What referring physicians need to know about MRI physics ©2014 Magnetic resonance imaging is rooted in a chemical technique known as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Although this use of the word “nuclear” has nothing to do with radioactivity, the medical community has dropped that emotion-laden word to become simply, MRI. In this article, we will look at the basic physical principles that make MR imaging possible. PROTON PROPERTIES A moving electric charge produces a magnetic field. The faster it moves or the larger the charge, the greater the magnetic field it produces. The nucleus of a hydrogen atom, a single proton, has a small positive electric charge and is spinning very fast, thereby producing a small, but measurable, magnetic field. Think of a proton as a small magnet. Water is the biggest source of protons in the body, followed by fat. Normally, the direction that these tiny magnets point is randomly distributed. Just as a compass aligns with the earth’s magnetic field, a spinning proton (often referred to as a spin) placed near or within a large external magnetic field (called Bø) will align with the external field. But it’s not quite so simple. At the atomic level, a little more than half of the protons align with the field and a little less than half actually align against the field, canceling out most (but not all) of the magnetic fields of those aligned with the field. The number of spins in excess, defined as the vector Mø, is directly related to the strength of the magnetic field. At 0.5 tesla, roughly three protons out of 2 million will be in excess. At 1 tesla it’s six out of 2 million and at 1.5 tesla it’s nine out of 2 million. All of the signal that is used to produce MR images comes from these few excess protons. This why high-field scanners (1 tesla and above) have a greater signal-to-noise ratio than midand low-field scanners (0.5 tesla and below). If the MR signal comes from so few excess protons, how is it possible to detect the signal? A single voxel (volume pixel) of water with dimensions 2 x 2 x 5 mm3 (0.02ml) has a total of 1.2 x 1022 total protons. Of those, 6.02 x 1015 are in excess, or 6 million billion! So, even though a spinning proton is a very poor magnet and the excess fraction aligned with the field is only a few parts per million, the total number is still so large that an appreciable signal is detectable. A proton’s spin can be compared to a toy top. Spin a top when orbiting in the space shuttle (no gravity), and it will spin cleanly about its axis. Spin a top on the moon, where there’s little gravity, and it will wobble or precess slowly about the axis defined as the force of gravity. Here on Earth the same top will wobble more. Spinning protons also wobble, or precess, about the axis defined by the external Bø field. The frequency of the precession is directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field and is defined by the Larmor equation: ωø = у Bø ωø is known as the precessional, Larmor, or resonance frequency. y is the gyromagnetic ratio and is a constant unique to every atom. At the magnetic field strengths used in clinical MRI systems, .05 to 3 Tesla, the resonance frequency of hydrogen ranges from 2.13 MHz to 128 MHz. If an electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) pulse is applied at the resonance frequency, the protons can absorb that energy (picture shining a light on phosphorescent paint). At the quantum level, a single proton jumps to a higher energy state. At the macro or classical level, to an observer in the external laboratory frame of reference, the magnetization vector, Mø, (roughly 6 million billion protons) initially pointing in the Z direction, spirals down toward the XY plane. If you could somehow jump aboard Mø, just like a merry-goround, the laboratory would be rotating around you. In this rotating frame of reference, Mø would seem to tip smoothly down. The tip angle, , is a function of the strength and duration of Magnetic Resonance Update the RF pulse. Once the RF transmitter is turned off, three things begin to happen simultaneously: 1. The absorbed RF energy is retransmitted (at the resonance frequency). 2. The excited spins begin to return to the original Mz orientation (T1 recovery to thermal equilibrium). 3. Initially in phase, the excited protons begin to diphase (T2 and T2 relaxation). NMR SIGNAL Once Mø (a magnetization vector) has been tipped away from the Z axis, the vector will continue to precess around the external Bø field at the resonance frequency ωø. A rotating magnetic field produces electromagnetic radiation. Since ωø is in the radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the rotating vector is said to give off RF waves. So, just like phosphorescent paint glows in the dark, the absorbed RF energy is now being retransmitted, thereby producing the NMR signal. The process of giving off RF energy occurs as the spins go from a highenergy state to a low-energy state, realigning with Bø. The RF emission is the net result of the Z component (Mz) of the magnetization recovering back to Mø. Some of the energy does not make it out of the patient but instead is reabsorbed by the surrounding tissue, referred to as the lattice. This type of spin-lattice interaction is the result of the excited system returning to thermal equilibrium. In the classical description, the Mz component begins to grow at the expense of the Mxy component. The time course whereby the system returns to thermal equilibrium, or Mz grows to Mø, is mathematically described by an exponential curve. This recovery rate is characterized by the time constant T1, which is unique to every tissue. At a time t=-T1 after the excitation pulse, 63.2% of the magnetization has recovered alignment with Bø. At t=3T1, 95% of Mz as recovered, and at t=5T1, more than 99% of Mz recovery has occurred. T1 WEIGHTED IMAGING MR imaging can use these differences in Mz recovery rates to differentiate between different types of tissue. Acquiring an MR image requires multiple “excitation-data collect” cycles. The time between each cycle is known as the repeat or TR time. The key concept here is that it is only possible to excite spins (and, hence, produce a signal) that have an Mz component. Fat has a very short T1 while CSF has a very long T1. If our repeat time is fairly short, say around 400 msec, then fat will have recovered roughly 80% of its Z magnetization and will appear bright while CSF will have recovered only 10% and will appear dark. When the spins (all 6 million billion of them) are first tilted down to the XY plane, they are all in phase. Think of a playground with a million swings. If all of the children are going up and down together, at exactly the same rate, then they are swinging in phase. Assuming that all the children are pumping their legs with the same force and frequency, then they will stay in phase. But if one child stops pumping for a few seconds and another child pumps a little harder or a little faster, then they will start to get out of synch with everyone else. The same type of thing happens to precessing protons. For reasons discussed below, some protons spin a little faster while others spin a little slower. Very quickly, they move out of phase relative to each other, causing their individual signals to interfere or cancel, resulting in the NMR signal fading away. How fast a proton wobbles or precesses depends on the magnetic field that it experiences. An isolated proton, far from any other protons (or electrons), is only affected by the main Bø field. As protons (or spins) move together due to random motion or vibration, their magnetic fields begin to interact. If the field from one proton increases the field that the second proton experiences, then the second proton will precess at a slightly faster rate. Similarly, if the first field opposes the main field then the second proton will precess more slowly. As soon as the protons (or spins) move farther apart, their fields no longer interact and they both return to the original frequency, but at different phases. This type of random spin-spin interaction causes a cumulative loss of phase across the excited spins, resulting in an overall loss of signal. Similar to T1 relaxation, the signal decay resulting from transverse or spinspin relaxation is described mathematically by an exponential curve, identical in concept to radioactive decay with a half-life measured in tens of msecs. The value T2 is the time after excitation when the signal amplitude has been reduced to 36.8% of its original value (or has lost 63.2% - this is the opposite of T1 where 63.2% of Mz is recovered in one T1 period.) T2 values are unique for every kind of tissue and are determined primarily by the chemical environment with little relation to field strength. Spins that interact frequently, such as hydrogen protons bound closely to proteins, will have short T2 time constants while spins in nearly pure water such as CSF will have very long T2 time constants. After the RF transmitter is turned off, the protons immediately begin to re-radiate the absorbed energy. If nothing is affecting homogeneity of the magnetic field all of the protons will be spinning at the same resonance frequency. The initial amplitude of the signal is determined by the portion of the magnetization vector (Mø) that has been tipped onto the XY plane. This, in turn, is determined by the sine of the flip angle, a. The maximum signal is obtained when the flip angle is 90. (Remember, sin(0) = 0, sin(90) = 1.0) The signal unaffected by any gradient is known as the Free Induction Decay (FID). The time constant that determines the rate of decay is called T2. An FID has no positional information. For reasons that will be discussed later, the time after exciting the spins when the NMR signal is sampled or recorded is called the echo time, or TE. Imaging that emphasizes the differences in tissue T2 values is accomplished using long repeat times (TRs on the order of 2500 to 6000 msec) to eliminate T1 differences, and long echo times, on the order of 80 to 120 msec. This allows time for the signal from tissues with short T2 values to decay while not so long that the signal from tissues with long T2 values is also lost. There is a third tissue parameter that also affects image contrast: the concentration or density of protons. Lungs have almost no water, bone has very little, tissue has quite a bit and CSF has a lot. T1-weighted imaging is done with echo or data sampling times as short as possible to minimize T2 decay differences. T2-weighted imaging is done with long TR times to minimize T1 differences. If we simultaneously minimize T1 and T2 differences by using long TRs and short TEs, we are left with images where the tissue contrast comes from differences in proton density. AN IMPERFECT WORLD – T2 DECAY T2 decay is caused by the random interactions between spins temporarily causing a change in the resonance frequency of the interacting spins. The underlying assumption here is that the main external Bø field is absolutely homogenous. In reality, there are many factors creating imperfections in the homogeneity of a magnetic field. The main magnet itself will have flaws in its manufacture. Every tissue has a different magnetic susceptibility that distorts the field at tissue borders, particularly at air/tissue interfaces. Patients may have some type of metal on or in them such as dental work, clips or staples. The sum of all of these random and fixed effects is called T2(pronounced T – Two star). To summarize, T2 decay comes from random causes while T2comes from a combination of both random and fixed causes. There is nothing that can be done to prevent or compensate for random losses in phase, but losses from fixed effects can be compensated. Consider the following race. The contestants are a turtle, a bicyclist, you in the pace car, an airplane and a rocket. At the start of the race, everyone is together (in phase). Once the race starts (at t = 0), the contestants all move out, each at their fastest pace. Soon, there is a noticeable separation between them. After some time, let’s call it TE/2, a signal is given for everyone to turn around and go back. Assuming all contestants are still going at the same rate as before, then after an additional time, TE/2, they all arrive at the starting/finish line together. In terms of MR imaging, at the time TE (TE/2 + TE/2) all the spins are back in phase, producing a large signal. This large signal is called a spin echo and the time TE is called the echo time. Here we present the principle of spin echo formation in the rotating frame: At time = ø, immediately after a 90 RF pulse, Mø points along the Y’ axis. At time of TE/2 is allowed to elapse while the spins dephase (T2 mechanisms). At t = TE/2, a 180 RF pulse is given which flips the dephased vectors about the X’ axis. Another TE/2 time is allowed to pass while the vectors rephrase. At t = TE, the vectors have rephased and an echo of opposite sign forms. As described above, a 180 pulse can be used to reverse the T2 dephasing process and thereby produce a spin echo. As soon as the spins all come back into phase at the echo time, they immediately start to go out of phase again. A second 180 pulse will generate a second echo. This process can be repeated many times, producing many echoes, as long as the pure T2 decay mechanisms have left some signal to work with. The ability to produce multiple spin echoes after a single excitation is the principle underlying the technique known as fast spin-echo imaging, which is beyond the scope of this article. SPIN ECHO VS GRADIENT ECHO IMAGING MR imaging sequences can be divided into two general categories, spin echo and gradient echo. Spin echo techniques always have an excitation RF pulse, usually 90, followed by one or more 180 refocusing pulses. The MR signal is acquired at a spin echo time chosen for the desired contrast. Spin echo image sequences usually take one to ten minutes, depending upon the TR and number of averages. As already stated, image contrast depends upon the physical parameters of the tissues being imaged. Due to its motion, blood is an exception. The signal from blood can be either strong or weak depending upon a complex interaction of the TE phase of the cardiac cycle and imaging plane orientation. Usually, we try to tailor spine echo sequences to produce dark blood images. As discussed earlier, any inhomogeneity in the magnetic field causes the spins to diphase. In gradient echo imaging, a linear magnetic gradient is intentionally applied for a brief time causing the spins to diphase a known amount. The direction of the gradient is then reversed causing the spins to rephrase and produce what is called a Gradient Reversal Echo (GRE). Without the 180 RF pulse, gradient echo times are much shorter, usually on the order of 2 to 8 msec, minimizing the effects of T2 dephasing and also resulting in bright blood. The excitation RF pulse is usually much smaller than 90 which means less time is needed for T1 recovery which means that TR times are shorter which in turn leads to much shorter imaging times, anywhere from half a second to 20 or 30 seconds for one or more images. CONCLUSION Magnetic resonance imaging is more complicated than all other imaging modalities combined. This article touches on only a small part of the physics of MR imaging. With that complexity, however, comes an amazing flexibility making MRI one of the most important diagnostic tools available to today’s clinicians. References available upon request. 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