World of 10 Gbps − The Lower Layers VT2 VT1.5 x2 x3 x4 TU-3 VT6 VT3 TU-2 x1 VC-11 TU-12 TU-11 x4 x3 x1 x1 TUG-2 ODU1 Payload ODU1 ODTU12 JOH ODTU12 ODU1 ODTU12 JOH x4 ODU1 VTG DS3 x1 x7 STS-1 SPE STS-1 x 192 C-4 x3 STS-3c SPE STS-12c SPE STS-3 STS-12 STS-48c SPE VC-3 x4 x1 C-4-4c VC-4 AU-3 x3 STS-48 x 16 x 64 STS-192c SPE STS-192 ODU1 x4 OPU2 Payload ODU2 OH AU-4 x1 AUG-1 AU-4-4c x1 x4 AUG-4 x4 VC-4-16c AU-4-16c x1 ODTUG2 ODU2 Data Block Format D0D1D2D3/D4D5D6D7 Control Block Formats 01 C0C1C2C3/C4C5C6C7 C0C1C2C3/O4D5D6D7 C0C1C2C3/S4D5D6D7 O0D1D2D3/S4D5D6D7 O0D1D2D3/O4D5D6D7 S0D1D2D3/D4D5D6D7 O0D1D2D3/C4C5C6C7 T0C1C2C3/C4C5C6C7 D0T1C2C3/C4C5C6C7 D0D1T2C3/C4C5C6C7 D0D1D2T3/C4C5C6C7 D0D1D2D3/T4C5C6C7 D0D1D2D3/D4T5C6C7 D0D1D2D3/D4D5T6C7 D0D1D2D3/D4D5D6T7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ODTU2.ts JOH ODU Payload ODU0 ODU0 OH Payload ODU ODTU2.1 JOH ODU (ODUflex) ODU1 OH ODU0 S2 S3 ODTU12 JOH ODU0 ODTU2.ts ODTU12 JOH ODTU2.ts JOH ODTU2.1 ODTU12 JOH ODTU2.1 JOH ODTU12 JOH ODTU12 JOH OPU2 OH D7 S5 S6 S7 PCS ODU1 ODTU Insert POH and Fixed Stuff Columns ODUflex ODUflex ODU0 ODU0 ODU1 ODU1 ODTUG2 OPU2 Payload ODU2 OH Block Payload 65 SOFc1_X SOFi1_X SOFn1_X SOF Connect Class 1 SOF Initiate Class 1 SOF Normal Class 1 K27.7 K27.7 K27.7 D21.5 D21.5 D21.5 D23.0 D23.2 D23.1 D23.0 D23.2 D23.1 SOFi2_X SOFn2_X SOF Initiate Class 2 SOF Normal Class 2 K27.7 K27.7 D21.5 D21.5 D21.2 D21.1 D21.2 D21.1 SOFi3_X SOFn3_X SOF Initiate Class 3 SOF Normal Class 3 K27.7 K27.7 D21.5 D21.5 D22.2 D22.1 D22.2 D22.1 SOFc4_X SOFi4_X SOFn4_X SOFf_X SOF Activate Class 4 SOF Initiate Class 4 SOF Normal Class 4 SOF Fabric K27.7 K27.7 K27.7 K27.7 D21.5 D21.5 D21.5 D21.5 D25.0 D25.2 D25.1 D24.2 D25.0 D25.2 D25.1 D24.2 EOFt_X EOFdt_X EOF Terminate EOF Disconnect Terminate Class 1 EOF Deactivate Terminate Class 4 EOF Abort EOF Normal EOF Normal Invalid EOF Disconnect Terminate Invalid Class 1 EOF Disconnect Deactivate Invalid Class 4 D21.4 D21.4 D21.3 D21.4 D21.3 D21.4 K29.7 K29.7 D21.4 D21.4 D10.4 D10.4 D21.7 D21.6 D21.6 D21.4 D21.7 D21.6 D21.6 D21.4 K29.7 K29.7 K29.7 K29.7 EOFrt_X EOFrti_X EOF Remove Terminate Class 4 EOF Remove Terminate Invalid Class 4 D21.4 D10.4 D25.4 D25.4 D25.4 D25.4 K29.7 K29.7 IDLE R_RDY_X Idle Receiver Ready k07 K28.2 k07 D21.4 k07 D10.2 k07 D10.2 VC_RDY_X BB_SCs_X BB_SCr_X Virtual Circuit Ready Buffer to Buffer State Change (SOF) Buffer to Buffer State Change (R_RDY) K28.2 K28.2 K28.2 D21.7 D21.4 D21.4 VC_ID D22.4 D22.6 VC_ID D22.4 D22.6 Row D21.1 D10.4 D21.2 D9.2 D21.1 D00.0 D00.0 D31.5 D31.5 D00.0 D00.0 D9.2 D9.2 D01.0 D02.0 3 OTU2 OH FA 1 2 ODU2 OH 3 4 D0 Block Type Field 0x1e 0x2d 0x33 0x66 0x55 0x78 0x4b 0x87 0x99 0xaa 0xb4 0xcc 0xd2 0xe1 0xff D1 D2 D3 C1 C1 C1 C0 C0 C0 D1 D1 D1 D1 C1 D0 D0 D0 D0 D0 D0 D0 C2 C2 C2 D2 D2 D2 D2 C2 C2 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D4 C3 C3 C3 D3 D3 D3 D3 D2 D2 D2 D2 D2 C4 D4 D5 D5 D5 D5 D5 O4 C4 C4 C4 C4 C4 O0 D6 C5 O4 O0 O0 C3 C3 C3 D5 D3 D3 D3 D3 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 C5 D4 D4 D4 D7 C6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D6 D5 D5 C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C7 D7 D7 D7 D7 D7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 D6 WIS Data to PCS (16-bit wide) Receive Payload Mapping Generate POH (and fixed stuff columns) Remove POH and Fixed Stuff Columns Process POH (and fixed stuff columns) OLS_X Offline LR_X LRR_X LF RF Link Reset Link Reset Response Local Fault Remote Fault (NOS equivalent) Classes of Service Dedicated Connection Class 1 Multiplex (connectionless Class 2 with acknowledgment) Datagram (connectionless) Class 3 Fractional Bandwidth Class 4 (uses virtual circuits) Multicast Connection Class 6 Code Conversion to Bits Code notation is Zxx.y, where Z is D (data) or K (control) xx is a decimal number based on 5 bits: EDCBA y is a number based on 3 bits: HGF Code ZEDCBA.HGF corresponds to hex: HGFE DCBA Insert LOH or MSOH Generate LOH or MSOH Process LOH or MSOH Remove LOH or MSOH Insert SOH or RSOH Generate SOH or RSOH Process SOH or RSOH Remove SOH or RSOH Descrambler ODU2 WIS Parallel STS-192c/VC-4-64c Frame Data to PMA (16-bit wide) STM-64 Client Payload GFP-F supports an optional pFCS CRC-32, not used in this application, that follows the client payload Optional Linear Extension Header OTU2 Frame Structure 4080 Spare N bytes eHEC CRC-16 OTU2 FEC OPU2 Payload BMP with PT=0x05 GFP-F with Preamble in OTU2 with Extended OPU2 MAC Preamble /S/ Destination MAC Address SFD Source VLAN Type/ MAC Address (Optional) Length MAC Payload 4 FCS bytes UPI=0x13 (0x14 for ordered sets) 2 bytes 2 bytes PLI cHEC CRC-16 GFP-F K28.4 K28.4 K28.4 K28.4 CID 2 bytes 3824 3825 Row 1 byte 1 byte tHEC CRC-16 UPI Column (bytes) Ordered Set Port State Machine Primitives K28.4 EXI 2 bytes Type Header To PMA or WIS (16-bit wide) OPU2 ODU2 Payload P PTI F I Core Header Primitive Name Function EOFa_X EOFn_X EOFni_X EOFdti_X Gearbox Scrambler AUG-64 S4 Transmit Payload Mapping ODU1 Payload ODU1 Aligning Mapping S1 GFP-F 1 byte 1 byte P PTI F EXI I Core Header tHEC CRC-16 UPI N bytes 0 x 5 5 Client Payload OTU2 Frame Structure OTU2 OH FA 1 2 bytes Type Header Column (bytes) 2 ODU2 OH 4 With Extended OPU2 OTU2 FEC OPU2 Extended Payload BMP with PT=0x09 10G OTN Extended OTU1e and OTU1f Frame Structure Example D28.5 corresponds to hex: BC Primitive code D28.5 is 0xBC at the PCS sublayer Column (bytes) Row Fibre Channel Terms The maximum number of buffers available to receive frames Credits One or more related sequences identified by OX_ID and RX_ID Exchange Unit of information at FC-2 Frame How a port sets its operating environment with other ports Login A word composed of special characters (K) and data characters (D) Ordered Set One or more data frames with a common SEQ_ID Sequence 1 10GE LAN Client for OTU1e 10G Fibre Channel Client for OTU1f OTU OH FA 2 ODU OH 3 OPU Payload OTU FEC 4 OTU2e and OTU2f Frame Structure Process Pointer AUG-16 x4 S0 Data from PCS (16-bit wide) ODTUG2 (PT=0x21) Multiplexing D6 WIS Service Interface VC-4-64c AU-4-64c x1 D5 OPU2 ODU2 Payload ODU OH C-4-64c D4 Scrambler ODU0 (GMP), ODU1 (AMP), and ODUflex (GMP) in ODU2 with 1.25G TS C-4-16c VC-4-4c Pointer Processing OC-192 OPU2 OH x7 x7 TUG-3 D3 D2 PLI cHEC CRC-16 PCS Sublayer Column (bytes) As in 10GE, 10GFC uses the same: – 64B/66B PCS Block Format (see 10GE) – PCS and XGMII (see 10GE) 10GFC primitives map into the 64B/66B PCS Block Format Row 1 FA 10GE LAN Client (or 10GFC with transcoding/GFP) for OTU2e 10G Fibre Channel Client for OTU2f OTU OH 2 3 Parallel STS-192c/VC-4-64c Frame Data from PMA (16-bit wide) 4080 ODTU12 JOH C-11 VC-12 VC-2 D1 4 bytes 14 15 16 17 4080 3824 3825 1920 1921 ODU1 OH ODTUG2 (PT=0x20) VC-3 Lane 0 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 64B/66B PCS Block Format SDH Multiplexing Structure C-12 TXD<31> (32-bit wide) Bit Position 01 2 ODU1 (AMP) in ODU2 with 2.5G TS C-2 D0 2 bytes 2 bytes 10GFC Primitives Sync Header Sync Header (2-bit wide): 01 Data block 10 Control block 63 SS bits are unspecified C-3 Lane 0 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Trasmit Block Input Data ODU2 Multiplexing 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes Second Transfer TXD<31> TXD<0> Output of Scrambler JC1 JC2 JC3 RES 255 Unscrambled bytes SONET Multiplexing Structure JC4 JC5 JC6 PSI 16 Mapping & Concat. Specific RES 3 bytes UPI=0x01 1 byte 1 byte 4080 BEI/BIAE 1 byte 2 bytes 4 FCS bytes 4080 Reserved for national use Media-dependent bytes Reserved STAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (bits) Operator Specific Coding for ^ and * pointer bytes AU-4 Pointer AU-3 Pointer H1 ^ 1001SS11 H2 * All 1s byte BEI/BIAE XGMII GMP PT 0 1 3 bytes 2 bytes MAC Payload 3824 3825 X DAPI PJO 15 1 2 3 4 1 byte Parameter Source VLAN Type/ MAC Address (Optional) Length 3824 3825 X STAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (bits) 31 32 JC JC JC NJO 3 bytes RX_ ID Destination MAC Address 3824 3825 X 15 16 BEI RES RES RES PSI 1 byte OX_ ID SFD 1920 1921 X SAPI OPU2 OH SEQ_ CNT These map into the 64B/66B PCS and have corresponding primitives used at the Fibre Channel rates (as in FC-FS) First Transfer TXD<0> AMP 16 SEQ_ DF_ ID CTL (Transmit direction) Output of 64B/66B Encoder 15 F_CTL Preamble 1904 1905 H3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (bits) BDI X X 16 EXP also BMP (bytes) Type PCS and XGMII RES SM, PM, and TCMi (i = 1…6) 2 3 BIP-8 0 15 FTFL S_ID – Converts between MAC data stream and the parallel data paths of the XGMII – Generates continuous data or control characters (such as idle characters) – Participates in link fault detection and reporting RES PM APS/PCC HO POH 14 TCM4 TCM1 GCC2 13 GCC0 TCM5 TCM2 GCC1 12 CS_ CTL/P MAC OPU OH TCM3 11 SM TCM6 BDI X X X X 576 X X 513 449 321 * J0 Z0 F1 X D3 H3 K2 D6 D9 D12 E2 X MFAS 10 D_ID EOF OPU2 OH used for payload data 3 9 R_ CTL CRC PSI RES 8 Payload 4 bytes 14 15 16 17 undefined * A2 7 Header 4 bytes 14 15 16 17 2 J1 B3 C2 G1 F2 H4 F3 K3 N1 6 SOF FCS 0 to 2112 bytes (multiple of 4) Optional Header OPU OH X D A2 M0 M1 Unscrambled bytes undefined A2 D D * 385 A2 A2 A2 E1 D D2 D H2 H2 * K1 D5 D8 D11 256 A1 D D ^ B2 257 193 A1 D D ^ B2 195 196 129 1 65 A1 D D ^ B2 194 336 337 272 273 255 256 320 321 Z2 192 144 145 Z1 undefined Z2 A1 A1 A1 D B1 D D1 H1 H1 ^ B2 B2 B2 D4 D7 D10 S1 5 MAC Payload 24 bytes 7 8 undefined 208 209 195 196 194 Z1 128 129 80 81 64 65 2 16 17 undefined undefined Z2 J1 B3 C2 G1 F2 H4 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z0 undefined undefined H3 undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined 384 J0 F1 D3 H3 K2 D6 D9 D12 E2 A2 undefined undefined H2 undefined undefined undefined undefined Z2 M1 Z1 576 385 193 1 A2 E1 D2 H2 K1 D5 D8 D11 Z2 A1 undefined undefined H1 B2 undefined undefined undefined 4 TCM ACT 1 TTI STM-64 SOH STS POH 3 FAS STM-64 SOH and Higher Order POH STS-192 TOH A1 B1 D1 H1 B2 D4 D7 D10 S1 2 1 4 STS-192 TOH and STS POH OTU2 FEC 4 bytes 4 bytes RS SYNC 1 4 BDI IAE Line Overhead 46 to 1500 bytes Destination Source Type/ VLAN MAC Address MAC Address (Optional) Length 3 Multiplex Section Overhead 2 bytes 1 STM-64 Virtual Container (includes POH) PM STS-192 Envelope Capacity (includes POH) TCMi 9 Rows 9 Rows Pointer(s) & Pointer Action Bytes OPU2 Payload 4 bytes 7 8 2 OPU2 Payload SFD 6 bytes 14 15 16 17 Admin. Unit Pointer(s) ODU2 OH Preamble 6 bytes 7 8 1 Section Overhead Fixed Stuff Bytes (for OC-192/ STM-64 mapping) 1 byte GFP-F without Preamble in OTU2 1 OTU2 OH FA Regenerator Section Overhead 1904 1905 Row SM 192 x 87 columns 64 x 261 columns 14 15 16 17 64 x 9 columns 7 bytes Column (bytes) OPU2 OH 192 x 3 columns 64 x 270 columns (bytes) 7 8 192 x 90 columns (bytes) FC-2 Frame Structure OPU2 OH 802.3 MAC Frame Structure GFP-F in OTU2 PSI OTU2 Frame Structure STM-64 Frame Structure STS-192 Frame Structure 10 Gigabit Fibre Channel 7 8 10 Gigabit Ethernet 1 OTU2 1 STM-64 1 OC-192 ODU OH OPU Payload Fixed Stuff Bytes OPU Payload OTU FEC 4 BMP Signal Processing Payload (e.g., GFP) Wavelengths 1310 nm 1 1550 nm 2 Reach SR IR LR VR Applications Intra-Office I Short-Haul S Long-Haul L Examples S-64.2b L-64.1 LOH 1310 nm 1550 nm Signal Processing Client Payload (e.g., GFP) Wavelengths 1310 nm 1 1550 nm 2 POH Short reach Intermediate reach Long reach Very-long reach Examples IR-1 IR-2 Signal Processing Signal Processing Short-Haul STM-64 1550 nm Long-Haul STM-64 1310 nm Typical wavelength 1550 nm range POH PTR (e.g., STS-192/STM-64, 10GBASE-W, GFP-F) OTU2 OH SOH 10GFC AMP APS AUG-N AU-N BDI BEI 10 Gigabit Fibre Channel Asynchronous Mapping Procedure Automatic Protection Switching Administrative Unit Group-N Administrative Unit-N Backward Defect Indication Backward Error Indication BIAE BIP-8 BMP CID C-N CRC CS_CTL D_ID DAPI DF_CTL EOF EXI EXP F_CTL FA FAS FC-FS FCS FEC FTFL End of Frame Extension Header Identifier Experimental Frame Control Frame Alignment Frame Alignment Signal Fibre Channel-Framing and Signaling Frame Check Sequence Forward Error Correction Fault Type and Fault Location GCC GFP GMP HEC IAE JC JOH LLC LOH General Communication Channel Generic Framing Procedure Generic Mapping Procedure Header Error Check Incoming Alignment Error Justification Control Justification Overhead Logical Link Control Line Overhead MAC MFAS MSOH NJO OC ODU OH OPU OTU June 2010 30149150 003 0610 10GBPS.PO.LAB.TM.AE FC-2 Framing and Signaling RS FC-1 (FC-FS) Media Access Control Multi-Frame Alignment Signal Multiplex Section Overhead Negative Justification Opportunity Optical Carrier Optical channel Data Unit Overhead Optical channel Payload Unit Optical channel Transport Unit OX_ID P PCS PFCS PFI PLI PMA PMD POH PTI Originator Exchange ID Priority Physical Coding Sublayer Payoload Frame Check Sequence Payload FCS Indicator Payload Length Indicator Physical Media Attachment Physical Media Dependent Path Overhead Payload Type Identifier 64B/66B PCS 64B/66B PCS 10GFC Primitive Sequence Qualification WIS PMA XGMII PMA PMD 64B/66B PCS Routing Control Reconciliation Sublayer Regenerator Section Overhead Responder Exchange ID Source Identifier Synchronous Digital Hierarchy References: SONET SDH OTN 10GE 10GFC GFP 16 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES BMP used with OTU1e/OTU2e and OTU1f/OTU2f clients Signal Processing Client (i.e., 10GBASE-R, 10G FIBRE CHANNEL) OPU OH ODU OH PMA Optical Serial Interfaces 850 nm LAN 10GBASE-SR 1310 nm LAN 10GBASE-LR 1550 nm LAN 10GBASE-ER 10GBASE-W (10GE WAN) 9.95328 Gbps ±20 ppm R_CTL RS RSOH RX_ID S_ID SDH 1 2 3 4 Typical wavelength 1550 nm range 10GFC Translation/Mapping Optical Serial Interfaces 10GBASE-SW 850 nm WAN 10GBASE-LW 1310 nm WAN 10GBASE-EW 1550 nm WAN To learn more, Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. © 2010 JDS Uniphase Corporation 802.3 MAC PMD STM-64 9.95328 Gbps ±20 ppm Backward Incoming Alignment Error Bit Interleaved Parity-8 Bit-synchronous Mapping Procedure Channel ID Container-N Cyclic Redundancy Check Class Specific Control Destination Identifier Destination Access Point Identifier Data Field Control FC-3 Common Services XGMII OTU FEC OTU2 10.70923 Gbps ±20 ppm Acronyms LLC XGMII RSOH OC-192 9.95328 Gbps ±20 ppm Upper Layers (e.g., IP) FC-4 Upper Layer Mapping OPU2 OH ODU2 OH MSOH Signal Processing 15 Optical Serial Interfaces 1200-MX-SN-I 850 nm 1200-SM-LL-L 1310 nm 10GBASE-R (10GE LAN) 10.3125 Gbps ±100 ppm (±4.6 ppm for Synchronous Ethernet) SEQ_CNT SEQ_ID SFD SOF SOH Sequence Count Sequence Identifier Start Frame Delimiter Start of Frame Section Overhead (regenerator section + multiplex section overhead) OTU OH PMD OTU1e OTU1f OTU2e OTU2f 10GFC 10.51875 Gbps ±100 ppm SONET SPE STM STS-N Telcordia GR-253-Core and ANSI T1.105 ITU-T G.707 and G.691 ITU-T G.709 and G.798 IEEE 802.3 and ITU-T G.8262 ANSI INCITS 364-2002 and ANSI INCITS FC-FST 11/Project 1331-D ITU-T G.7041 Synchronous Optical Network Synchronous Payload Envelope Synchronous Transfer Module Synchronous Transport Signal Level N STS-Nc TOH TUG-N STS-N Contiguously Concatenated Transport Overhead (section + line overhead) Tributary Unit Group-N TU-N Type UPI VC-4-Nc VC-N OTU FEC 11.04911 Gbps ±100 ppm 11.27009 Gbps ±100 ppm 11.09573 Gbps ±100 ppm 11.31764 Gbps ±100 ppm Tributary Unit-N Data Structure Type User Payload Identifier VC-4 Contiguously Concatenated Virtual Container N VLAN VT VTG WIS XGMII Virtual LAN Virtual Tributary Virtual Tributary Group WAN Interface Sublayer 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface
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