L a G u a r d i a A r t s S u m m e r 2014 FIORELLO H. LAGUARDIA HIGH SCHOOL OF MUSIC & ART AND PERFORMING ARTS Dr. Lisa Mars, Principal World LDr. anguages Department Rev. June 8, 2014 Lisa Mars, Principal Ms. Susan DiCicco, Assistant Principal Ms. Rochkind Japanese 2014 AP AP Japanese AP 日本語へ ようこそ! Congratulations on your accomplishments in Japanese study! Your diligence and talent in learning the Japanese language during the past three years have given you the chance to achieve an even higher goal: delving deeper into the Japanese language and culture so that you can truly and successfully communicate in Japanese! I am here to help you achieve your goal, but it is not going to be easy (nothing that is worth it ever is). So we need to start… now! Summer assignments: しゅくだい にっき 宿 題 #1.「 日 記 」 (Weekly Journal) Designate one composition notebook as your weekly journal. 1) Write at least six entries. べんきょう きろく 2) Every entry will consist of two parts; A) 作文(the composition) and B) 勉 強 の記録(the study log). べんきょう きろく 3) Use at least one page for each entry together, 作文 and 勉 強 の記録. 4) 作文(the composition.) かんが a) その週に何をしたか、何をするか、また、いろいろなことについてのあなたの 考 えなどを書いて ください。Write the composition (in Japanese, of course) on what you did that week, what you were doing that week, and your thoughts and feelings about any topics you choose. b) 作文は長くなくてもいいです。少なくとも五文は、書いて下さい。Your composition does not have to be long. It should have five sentences or more. あたら たんご かんじ c) Your composition has to include something new: 新 しい単語new vocabulary, 新しい漢字new ひょうげん ぶんけい kanjis, 新しい 表 現 new expressions, 新しい文 型 new sentence structures you learned that week. べんきょう きろく 5) 勉 強 の記録(the study log). a) The study log is where you record new vocabulary, kanjis, expressions and sentence structures you learned that week. b) You can create your own format. This is to keep the list of new vocabulary, etc. so you can refer to them later when you want. c) This is also the place you can ask me questions on how to use certain expressions and structures, etc. 6) On the first day back to school, you need to turn in your journal book with at least six entries. しゅくだい 宿 題 #2.「 AJ2 & AJ3 を 勉 強 す る ! 」 Love AJ2 & AJ3 and become yourself familiarize with the material. Be aware what you know and what you do not know. しゅくだい 宿 題 #3.「 今 ま で な ら っ た 漢 字 を ふ く し ゅ う す る ! 」 み な さ ん は 、 3 年 間 で 174 の 漢 字 を な ら い ま し た 。 そ の 漢 字 を ふ く し ゅ う す る こ と ! Go to Classjump.com/MsRochkind to find the entire list. Then, start learning the kanjis from the fist five lessons of “Basic Kanji Book.” 100 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10023 212-‐496-‐0700 Fax: 212-‐724-‐5748 1 What you are going to expect in the fall (Not limited to the following): 1. In the first semester, the focus will be on the grammar/sentence structures from AJ2(“Adventures in Japanese 2”), AJ3 (“Adventures in Japanese 3”) and AJ4 (“Adventures in Japanese 4”), and you will be expected to learn the materials very quickly. 2. In the second semester, the focus will be on the AP exam prep. 3. You will be expected to study Kanji outside of the class time and the Kanji will be tested bi-weekly throughout the year according to the lessons in BKB I (“Basic Kanji Book”). 4. The class will be conducted in Japanese only most of the time. Strongly suggested activities to better prepare yourself for the fall! A. Study AJ2 &AJ3. (Grammar) 1) Study the vocabulary and grammar lesson by lesson and do the workbook pages, OR 2) Use the AJ2 review lessons 8 and 16, and AJ3 review lessons 5 and 10 to see if you know the materials already. If not, go back to each lesson and study. B. Study BKB I. (Kanji) 1) The 1st quiz will be on the review lesson, lesson 5 (therefore all the first 55 kanjis will be covered.) 2) The 2nd quiz will be on lesson 6. 3) Then, each quiz will be on one or two lessons thereafter. 4) Focus on the new kanjis, and the new YOMI and JUKUGO (Kanji Compounds) for already learned kanji. C. Watch Japanese movies and TVs! 1) Spend at least an hour to watch something in Japanese every week. 2) If you have a cable TV, try WRNN channel 91. “FCI Morning Eye” 3) My recommendations: ロングバケーション(Long Vacation) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V31KxVw4cc8&feature=related かいめ 101回目のプロポーズ(101 Marriage Proposals) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x11w94_101st-marriage-proposal-01a_shortfilms#from=embed おくりびと (Departures) http://www.mysoju.com/departures/the-movie/part-1/ だれ し 誰 も知らない(Nobody Knows) http://www.mysoju.com/nobody-knows/the-movie/part-1/ D. Have your computer Japanese language ready! Many assignments will be expected to be typed in Japanese. Make sure you can type Japanese on your computer. Otherwise, you will need to make time to use the school computer during the school hours or after school to complete the assignments. More recommended activities for the summer: A. Carry kanji flashcards in your pocket at all times. B. Study and enjoy everything and anything Japanese you hear and see. C. Email and facebook friends in Japanese. D. Go to Japanese restaurants and USE the language. E. Talk to Japanese tourists. F. Speak to your family members in Japanese. G. Watch Japanese channels, read news, books, etc. in Japanese and learn new words and expressionslearn them in context so you know how they are used! H. Go to Japan Society (www.japansociety.org) for exhibits and activities. I. Form study groups and STUDY. J. Tell your pet/doll/mirror what happened everyday in Japanese. K. Talk to yourself in Japanese (silently and/or aloud). L. Immerse yourself in Japanese!! 2 10023 212-‐496-‐0700 Fax: 212-‐724-‐5748 100 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY Textbooks: “Adventures in Japanese 3” ISBN: 9780887275289 “Adventures in Japanese 4” ISBN: 9780887275791 “Basic Kanji Book vol.1” ISBN: 978-4893580917 http://www.amazon.com/Basic-Kanji-Book-Vol1/dp/4893580914 Recommended websites. AP Japanese Language and Culture Course Home Page. 1. http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/article/0,3045,151-165-0-37222,00.html Then, click on 2. AP Japanese Language and Culture Course Description -- DRAFT to see sample questions. Reference 3. Japanese culture and language www.sabotenweb.com/bookmarks/links.html Kanji websites. 4. Java Kanji Flashcards http://www.nuthatch.com/java/kanjicards/ 5. Test your Kanji knowledge http://www.genki-online.com/js/index.html 6. Kanji study online www.dartmouth.edu/~kanji 7. Kanji study for Japanese Proficiency test and for self study http://www.kanjisite.com/ 8. Translate the kanji you don’t know www.rikai.com To review vocabulary, etc. 9. Meguro Language Center. http://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp/Download.htm#Low-intermediate%20Level (Your level is equivalent of their low-intermediate.) News Sources 10. NHK Radio (Listening news in Japanese) www.nhk.or.jp/r-news/ 11. Asahi newspaper (English/Japanese) www.asahi.com 12. NHK ������� http://www.nhk.or.jp/kdns/ Read Japanese literature. 13. http://trc.ucdavis.edu/dwfahy/reading/ 3 100 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10023 212-‐496-‐0700 Fax: 212-‐724-‐5748
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