Many-view under-sampling (MVUS) technique for low-dose CT Taewon Lee1, Sajid Abbas1, Byungchul Cho2, Insoo Kim3, Bumsoo Han3, and Seungryong Cho1* Abstract–In computed tomography (CT) imaging, radiation dose delivered to the patient is one of the major concerns. Among many technical solutions to lowering radiation dose while preserving clinical utilities of the images, sparse-view CT is promising technique. However, a fast power switching of an Xray tube, which is needed for the sparse-view sampling, can be challenging in many CT systems. We have recently proposed a novel alternative approach to sparse-view circular CT that can be readily incorporated on the existing CT systems, and have successfully shown its feasibility. Instead of switching the X-ray tube power, one can place an oscillating multi-slit collimator between the X-ray tube and the patient to partially block the Xray beam thereby reducing the radiation. In this study, an experimental study was performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed XT scan scheme. Industrial CT projection data of a CatPhan® 600 phantom was acquired by use of the oscillating multi-slit collimator. We used a sinusoidal motion of the collimator to the perpendicular direction of the rotation axis for the purpose of obtaining more uniform spatial sampling of the image. For image reconstruction, we used a total-variation minimization (TV) algorithm which has shown its outperformance in many sparse-view CT applications. a kind of sparse-view CT is implemented as shown in Fig. 1. This technique has pros and cons. The X-ray scatter by the patient can be reduced, and even more corrected if needed by use of the shadow of the beam block strips in the collimator. Reduction of scatter is thought to contribute to enhancing the consistency of the data to the imaging model, thereby potentially useful for improving image quality with possibly a better convergence in the iterative image reconstruction. Additionally, if the beam blockers are partly transparent to the X-ray, then a dual-energy imaging would be relatively easily achieved by use of the different energy spectra of X-ray in a single scan. The cons include the penumbra effect and the motion artifact due to the collimator oscillation in the projection data, which however may be corrected for. I. INTRODUCTION been widely used for many clinical applications. CTDosehasreduction seems to be the most important issue to the CT developers and researchers. Among many technical solutions to lower radiation dose while preserving clinical utilities of the images, sparse-view CT is a promising technique. Sparse-view CT, which takes fewer projections, provides a viable option to reducing radiation dose. However it is technologically hard to implement in the current CT systems due to difficulties in fast tube power switching. We have recently proposed a many-view under sampling (MVUS) techniques as an alternative to sparse-view CT [1]. Instead of switching the X-ray tube power, a multi-slit collimator is placed between the X-ray tube and patient to partially block the X-ray beam thereby reducing the radiation. A sparsesampling CT is realized by placing the oscillation multi-slit collimator between the X-ray tube and the patient. As a result, The work was supported in part by the NRF grant NRF2013M2A2A9043476, and by the MEST grant R0001270 and R0001376 in Korea. T. Lee, S. Abbas, S. Cho are with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea (telephone: +82 42-350-3828, email:[email protected]). B. Cho is with Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea. I. Kim, B. Han are with EB Tech Co., Ltd. Yongsan-dong 550 Yuseonggu, Daejeon, 305-500, South Korea. 978-1-4799-0534-8/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE Fig. 1. Schematic of the proposed scanning configuration is illustrated. The arrow indicates a reciprocating motion of the collimator. II. MATERIAL AND METHOD A. Industrial CT system We used an Industrial cone-beam CT projection data set of a CatPhan® 600, which includes 720 projections per rotation and realized MVUS scanning by using an oscillating multi-slit collimator. A detailed description of the experiment is given below with the image reconstruction. Scanning parameters used in the data acquisition are summarized in table 1. We also fabricated a multi-slit collimator as shown in Fig. 2. A multi-slit collimator was made of a tungsten thin plate. The collimator is composed periodic arrangement of slit-opening and radio-opaque rectangular area, and the length dimension of the slits is parallel to the rotation axis. TABLE I. SCANNING CONDITIONS Parameter Tube voltage Tube current Value 120kVp 1.2mA/ 4.8mA Detector size 1024 x 1024, 400 ㎛ Scan range Number of projections Source to object distance Source to detector distance 360° 720 800mm 1500mm Fig. 3. The sonograms are shown corresponding to (a) a full data sampling case, (b) one-fourth of the data used for image reconstruction according to the MVUS technique. Fig. 2. The CT system with the collimator mounted is shown in (a). B. Data sampling scheme In our earlier work, various sparse samplinng schemes were investigated numerically [4]. We recruited two measures in the context of compress sensing theory: sampling density (SD), data incoherence (DIC). Effects of SD, DIC on image quality reconstructed by total-variation minimization algorithm were studied, and several schemes were shown to provide good quality of images compared to others. Out of such candidate schemes for sparse sampling, we particularly used a collimator-based sampling scheme and implemented an oscillating motion of the collimator to the perpendicular direction of the rotation axis for acquiring more uniform spatial sampling and less correlated data acquisition. For dose reduction, the size of slit-opening is one quarter to the repetition pattern in the anticipation of dose reduction by a factor of 3/4. The frequency of the motion was 30 trips per scanner rotation. Figure 3 shows the sinograms comparatively between a conventional scan and the proposed scan. C. Total-Variation Minimization Algorithm For image reconstruction, we used a total-variation minimization (TV) algorithm. The TV algorithm is based on the compressive sensing theory and its excellent performance in sparse-view CT applications has been reported [2]. We adopted the adaptive-steepest-decent projection-onto-convexsets (ASD-POCS) approach [3] and modified the POCS step so that only the measured data through the collimator slits are to be used in the computation. The TV algorithm searches for a solution that minimizes the image total-variation. which satisfies two constrains, and 0 can be selected for controlling the impact level of data inconsistency on the image reconstruction. the ,where f represents an image under iteration, minimum image total-variation solution, M the system matrix, and g the measured data. represents the total-variation of an image function. The system matrix was based on a raydriven model. III. RESULTS Fig. 4. shows the reconstruction images of a transverse slice of CatPhan® 600. Image reconstructed by the FBP algorithm from the low mAs uncollimated 720 projections is shown in Fig. 4 (a) as a reference image. We used about 1/4 of the standard tube current used in the system for a fair comparison. Image reconstructed by use of the total-variation minimization algorithm from the collimated 720 projections with a standard mAs condition according to 1/4 collimation ratio is shown in Fig. 4 (b). REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] Fig.4. The reconstruction images of a CatPhan® 600 is shown. The image was reconstructed (a) by the FBP algorithm from low-dose 720 projections. The image was reconstructed (b) one-fourth of the total area collimated 720 projections. Additionally, we calculated an image contrast index, CNR to quantitatively assess the image quality. The ROI was selected as shown in Fig. 5. The corresponding CNR values are summarized in Table 2. TABLE Ⅱ. CNR VALUE OF EACH EXPERIMENT CONDITION CNR FBP 2.5 MVUS 11.1 Fig. 5. Selected ROI in result images. IV. CONCLUSION In our study, we have experimentally demonstrated the feasibility of a novel sampling scheme for low-dose CT, which is named MVUS. Real experiment with a moving multi-slit collimator was conducted, and a preliminary image reconstruction was successfully shown. More investigation in under work for optimizing the MVUS moving scheme, utilizing the SD & DIC information for improving performance, investigating the effect of scattter reduction and correction, task-dependent image quality asssessment, testing dual-energy imaging feasibility, and analyzing and correcting the penumbra. S. Cho, T. Lee, J. Min, H. Chung, "Feasibility study on many-view under sampling (MVUS) technique for low-dose computed tomography", Opt. Eng., 51, 120837L, 2012. E. Y. Sidky, C. M. Kao, and X. Pan, "Accurate image reconstruction from few-views and limited-angle data in divergent-beam CT", J. X-ray Sci. Tech., vol. 14, pp. 11_139, 2006. E. Y. Sidky and X. Pan, "Image reconstruction in circular cone-beam computed tomography by con-strained, total-variation minimization", Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 53, pp. 4777_4807, 2008. S. Abbas, T. Lee, S. Shin, R. Lee, and S. Cho, "Effects of sparse sampling schemes on image quality in low-dose CT", Med. Phys. vol. 40, PP. 111915, 2013.
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