Post Office: Note Mail Arrival Date & Time (Do Not Round-Stamp) United States Postal Service Postage Statement—International Mail Use this form for all International Mailings. Only one part may be completed per mailing. Mailer Name and Address of Mailing Agent (If other than permit holder) Telephone Permit Holder's Name and Address and Email Address, if Any Name and Address of Mail Owner (If other than permit holder) CAPS Cust. Ref. No. _______________________ CRID _____________________________________ CRID _________________________________ Mailer's Mailing Date Post Office of Mailing Type of Postage Mailing Telephone Meter Total Pieces Permit Imprint M-Bags Of total pcs., # of Large USPS-Supplied GXG Legal-Size (For Part A, C, D only) Envs. (Part H Only) Letters Permit # Flats Packages Trays Total Weight (Less Tare) Check box if mailing is under an ICM Agreement and enter ICM Agreement No. (if applicable) Sacks Receipt No. Canada Admail Only Weight of a Single Piece Category (Check One) ____ ____ . ____ ____ ____ ____ Standard Precanceled Stamps Partial Permit Imprint CRID ____________________________ Federal Agency Cost Code Statement Seq. No. No. & Type of Containers Tare Weight Flat Trays Pallets Direct Shipment (Specify Country) Other Mixed (C & D only) Parts Completed (Select One): Postage Price Tier (Select One): 1 2 3 A N/A B C Com Base D E F Com Plus G H I J Q R S Subtotal Postage (Add parts Totals) Price at Which Postage Affixed (Check one). Complete if mailing includes pieces bearing metered or precanceled stamps. Correct Lowest Neither __________ pcs. x $ _________ . _________= Permit # ________ Postage Affixed Net Postage Due (Line 1 minus Line 2) For USPS Use Only: Additional Postage Payment (State reason) Total Adjusted Postage Affixed AIC 234 (ISAL) AIC 245 (M-Bag Airmail) Permit Imprint Only Check One AIC 235 (IPA) AIC 246 (Global Direct, Comm ePacket) Report Total in AIC: AIC 243 (FCMI, FCPIS) AIC 244 (PMI, PMEI, GXG) Incentive/ Discount Claimed: ____________________ Certification P Select if any extra services are included: GEPS For postage affixed, add additional payment to net postage due; for permit imprint, add additional payment to total postage. Total Adjusted Postage Permit Imprint Type of Fee: ____________________ The mailer's signature certifies acceptance by the Mailer of liability for and agreement to pay any revenue deficiencies assessed on this mailing, subject to appeal. If an agent signs this form, the agent certifies that he or she is authorized to sign on behalf of the mailer and that the mailer is bound by the certification and agrees to pay any deficiencies. In addition, agents may be liable for any deficiencies resulting from matters within their responsibility, knowledge, or control. The mailer hereby certifies that all information furnished on this form is accurate, truthful, and complete; that the mail and the supporting documentation comply with all postal standards and the mailing qualifies for the prices and fees claimed; and this mailing does not contain any dangerous articles, or articles prohibited by legislation or by postal or customs regulations. The mailer hereby certifies that this mailing is in compliance with all applicable export laws, regulations, or orders and certifies that the mailer has provided any necessary documentation required by the USPS, the U.S. Government, or destination country foreign government, or other authority. See the International Mail Manual for additional information. The mailer agrees to indemnify the United States Postal Service from any and all claims, losses, costs, damages or expenses incurred by USPS as a result of mailer's failure to comply with any applicable laws or regulations. The mailer understands that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits information requested on this form may be subject to criminal and/or civil penalties, including fines and imprisonment. Privacy Notice: For information regarding our Privacy Policy visit Signature of Mailer or Agent Printed Name of Mailer or Agent Signing Form Weight of a Single Piece No Total Weight Round Stamp (Required) Payment Date Total Postage Presort Verification Performed? (If required) Yes No I CERTIFY that this mailing has been inspected for each item below if required: (1) eligibility for postage prices claimed; (2) proper preparation (and presort where required); (3) proper completion of postage statement; (4) payment of annual fee; and (5) sufficient funds on deposit (if required) USPS Employee's Signature Date Mailer Notified Contact By (Initials) Time AM PM To be completed in To be completed in Yes USPS Use Only non- PostalOne! sites Are postage figures at left adjusted from mailer's entries? If yes, reason: Telephone non-PostalOne! sites Total Pieces USPS Use Only K Print USPS Employee's Name PS Form 3700-1, January 2014 (Page 1 of 21) PSN 7530-09-000-9940 This form and mailing standards are available on Postal Explorer at First-Class Mail International—Permit Imprint Part A Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. First-Class Mail International Postcards Destination Country Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage A1 Canada/Mexico $1.15 A2 All Other Countries 1.15 Letters (up to 3.5 ounces) and Flats (up to 4 pounds) Destination Country/Price Group No. of Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 1 (Canada) 2 (Mexico) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A12 Nonmachinable Surcharge (letters only, up to 3.5 ounces) Discount Total Fee Total Total Postage Discount Total Fee Total Total Postage 0.21 M-Bag Airmail Price Group No. Sacks Price per Sack Total lbs. of All Sacks Sack Over 11 Price Per Subtotal lbs. Pound A13 1 $37.95 $3.45 A14 2 35.20 3.20 A15 3 68.20 6.20 A16 4 55.55 5.05 A17 5 44.55 4.05 A18 6 65.45 5.95 A19 7 56.10 5.10 A20 8 53.90 4.90 A21 9 52.80 4.80 A22 Subtotal Postage Discount Total Fee Total Total Postage Subtotal (add lines A1-A21) ICM Incentive (if applicable) A23 Pound Subtotal Incentive Percentage = % Incentive Total Postage (A22) X Postage Incentive = Part A Total (line A22 minus A23) PS Form 3700, January 2014 (Page 2 of 21) - First-Class Package International Service—Permit Imprint Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part B First-Class Package International Service - Com Base, Com Plus, GEPS/NSA Packages/Small Packets (up to 4 pounds) Destination Country/Price Group No. of Pieces B1 1 (Canada) B2 2 (Mexico) B3 3 B4 4 B5 5 B6 6 B7 7 B8 B9 8 9 Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage Discount Total Fee Total Part B Total (Add lines B1-B9) PS Form 3700-3, January 2014 (Page 3 of 21) PSN 7530-09-000-9941 Total Postage International Surface Air Lift—ISAL - Permit Imprint Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part C International Surface Air Lift-ISAL Postcards/Letters, Flats and Packages (Small Packets) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 Price No. of Group Category Pieces WW* Mixed 15 Direct 15 Mixed 16 Direct 16 Mixed 17 Direct 17 Mixed 18 Direct 18 Mixed 19 Direct 19 Mixed Piece Pieces Full ISC Drop Pounds Subtotal Discount Fee Total Price Subtotal Pounds Service Ship Subtotal Postage Total $0.52 $10.36 $8.16 0.43 7.61 5.49 0.47 6.10 0.18 8.16 6.08 0.19 6.12 0.18 9.10 6.01 0.19 6.31 0.16 7.84 5.97 0.17 6.18 0.13 8.94 7.04 0.14 7.16 Piece & Pounds Total Postage * Worldwide Nonpresort Postcards/Letters (up to 3.5 ounces) C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 Price No. of Group Category Pieces 1 Direct 2 Direct 3 Direct 4 Direct 5 Direct 6 Direct 7 Direct 8 Direct 9 Direct 9 Mixed 10 Direct 10 Mixed 11 Direct 11 Mixed 12 Direct 12 Mixed 13 Direct 13 Mixed 14 Direct 14 Mixed Piece Pieces Full ISC Drop Pounds Subtotal Discount Fee Total Price Subtotal Pounds Service Ship Subtotal Postage Total $0.47 $6.00 $4.08 0.14 7.44 4.66 0.45 7.18 5.34 0.48 7.73 5.82 0.48 7.60 5.68 0.45 8.13 6.09 0.49 7.73 5.77 0.43 7.61 5.49 0.38 8.03 6.00 0.47 6.10 0.18 9.10 6.01 0.19 6.31 0.16 7.84 5.97 0.17 6.18 0.39 7.68 5.62 0.40 5.91 0.43 7.61 5.49 0.47 6.10 0.14 8.43 6.55 0.16 6.71 Piece & Pounds Total Postage Part C continued on next page PS Form 3700 , January 2014 (Page 4 of 21) International Surface Air Lift—ISAL - Permit Imprint Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part C - Continued International Surface Air Lift-ISAL Flats (up to 17.6 ounces) C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 Price No. of Group Category Pieces 1 Direct 2 Direct 3 Direct 4 Direct 5 Direct 6 Direct 7 Direct 8 Direct 9 Direct 9 Mixed 10 Direct 10 Mixed 11 Direct 11 Mixed 12 Direct 12 Mixed 13 Direct 13 Mixed 14 Direct 14 Mixed Piece Pieces Full ISC Drop Pounds Subtotal Discount Fee Total Price Subtotal Pounds Service Ship Subtotal Postage Total $0.47 $5.10 $3.47 0.14 6.34 3.97 0.45 6.12 4.55 0.48 6.58 4.96 0.48 6.47 4.83 0.45 6.92 5.19 0.49 6.58 4.91 0.43 6.48 4.68 0.38 6.83 5.10 0.47 5.19 0.18 7.75 5.12 0.19 5.38 0.16 6.68 5.09 0.17 5.27 0.39 6.53 4.79 0.40 5.03 0.43 6.48 4.68 0.47 5.19 0.14 7.18 5.57 0.16 5.71 Piece & Pounds Total Postage Packages (Small Packets) (up to 4.4 pounds) C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 C60 C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 C70 C71 Price No. of Group Category Pieces 1 Direct 2 Direct 3 Direct 4 Direct 5 Direct 6 Direct 7 Direct 8 Direct 9 Direct 9 Mixed 10 Direct 10 Mixed 11 Direct 11 Mixed 12 Direct 12 Mixed 13 Direct 13 Mixed 14 Direct 14 Mixed Piece Pieces Full ISC Drop Pounds Subtotal Discount Fee Total Price Subtotal Pounds Service Ship Subtotal Postage Total $0.47 $4.84 $3.29 0.14 6.01 3.77 0.45 5.81 4.31 0.48 6.25 4.70 0.48 6.13 4.58 0.45 6.57 4.92 0.49 6.25 4.66 0.43 6.14 4.44 0.38 6.48 4.84 0.47 4.92 0.18 7.36 4.86 0.19 5.10 0.16 6.34 4.83 0.17 5.00 0.39 6.21 4.55 0.40 4.78 0.43 6.14 4.44 0.47 4.92 0.14 6.82 5.30 0.16 5.43 C72 Piece & Pounds Total Postage Subtotal (add lines C1-C71) Part C continued on next page PS Form 3700-5 , January 2014 (Page 5 of 21) PSN 7530-09-000-9942 International Surface Air Lift—ISAL - Permit Imprint Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part C - Continued International Surface Air Lift-ISAL International Surface Air Lift-M-Bag-ISAL C73 1 $18.70 $17.60 $1.70 ISC Total lbs. of Any ISC Drop Sack Less Ship Than 11 5-11 lb. Lbs. Subtotal Discount Fee Total lbs. Incentive Subtotal Postage Total Total Postage $1.60 $-0.12 C74 2 19.91 18.70 1.81 1.70 -0.53 C75 3 23.32 20.46 2.12 1.86 -1.39 C76 4 23.32 20.46 2.12 1.86 -1.39 C77 5 23.32 20.46 2.12 1.86 -1.39 C78 6 32.56 31.02 2.96 2.82 -2.31 C79 7 23.32 20.46 2.12 1.86 -1.39 C80 8 23.76 20.90 2.16 1.90 -1.43 C81 9 30.47 27.61 2.77 2.51 -1.83 C82 10 27.39 24.42 2.49 2.22 -1.46 C83 11 30.47 27.39 2.77 2.49 -2.37 C84 12 24.53 21.67 2.23 1.97 -1.45 C85 13 23.76 20.90 2.16 1.90 -1.43 C86 14 32.01 29.04 2.91 2.64 -2.54 C87 15 23.76 20.90 2.16 1.90 -1.43 C88 16 27.39 24.42 2.49 2.22 -1.71 C89 17 27.39 24.42 2.49 2.22 -1.46 C90 18 30.47 27.39 2.77 2.49 -2.37 C91 19 37.95 34.98 3.45 3.18 -2.87 Total lbs. of All ISC Sacks ISC Drop Price No. Full Full Drop Sacks over 11 Group Sacks Service Ship Subtotal lbs. Service Ship Subtotal (add lines C72 and C73-C91) C92 ICM Incentive (if applicable) C93 Incentive Percentage = % Incentive Total Postage (C92) X Part C Total (line C92 minus C93) PS Form 3700, January 2014 (Page 6 of 21) = - International Priority Airmail—IPA - Permit Imprint Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part D International Priority Airmail-IPA Postcards/Letters, Flats and Packages (Small Packets) D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 Price No. of Group Category Pieces WW* Mixed 15 Direct 15 Mixed 16 Direct 16 Mixed 17 Direct 17 Mixed 18 Direct 18 Mixed 19 Direct 19 Mixed Piece Pieces Full ISC Drop Pounds Subtotal Discount Fee Total Price Subtotal Pounds Service Ship Subtotal Postage Total $0.57 $11.49 $9.05 0.48 8.65 6.25 0.52 6.71 0.19 8.97 6.69 0.21 6.74 0.19 10.03 6.62 0.21 6.95 0.18 8.87 6.75 0.19 7.03 0.14 9.84 7.75 0.16 Piece & Pounds Total Postage 8.14 * Worldwide Nonpresort Postcards/Letters (up to 3.5 ounces) D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 D26 D27 D28 D29 D30 D31 Price No. of Group Category Pieces 1 Direct 2 Direct 3 Direct 4 Direct 5 Direct 6 Direct 7 Direct 8 Direct 9 Direct 9 Mixed 10 Direct 10 Mixed 11 Direct 11 Mixed 12 Direct 12 Mixed 13 Direct 13 Mixed 14 Direct 14 Mixed Piece Pieces Full ISC Drop Pounds Subtotal Discount Fee Total Price Subtotal Pounds Service Ship Subtotal Postage Total $0.52 $6.61 $4.48 0.16 7.94 4.97 0.52 8.16 6.06 0.53 8.52 6.42 0.52 8.31 6.22 0.51 8.96 6.71 0.55 8.52 6.36 0.48 8.65 6.25 0.43 9.08 6.79 0.52 7.13 0.19 10.03 6.62 0.21 6.95 0.18 8.87 6.75 0.19 7.03 0.47 8.61 6.32 0.49 6.65 0.43 8.73 6.36 0.47 6.73 0.16 9.32 7.22 0.17 7.55 Piece & Pounds Total Postage Part D continued on next page PS Form 3700-7, January 2014 (Page 7 of 21) PSN 7530-09-000-9943 International Priority Airmail—IPA - Permit Imprint Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part D - Continued International Priority Airmail-IPA Flats (up to 17.6 ounces) D32 D33 D34 D35 D36 D37 D38 D39 D40 D41 D42 D43 D44 D45 D46 D47 D48 D49 D50 D51 Price No. of Group Category Pieces 1 Direct 2 Direct 3 Direct 4 Direct 5 Direct 6 Direct 7 Direct 8 Direct 9 Direct 9 Mixed 10 Direct 10 Mixed 11 Direct 11 Mixed 12 Direct 12 Mixed 13 Direct 13 Mixed 14 Direct 14 Mixed Piece Pieces Full ISC Drop Pounds Subtotal Discount Price Subtotal Pounds Service Ship Subtotal Postage Total $0.52 $5.62 $3.82 0.16 6.75 4.23 0.52 6.95 5.17 0.53 7.26 5.47 0.52 7.08 5.30 0.51 7.64 5.71 0.55 7.25 5.42 0.48 7.36 5.31 0.43 7.73 5.78 0.52 6.06 0.19 8.53 5.64 0.21 5.92 0.18 7.55 5.75 0.19 5.99 0.47 7.32 5.39 0.49 5.66 0.43 7.43 5.42 0.47 5.73 0.16 7.94 6.14 0.17 6.43 Fee Total Piece & Pounds Total Postage Fee Total Piece & Pounds Total Postage Packages (Small Packets) (up to 4.4 pounds) D52 D53 D54 D55 D56 D57 D58 D59 D60 D61 D62 D63 D64 D65 D66 D67 D68 D69 D70 D71 Price No. of Group Category Pieces 1 Direct 2 Direct 3 Direct 4 Direct 5 Direct 6 Direct 7 Direct 8 Direct 9 Direct 9 Mixed 10 Direct 10 Mixed 11 Direct 11 Mixed 12 Direct 12 Mixed 13 Direct 13 Mixed 14 Direct 14 Mixed Piece Pieces Full ISC Drop Pounds Subtotal Discount Price Subtotal Pounds Service Ship Subtotal Postage Total $0.52 $5.34 $3.62 0.16 6.42 4.03 0.52 6.60 4.90 0.53 6.88 5.19 0.52 6.71 5.03 0.51 7.25 5.43 0.55 6.88 5.14 0.48 6.99 5.05 0.43 7.34 5.48 0.52 5.77 0.19 8.10 5.35 0.21 5.61 0.18 7.17 5.45 0.19 5.69 0.47 6.96 5.12 0.49 5.36 0.43 7.05 5.14 0.47 5.44 0.16 7.53 5.83 0.17 6.10 D72 Subtotal (add lines D1-D71) Part D continued on next page PS Form 3700 , January 2014 (Page 8 of 21) International Priority Airmail—IPA - Permit Imprint Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part D - Continued International Priority Airmail-IPA International Priority Airmail-M-Bag-IPA ISC Total lbs. Total lbs. of All of Any ISC Drop ISC Sack Less Ship Sacks ISC Drop Price No. Full Full Than 11 5-11 lb. Lbs. Subtotal Discount Fee Drop Sacks over 11 Total Group Sacks Service Ship Subtotal lbs. Service Ship lbs. Incentive Subtotal Postage Total Total Postage D73 1 $53.68 $23.32 $4.88 $2.12 $-0.38 D74 2 60.72 30.47 5.52 2.77 -0.74 D75 3 71.17 39.16 6.47 3.56 -1.08 D76 4 71.17 39.16 6.47 3.56 -1.08 D77 5 71.17 39.16 6.47 3.56 -1.08 D78 6 89.32 58.30 8.12 5.30 -1.78 D79 7 71.17 39.16 6.47 3.56 -1.08 D80 8 71.17 39.16 6.47 3.56 -1.08 D81 9 85.14 53.13 7.74 4.83 -1.59 D82 10 78.10 46.09 7.10 4.19 -0.80 D83 11 86.90 54.89 7.90 4.99 -1.26 D84 12 73.70 41.58 6.70 3.78 -1.03 D85 13 71.17 39.16 6.47 3.56 -1.08 D86 14 86.68 54.56 7.88 4.96 -1.17 D87 15 71.17 39.16 6.47 3.56 -1.08 D88 16 80.52 48.40 7.32 4.40 -1.17 D89 17 78.10 46.09 7.10 4.19 -0.80 D90 18 86.90 54.89 7.90 4.99 -1.26 D91 19 85.69 53.68 7.79 4.88 -1.31 Subtotal (add lines D72 and D73-D91) D92 ICM Incentive (if applicable) D93 % Incentive Incentive Percentage = Total Postage (D92) X Part D Total (line D92 minus D93) PS Form 3700-9, January 2014 (Page 9 of 21) PSN 7530-09-000-9944 = - Priority Mail International - Permit Imprint- Transmits Customs Data Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part E Priority Mail International - Com Base, Com Plus, GEPS/NSA Priority Mail International E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 No. of Pieces Price Total Pounds Subtotal Postage Discount Total Fee Total Total Postage Part E continued on next page PS Form 3700 , January 2014 (Page 10 of 21) Priority Mail International - Permit Imprint- Transmits Customs Data Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part E - Continued Priority Mail International - Com Base, Com Plus, GEPS/NSA Flat Rate Envelopes (Individual Weight Limit: 4 lbs.) (15" x 9 1/2" or Smaller USPS-Produced) Destination Country No. of Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage Discount Total E18 Canada E19 All Other Countries Padded Flat Rate Envelope (Individual Weight Limit: 4 lbs.) Destination Country No. of Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage E20 Canada E21 All Other Countries Discount Total Fee Total Total Postage Fee Total Total Postage Small Flat Rate Boxes (Individual Weight Limit: 4 lbs.) (Including items O-Small FRBX, ODVDS, and O-1096-L) Destination Country No. of Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage Discount Total Fee Total E22 Canada E23 All Other Countries Medium Flat Rate Boxes (Individual Weight Limit: 20 lbs.) Destination Country No. of Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage E24 Canada E25 All Other Countries Large Flat Rate Boxes (Individual Weight Limit: 20 lbs.) Destination Country No. of Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage E26 Canada E27 Discount Total Fee Total Total Postage Discount Total Fee Total Total Postage All Other Countries Part E Total (Add lines E1 - E27) PS Form 3700-11 , January 2014 (Page 11 of 21) PSN 7530-10-000-8809 Total Postage Priority Mail International - Regional Rate Box - Transmits Customs Data Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part F Priority Mail International - Regional Rate Box* - NSA Box A (Maximum Weight 10 lbs.) F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 Price No.of Pieces Subtotal Postage Discount Total Fee Total Total Postage Price No.of Pieces Subtotal Postage Discount Total Fee Total Total Postage Price No.of Pieces Subtotal Postage Discount Total Fee Total Total Postage Price Group 1 Price Group 2 Price Group 3 Price Group 4 Price Group 5 Price Group 6 Price Group 7 Price Group 8 Price Group 9 Price Group 10 Box B (Maximum Weight 20 lbs.) F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 Price Group 1 Price Group 2 Price Group 3 Price Group 4 Price Group 5 Price Group 6 Price Group 7 Price Group 8 Price Group 9 Price Group 10 Box C (Maximum Weight 20 lbs.) F21 F22 F23 F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 F29 F30 Price Group 1 Price Group 2 Price Group 3 Price Group 4 Price Group 5 Price Group 6 Price Group 7 Price Group 8 Price Group 9 Price Group 10 Part F Total (Add lines F1 - F30) PS Form 3700 , January 2014 (Page 12 of 21) Priority Mail Express International - Permit Imprint - Transmits Customs Data Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part G Priority Mail Express International - Com Base, Com Plus, GEPS/NSA Priority Mail Express International G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 No. of Pieces Price Total Pounds Subtotal Postage Discount Total Fee Total Total Postage Priority Mail Express International Flat Rate Envelopes (15" x 9 1/2" or Smaller USPS-Produced) (Max Wt. 4 lbs.) Subtotal Destination Postage Discount Total Fee Total Country No. of Pieces Price Total Pounds Total Postage G18 Canada All Other G19 Countries Priority Mail Express International Padded Flat Rate Envelope (12 1/2" x 9 1/2") (Max Wt. 4 lbs.) Subtotal Destination Postage Discount Total Country No. of Pieces Price Total Pounds G20 G21 Fee Total Total Postage Fee Total Total Postage Canada All Other Countries Priority Mail Express International Flat Rate Boxes (Max Wt. 20 lbs.) Destination Country No. of Pieces Price Total Pounds G22 Canada All Other G23 Countries Subtotal Postage Discount Total Part G Total (Add lines G1 - G23) PS Form 3700-13 , January 2014 (Page 13 of 21) PSN 7530-12-000-6865 Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) - Permit Imprint - Transmits Customs Data Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part H Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) - Com Base, Com Plus, GEPS/NSA Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 Price Group 1 (Canada) 2 (Mexico) 3 4 5 6 7 8 No. of Pieces Price Total Pounds Subtotal Postage Discount Total Fee Total Part H Total (Add lines H1 - H8) PS Form 3700, January 2014 (Page 14 of 21) Total Postage Global Direct-Canada Admail—Permit Imprint Part I Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Global Direct-Canada Admail - NSA NDG Presort Single-Piece Weight Single-Piece Total Weight Total Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage Single-Piece Total Weight Total Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage Single-Piece Total Weight Total Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage LCP Distribution Center Facility (DCF) Single-Piece Weight Single-Piece Total Weight Total Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage Total Weight Total Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage Total Weight Total Pieces Price Per Piece Subtotal Postage I1 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I2 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I3 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. LCP Delivery Mode Direct Single-Piece Weight I4 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I5 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I6 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. LCP Delivery Facility Single-Piece Weight I7 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I8 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I9 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I10 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I11 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I12 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. LCP Forward Consolidation Point (FCP) Single-Piece Weight Single-Piece I13 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I14 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I15 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. LCP Residual Single-Piece Weight I16 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I17 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. I18 __ . __ __ __ __ lbs. Single-Piece Part I continued on next page PS Form 3700-15, January 2014 (Page 15 of 21) PSN 7530-13-000-5616 Global Direct-Canada Admail—Permit Imprint Part I - Continued Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Excess Weight Postage-if applicable (for items over 0.1100 lbs. up to 1.100 lbs. [over 1.76 oz. up to 17.6 oz.]) I19 Total Weight of Mailing in Pounds (Add I1-I18 Total Weight Column) lbs. I20 Base Allowance Weight (Add I1-I18 Total Pieces Column X 0.1100 lbs.) lbs. I21 Total Pounds Subject to Additional Charge (Line I19 minus Line I20) lbs. I22 Price per Pound (Enter price) $ I23 Excess Weight Postage (Line I21 X Line I22) $ I24 Additional Postage Payment (if applicable) $ I25 Address Accuracy Rate (Statement of Accuracy Must be Attached) LCP Only (Include Audit Code ____________) PS Form 3700 , January 2014 (Page 16 of 21) % Part I Total (Add I1-I18, I23 and I24) Global Direct—Canada Publications Mail—Permit Imprint Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part J Global Direct-Canada Publications Mail - NSA NDG Presort Total Weight Total No. of Copies Price per Copy Total Postage Total No. of Copies Price per Piece Total Postage Total No. of Copies Price per Piece Total Postage Price per Piece Total Postage Total No. of Copies Price per Piece Total Postage Total No. of Copies Price per Piece Total Postage J1 LCP Delivery Mode Direct Total Weight J2 LCP Delivery Facility Total Weight J3 LCP Distribution Center Facility (DCF) Total Weight Total No. of Copies J4 LCP Forward Consolidation Point (FCP) Total Weight J5 LCP Residual Total Weight J6 Excess Weight Postage - if applicable (If LCP over 7.04 oz. - 0.44 lb. or, if NDG over 3.52 oz. - 0.22 lb.) J7 Total Weight of Mailing in Pounds (Add J1-J6 Total Weight Column) lbs. J8 LCP Base Allowance Weight (Add J2-J6 Postage X 0.44 lbs.) lbs. J9 NDG Base Allowance Weight (J1 Postage X 0.22 lbs.) lbs. J10 Total Pounds Subject to Additional charge (J7 minus J8 or J9) J11 Price Per Pound (Enter Price) lbs. $ J12 Excess Weight Postage (J10 X J11) $ J13 Additional Postage Payment (If applicable) $ Address Accuracy Rate J14 (Statement of Accuracy Must be Attached) % LCP Only (Include Audit Code ___________) PS Form 3700-17, January 2014 (Page 17 of 21) PSN 7530-13-000-5617 Part J Total (Add J1-J6, J12 and J13) Global Direct—Canada Lettermail—Permit Imprint Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part K Global Direct - Canada Lettermail - NSA Canada Lettermail Weight Steps Price per Piece No. of Pieces Total Weight Total Postage Price per Piece No. of Pieces Total Weight Total Postage Total Pieces Total Weight Total Postage Standard (S/L) K1 up to 1.0576 oz. K2 over 1.0576 oz. and up to 1.7632 oz. Other Lettermail (Non-standard and Oversize) K3 up to 3.5264 oz. K4 over 3.5264 oz. and up to 7.0544 oz. K5 over 7.0544 oz. and up to 10.5808 oz. K6 over 10.5808 oz. and up to 14.1088 oz. K7 over 14.1088 oz. and up to 17.6368 oz. Canada Incentive Lettermail Price Group Standard (S/L) K8 up to 1.0576 oz. K9 over 1.0576 oz. and up to 1.7632 oz. Standard (S/L) - Presort K10 up to 1.0576 oz. K11 over 1.0576 oz. and up to 1.7632 oz. Standard (S/L) - Presort Local K12 up to 1.0576 oz. K13 over 1.0576 oz. and up to 1.7632 oz. Oversize (O/S) K14 up to 3.5264 oz. K15 over 3.5264 oz. and up to 17.6368 oz. Oversize (O/S) - Presort K16 up to 3.5264 oz. K17 over 3.5264 oz. and up to 17.6368 oz. Part K TOTAL (Add lines K1- K7 or K8-K17) PS Form 3700 , January 2014 (Page 18 of 21) Commercial ePacket—Permit Imprint—Transmits Customs Data Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Part P Commercial ePacket - NSA Commercial ePacket P1 Price Group 1 P2 2 P3 3 P4 4 P5 5 P6 6 P7 7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 No. of Pieces Piece Price Pieces Subtotal Pounds Pounds Price Pounds Subtotal Subtotal Postage Discount Total Part P Total (Add lines P1 - P15) PS Form 3700-19, January 2014 (Page 19 of 21) PSN 7530-13-000-5618 Fee Total Piece & Pound Total Postage Global Direct—Permit Imprint Part Q Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Global Direct Global Direct Destination Country & Product No. of Pieces Weight Total Postage Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Reserved Part R Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Reserved Destination Country & Product R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 PS Form 3700 , January 2014 (Page 20 of 21) No. of Pieces Weight Total Postage International—Extra Services and Fees Part S Check box at left if prices are populated in this section. Extra Services Service Fee S1 Certificate of Mailing (3 or more - Form 3877) $0.47 S5 Insurance S6 Registered Mail 13.65 S9 Return Receipt (Form 2865) 3.75 S17 S19 Picture Permit Imprint Certificate of Bulk Mailing (Form 3606) No. of Pieces Subtotal Postage Discount Total Part S Total (add lines S1 - S19) PS Form 3700-21, January 2014 (Page 21 of 21) PSN 7530-17-000-0820 Total Postage International Mail—Instructions Use this form for all International mailings. Step 1: Complete Mailer and Mailing sections on page 1. The Mailer section must be completely filled in, including the Permit Holder in the first box, the Mailing Agent, if any as described below, in the second box, and the Mail Owner, as described below, if other than the Permit Holder, in the third box. Mailing Agent: The mailing agent is a business entity, organization, or individual acting on behalf of one or more mail owners by providing mailing services for which the mail owners compensate the mailing agent. A business entity, organization, or individual whose services define it as a mailing agent may also be considered a mail owner, but only for its own mail or the mail of its subsidiaries. Mailing agents include, but are not limited to the following: Printer, letter shop, address list provider/manager; mail preparer, postage payment provider, mailing logistics provider, mailing tracking provider, ad agency, and mailing information manager. Mail Owner: The mail owner is the business entity, organization, or individual who makes business decisions regarding the mailpiece content, directly benefits from the mailing, and ultimately pays for postage on the mailpiece directly or by way of a mailing agent. Step 2: Determine applicable part(s) A through J and S (pages 2-17), to complete for your mailing. Part A - First-Class Mail International (FCMI) including Airmail M-Bags Part B - First-Class Package International Service (FCPIS) Part C - International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) including ISAL M-Bags Part D - International Priority Airmail (IPA) including IPA M-Bags Part E - Priority Mail International (PMI) - Transmits Customs Data Part F - Priority Mail International - Regional Rate Box Part G - Priority Mail Express International (PMEI) - Transmits Customs Data Part H - Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) - Transmits Customs Data Part I - Global Direct - Canada Admail Part J - Global Direct - Canada Publications Mail Part K - Global Direct - Canada Lettermail Part P - Commercial ePacket - Transmits Customs Data Part Q - Global Direct Part R - Reserved Part S - Extra Services Step 3: Complete only applicable part(s), enter sum of the (unrounded) postage amounts for that part. Step 4: Return to the Postage section on page 1. Check the boxes that correspond to the form parts used. Add the postage amounts for all parts and enter on Line 1 Subtotal Postage, rounded off to two decimal places. Step 5: Complete Line 2 for Postage Affixed mailings. Check the applicable box (Correct, Lowest, or Neither) for the Price at which Postage is Affixed. Multiply the number of pieces by the postage affixed. Put the total in the Postage Affixed block. Step 6: Calculate Line 3 Net Postage Due by subtracting any Postage Affixed (Line 2) from the Subtotal Postage (Line 1). For permit imprint mailings, the Net Postage Due is the amount that will be withdrawn from the permit imprint account listed in the Permit # box in the Mailing section. For postage affixed mailings, the Net Postage Due is the amount that must be tendered in addition to that already affixed to the mail, and it may be tendered by any of the applicable methods including withdrawal from an advance deposit account that can be listed by Permit # on Line 3. Step 7: Read and sign the Certification section, including your telephone number. Attach all completed pages and submit with the mailing. Postmaster: Report permit imprint revenues using Account Identifier Codes (AIC) as follows: Part A - AIC 243 First-Class Mail International (FCMI) AIC 245 Airmail M-Bags Part B - AIC 243 First-Class Package International Service (FCPIS) Part C - AIC 234 ISAL (including ISAL M-Bags) Part D - AIC 235 IPA (including IPA M-Bags) Parts E, F, G, & H - AIC 244 Priority Mail International (PMI), PMI Regional Rate Box, Priority Mail Express International (PMEI), and Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) Parts I, J, K, P, & Q - AIC 246 Global Direct Admail, Global Direct Publications Mail, Global Direct Lettermail and Incentive Lettermail, Commercial ePacket, and Global Direct Parts H, I, J, & Q - AIC 246 Global Direct Admail, Global Direct Publications Mail, Global Direct Lettermail and Incentive Lettermail, and Global Direct PS Form 3700 , January 2014 (Instructions)
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