ABBREVIATIONS 2-DOG ABC transporter ABCC1 AG83(-) AIDS AmpB AQP1 A sill ATP BSA BVA CAB1 CCCP CHEF CL Cy DAH DAPI DB99 DCCD DCIP DeL· dCTP DEPC DIA DiGE DMSO Dnase DTT ECL EDTA EGTA FBS FL GAPDH GSH h HAPT1 HEPES HIV HPLC ICso 2-deoxy glucose ATP binding cassette transporter subfamily C, member1 of ATP binding cassette AG83 strain grown in the absence of pentamidine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome amphotericin B aquaglyceroporin trivalent arsenic adenosine triphosphate bovine serum albumin biological variation analysis chlorophyll alb-binding protein carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone clamped homogenous electric field cutaneous leishmaniasis cyanme diamino hexane 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole 2,5-bis (4-amidophenyl) 3,4 dimethyl furan N ,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide 2,6- dichlorophenolindophenol diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis deoxy cytosine trinuleotide phosphate diethyl pyrocarbonate differential in gel analysis differential gel electrophoresis dimethyl sulphoxide deoxyribonuclease dithiothreitol enhanced chemiluminescence ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-t etraacetic acid fetal bovine serum fluorescin glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase glutathione hour high affinity pentamidine transporter 1 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethane sulphonic acid human immunodeficiency virus high pressure liquid chromatography 50% inhibitory concentration I IgG HRP IPG IRF IYF kB kDa LAPTI LC LdMT LMA M199 MCL MDR mm MMP MOPS MRP MS MTT NACl NADH NADPH NAO NCC NDH nm nmol NP-40 OD ODC PBS PBSG PCP PCR PFGE PGPA Pi PKDL PLP PM PMD PMS PMSF PNTI immunoglobin G horse raddish peroxidase immobilized pH gradients intensity of red fluorescence intensity of yellow fluorescence kilo bases kilodaloton low affinity pentamidine transporter 1 liquid chromatography Leishmania donovani miltefosine translocase low melting agarose medium 199 mucocutaneous leishmaniasis multidrug resistance minute mitochondrial membrane potential 3-(N-morpholino) propane sulphonic acid multidrug resistant protein mass spectrometry 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide nascent polypeptide-associated complex 1 reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate nonyl acridine orange NADH cytochrome c NADH dehydrogenase nanometer nanomol nonidet P-40 optical density ornithine decarboxylase phosphate buffered saline phosphate buffered saline with glucose prochlorperazine polymerase chain reaction pulse field gel electrophoresis P-glycoprotein A inorganic phosphate post kalazar dermal leishmaniasis pyridoxal phosphate paromomycm pentamidine phenazine methosulphate phenyl methyl sulphonyl fluoride pentamidine resistance gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae PRPI PTRI PVDF R8 R8(-) R8(+) Rh123 RNA Rnase rpm RT RT-PCR S.D SAG SAG-R SAG-S Sb(III) Sb(V) sec SDH SDS SDS-PAGE sse ssDNA TDR TE TFP TKT TMA-DPH TR Tris TSH uv VL WHO WT yGCS 1-LCi 1-lg Ill pentamidine resistance protein! pteridine reductase 1 polyvinylidene fluoride 8!-LM pentamidine resistant strain 8!-LM pentamidine resistant strain grown in the absence of pentamidine 8!-LM pentamidine resistant strain grown in the presence of pentamidine rhodamine 123 ribonucleic acid ribonuclease revolutions per minute room temperature real time PCR standard deviation sodium antimony gluconate SAG- resistant SAG-sensitive trivalent antimony pentavalent antimony succinate cytochrome c succinate dehydrogenase sodium dodecyl sulphate Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis saline sodi urn citrate salmon sperm DNA tropical disease report Tris-EDTA trifluoperazine transketolase 1-[4-(trimethylammonio )-1 ,6-diphenylhexal]-1 ,3,5triene trypanothione reductase tris[hydroxymethyl]aminomethane trypanothione utra violet visceral leishmaniasis World Health Organisation wild type y-glutamyl cysteine sythetase microcurie microgram microlitre
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