Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Gravina, Richard Title: The phonology of Proto-Central Chadic : the reconstruction of the phonology and lexicon of Proto-Central Chadic, and the linguistic history of the Central Chadic languages Issue Date: 2014-12-16 Bibliography 393 14 Bibliography Alan, C. L. 2005. “Toward a Typology of Compensatory Reduplication.” In Proceedings of The... West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 24:397. Linguistics Department, Stanford University. Allison, Sean. n.d. “Comparative Kotoko Database”. Database. ———. 2005a. Borrowings in Makary Kotoko. Yaoundé: SIL. ———. 2005b. Makary Kotoko Segmental Phonology. Yaoundé: SIL. ———. 2007. “Linguistic evidence for the islamization of the Makary Kotoko by the Kanuri.” In Topics in Chadic Linguistics III: Historical Studies, 9–25. Chadic Linguistics 4. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe. ———. 2012. “Aspects of a Grammar of Makary Kotoko”. PhD, Boulder: Colorado. 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