BE HEALTHY “Be Healthy” is financed by European Union, EACEA Direction, Program “Youth In Action'', Action 4.6 Partnership (Agreement N°: 2013 – 5648 / 013 – 001 YT7 PDPA7). Be Healthy is co-funded by European Union, Program Youth in Action. The project proposed by ASL To3 Partner Leader of the Regional Network of Adolescent Psychology aims to raise awareness of youths and of youth workers on mind and body in health. The psychological well-being and prevention of mental distress is possible through the practice of sports including amateur events, as it is indicated by the more recent Guide Lines. The actions envisaged will have duration of two years (April 2014 - March 2016) and provide for the construction of working alliances among partners, to implement interventions aimed at the promotion of physical and mental wellbeing and physical activity in adolescence and youth (age 18-30). Be Healthy è co-finaziato dalla Comunità Europea, Programma Gioventù in Azione. Il Progetto proposto dall’ASL TO3, ente capo fila della Rete regionale di Psicologia dell’Adolescenza, si pone come obiettivo la sensibilizzazione degli adolescenti, dei giovani e degli operatori a loro dedicati sul tema della mente e del corpo in salute. Il benessere psicofisico e la prevenzione del disagio psichico è possibile attraverso la promozione della pratica di attività sportive anche non agonistiche, secondo le più recenti linee guida. Le azioni previste avranno durata biennale (aprile 2014 - marzo 2016) e prevedono la costruzione di alleanze di lavoro tra i soggetti partner, finalizzate a realizzare interventi a favore della promozione del benessere psicofisico e dell’attività fisica di adolescenti e giovani (fascia di età 18-30 anni). “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”. PARTNERS Partner Leader: • Italy, ASL To3 as ASL to head row of the "Rete regionale piemontese di Psicologia dell’Adolescenza". / • Partner: • Italy, Comune di Torino, Sport department. • Italy, Unione Sportiva ACLI, Torino. • Sweden, City of Vasteras. • Austria, Zeit!Raum, Vienna. • Slovena, Emonicum Institute, Lubiana. • Spain, Fundacion Grupo Develop, Madrid. Associated Partners: • Italy, Museo del Cinema-Torino, Torino Film Lab. • • Italy, Università di Torino. France, Centre Hospitalier de Versailles. ACTIONS TRAINING COURSE Be Healthy: Mind and body in health in adolescence May 6th-8th 2014, Turin SEMINAR: PROMOTING SPORT AND HEALTH Be Healthy: Mind and body in health in adolescence – Experiences and communication of good practice July 8th-10th 2014, Turin TRANSNATIONAL YOUTH INITIATIVE: VIDEO LAB Cinema and sport workshop July 8th-14th 2014, Turin PARTNERSHIP BUILDING ACTIVITY October 7th-9th 2014, Lubiana STUDY VISIT November 25th-26th 2014, Madrid SEMINAR April 2015, Vasteras TRAINING COURSE September 2015, Vienna PARTNERSHIP BUILDING ACTIVITY December 2015, Turin EVALUATION MEETING March 2016, Turin FEASIBILITY VISIT To decide into June 2014, Versailles FEASIBILITY VISIT To decide into June 2014, London LOCAL YI: A GUIDE October 2014-March 2016, Turin LOCAL YI: A EVALUATION January 2015-March 2016, Turin LOCAL YI: A PUBBLICATION September 2014-December 2015, Madrid - Salamanca LOCAL YI: VIDEO FOODBALL COMPETITION September 2014-May 2015, Vienna LOCAL YI: VIDEO AND PHOTO April 2014-April 2015, Vasteras Rev. 1 del 01/08/2014
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