THE Friilay. September 8, 1933. P A U E FIVE—Section TVd LONG-ISLANDEH Scouts Go.p. >,P-A Wilderness Trip Abacu» Still U«od Tuesday mdrrilng', August'' 32,' One survival of the ancient scithirty of tru'^ older • Scouts' from Dealer in ence of mathematics which is still Suffolk Countyy-UndGr.: the leaderIn use In modern times Is the aba- International Motor Trucks, Traoship of It. P: '-'Anderson, left by cus, the counting frame of the tor«, Farm Wagons, Potato Diggers, truck for the- CatskilV.'State Park. and all kinds of farm machinery, The truck started a t - P o r t JefferGreeks. It is the common bead . N . eig hbors of Louis f. Geissler, son at 3 A. M. and picked up thj^ and fertilize;. frame of the kindergarten, with | ALSO CONCRETE PIPING estate owner residing on boys throughout'-''the-'county, the beads strung on parallel wires. It j » f Gleenlawn Long Island ivesh Pond road near Fort Salou- last stop b e i n g - a t ' H u n t i n g t o n at is employed generally by Alie Per- j 1:30. They"a'f riv'ed' at Hound Pond -e inclined to support Supersians and the Chinese fo» calculat a at S:30 P. '>{•, which'•meant that, % In ''William Watt a n d members camp had t o ' u e ' s ' e t ' u p ' l n xhe dark.' . oMhe Huntington Town Board in The fellows had'a•'cold-'supy/er'audi T H E O L D RELIABLE - • ••• .v- : ' •• , h e controversy between the offl- turned in. j3ls and Geissler over t h e right of • A s ('the -first- night -'in'"-camp. Is usually the worst; everybody--wag I-' C l a t t w to erect fences along a Up early Wednesday' morning. The J 1 It leading down to Sammis whole outfit' hiked- untilabou't noon ! l K°«ch on Long ^ l a n d Sound, said and stopped' :'.at atf old cabin fQrJ! tehees'-"tending down to a point lunch. This' cabiii' was to hold twenty-five'bbys for-three day's, If] declared by some to be below high started to rain and rallied steadily from Wednesday until -Friday. The water mark. • • TII,. supervisor has made public country waS'so"th'OTodghly drench-.! 120 Prime Avenue " st received from William ed that camping was out of t h e ; Tel. 16, or Long 8C Ernst R'DOMUISOII, of Miller, Donaldson question. When all had laid down,! *' company, '80 Broad street, New on the lloor-'they'iiseu every'bit of Main Street Huntington York Oily, who resides at Fort space in the-cabin'/ '-Alfliougn, the in • . Salonga uear the Geissler prop- cabin roof letrked' considerably some places, it was not ; : half so! I eI bad as tents -would have been. Mr Donaldson writes: For the'-first'-"time'"in over a ;.Your firm attitude with respect to the Geissler beach, controversy week the sun came out: at noon. ot Fort Salonga and your fine sup- Friday. Immediately everyone was port of the residents of the neigh- anxious to -be-gone/and- that night' borhood was indeed appreciated by camp was p'ftehA<d' in a 'field' -with the residents, of whom I am one. an ice-cold ••inoiihtain--stream- run-I understand the road to the ning past it. Everyone flretty beach on the town line between well soaked-'as-aU ^the -mountain Hufrtington and Smithtown town- trails h a d " b e c d m e " b r o o k s . - T h i s ships originally gave access to the was forgotten,, however, In the joy. beach but is now barred so t h a t to be away- under pack and- to see residents on that road a r e pre- the sun once "again:' '••• The first Marge vented from making u s e of the Wall's for 12 x 15 Room, Inbeach. Will you please cause in- climbed w a s ' Balsam Lake Mouncluding Paper and Border. tain. It has a good trail tb a point, NEW H A V E N vestigation to be made of .this sit: ORIGINALLY, SNUFF WAS About 50 papers to select uation and take steps to have this within l e s s ' t h a n - a - m i l e - f- r o m the C O N N . DRUGGIST top, the ascent from'.this. point beREGARDED AS A MEDICINE . from. Will call and submit road opened u p ? - This, I under~we caution against rt REGULARLY R E F I L L S A over SOO': feet-.^ This is pretty samples. TO BE TAKEN UP THE NOSE stand, you have power to do with- ing PRESCRIPTION FIRST for mutual cJ>ood steep climbing • and .no" one dld./rt out any special proceedings, but if under pack,!.'• .There"Ms -<a -fire' obTO WARD OFF COLDS . Ceilings £3.00 u p „ . FILLED 5 8 Y E A R S A G O , you prefer that it come before you servatory o n - t o p of- the- mountain 01933. A-wKin Dru&'its S>ixkjte, New Yorit, N. Y, PAINTING OF ALL KINDS through a formal plea by the resi- and one Miiay :..get a wonderful, dents -I wish you would let me view from It. ••• . . . - • • , . " • , S. 8c G, CO. . Know so that such steps can be The hardest;':day off.ail -was' the T e l . H u n t i n g t o n 2185 taken. Phone 22-R hike to "and 'The' ascent of-Slide A. L. J A C O B S E N "Your advice in this m a t t e r will Mountain. The party..atartei'about Huntington Long Island FUNERAL HOME INC. be' greatly appreciated.'.' S: 30 in the;-morning.and hiked fov. Private Ambulance • T h e ' c o n t r o v e r s y with Geissler about ten .,h6.U)S;.;,,;§cen.t of came before the Town Board twelve 100 feet started;:.the hike, and. af. years ago, Supervisor W a t t stated, ter' hiking,;', fpur.t£en . ; piiles. : . ; the ' and although the town was advised Scouts climbed,,voKer...i,Q0D feet;in Mrs. Rodman Gilder's Water.Doy by counsel at that time to have two miles more.]'' „Camp was_ pitch- .and Clinton Crane's Tuna \yere the Fire, Accident, Automobile the fence removed 'and a sign ed that night,., .bn'.'.'.'top ' of".JSlld'e winners in the Reach Class and J. W. MATHES FUNERAL HOME Plate Glass placed on Samtais Beach declaring Mountain, and everyone slept, on a DIGNIFIED . F U N E R A L S a s low a s . $175.00 it to be town property and the fine bed of''}),'p.u^h's.',frqm',,lne, bal- Fish ..Class respectively iri.'.ihs In our show room a r e magnificent oak, chestnut,- m a h o g a n y a n d -public welcome, nothing w a s done sam fir tree. Two nights and one weekly regatta last Saturday af- Over Trainer's Stationery 8tore metal caskets, plainly marked. Prices Include complete funerals. day were s p ^ Y f r ^ ' S l i d e Mountain,. ternoon' at the Cold Spring HarNO CHARGE FOR USE OF F U N E R A L HOME. officially. Main Street Huntington. N. Y. 428 N E W Y O R K A V E . - H U N T I N G T O N , L. I. Several weeks a g o a group of At the last'jcarnftftre .Mr. Ander- bor : Beach Club. Phone Hunt. 740 Fort Salonga residents appeared In son addressed t.ueVg^'oflfo.and'eo'm- • A dozen yachts in the Atlantic a body before the Board and de- mented oii.'/'tn'e..go$4', spor'tsVnan• manded that the rights of the pub- ship and ciiiiipJiig.^bil/ty"displayed Class'weiit across to Center Island lic in the beach be protected. Raw- by the boy's. '.H^'..suggested ^ . r e - to take part in the contests in con-banquet .'and a committee don Kellogg, a retired, lawyer and union nection with the regatta of the was appointed t6' arrange'It." '," friend of Geissler, appeared in the Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Club The last "Jhlk^'"'was,'.'from ;Slide latter's interest, and urged that a in Oyster Bay. Mountain to" a''stA'te''op6ii1 "camp compromise be affected, promising where the, ,t?.ti.5;k was'.'". for, . The races Monday were sailed in that Mr. Geissler would remove a the party. Evfer.yone regretted that a 'moderate breeze over a six mile barbed wire which topped the fence Cleans Cesspools In the most santrip wa's'oVer. ,.,... and would make provision for his theThe wet nights in the cabin- and course' in Gold Spring Harbor, and itary manner. T h e latest and best neighbors to enjoy the beach, even the days of hiking through mud in. the Beach Club Class Mrs. Gildpump used. • permitting them to u s e some of are almost"'i6rgotteii! The -moate r ' s ' e n t r y -\vas--closely pressed by the estate owner's upland. Telephone 665, Huntington vivid menioriesHar''e "those' 6.1 the• Several civic associations, includ- beautiful cptlhtry--', fliVdugh "which; the" twin yacht, Water Baby, ownResidence—Prime Avenu$ ;,, ing the Belle Crest Taxpayers and Scouts hiked'find 'the'cain'p/ '/ntee \ d by Mrs. Frances M. Weld. The Civic Association, the- Cold Spring on the mounfairi n sti ; yanis\ 0 'Th1s;is 'Terri "was 'third, crossing the line Harbor Civic Association, and the proof of the''flh'e time'wlifclt every- 14 seconds behind the Water Baby. "Civic Council of Huntington Town- one had. ., * u ' " ' ''"'' : ; . " ' : ; Tel. Office 355 . . • ~: Summary ship, have passed resolutions reBeach Club Class—Start 3:45 P . M . Mfr questing that the Town, tfoard take Boat . Owner ' Finish action to protect the public.rights in t,he beach a n d road . leading Vy'ater Boy, Mrs. R. Gilder..5:27:03 • thereto. : > Water -Baby, Mrs. F. M. The Town Board h a s resolved itWeld 5:2S:15 self into a committee of the .whole Tern.. .Donald Scott and . to consider the entire matter, and Charles Symington 5:2S:29 ; a show down in . t h e case i s . de- The second- a n i m a l " wild 'west •Elsie J., Collier- Piatt and BEN T A S M A N , Prop. manded by Supervisor Watt, even rodeo and cp^yDO^^tanipede wijlbe ". ddhn Rutherford CALL 5:29:59 =if resorts to the courts is found one of the.jibriliing .attractions-at Egress;. H. L. Bod man 5:35:21 Mirrors, Picture Frames, Furniture necessary to establish just what Tops, Glass for all purposes are the rights of Geissler and t h e the 81st annual.; Suffolk.County Tair, , Fish Class—Start 3:35 P. M. HUNTINGTON to be held a t t h e r \ R i t e r h e a d ' F a i r Tuna, Clinton Crane '..-..."....5:19:55 300 New York Ave. . HuntlnQton public in the beach. grounds September 12, 13,.,1-f, 15 Skipper, Benjamin Young....5:20:33 5:20:46 and 16, by the : Suffolk-County Agri- V'alador, George Nichols Aching Teeth Interfere With 2 162 School Work cultural Society. ;i A record'number Shiner, George A. Crocker..5:22:57 -Felix, J. Barstow Smull..: 5:23:00 J. L. Sherman, D.M.D., D.D.S. of other a t ^ a ^ t j d n ^ inclucllng,'bafl Barque, Stanley Rumbough..5:23:14 Your market is, at your elbow—-your weekly shopping The race in life belongs to the games and .^various. ..other, snorts Sculpin; J.-Foster Dulles 5:24:05 becomes nothing more than a phone call. ~5:-25:39 strong. Other conditions being have been .-listed; :• T £ e . farm, and Anchovy, Oliver James equal those with good health are a g I -j c u iuirai e'Xhib'tls' Will surpass :Aunt Eppie, Paul Cushman Took wrong MawwMiMM-v.t. *!-• :. -••,?rrfTTTra those that win. It is a greater ser-1 , - :'••:•. •*>•. :•'• -, • Course vice to preTent -ill health than to those of any: previous yeaY, ., cure it. The rodeo sljow-caTfies-.a number The great Dr. Charles Mayo of 0 f cowboy clowns, :Whdse antics are the famous Mayo Clinic says that m o s t humorousr'' "Tney've simply Brings you the same courteous attention, t h e same SO per cent of all children's dis- g o t t 0 D e gotiii", bi< else. While eases start in the mouth, nose or l n e | r antiCS'"ure!'ftirfrfy, ' t h e ' risks ! good foods, whether you come in or phone your order. throat, and that 90 per cent of the t l l e y t a k e are g'reat,- but i't'ihay be deaths are' attributable to .infec- ( h e ] on ghorn><'become'ta,nle iri'their tions that start there. long acquaintance,;",' ",.' . The outstanding bonded indebt-i . YOUR QUALITY GROCER Sir James Osier t h e famous EngT h 6 b l l r l l i e o l l e •bulln'g'ht that foledness ot the Town of Huntington, lish physician said ''There is not , . an"'ex'cVflKg " perfornianco na of August 1, 1933, is $3,293,ZtM^X * t h l n g , ' " V!TnlVt and-there is no sham to the bull's 7 IS,73, according to a financial re- j medicine that equals oral hygiene CarftiplRunmer allows t h | New York A v e , at Carver PI. Huntington, N . Y. port issued this week by Supervi-I sor'William Watt. | bothered by dental defects is se- e I s e - ' , f ^M^?^^*?.' According to figures given o u t : verely , handicapped. He cannot everything i s , » * - , . If.^hey don t. Always r e a d y to pay the required attention to In- U s just top IVMU . ;; , - ; •,:• last, •week ' by Benjamin Blyden-j struction nor concentrate on his At recent showings p o t i o r , parts burgb, ehnirmnn o t the Hoard off feed --— thoroughly studies ' •"—"*" *"" *" of the 'eotintfy..thr-re:havfi imen s-erc o o k e d ' " tastes ...Vvery interesting and Instnic- ions accidentsV.and'.'the: riders.this Assessors of the Town, tho total, live fest was made in a school trip have tludr... fingers crossed assessed valuation of t h e . r e a l ns- ] good. Contains beef, .located In such a poor district that against hard l,uck. tate. and special franchises in the lish, liver, m i l k , ™ of the parents-could possibly Tho. children will "cat up"- th-- township for 193.3 is*- ? 18,8-18,752. afford to have their children's performance of the clowns on their The actual valuation, as given In vegetables, cereals, te S U N D A Y , SEPT. 10 — 11 A . M . fth taken care of. Half of one trained mule's*:?riid'the-glfl riders 1932, is $120,776,060. vitamins, minerals " class of 60.pupils were taken a s a will insist there Is no oircus stuff The, total bonded indebtedness .'«l and their teeth repaired and in their exhibition on outlaw everything . a d o g Put in good condition and kept bucking bronchos., Miss May Greer fa' made up of the -following: or ptippy needs for that way for a period of four years, on "Aeroplane", .styled the world's Highway and Hoad Im*-check of the grades made by champion h'igh. Jxurdle horse,., will health, pep, glossy provements bonds ....$1,60(,650.00 ail the children in t h e class during !)U t on a special a o t t h a t promises 5 coat, strong teeth. Park-bonds .' 12,000.00 <«- e four years showed that while some thrills, . „ : . • . . , . --. S5.000.00 an the children Averaged 60 perBefore the. finals,.-comprising the ncinerator bonds 95,000.00 «>t at the beginning of tho tost t r j P k riding fixhTbitian. audi the foui General Town bonds lWtMi-c ? l ' t h e e n ( 1 o f t h e f 0 , i r team chariot.' races, • (hero will be Sewer District bonds ... ' 2S3,000.00 cbil<lren wll0s etn Terft , , , « te the steer bulldosRing, with what is ^ohlh 11 u n t J n g t o n gtK)d c o n Water Distffct bonds 609.000.00 seVrf v,'.' ' l | t i o n n v f > r ' known as I.IH.- "suicide squad" i» sea M, D e r c e n t w h „ e t h o s p w h f ) S f , .^.^ i ) ) ( , n h n v p , H . a n k | „ . Crecnlawn Water Disfi,illftvor U it t bonds 48.^000.00 »?«"'so n ? r e n - n . e g , , ! C , e d cd, it is clipii fully staled-, * h l l f Inv ' s t i e a t u n ? nt .*,.' ' , performing\W* W "™n i u ftU t h < ' Certificates of indebtS edness and n o t e s i* S ' L l i ^ n ' so called "thriiiqvs" combined. For Sale at payable 119.59s ;?, chitdr n who ?<l K T ' \ 3 ° y , •° f „ , ! ''"he rodeo producer.declares tho EDWARD SMITH T0WN BOARD UPHELD IN GEISSLER MITER ^ J V - V ' ^ ^ ^ j ^ ? ^ - =-••- ^Z'^kMtjgjP WHAT MIGHT THE LOSS O F SOME PAPERS MEAN TO YOU THE PRESERVATION OF C E R T A I N P / i P E R S may often prevent a law suit and the possibility of losing a large amount of money. LAWN MOWER REPAIRER D O N O T take the risk of letting papers remain unprotected. T H E R E N T A L C H A R G E for a private box is not expensive. .. CHARLES A. BISHOP $4.00 a year and upwards for actual protection is surely a small price'to. pay, considering the security and t h e freedom frOBi worry. 1 Huntington Station ROOMS PAPERED V t H U N T I N G T O N S T A T I O N , N . Y. i Open Monday Evenings 6 to 8 ll ' [\ WATER BOY PROVES "REAL-WATER BABY" THERON H.! SAMMIS INSURANCE • important Pratfs Poultry Feeds Hay Feed Straw Lime 'fertilizer.'' Insecticides < J . B . DURAND & SON Cesspool Cleaning Phone Huntington 4 6 FINE TOP SOIL FOR SALE GEORGE GEIGER Eleventh St* and Oakwood Aye. Huntington Station, L, I; THE HUNTINGTON PLATE ANNUAL-EVENI: AT ;= RIVERHEAD; SEPT; 12 & WINDOW GLASS SHOP Sept 12, 13,14, 15,16 *Vbn Breton's JLJ® HUNT. TOWN INDEBTEDNESS $3,293,748.73 Bigger and Better Than \ Ever A Good Food for ".vSho^rwr'the0Lde vT'is r,fig,irti^^\tdndoodl;i JL <» FRANK M. CORWIN, Secretary Central Gburcb + Tbuntfnflton MOP\1 r 7 GOOD Gt*AC>003,rAtC><EY JuSt Crof S«\CK "PRW,TYftN',IHfl»A ' M WOULD SOyVtS ZC h\K,*\ IF V O U H ^ t ) A COjVvrt So StvCKv/ ^Z-J. ME.WNGUES »w ft CHOCA-lTECUfMRlH vouR -pocxtT The Pastor's 0peniir« Sermon "the Handwriting On the Wall" FOOD Total"....;....: '..:....:.'... ..?3.2s3;7-is.73 Since the report was prepared, an issue of $100,000 Town of realizes t h a t . bad ir Huntington Welfare bonds has been " " " -•"' i handicap to t h e | w l l l i Moated and some of the certifi, ...ent of The'°chiid the -child I w h l c n h*s n 0 ! ' y c t b o e n ^ ' ^ : ; : jMMa]n deVelopfnenr'of cates of Indebtedness have been s l s t upon prompt ft.nd efil f! taken tip, ii is understood. «it trr-atrnr,; If> th The report, gives the following, the child-., future Intelligence The Los- Angles- (Cnllf.) mu- interesting information regarding v,«M ? r o a t s , a k p - that of Uself. seum has the .most complete rep- the. assessed valuations, actual of cause for a m u valuations, and nnco!locto<] taxes 'y bin >s experience proves and I resentation of «b(\.: skeleton* rielstoccne .sHinmlS; The' bones for Ihe past four years: 1 medlcal authorities agree ' /'hyMoai development is retard- were rcccvvrcl from Ihe Rnnoho la , A««i-»s<vl ArttiM TAX>>.« tinv a l u a t i o n V a l u a t i o n coli^rtr-d Bren, within ,«lit-cltj-TliuiN of r.os ' " " <he foundation laid for ill o n .him- 5'•'sli>, i n maturity If the teeth a r e i Angeles. This m^plmlt pod Is the t4?»' J<4.2-«8,i?r> flin.Tf.S.Tro }121 3:!.'! tf, rCn'/'' '" r n l l ( ! n ° 0 " I createst rcptwrtorr of prehlftorlc 10.^0 4fi.44O.220 lK.tftft.SMl /If, 117 11 (I.I.V.II.SIO 119,152,010 ISS s \ l M *'»rt' l >,^ r o m , ) o 1 >' 0 , l r fhlldren t o ! B n | m f t la rcmAlus -kno^n to rtodern l?ril 1932 4S.J10.423 120,776.060 331,553.2i HARWEIN FEED & FUEL CO. * ft \ Full Choral Service Children arc extra pleased when (hey can have a regular portion of.meat . . . and you don't have to be afraid to. Duet GORDON OIIAVOnTII Coal—Feed—Fuel Oil Phones: 2134-2C55 H u n t i n g t o n S t a t i o n , N. Y. give it to them . . . if yon deal at Bcrger's . < . their Baritone THE i ii'i i -iHiwwiwwiHm'mwiiiMtui > "in meats are E S S E N T I A L L Y P U R L A N D D E L I C I O U S . PASTOR Tenor HY T H E CHOIR i_ ^ Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 -itv'.i,;, S!; m Mk mm 'WATCHMAN, WHAT OF THE NIGHT?' ANTHEM • \ \ " tili; Al«o Stop lW Shop Food Market I m
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