. 9. 7+3+5 Why do you need to label your probe before using in all blotting experiment ? What are wb er. the different types of labelling techniques, for the probe ? How can you introduce the following labelling in the probe a) 5’ labelling b) 3’ labelling c) Internal labelling. Give an example of non-radio labelling of probe. in a c. ut . 10. 3+4+6+2 What is Southern Blotting ? How is it different from Northern and Western Blotting ? Write the basic steps involved in southern blotting. What can you use as a probe in southern blotting ? 11. 2+4+7+2 What is PCR ? Who invented it ? Why is it useful in modern biology ? How can you introduce a mutation in your DNA sample be PCR ( Assume that you know the sequence of the DNA sample ) ? 2+1+4+8 END 4440 (04/06)
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