Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR)

State of California—Health and Human Services Agency
Department of Health Care Services
Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk
New Leader Training
Call for Applicants
Through a grant funded by the Garrett Lee Smith State and Tribal Suicide Prevention Grant, the
Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is actively looking for interested parties wanting to
become an authorized Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) trainer by participating in this
free two and a half day, AMSR New Leader Training (NLT), provided by Education Development
Consultants, Inc (EDC).
AMSR workshop leaders are experienced clinicians and teachers who are authorized by the Suicide
Prevention Resource Center. The NLT offers candidates - a demonstration of workshop facilitation by
SPRC’s most experienced Master Trainers, and the opportunity to practice and get feedback on
presenting key modules of the workshop. New leaders leave the NLT ready to deliver their first
As an authorized New Leader you will be able to provide AMSR trainings; AMSR is a dynamic oneday workshop that equips new and experienced clinicians with the skills to address numerous clinical
dilemmas encountered while assisting individuals as risk for suicide. Using a combination of expert
teaching, video modeling, practice exercises, and small and large group discussion, AMSR provides
an up-to-date review of what experts consider to be the most essential knowledge, attitudes, and
skills for providing suicide safer care. AMSR meets objectives included in the U.S. Surgeon General’s
National Strategy for Suicide Prevention urging organizations and clinicians to create an environment
where clients feel safe to disclose suicidal thoughts; collaborate with their mental health providers;
and expect that care is informed by clear and contextually appropriate frameworks for assessment
and intervention.
As an AMSR trainer you will be able to provide a valuable high quality service to your community and
stay up-to-date on trends related to suicidal behavior and preventions strategies. You can also make
additional income while helping those in crisis.
This introduction packet contains important instructions and information, such as:
How To Apply
Training Dates and Times
Sample Training Agenda
Application Questions
Continuing Education Information
Please be sure to read this entire introduction packet.
Information Matrix Regarding the Training
Location: Street
Location: City, State Zip
Google Maps Link
Application Link
July 14 , 2014
July 15 , 2014
8:00am – 5:30pm
8:00am – 5:30pm
1500 Capitol Ave
1500 Capitol Ave
Sacramento, Ca 95814
Sacramento, Ca 95814
Training Room A
Training Room A
Map To Location
July 16 , 2014
8:00am – 12:30pm
1700 K Street
Sacramento, Ca 95811
1 Floor Conference Room
Map To Location 2014
Participants in the AMSR NLT may receive 6.5 continuing education credits . AMSR is approved by NASW and NBCC for
continuing education credits. Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits are also available. An application to award
LMFT credits has been submitted and may possibly be in force at the time of training.
How To Apply for this AMSR NLT Training
This training application is being conducted online using SurveyMonkey. Mailed, Faxed, or
emailed applications* will not be accepted.
Above is a hyper-link that will take you directly to the online application. When you are ready
to complete the application, please click** that link above to begin. When you are finished, the
application will be saved and sent directly to DHCS/EDC for review.
There is a listing of all questions that will be on the application listed in this document. It is
suggested that you review those questions and compose your answers before you click the
hyper-link above. While there is no time limit once you start the application you WILL NOT be
able to leave and then return at a later date or time.
Please keep in mind that this application, supported by SurveyMonkey, is most compatible with
the latest version of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. However, all of the following browser
versions are supported: Internet Explorer 8.0 and later, Firefox 10.0 and later, Safari 5.0 and
later, and Chrome.
*You will be required to email a letter of recommendation and copy of your license, directions to follow.
**If you are not directed to the application by clicking the link, you may have to cut and paste the address in your browser.
New Leader Training Agenda
Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk: Core
Competencies for Behavioral Health
Day 1
Welcome to New Leader Training
Presentation of the curriculum by EDC’s Master Trainer. (Leaders in training act
strictly as “participants” to gain an accurate understanding of the workshop and
participants’ experience of it.)
Welcome and Introductions
Approaching Your Work
Understanding Suicide
Getting the Right Information
Forming a Judgment
Planning and Responding
Morning, Lunch, and Afternoon Break Times TBA
Description of Evening Assignment and plans for Day 2. Workgroup assignments
(groups of 3) for practice sessions.
Homework (2-3 hours):
1. Carefully review the entire leader guide, including all front material.
Prepare questions in advance for each section.
2. Prepare 15-20 minute segment from Part 1 to teach your small group and
get feedback. You may select Learning Activity 1 or 3 from Part 1, which
you can find summarized in the table on Page 1 of the Part 1 in your
Leader’s Guide.
Day 2
Introduction to AMSR leader’s mission.
Overview of Leader Guide
Discussion of teaching strategies for “Welcome and Introduction,”
Part 1 “Attitudes and Approach, “ and Part 2 “Understanding
Part 1 Group Practice Session (includes 15 minute break at participants’
discretion). Participants break into assigned workgroups. Each new leader takes
a turn facilitating a segment from Part 1 and receiving feedback from the other
two workgroup members. Master trainer is available in a central location for
Debrief Part 1 Practice Session. Each group shares experiences and questions
with the Master Trainer and larger group.
Discussion of teaching strategies for Part 2 “Understanding Suicide” and Part 3
“Getting the Right Information.”
Lunch and Preparation time. Prepare to teach Learning Activity 3 or 4 from Part
3. These segments take 10-15 minutes. Group members may decide together
who will teach which of these learning activities.
Part 3 Group Practice Session. Participants break into assigned workgroups.
Leaders take turns facilitating and getting feedback on their selected segment
from Part 3.
Debrief of Part 3 Practice Session.
Discussion of training strategies for Part 4 “Forming Judgment.”
Discussion of training strategies for Part 5, “Planning and Responding.”
Description of Evening Assignment and plans for Day 3.
Homework (1.5 hours):
Prepare to teach Learning Activity 1 from Part 4 (20 minutes – each person
teaches the same segment) and Learning Activity 2 or 3 from Part 5 (10 minutes).
Day 3
Discussion and Q&A related to presenting Part 4 and 5. Opportunity for
clarifying core concepts and strategies prior to presenting.
Part 4 Group Practice Session. Participants break into assigned workgroups.
Each new leader takes a turn facilitating Learning Activity 1 from Part 4 and
receiving feedback.
Debrief of Part 4 Practice Session
Part 5 Group Practice Session. Participants break into assigned workgroups.
Leaders present their segments from Part 5 and receive feedback.
Debrief of Part 5 Practice Session.
Final discussion and Q&A.
Preview of Application Questions
The first grouping of questions will detail your contact and background information.
What is your last name?
What is your first name?
What is your middle name? (If none, please leave blank)
Please provide your mailing address: Street/Po Box, City, State, Zip
Email address? (If none, please enter N/A)
Please provide the best phone number to reach you. (Work, Cell, Home, Alternate, Fax)
Please provide your type of License/Certification.
Please provide the State of your License/Certification along with the year obtained and the
year of expiration.
Please select your highest degree
Please list the Institution and Date awarded of your highest degree.
Please provide the name of your current employer.
Please provide contact information regarding your employer.
Please describe the practice setting.
Please tell us your gender (optional)
Please provide us your race. (Optional)
The next grouping of questions will detail your motivation for becoming a New Leader for AMSR
Please tell us why you are interested in becoming a trainer for Assessing and Managing
Suicide Risk? (150 words or less)
Describe your experience assessing and forming a judgment about the suicide risk of
clients/patients who may be at risk for suicide. (150 words or less)
Please describe one lesson you’ve learned as a result of your experience assessing and
managing clients as risk for suicide. (150 words or less)
Describe your experience planning treatment for and managing suicidal clients/patients. (150
words or less)
Describe your experience working as a clinician with racial and ethnic minority persons. (150
words or less)
You will be asked to describe your clinical experience as it relates to the following sections. We will
also want to know the years of experience you have as well as if it was full time, part time, or not
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment
Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment
Emergency Department
Crisis Services (e.g., Mobile Crisis Unit)
Residential Treatment
Day Treatment/Partial Hospitalization
Case Management
Supervision of Clinicians
Clinical Director
Other (Specify)
You will be asked to detail your training experience by topics and the number of times delivered to:
Presentations to Staff
Presentations to the Community
Presentations at Statewide Conferences
Presentations at National Conferences
Conducted Training to Grad Students
Conducted Training to Clinicians
Conducted Training at National
Conferences or Meetings
Taught Graduate Level Courses
Other (Specify)
Finally, you will be asked to answer the following questions.
Describe your experience training clinicians who serve racial and ethnic minority persons. (150
words or less)
Have you ever experienced a personal or clinical loss to suicide? If so, what did you take
away from the experience? (150 words or less)
Once you start the application there is no time limit to complete, but there is not a way to stop and
come back at a later date. If you have already composed your answers then the process could take
approximately 20 minutes; if you have not composed your answers in advance, the application may
take longer to complete.
This is a highly competitive process. There are a limited number of seats available for this training;
not everyone that applies will be selected. Please remember to answer all questions of this
application and be as thorough as possible. Participant selection will be based on your answers.
Within the application you will create a unique identifier. (Instructions will be in the application). You
will need to use this unique identifier to email digital copy of your license and a signed and dated
letter of recommendation.