CARTER· COPERCHI . tESfA· CIL.IN. CRANKC.· COVERS· HEAD ·CYLIN. CARTER.· COUVER.· CULASSE "CYL. _ GEHAUSE . DECK .• KOPF • ZYLINDER 125TRjAL (045.00) Tavola . Drawing Table· Bild 1 4 16 63 '/, I 17 .J. - \ NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE POS. N. N.COD . CODE No. No . CODE COD'E Nr. DENOMINAZIONE DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. BEZE ICHNUNG 1 2 3 4 3911 5000 3911 5500 35115171 92750085 Collettore aspirazione Guarnizione Distanzia le Dado Manifold Gasket Spacer Nut Collecteur d'admission Ansaugkrumniie r Joint Dichtung { Entretoise Distanzstuc.k Mutter Ecrou 5 6 7 8 61 270300 35020570 2571 7025 35022470 Rosetta ondulata Prigioniero Candela di accensione Testa motore Washer Stud bolt Spark plug Cylinder head Rondelle Goujon prisonnier Bougie d',;lIumage Culasse Unterlegscheibe Stiftschraube Zundkerze Zylinderkopf 9 10 11 12 39022000 3502 03 71 39020800 39021900 Guarniiione Cilindro Guarnizione Dado fiss. testa Gasket Cylinder Gasket Nut Joint Cyl indre Joint Ecrou Dichtung Zylinder Dichtung Mutter 13 14 15 16 16 95100416 39021700 35001670 3501 5500 62009801 Rosetta p'ana Prigioniero Coperch io destro Targh. motore "Guzzi" Targh. mot. "Benelli" Washer Stud bolt R.H. cover "Guzzi" engine budge "Benelli" eng. budge Rondelle ~oujon prisonnier Couvercle D Plaque mot. "Benelli" Unterlegsc he ibe Stiftschraube Deckel , R. Motorschild "Guzzi" Motorschild " Benelli" 17 18 19 20 91 800203 98620335 98620325 98054310 Chiodino autofilett. Vite Vite Bullone Rivet Screvv Screw Bolt Rivet Vis Vi s Boulon Nagel Schraube Schraube Bolzen 21 22 23 24 90714062 90401525 . 3501 8800 90714152 Guarnizione Anello di ten uta Tappo caric.o olio Guarnizione Gasket Seal ring Fill i ng plug Gasket Joint Bague d'etancheite Bouchon de rempi. h. Joint Dichtung Di c htring Fullungpfropfen Dichtung 25 26 27 28 98620330 35001200 3501 1000 35' 265900 Vite Guarnizione Picchetto riscontro Bullone Screw Gasket Dowel Bolt Vis Joint· Cliquet Boulon Schraube Dichtu ng Zapfen Bol ze n 29 30 31 32 9071 41 27 350011 70 3501 7000 35000970 Guarnizione Carter destro Boccola Guarnizione Gasket Right crankcase Bush Gasket Joint Carter droit Douille Joint Dichtung Rechts Gehiiuse Buchse Dich tung 33 90272032 9220 12 11 90272040 92201218 Anello di sicurezza Cuscinetto Anello di sicurezza Circlip Bearing Circlip Bearing 8ague d'arrete Roulement Bague d'arrete Roulement S icherh eitsr i ng Kug e llager S icherheitsring Kugellager 34 35 36 Cuscinetto \: Plaque mot. "Guzzi" Dati indicativi soggetti a modifiche senza impegno di preavviso . Les donnees sont sujettes a modificatio'n s sans preavis Printed in I tal,Y . -.-.,," 125 TRIAL Tavola - Drawing Table- Bild NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE POS. N. (O4~.OO) 1 CARTER - COPERCHI - TESTA - CIL.IN. CRANKC. - COVERS - HEAD -CYLIN.· CARTER. - COUVER. - CULASSE~· CYL. GEHAUSE - DECK. - KOPF - ZYLINDER N. COD. CODE No. No. CODE CODE Nr. DENOMINAZIONE DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION BEZEICHNUNG 37 38 39 40 90401743 92201219 35000870 92201416 Anello di tenuta Cuscinetto Carter sinistro Cuscinetto Seal ring Bearing Left crankcase Bearing Bague d'etancheite Roulement Carter gauche Roulement Dichtring Kugellager Links Gehiiu5e Kugellager 41 42 43 44 90401531 922012 16 91551073 90402035 Anello di tenuta Cuscinetto Anello di tenuta Anello di tenuta Seal ring Bearing Seal ring Seal ring Bague d'etancheite Roulement Bague d'etancheite Bague d'etancheite Dichtring Kugellager Dichtring Dichtring 45 46 47 48 35002000 3901 1000 3501 11 00 10154200 Picchetto di riferimentoDowel Cliquet Cliquet Ressort Joint Zapfen Zapfen Feder Dichtung 49 50 51 52 3901 1200 98620355 9071 4080 48004670 Bullone porta picc. Vite Guarnizione Sfioratore Gasket Spillway Boulon Vis Joint Deservoir Bolzen Schraube Dichtung Uberlauf 53 54 55 56 91551070 90271003 35090700 35090900 Cappel lotto usc. cavi Anello di sicurezza Spina fulcro leva Supporto leva Cap Circlip Pin Support Capuchon Bague d'arrete Clavette Support levier Deckel Sicherheitsring Zapfen Halterung 57 58 59 60 39090400 35090200 92602406 986223 H3 Vite reg. frizione Leva frizione Dado Vite Clutch screw Clutch lever Nut Screw Vis embrayage Levier d'embrayage Ecrou Vis Kupplu ngschraube Kupplungshebel Mutter Schraube 61 62 63 64 35000400 98622320 98620340 35999071 Coperchio sinistro Vite Vite Serie guarnizioni Left cover Screw Screw Gasket set Couvercle gauche Vis Vis Serie joints Links Deckel Schraube Schraube o ichtu ngreihe 65 66 35999571 98620370 350001 70 Serie paraol; Vite Carter accoppiati Oil seal set Screw Coupled carter Serie de pare-huile Vis Carter jumele o ich tu ngssatz Schraube Motor!lehiiuse Picchetto arresto marce Dowel Molla Guarnizione Spring Gasket Bolt Screw 'Datt.J!'1.d,j~at;'liisoggetti a modifiche senza impegno di'preavviso. Les donnees sont sujettes /':>'6;~;"'':'"''-''i<;,'-':''''' " a modifications sans preavis N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. Printed in Italy Scanzorosciate (Bg) ASPIRAZIONE E SCARICO INTAKE AND EXHAUST ASPIRATION ET ECHAPPEMENT ANSAUGUNG UND AUSPUFF 125TRIAL (045.00) Tavola - Drawing Table - Bild 2 ~50 ~. ~~ 1- ~58 59 NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE POS. N. N. COD. CODE No. No. CODE COD'E Nr. DENOMINAZIONE 53 DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION BEZEICHNUNG N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. 1 2 3 4 98054314 92602206 3511 6470 35 11 61 71 Bullone Dado Staffa sost. silenz. asp. Silenziatore asp. post. Bolt Nut Bracket Rear into muffler Boulon Ecrou Etrier Silene. aspir. arriere Bolzen Mutter Bugel Hint. Ansaugungschalldiim. 5 6 7 8 98054314 95000206 ~5 11 36 70 35 11 0470 Bullone Rosetta piana Filtro aria Silenziatore asp. anter. Bolt Washer Air filter Front into muffler Boulon Rondelle Filtre air Silene. asp ir. avant Bolzen Unterlegscheibe Luftfilter Vord. Ausaugungschalldiim. 9 10 11 12 61 11 4400 93305025 35 11 2671 35 123071 Manicotto Fascetta Carburatore Silenziatore scarico Sleeve Clamp Carburetor Exhaust muffler Manchon Collier Carburateur Silenc. echappem. Manschette Schelle Vergaser Auspuffschalldiim. 13 14 15 16 39126700 35 1207 71 35127070 39120300 Anello"di tenuta Tubo scarico Seal ring Exhaust pipe Exhaust pipe clamp Gasket Bague d'etancheite Tuyau d'echappem. Coli ier tuyau d'ech. Joint Dichtring Auspuffrohr Auspuffrohrschelle Dichtung 17 18 19 20 13937000 13932800 139321 00 49938700 Cover Screw Wash';r Screw Couvercle Vis Rondelle Vis 21 22 23 24 53935000 35932270 1393 71 00 35937570 Coperchio valvola Guarnizione Molla Valvola gas Cover Gasket Spring Gas valve Couvercle Joint Ressort Soupape de gaz Deckel Dichtung Feder Gasventil 25 26 27 28 3593 77 71 55938585 35937870 13937900 Spilio conico Fermaglio DispositivD avviam. Vite Needle Fastener cl ip Sta rter d ev ice Screw Pointeau conique. Goujon Dispositif de demarr. Vis Kon. Nadel Klemme Startvorrichtu ng Schraube 29 30 31 32 14938300 13936600 13936700 13936200 Guarnizione Vite Molia Vite Gasket Screw Spring Screw Joint Vis Ressort Vis Dichtung Schraube Feder Schraube 33 34 35 36 13936300 39938900 39938700 14936800 Molla Riduzione isolante Fascetta Dado Spring Bush Clamp Nut Ressort Reduction isolante Collier Ecrou Feder Buchse Schelle Mutter Fascetta tuba scar. Guarnizione . Cappuccio Vite Rosetta Vite tendifilo Dati indicativi soggetti a modifiche senza impegno di preavviso - Les donnees sont sujettes Deckel Schraube "Unterlegs;;'heibe Schraube a modifications sans preavis Printed in Italy Scanzorosciate (89) 125 TRIAL Tavola . Drawing Table- Bild (045.00) 2 1 ASPIRAZIONE E SCARICO INTAKE AND EXHAUST A~PIRATION ET ECHAPPEMENT ANSAUGUNG UNDA,USPUFF 2 d,.® ~50 ~ ~52 ~58 1,-53 59 NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE POS. N. N. COD. CODE No. No .. CODE CODE Nr. DENOMINAZIONE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION BEZEICHNUNG 37 38 39 40 14938600 53936000 13 93 61 00 39935500 Vite Getto·avviamerito Guarn'izione Polverizzatore Screw Starting jet Gasket Fuel nozzle Vis Gicleur demarrage Joint Pu Iverisateu r Schraube Anlassvergasung Dichtung Einspritzduse 41 42 43 44 13934800 35935970 43934000 35934670 Spillo chius. benzina Getto minimo Filtro Pipetta Fuel needle Slow running jet Filter Union Pointeau d'essence Gicleur ralenti Filtre Tuyau de raccord Benzinnadel Mind. Vergasung Filter Pipette 45 46 47 48 13934700 13934900 14933000 139331 00 Guarnizione Vite Galleggiante Perno Gasket Screw Float Pin Joint Vis Flotteur Pivot Dichtung Schraube Schwimmer Stift 49 50 51 52 35935771 13933400 53934400 53933900 Getto massimo Guarnizione Corpo vaschetta Guarnizione Main jet Gasket Chamber body Gasket Gicleur principal Joint Corps cuvet,e Joint Max. Vergasung Dichtung Beckengehiiuse Dichtung 53 54 55 56 53933700 3911 4400 35117570 35129470 Tappo vaschetta Raccordo Filo com. gas Fascetta per codino Chamb'er plug Union Gascable Clamp Bouchon cuvette Raccord Cable comm. gaz Collier Beckenzapfen Roh rversch rau bu ng Gaszug Schelle 57 58 59 35127770 95100116 98054308 Codino per silenz. Guarnizione Vite Tail pipe Gasket Screw Tuyau Joint Vis Auspuffenstuck Dichtung Schraube o'iatilnd'ih1ltivi soggetti a modifiche senza impegno di preavviso - Les donnees sont sujettes.a modifications sans preavis '+~$... -',~<~-,,-," , '<,:::::-,: -,' , - - - - - N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. Printed in Italy . ~ . Scanzorosciate IBg) 125TR'AL CAMBIO - BIELLISMO - FRIZIONE TRANSM. - LINKWORK - CLUTCH BOlTE VIT. - TRINGL. - EMBRAYAGE SCHAL TGETR. - PLEUELW. - KUPPL. Tavola - Drawing Table- Bild (045.00! 3 102 ~~ 8889 -,sS}--.-C...---- 84 NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE POS. N. N. COD. CODE No. No. CODE COD·E Nr. DENOMINAZIONE DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION BEZEICHNUNG N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. 74 75 76 77 35065000 35 06 1470 39060400 39060800 Perno unione Biella com pi eta Pistone Anello elastico Pin Connecting rod, assy Piston Piston ring Goujon Bielle complete Piston Bague elastique Stift Pleuel, kpl. Kolben Kolbenring 79 80 81 82 39061200 39060200 90353018 92252015 Spinotto Pistone completo Anello fermo spin. Gabbia piede biella Piston pin Piston, compl. Retaining ring Cage Axe du piston Piston complet Bague de serrage Cage Kolbenbolzen Kolpen, kpl. Verschlussring Nadelkiifig 83 85 86 91600238 35064471 35064071 91600450 Linguetta americana Volano sinistro Biellismo completo Linguetta americana Woodruff key Left flywheel Connect. rod, assy Woodruff key Languette Volant gauche Tringlerie complete Languette Scheibenfeder Links Schwungrad Pleuelwe.k., kpl. Scheil:lenfeder 87 88 89 90 3571 2470 951012·75 35067270 35711670 Volano magnete Rosetta Dado Rotore volano Flywheef magneto Washer Nut Flywheel rotor Volant de la magneto Rondelle Magnetschwungrad Unterlegscheibe Mutter Schwu ngradrotor 91 92 93 94 3571 5070 3571 5670 35708600 35707900 Bobina alimentazione Vite Condensatore Vite Coil Screw Condenser Screw Bobine Vis Condensateur Vis Spule Schraube Kondensator Schraube 95 96 97 98 35708800 3571 51 70 3571 56 00 35 71 5700 Ruttore completo Bobina luce Vite Bustina viti, randelle Contact break, compl. Coil Screw Screws & washers set Rupteur complet Bobine Vis Envel, vis et rondelles Unterbrecker, kpl. Lichtspule Schraube Schrauben, Unterleg. Satz 99 100 101 102 35709570 35702200 95000206 35260250 I ngrassatore Lubricator Plate Washer Starter pedal, compl. Graisseur Plaque du stator Rondelle Ped. de mise en m. c. Fettbuchse Stiinderplatte U nterlegscheibe Kickstarter, kpl. 84 P iastra stato re Rosetta piana Pedale avv. compl. Ecrou Rotor a volant ~ Scanzorosciate(Bg) 125TR'AL Tavola - Drawing Table- Bild (045.00) 3 CAMBIO - BIELLISMO - FRIZIONE TRANSM. - LINKWORK - CLUTCH BOlTE VIT. - TR.lNGL. -EMBRAYAGE SCHAL TGETR. - PLEUELW. - KUPPL. n ~ 9 I I; ;; d • e ~ ~<l*~lb *@ 102 aMI \ 44 WJ~~~-~~~ O'n . ____-o-~~-,----....l!i~~l:==~;;;;:> " "" ~ ~ 0' :J~ 79 B1 .~O 1-------84 101 NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. N. COc... CODE No. No. CODE CODE Nr. DENOMINAZIONE 38 39 40 41 35266700 35266400 35266500 35266200 Boccola I ngranaggio avviam. Bussola dentata Molla Bush Spring Douille Engrenage demarrage Douille Ressort Buchse Starterzahnrad Buchse Feder 42 43 44 45 35264500 9027 10 15 35260500 35262500 Albero avviamento Anello di sicurezza Pedale avviamento Perno girevoJe Starter shaft Circlip Starter pedal Pin Arbre de demarrage Bague d'arrete Pedale de mise en mar. Pivot Starterwell e Sicherheitsring K ickstarter Zapfen 46 47 48 49 35262400 35262300 3526 21 00 92602206 Molla Bullone Pedana ped. avviam. Dado Spring Bolt Foot rest Nut Ressort Boulon Repose·pieds Ecrou Feder Bolzen Trittbrett Mutter 50 51 52 53 98052335 3521 5400 35083670 35081170 Bullone Rosetta rasamento Boccola I ngranaggio frizione Bolt Washer Bush Clutch gear Boulon Rondelle Douille Engrenage de I'embr. Bolzen Unterlegscheibe Buchse Kupplu ngsantrieb 54 55 56 57 9027 10 17 35085400 35 Os 55 00 92295704 Anello di sicurezza Chiavetta Astina lunga Sfera Circlip Key Long rod Ball Bague d'arrete Clavette Tige longe Bille Sicherheitsring Keil Langhebel Kugel 58 59 60 61 35085700 350821 00 35082300 35082600 Asti na co rta Disco into condotto Disco" conduttore Disco condotto Short rod I ns. driven plate Driving plate Driven plate Tige courte Disque into conduit Disque conducteur Disque conduit Kurzhebel Treibscheibe Leitungsscheibe Treibscheibe 62 63 64 65 35082370 35081870 9027 1070 350841 00 Disco eterno Tamburo portadischi Anello di sicurezza Molla Outside plate Disc holder drum Circlip Spring Disque exterieur Tamb. porte-disques Bague d'arrete Ressort Auss. Kupplungscheibe Kupplu ngsscheibe Tr. Sicherheitsring Feder 66 67 68 69 35083800 3506720(h 927011 07 35070270 Dado Dado I ngranaggio motore Washer Nut Nut Driving gear Rondelle Ecrou Ecrou Engrenage moteur U nterlegscheibe Mutter Mutter Motorzahnrad 70 71 72 73 35064371 91 600337 39061500 92252018 Vola no destro Linguetta americana Biella Gabbietta testa biella Right flywheel Woodruff key Connecting rod Cage Volant droit Languette Bielle Cage R ech ts Sch wu ng rad Scheibenfeder Pleuel Nadelkiifig POS. N. Rosetta riscontro DESCRIPTION Bush Starter gear DESIGNATION Dati indicativi soggetti a modifiche senza impegno di" preavviso - Les donnees sont sujettes BEZEICHNUNG a modifications sans preavis Printed in Italy ~ . Scanzorosciate IB91 CAMBIO - ~IELLISMO - FRIZIONE TRANSM. - LINKWORK - CLUTCH BOlTE VIT. - TRINGL. -EMBRAYAGE SCHAL TGET~. - PLEUELW.- KUPPL. 125TRIAL (045.00) Tlivofa - Drawing Table - Bild 3 102 , 89 )---~-_-84 101 NOTE, NOTES NOTES MARKE POS . N. N. COD. ',:' CODE No. No. CODE COD'E Nr. DENOMINAZIONE DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION N. DIS. , DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. BEZEICHNUNG 1 2 3 4 3521 3800 3521 41 00 3521 4270 35214500 R6setta arr. ingr. Boccola Ingran. 1 a 'A.S . Ingran. ::la A.S . Washer Bush 1 st' speed gear S.S . 2nd speed gear 5.5. FtClndelle Ob'uille I""gnon 1ere vito A.1. ~Ignon 2eme vito A.1. Zah nrad 1. Gang·Stw. Zahnrad 2. Gang-Stw. 5 6 7 8 3521 5500 35214800 3521 51 00 3521 5200 Anello fermo ingran. Ingran. 3a A .S. Ingran. 4a A .S . I ngran. 5a A.S . Retaining 'ring 3rd speed gear 5 .5. 4th speed gear 5 .5 . 5th speed gear 5 .5 . "Sague de serrage ' p,ignon 3eme vito A.1. ,flignon 4eme vito A.1. Pignon 5em,; vito A.1. Verschlussring Zahnrad 3. Gang·Stw. Zahnrad 4. Gang: Stw. Zahnrad 5 . Gang-Stw . 9 3521 3600 Albero secondario Secondary shaft . Arbre interm_~aiaire Steuerwelle 11 12 35330571 95000213 Ingran. rinvio cambia Rosetta Transmission gear Washer Engrenage boite 'Rondelle 13 14 15 16 92602512 3521 2000 3521 1800 35211400. Dado I ngran . 5a A. P. Ingran. 4a A . P. Ingran. 3a A . P. Nut 5th speed gear 0.5. 4th speed gearO.S . 3 rd speed gear 0.5. Ecrou Pignon 5eme vito A.P. Pignon 4eme vito A.P. Pignon 3eme vito A.P. Mutter Zahnrad 5 . Gang·Hptw. Zahnrad 4 . Gang·Hptw. Zahnrad 3. Gang·Hptw. 17 18 19 20 3521 1300 3521 06 00, 35236200 35251200 Ingran. 2a A.P., 2nd speed gear 0 .5 . Albero 'p rimario Out:put shaft Corpo preselett. compo Preselector body assy Molla Spring Pignon 2eme vito A.P. Arbre prima ire Corps preselec. compo Ressort Zahnrad 2. Gang-Hptw. Hauptwelle Vorwiihlerkast. - ~pl. Feder 21 22 23 24 35252900 35237900 ' 352377 <00 352381 cio Rosetta riscontro Nasello Picchetto nasello Rosetta Washer Nib Nib peg Washer Rondelle Declic Piquet declic Rondelle U nterlegscheibe Nase Nasestift Unterlegscheibe 25 26' 27 28 98052330 61 01 3800 35 '250900 39251000 Bullone Rosetta ondulata Pedale cambio Pedana pedale cambio Bolt Washer Transmission pedal Foot rest Boulon Rondelle Pedale boite vito Repose-pieds Bolzen Unterlegscheibe Schaltgetriebepedal Trittbrett 29 30 31 32 35235000 35238600 35238701 95520212 Rosetta riscontro Anello fermo albero Grano di guida Rosetta di fermo Washer Retaining ring Dowel Washer Rondelle Bague de serrage Grain Randell!).. Unterlegscheibe Verschlussring Stift Unterlegscheibe 33 34 35 36 35230570 35230870 35234500 35 23 1270 Forc. ingran. 2a, A.S. Fprc. ingran. 3a A.P. Albero desmodromico Forc . ".;'ngran . '4a A.S. 2nd" g,ear 5.5. fork 3rdgear 0.5. fork Splined shaft 4th gear 5.5. fork Four. Four. Arbre Four. a a vito U nterlegscheibe ~,uchse Schaltgetriebeantrieb Unterlegscheibe' engr. 2eme A.,I. Schaltgab. Zahnr. 2. Gang-Stw. engr. 3eme A.P. Schaltgab. Zahnr. 3. Gang-HptVII, desmodrarn ique Keilwelle en gr. 4eme A.1. Schaltgab . Zahnr. 4. Gang-StW. ~ , SoanzOfosciate '(Bgi 125 TRIAL TELAIQ FRAME CI-1ASSIS RAHMEN Tavofa - Drawing Table - Bild (045.00) 4 \\--~8 6 9 10 41 56~ 14~~. 36 NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE POS. N. A f 14-4>P. - ~ N. COD. CODE No. No. CODE COD-E Nr. 15 55 DENOMINAZIONE DESCRIPTION . DESIGNATION N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. BEZEICHNUNG 4 35782570 17517700 6301 5500 3551 3370 3551 3470 Bloccasterzo Andtheft Marchio sterzo "Guzzi" "Guzzi" steer. badge Marchio ster. "" "Benelli" steer. badge Dado serr. sterzQ Steering locking nut Ghiera per sterzo Ring nut Blocage de Plaque col. PI. col. dir. Ecrou serr. Embout 5 6 7 8 35494570 92249226 35494970 354001 70 Copripolvere Cuscinetto Rosetta spallamento Telaio completo Dust cover Bearing Washer Frame, campI. Pare-poussiere Roulement Rondelle Chassis complet Lenku ngstaubschutz Kugellager Unterlegscheibe Rahmen, kpl. 9 11 12 13 3551 7070 35103570 35103470 95 10 11 40 'Gommino parapolvere Tubetto Gommino antivibr. Rosetta Rubber block Tube Rubber block Washer Caoutchouc Tuyau Caoutchouc Rondelle Gummistuck Rohr Gummistiick Unterlegscheibe 14 15 16 17 95000206 98052330 35434070 98054425 Rosetta piana Bullone Molla Bullone Washer Bolt Spring Bolt Rondelle Boulon Ressort Boulon U nterlegscheibe Bolzen Feder -Bolzen 18 19 20 21 92602208 354321 70 35677000 95000208 Dado Cavalletto laterale Pedale com. freno Rosetta piana Nut Side stand Brake pedal Washer Ecrou Etrier laterale Pedale comm. frein Rondelle Mutter Seitenbock Ruckbremspedal U-nterlegscheibe 22 23 24 25 35432900 35676570 35440270 98622525 Molla Perno com. frena Supp. pedana destra Vite Spring Brake pin Right foot rest supp. Screw Ressort Pivot comm. frein Supp. repose-pieds dr. Vis Feder Bremsestift R. Trittbrettu nterstutz. Schraube 26 27 28 29 35440750 98052430 35441370 35441850 Ped. appoggiapiedi ds. Bullone SuPP. pedana sinistra Ped. appoggiapiedi sn. Right foot rest Bolt Left foot rest supp. Left foot rest Repose-pieds droite Boulon Supp. repose-pieds g. Repose-pieds gauche Rechts Trittbretter Bolzen L. Trittbrettunterstutz Links Trittbretter 30 31 32 33 92630108 98052480 98052475 35428970· Dado autobloccante Bullone Bullone Staffa sost. motore Self-locking nut Bolt Bolt Bracket Ecrou autoblocage Boulon Boulon Etrier Selbstklemmutter Bolzen Bolzen Bugel 34 35 36 37 98052345 61 01 3800 92602206 61270300 Bullone Rosetta ondulata Dado Rosetta ondulata Bolt Washer Nut Washer Boulon Rondelle Ecrou Rondelle Bolzen U nterlegscheibe Mutter U nterlegscheibe 1 2 2 3 a Dati indicativi soggetti a modifiche senza impegno di preavviso . Les donnees sont sujettes col. de dlr. Lenkschloss dir. "Guzzi"Lenkerstempel "Guzzi" "Benelli" Lenkerstempel "Benelli" col. de dir. Lenkklemmutter Lenkernutmutter a modifications sans preavis Printed in Italy ~ Scan.orosciate (B9) 125TRIAL (045.00) Tavola - Drawing Table - Bild 4 TELAIO FRAME CHASSIS RAHMEN ,.41 14-4),:Qf .. 55 56 ~ 15 14~ ~ 36 NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE POS. N. N.COD. CODE No. No •. CODE CODE Nr. DENOM INAZIONE DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION BEZEICHNUNG - 38 41 42 43 98054316 98054314 951001 18 354391 70 Bullone Bullone Rosetta rinforzo Cavallotto sost. paraf. Bolt Bolt Washer U - bolt Boulon Boulon Rondelle Etrier Bolzen Bolzen U nterlegscheibe Bugelschraube 44 45 46 47 35550271 98.052550 926301 10 98052540 Ammortizzatore post. Bullone Dado autobloccante Bullone Rear shock absorber Bolt Self-locking nut Bolt Amortisseur arriere Boulon Ecrou autoblocage Boulon Hint. Stossdiimpfer Bolzen Selbstklemmutter Bolzen 48 49 50 51 92602410 35540270 355471 70 98054312 Dado Forcellone Boccola Bullone Nut Fork Bush Bolt Ecrou Grande fourche Douille Boulon Mutter Gabel Buchse Bolzen 52 53 55 35547070 35547870 94020050 35559650 Perno forcellone Dado I ngrassatore Cru na catena Fork pin Nut Grease nipple Chain bracket Pivot fourche Ecrou Graisseur Chas de chaine Gabelstift Mutter Fettbuchse Kettenglied 56 59 60 35559750 92602510 35627500 Distanziale Dado Occhiello rit. fili Spacer Nut Wire holder Entretoise Ecrou Guide ciible Abstandstuck Mutter Kabelhalter 54 a Dati indicativi soggetti a modifiche senz'! impegno di preavviso - Les donnees sont sujettes a modifications sans preavis N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. Printed in Italy ~ . Scanzo.osciate (89) 125 TRIAL CARROZZERIA E COMANDI BODY AND CONTROLS CARROSSERIE ET COMMANDES KAROSSERIE UN,D ANTRIEB Tavola - Drawing Table- Bild (045.00) 5 ~~~1 19 17 NOTE NOTES NOTES. MARKE - POS. N. N. COD.. CODE No. No. CODE COD'E Nr. DENOMINAZIONE DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION BEZEICHNUNG N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. 1 1 2 3 4 35460570 69460500 35600370 35 100'270 35103970 Sella "Guzzi" Sella "Benelli" Manubrio Serbatoio Tappo serbato io "Guzzi" saddle "Benelli" saddle Handle-bar Fuel tank Fuel filler cap Selle "Guzzi" Selle "Benelli" Guidon Reservoir Bouchon reservoir Sattel "Guzzi" Sattel" Benell i:' Lenker Kraftstoffbehiilter Behiilterv.ersch luss 5 6 7 9 35 102670 35103870 35105400 39 11 1300 Fascetta serr. serb. Feltro Rubinetto carburante Tubazione.carburante Clamp Felt Fuel cock Fuel pipe Collier Feutre Robinet carburant Tuyau carburant Schelle Filz Kraftstoffhahn Kraftstoffrohr 10 11 12 13 35434370 35784370 931101 22 95000206 Parafango anteriore Piastra portanum. sn. Spessore el astico Rosetta piana Front mudguard Left racing number pI. Flex. spacer Washer Garde-boue A V Vord. Kotflugel PlaqjJe porte-no gauche, Links Nummernplatte EI. Unterlage Epaisseu r alast. Rondelle UnterlegScheibe 14 15 16 17 98054312 35438770 35473070 98054312 Bullone Paratia protezione Copricatena Bullone Bolt Battery plate Chain cover Bolt Boulon Cloison Carter de chaine Boulon Bolzen Batterieschutz Kettenkasten Bolzen 18 19 20 21 98054314 61 01 3800 92602206 35784270 Bullone Rosetta ondulata Dado Piastra portanum. ds. Bolt Washer Nut Right racing num.-pl. Boulon Rondelle Ecrou Plaque porte-no droite Bolzen Unterlegscheibe Mutter Rechts Nummernplatte 22 23 24 25 35437070 35475070 35476050 35929970 Parafango posteriore Portatarga Borsetta porta attrez. Trousse completa. Rear mudguard Numberplate holder Tool-kit bag Tool-kit Garde-boue AR Porte-plaque Sacoche d'outillage Trousse compo outils Hint. Kotflugel Nummerschild Halter Werkzeugtasche Werkzeugsatz, kpl. 26 27 28 29 35784050 35625470 35094800 48802470 I ngrassatore Filo freno anter. Barilotto per fili Morsetto Graise nipple Front brake cable Cable-end Clamp Graisseur Cable frein A V Terminal du fil Borne Fettbuchse Vord. Bremsekabel Kabelende Bugel 30 31 32 33 35093770 35602470 35602570 35602670 Gommino terminale Vite tendifilo Ghiera Molla Rubber block Screw Ring nut Spring Caoutchouc Vis Collier Ressort Gummistuck Schraube Nutmutter Feder 34 35 36 37 92295704 35605670 35605270 35605470 Sfera Leva destra Vite Supp. con leva destra Ball Right lever Screw Supp. with right lever Bille Levier droit Vis Supp. avec lev. droit Kugel Rechts Hebel Schraube Unterst. mit Rechts Hebel Dati indicativi soggetti a modifiche senza impegno di'preavviso - Les donnees sont sujettes a modifications sans preavis Printed in Italy ~ . Scanzorosciale (Bgi ]25 TRIAL Tav()la, - Drawing Table- Bild CARROZZERIA E COMANDI (045.00J BODY AND CONTROLS 5 CARROSSERIE ET COMMANDES KAROSSERIE UNO ANTRIEB ,-39 NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE N,COD, CODE No. No. CODE CODE Nr. DENOMINAZIONE 38 39 40 41 35093870 35604970 35603400 35604470 Soffietto Vite Comandogas Grano fermo com. 42 43 43 44 35608470 39603501 39603001 35605570 45 46 47 48 35605770 35784070 35093070 35093700 I ngrassatore Fila frizione Gommino terminale 49 3591 7300 49 71 92 2000- POS. N. DESCRIPTION Bellows DESIGNATION N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. BEZEICHNUNG Balg Schraube Gasdrehgriff F eststell sch rau be Twist·grip Dowel Soufflet Vis Commande des gaz Grain Vite tendifilo Manopola destra Manopola sinistra Supp. con leva sin. Screw Right hand grip Left hand grip Supp. with left lever Schraube Vis Rechter Griff Poignee droite Linker Griff Poignee gauche Supp. avec lev. gauche Unter. mit Links Hebel Leva sinistra Left lever Graise nipple Clutch cable Rubber' block Levier gauche Graisseur Fil embrayage Caoutchouc Links Hebel Fettbuchse Kupplungsdraht Gummistuck Decalcom. reservoir Behiilterabz iehb ild "Guzzi" Behiilterabz iehb ild "Senelli" Screw Decalcoman. serbatoio "Guzzi tank transfer "Guzzi" Decalcoman. serbatoio "Benelli" tank transfer "Benelli" ll "Guzzi" Decalcom. reservoir "Benelli" Dati indicativi soggetti a modifiche senza impegno di' preavviso - Les sont sujettes a modifications sans preavis Printed in Italy ~ . Scanzoroseiat. (Bg) FORCELLA ANTERIORE FRONT FORK FOURCHE AVANTE VORDERE GABE.L 125TR'AL (045.001 TavC!la - Drawing Table - Bild 6 36 ? 29 38 39 ~ NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE N. DIS. DRWG. NC!. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. N.COD. CODE NC!. NC!. CODE COD'E Nr. DENOMINAZIONE DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION 1 2 3 4 39525800 39525500 39528800 39526200 Segmento in nylon Asta freno idrau·lico Contromolla Rosetta Nylon ring Hydraulic brake rod Return-·spring Washer Segment en nylon Tige du frein hydro Contre-ressort Rondelle Nylonsegment Bremsestange. Gegenfeder U nterlegscheibe 5 6 7 8 39528200 39528100 39526100 39527800 Valvola Bussola Anello di sicurezza Bussola fondo gamba Valve Bush Circlip Bush Soupape Douille Bague d'arrete Douille Ventil Buchse Sicherheitsring Buchse 9 10 11 12 90273044 90403241 35522570 35522670 Anello di sicurezza Anello di tenuta Gambale destro Gambale sinistro Circlip Seal ring Right leg Left leg Bague d'arrete Bague d'etancheite Montant droit Montant gauche Sicherheitsring Dichtring Rechts Bein Links Bein 13 14 15 16 90714062 98306004 39523700 98622525 Guarnizione Vite Guarnizione Vite Gasket Screw Gasket Screw Joint Vis Joint Vis Dichtung Schraube Dichtung Schraube' 17 18 19 20 39526600 35527770 35525470 39528400 Molla Tubetto precarica Canna portante Anello passafilo Spring Pre-load tube Bearing rod Ring Ressort Tuayu pre·charge Cadre portant Bague Feder Vorspannungsrohr M ittragendes R oh r Ring 21 22 23 24 35524500 39504600 39504500 35494070 Rasch iapolvere Anello di ten uta Tappo superiore Base d i st.erzo Dust scraper Seal ring Upper plug Steering base Racle poussiere Bague d'etancheite Bouchon superieur Socle de direction Stau bstreif Dichtring Ob. Stopsel Lenkerbasis 25 26 27 28 98052460 95000208 92602208 35496770 Bullone Rosetta piana Dado Sostegno fanale Bolt Washer Nut LamP support Boulon Rondelle Ecrou Support feu Bolzen Unterlegscheibe Mutter Schlusslampeunterst. 29 30 31 .32 35493170 35500500 98622430 98620440 Testa di sterzo Cavallotto fiss. man. Vite Vite Steering head Stand Screw Screw T.he de la col. de direc. Lenkerkopf Bock Etrier Vis Schraube Vis Schraube 33 34 35 36 95000206 35500300 35762370 35501570 Rosetta piana Dado Guarnizione Supporto contachilom. Washer Nut Gasket K. - support Rondelle Ecrou Joint Support compte·km Unterlegscheibe Mutter Dichtung Km. Unterst. 37 38 98054420 35503970 35490270 Bolt Bullone Anello blocc. contakm. Speedom. ring Forcella anter. compl. Front fork, compl. Boulon Bague compt. kilom. Fourche AV, compl. Bolzen Tachom. Ring Vord .. Gabel, kpl. pas. N. 39 BEZEICHNUNG Dati indicativi soggetti a modifiche senza impegno di preavviso - Les donnees sont sujettes it modifications sans preavis Printed in Italy ~ . Scanzoroseiate (8gl 125 TRIAL RUOTE WHEELS RQUES RA:DER (045.00) Tuvala - Drawing Table- Bild 34 7 f~ 35 37 38 27 13 14 18 ~~Imm;!!!!!~I~~ ~ G ~ooo g 0 40 42 41 0 °0"00° ~~ ' .? NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE POS. N. N. COD. CODE No. No. CODE COD'E Nr. DENOMINAZIONE DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. BEZEICHNUNG 1 2 3 4 35614170 3561 56 70 39614700 92201215 Perno ruota Distanziale Copripolvere Cuscinetto Wheel spindle Spacer Dust guard Bearing Pivot roue Entretoise Pare-poussiere Roulement Radstift Distanzstuck Staubkappe Kugellager 5 6 7 8 3561 3270 35611570 3561 52 70 35620800 Corpo mozzo anter. Raggio ruota anter. Distanziale Ceppi freno, Front hub body Front wheel spokes Spacer Br-ake shoe Corps moyeu AV Rayons roue A V Entretoise Machoires du frein Vord. Nabe Vord. Radspeiche Distanzstuck Bremsklotz 9 10 11 12 356221 00 61632500 35620270 35626970 Molla, Camma Piatto Registrafilo Spring Cam Plate Wire adjuster Ressort Came Plaque Reglage des fils Feder Daumenscheibe Platte Kabelei nstellschrau be 13 14 15 16 39612200 3961 21 00 98054322 35625000 Rosetta Dado Bullone Leva freno anter. Washer Nut Bolt Front brake lever Rondelle Ecrou Boulon Levier frein A V Unterlegscheibe Mutter Bolzen Vord. Bremshebel 17 18 19 20 48802470 35633370 35336370 35635270 Morsetto Perno ruota Tendicatena Piatto Clamp Wheel spindle Chain stretcher Plate Borne Pivot roue Tendeur de chaine Plaque Bugel Radstift Kettenspanner Platte 21 22 23 24 39639600 39676200 39676300 39676400 Leva freno post. Dado registro freno Barilotto frenopost. Molla Rear brake lever Brake nut Rear brake cable-end Spring Hint. Bremshebel Levier frein AR Ecrou reg. frein Bremsmutter Terminal, du fil frein ar. Hint. Bremskabelende Feder Ressort 25 26 27 28 92602206 35676070 95000206 95401215 Dado Asta freno poster. Rosetta piana Copiglia Nut Rear brake rod Washer Cotter pin Ecrou Tige frein AR Rondelle Goupille Mutter Hint. Bremstange Unterlegscheibe Splint 29 30 31 32 3961 7000 35632570 35633170 35611500 Feltro Corpo mozzo post. Raggio ruota post. Felt Cam Rear hub body Rear wheel spokes Feutre Came Corps moyeu AR Rayons roue AR Filz Daumenscheibe Hint. Nabe Hint. Radspeiche 33 34 35 36 35634070 35 j3 69 70 35333770 35632470 Distanziale Parastrappi Corona posteriore Piatto parastrappi Spacer Flexible coupling Rear crown Flex. coupl.plate Entretoise Accoup. extensible Couronne AR Plaque accoup. ext. Distanzstuck Elastische Kupplung Hinterekranz EI. Kuppl. Platte Camma Dati indicativi'soggetti a modifiche senza impegno di' preavviso - Les donnees sont sujettes a modifications sans preavis ~ Printed in Italy ~ ,SCanzoro'eia'. (Bg) 125 TRIAL Tavola - Drawing Table - Bild (045.01» 7 RUOTE WHEELS ROUES RADER 13 14 @~ f~ 37 38 27 13 14 18 ~@(!l!II!!!Q!~~1~0II!Il 41 NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE pas. N. N. COD. CODE No. No .. CODE CODE Nr. DENOMINAZIONE DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION BEZEICHNUNG 37 38 39 40 92701072 35334970 356341 70 35332270 Dado Bullone Distanziale Catena Nut Bolt Spacer Chain Ecrou Boulon Entretoise Chaine Mutter Bolzen Distanzstuck Kette 41 42 43 44 353331 70 35333470 35632970 35612970 Maglia Falsa maglia Mozzo ruota post. Mazzo ruota ant. Link Dummy link Rear wheel hub Front wheel hub Maillon Faux maillon Moyeu roue AR Moyeu roue A V Glied Falsches Glied Hin·t. Radnabe Vord. Radnabe 45 46 47 48 3561 0270 3561 0870 3561 7800 Ruota ant. completa Cerch io ruota anter. Nastro paraniples Camera d'aria Front wheel, comp.l. Front wheel rim Nipples band Air tube Roue'AV, compl. Jante roue A V Ruban pare-niples Chamber a air Vorderrad, kpl. Vord. Radfelge Nippel-Schutzband Luftreifen 49 50 51 52 35630270 35630770 Copertura anter. Ruota post. completa Cerch io ruota post. Camera d'aria Front tvre Rear wheel, compl. Rear wheel rim Air tube Pneu ·roue A V Roue AR, compl. Jante roue AR Chambre a air Vord. Radfelge H interrad, kpl. Hint. Radfelge Luftreifen Copertu ra post. Rear tvre Pneu roue AR Hint. Radfelge 53 Dati indicativi soggetti a modifiche senza i']P.egno di preavviso . Les donnees sont sujettes a modifications sans preavis 42 N. DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. Printed in Italy ~ . Scanzoroseia'. (891 IMPIANTO ELETTRICO ELECTR.lCAL EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ELECTRIQUE ELEKTRISCHE AUSRUSTUNG. 7~ (045.00) 8 91 ... 5 125 TRIAL Tavola - Drawing Table- Bild ~8 15 16 ~12 ,,~ 2 ~ 13 14 1O~ ~./ fQ J 0 '""'i 48 47 ~ 46 24 .~~ 37 NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE POS. N. 1 2 3 4 N. COD. CODE No. No. CODE COD'E Nr. DENOMINAZIONE 35746070 35750570 17 75 12 00 35740470 Dispositivo I ntermittenza Sostegno elastica Calotta DESCRIPTION Device Device Fle;<ible support Steering upper cov. ~36 DESIGNATION Dispositif I nterm ittence Support elastique Calotte BEZEICHNUNG Vorrichtung Aussetzung Elast. Stutze Lenkerkalotte 5 35740471 Pannello commutatore Switch panel Panneau commutateur Schalttafel 7 8 35740473 55742526 Chiave accensione Fusibile Ignition key FLlse Cle de contact Fusible Zundschlussel Sicherung 9 10 11 12 35754870 35740475 35740476 93450312 Spia completa Impedenza Raddrizzatore Lampada Warning light Impedance Rectifier Lamp Temoin camp let Impedance Redresseur Lampe Kontrollampe, kpl. Scheinwiderstand' Gleichrichter Lampe 13 14 15 16 35740477 93450214 35740478 35740479 Portalampada Lampada biluce Proiettore parabolico Ghiera Lamp holder Twin fil. lamp Parabolic reflector Ring nut Douille Ampoule deux feux Projecteur parabolique Collier Lampefassung Bilux Lampe Parabolreflektor Nutmutter a N.DIS. DRWG. No. No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. 17 39740530 18. , '35740570 19 ~ - 35 74 3770 20 35761570 Malia Proiettore Spring Headlight Warning horn Orologio contachilom. Speedometer Ressort Feder Phare. Scheinwerfer Avertisseur acoustique Hupe Compteur kilom. Kilometerziihler 21 22 23 24 35760470 35762570 3575 1870 35751970 Trasmissione Rinvio contachilom. Vite Catadiottro Cable Driving'gear Screw Reflector Cable Renvoi compteur kil. Vis Catadioptre Ziih I erk abel Vorgelege km·Zahler Schraube Ruckstrah ler 25 26 27 28 93450412 98054214 35753770 35751370 Lampada Bullone Indicatore completo Attacco Lamp Bolt Blinking, campI. Coupling Lampe Boulon Clignotant complet Support Lampe Bolzen Blinklicht, kpl. Verbindung 29 30 31 32 950211 08 95000208 35753470 92602408 Rosetta dentellata Rosetta piana Distanziale Dado Washer Washer Spacer Nut Rondelle Rondelle 33 34 35 35 36 3571 6500 3971 7300 3971 7400 35717470 357411 70 Bobina AT. Cava candela H.T. coil Spark plug cable Socket France Verso socket Stop switch Unterlegscheibe Unterlegscheibe DistanzstQ<lk Mutter H.S. Spule Kerzekabel Kerzenstecker Kerzenst., Frankreichversion Halteschalter Avvisatore acustico Presa di corrente Pro corr. Verso 'Francia I nterruttore stop Entretoise £crou Bobine H.T. Cable bougie Prise courant Pro cour. Verso France Interrl:1pteur stop ~ ,Scanz<>,osciate (8g) 125 TRIAL (04!?:!!Q!. Tavola - Drawing Table- Bild NOTE NOTES NOTES MARKE POS. N. 8 IMPIANTO ELETTRICO ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ELE~,!RIQUE ELEKTRISCHE AUSRUSTUNG. N. COD. .CODE No. No. CODE CODE Nr. DENOM INAZIONE DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION BEZEICHNUNG 37 38 39 40 35755370 3574 71 70 39705500 39705800 Cappuccio Impianto fili Molla Piastrino Cap Wire system Spring Plate Capuchon Installation des fils Ressort Plaque Deckel Kabelanlage Feder Platte 41 42 43 44 39704500 39705700 39705300 39705900 Batteria Feltro Piastrino Feltro Battery Felt Plate Felt Batterie Feutre Plaque Feutre Batterie Filz Platte Filz 45 46 47 48 39705600 35745970 35740970 93450213 Feltro Rinforzo Fanalino posteriore Lampada Felt Reinforcement Tail light Lamp Feutre Renfort Feu AR Lampe Filz Verstiirkung Rucklicht Lampe 49 50 35741771 3574.1770 Vite Catad iottre Screw Vis Catadioptre Schraube Ruckstrahler Reflector Dati indicativi soggetti a modifiche senza impegno di preavviso . Les donnees sont sujettes a modifications sans preavis N. DIS. DRWG. No . No. PLAN ZEICHN. Nr. Printed in Italy ~ . Scanzorosciate (Bg)
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