GABRIEL JONES 1 GABRIEL JONES / PORTFOLIO / PRESS / CV - PAGE REFERENCES- - ART PROJECTS - PHOTOGRAPHY: PHOTOGRAPHY: APPROPRIATION: PHOTOGRAPHY: PHOTOGRAPHY: PHOTOGRAPHY: APPROPRIATION: PHOTOGRAPHY: PROJECT: SCENES & TYPES ABOVE IT ALL SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENTS WITH SUBLIMINAL PORNOGRAPHY INSERTED ARCADE FIRE COLLABORATION ARTEFACT TROJISTIKI DISPUTED AREA SOMEWHERE ON TIME THE PSEUDONYM PROJECT / Paris & NEW YORK - CURATED EXHIBITIONS - INSIDE STUDIO E1 - INFO - PRESS CV P. 02 P. 05 P. 06 P. 08 P. 11 P. 13 P. 15 P. 18 P. 20 P. 21 P. 22 P. 37 GABRIEL JONES 2 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY - SCENES & TYPES - Gabriel Jones, "Scenes & types 1800", 2013, archival inkjet photograph on Fine Art mat paper, 2 sizes: 30x42 cm (12 x 16,5 inches), edition de 5+2 AP and 50 x 70 cm. Ed of 5. GABRIEL JONES 3 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY - SCENES & TYPES - Gabriel Jones, "Scenes & types 0528", 2013, archival inkjet photograph on Fine Art mat paper, 20 x 30 cm (7,5 x 11,5 inches), edition 8+2 AP. GABRIEL JONES 4 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY - SCENES & TYPES - Gabriel Jones, "Scenes & types 03", 2013, archival inkjet photograph on Fine Art mat paper, 24 x 30 cm (9,5 x 11,5 inches), edition 8+2 AP. GABRIEL JONES 5 G A B R I E L J O N E S ABOVE IT ALL Photographie trouée puis re-photogrAphiée, impression serigraphiée - Gabriel Jones, "Above it all", 2012, Silkscreen (serigraphie) on Fine Art mat paper. 50 x 70 cm, edition de 14. GABRIEL JONES 6 G A B R I E L J O N E S FILM APPROPRIATIONS « SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENTS WITH SUBLIMINAL PORNOGRAPHY INSERTED » 1/25th OF A SECOND _ In november 2012, Jones will be exhibiting « Scientific Documents With Subliminal Pornography Inserted » at Jeune Création’s annual exhibition taking place in Le 104, Paris. The group show will be juried by Yvon Lambert. “The step from extraction to insertion is indeed taken in this collection of films "Scientific documents with subliminal pornography inserted". The film elements are out of context. These observations provide no sense of location or objective reasoning. The facts are straightforwardly captured, devoid of any aesthetic will. Even so, they include something that escapes us. Some subliminal images are interlaced within the heart of the narrative, invisible yet definitely present. This occulted part of the visible only takes shape because of the explicit title, which accompanies each film. These are projected in 16mm film, and each image - whether perceptible or not - undeniably unrolls before our eyes. Even though it is concretely impossible to verify their presence, these pornographic images, though present, choose to disappear and, moreover, offer a paradox of revealing absence.” (Text: Claire Taillandier, Translation: Georgina Turner) Gabriel Jones, "Scientific document #01 with subliminal pornography inserted", 2012, Silkscreen from 16mm film, 02:53min, edition of 5 GABRIEL JONES 7 G A B R I E L J O N E S FILM APPROPRIATIONS « SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENTS WITH SUBLIMINAL PORNOGRAPHY INSERTED » 1/25th OF A SECOND _ Gabriel Jones, "Scientific document #14 with subliminal pornography inserted", 2012, Silkscreen from 16mm film, 00:29 min, edition of 5 GABRIEL JONES 8 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY - ARCADE FIRE COLLABORATION In 2012, The Suburbs’ Delux album cover won the GRAMMY AWARD for Best Album Packaging. In 2011 The album covers where also selected in the AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY 27 award, in New York. In collaboration with Arcade Fire as well as art director Vincent Morisset and designer Caroline Robert, Gabriel Jones recently photographed Arcade Fire's latest, multiple, album covers entitled The Suburbs. These images were taken by Gabriel during a road trip to various suburbs in Texas, followed by a studio shoot in Montreal where the selected suburb images were then projected onto a large screen. “Untitled 01”, Gabriel Jones, 2010., Archival inkjet photograph, 61 x 81 CM, Edition of 8 + 2 AP. GABRIEL JONES 9 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY - ARCADE FIRE COLLABORATION _ Exhibition view a Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dusseldorf, 2013. “Untitled 02”, Gabriel Jones, 2010, Archival inkjet photograph, 24 x 29 inches (61 x 75 CM), Edition of 8 + 2 AP. GABRIEL JONES 10 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY - ARCADE FIRE COLLABORATION _ In collaboration with Arcade Fire as well as art director Vincent Morisset and designer Caroline Robert, Gabriel Jones recently photographed Arcade Fire's latest, multiple, album covers entitled The Suburbs. These images were taken by Gabriel during a road trip to various suburbs in Texas, followed by a studio shoot in Montreal where the selected suburb images were then projected onto a large screen. The car and band members were positioned in front of the various projected suburban landscapes and Jones photographed the setup. This series of images explores the North American suburban experience and the memories that one can have from growing up in this type of environment. Gabriel’s images were also used for a postcard that Arcade Fire sent out to magazines to inform them about upcoming shows and news about the album release. The series of album covers was art directed by Vincent Morisset and designed by Caroline Robert. (Album of the year: Grammy, Brit and Juno Awards 2011) Arcade Fire Artwork and photographs are selected in American Photography Awards 2011. "The suburbs" Delux Edition is the Grammy award-winner Album Package. Design by Caroline robert. “Untitled 08”, Gabriel Jones, 2010, Archival inkjet photograph, 24 x 36 inches (60 x 92 CM), Edition of 8 + 2 AP. GABRIEL JONES 11 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY A R T E F A C T _ The « Artefact » was selected by Kathy Ryan, Director of Photography of The New York Times Magazine and by Natasha Egan, Director of the Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, to be part of the 3rd Annual Photography Exhibition at the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center in july 2012. This series was also part of the Noorderlicht International Photography Festival, in Holland during 2009. Gabriel Jones, “Artefact 02”, 2009, Archival inkjet photograph, 30x40 in / 76x100 cm. Ed. 7+2AP GABRIEL JONES 12 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY A R T E F A C T _ Exhibition view at Priska C. Juschka Fine Art Gallery, New York, 2008 Gabriel Jones, “Artefact 09”, 2009: Archival inkjet photograph, 30x40 in / 76x100 cm. Ed 7+2 AP. GABRIEL JONES 13 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY TROJISTIKI PIXELLIZED IMAGES BY GABRIEL JONES Trojistiki, à été créée avec la volonté d’entrer à l’intérieur de micro-évènements à même un regroupement social, une fête, un diner ou autre. Ensuite, de les réinterpréter, et de s’approprier ces “personnages” et les restituer grâce à leur language corporel et leur situation ambigüe. Aussi, je choisis d’inclure ou d’exclure quelques éléments qui cristalisent un nouvel environnement, parfois abstrait, et qui articule un lecture à même ces micro-histoires. Les pixelles, la basse qualité des images et les yeux brulés par le flash leur confèrera un aspect d’images d’amateur (grace a leur camera de telephone ou autre appareil de basse qualité) témoin d’un évènement qui auraient été publié dans un média imprimé et donc “officiel”. C’est un important dialecte visuel cristallisé dans l’inconscient de notre culture visuelle actuelle. Je tente ainsi de questionner le réflexe naturel du visionneur qui “croit en ce qui a été publié”, tout comme le lecteur a pour réflexe de croire au texte qui a été imprimé sur un support “officiel”. Gabriel Jones, "3", 2009, Archival inkjet photograph, 60 x 80 cm. Ed. 8+2 AP GABRIEL JONES 14 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY TROJISTIKI PIXELLIZED IMAGES BY GABRIEL JONES Gabriel Jones, "16", 2009, Archival inkjet photograph, 60 x 80 cm. Ed. 8+2 AP GABRIEL JONES 15 G A B R I E L J O N E S DISPUTED AREA PAPER CUT-OUT SERIES - The places represented by each of these "Disputed Areas" are not neutral. They are literally "claiming zones", forming a political knot of inexpressible history. As conflict zones, these regions lack recognition: they belong to no nation since they are claimed by all; they focus on the tension between men. Similarly to the distance that lies between two magnets rejecting each other, these zones are void of identity and pile up opposition. This impossible sharing of the earth affirms itself by its fundamental indecision and we are witnesses to their recurring ambivalence, emphasized by the disappearance of tangible words. By being transfigured thus, the map's function as a tool that promotes negotiable possibilities becomes obsolete, and it is thrown into a meaningless world of endless labyrinths. (…)Regardless of whether maps be ancient or contemporary, these "Disputed Areas" inscribe themselves in the flux of history and make up a fixed reference point - albeit open to question - in a timeline that is perpetually moving. As an intrinsic vector of identity, a name is what identifies a place, an object, an individual. Without a name, no relationship is possible, no reference in time or space. (…) - Claire Taillandier / Translation Georgina Turner. Gabriel Jones, « Disputed Area 01 », 2008, Road map – paper cut-outs, 30 x 67 cm. GABRIEL JONES 16 G A B R I E L J O N E S DISPUTED AREA PAPER CUT-OUT SERIES - Gabriel Jones, « Disputed Area 02 », 2012, Road map – paper cut-outs, 12 x 15 cm. GABRIEL JONES 17 G A B R I E L J O N E S DISPUTED AREA PAPER CUT-OUT SERIES - Gabriel Jones, « Disputed Area 05 », 2014, Road map – paper cut-outs, 84 x 115 cm. GABRIEL JONES 18 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY SOMEWHERE ON TIME _ In 2006 Gabriel Jones had his first solo exhibition at the prestigious french institution La Galerie du Château d’Eau, in Toulouse, where he presented the Somewhere on time series. A monography was also published by the institution. Recently, Chris Boot (Director of Aperture Foundation, New York) selected this series for Weekend Portfolios for La Lettre de la Photographie. In 2012, Somewhere on time was also nominated by the HSBC Photographic Prize in Paris and was selected by The Royal Photographic Society, London, in 2005. Gabriel Jones, “Close”, Archival inkjet photograph, 2004, 43 x 60 inches (109 x 152 cm), Edition of 5 + 2 AP. GABRIEL JONES 19 G A B R I E L J O N E S PHOTOGRAPHY SOMEWHERE ON TIME _ Installation view, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dusseldorf Gabriel Jones, “Lost”, Archival inkjet photograph, 2004, 33,5 x 60 inches (85 x 152 CM), Edition of 5 +2 AP) SOMEWHERE ON TIME SERIES GABRIEL JONES 20 A PROJECT BY THE ARTIST G A B R I E L J O N E S _ THE PSEUDONYM PROJECT, NEW YORK In 2010, Gabriel Jones organized the exhibition Pseudonym Project (in NYC). He presented works from twelve established and emerging artists, such as Robert Barry, Shoplifter, Rainer Ganahl and Melanie Bonajo, who used pseudonyms until the closing reception where their real names where disclosed. The Paris version will be happening in two parts: in 2014 at Galerie Michèle Didier and in 2015 in a location to be disclosed. The exhibition was accompanied by limited edition prints as well as an essay book in four different covers. GABRIEL JONES 21 ORGANIZED AND PUBLISHED BY GABRIEL JONES _ INSIDE STUDIO E1, PARIS Jones also presented a series of six exhibitions entitled Inside Studio E1 where he invited 40 artists, such as Roger Ballen, Felice Varini, Julien Tiberi, Alain Declercq, Laura Henno, Dorothée Smith, to exhibit their work in his Montmartre studio, at the Cite Internationale des Arts de Paris. The works are collected and presented within his workspace, suggesting a close relationship between visitors and art. The names of the artists where written on the studio walls and simply scratched out when the next exhibition was up. This way the studio walls where covered by the forty names, eventually all scratched out. Opening reception of the Inside Studio E1 of december 2011. Installation view of the april Inside Studio E1. GABRIEL JONES 22 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS (SELECTED) _ Art+Auction Magazine - In The Air, New York, August 26, 2010. GABRIEL JONES 23 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ THE GUARDIAN, London, Sean Michaels, August 4, 2010 GABRIEL JONES 24 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ CREATIVE REVIEW, London, Elza Williams, August 11, 2010 GABRIEL JONES 25 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ MONOCLE MAGAZINE, London, March 7th, 2014. Text : Jason Li GABRIEL JONES 26 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ EYEMAZING Magazine, #61, Amsterdam, 2005. Text : Anna Holtzman. GABRIEL JONES 27 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ FRAME Projects, Vienna, Nov-Dec 2005. Text : Alexander P ühringer. GABRIEL JONES 28 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ HotShoe Contemporary Photography magazine, London, Feb/march 2005. Text : Becky Beasley GABRIEL JONES 29 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ CITY MAGAZINE, NEW YORK, DECEMBER 2011. Text : Shirine SAAD, GABRIEL JONES 30 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ PAPER Magazine, New York, august 2nd, 2010. Text : Lauren Kelly GABRIEL JONES 31 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ ART INFO – FRANCE, Paris, november 6th, 2012. Text : Céline Piettre GABRIEL JONES 32 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ FUTU Magazine, Warsovie, Interview: Tomasz Walenta, Fevrier-Mars 2007 GABRIEL JONES 33 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ ART INFO – FRANCE, Paris, March 4th, 2014. Text : Céline Piettre GABRIEL JONES 34 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ LE QUOTIDIEN DE L'ART, Paris, Jan 29, 2014. GABRIEL JONES 35 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ SLASH PARIS, March 3rd, 2014. GABRIEL JONES 36 G A B R I E L J O N E S PRESS REVIEWS _ FISHEYE Magazine, Paris, April 2014. Text : Marie Abeille, Sophie Frediano, Jessica Lamacque, Camille Moulonguet, Olivier Richard GABRIEL JONES 37 G A B R I E L J O N E S C.V. _ [email protected] Paris +33 6 52 64 93 69 Born 1973, Canada. Lives in Paris and New York. Residencies 2013 2011 Le Centre Photographique D’ile de France (CPIF), résidence de post-production. La Cité Internationale des Arts de Paris, Montmartre studios. 12/2010 to 07/2012 Education Dawson College, alumni, Montreal. Photography 1995-1999 Dynamair College, Saint-Jean Airport. Pilot, Single Engine Aircraft. 1990-1992 PRIZE 2012 2012 2011 2011 2009 2005 HSBC, Prix Photographique, Nomination, Paris (France) A GRAMMY AWARD for Recording Package design of album « The Suburbs ». Designer: Caroline Robert. Album cover photo Gabriel Jones. AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY 27, Photograpy award nomination, New York (USA) Juno Awards, Recording Package of the Year, Nomination (with photographer Gabriel Jones, Arcade Fire, art director Vincent Morisset, and designer Caroline Robert), Toronto (Canada) International Photography award, Honorable Mention, New York, (USA) Royal Photographic Society, Photography award nomination, London (UK) Collaboration 2010 with ARCADE FIRE, photography commission for the visuals for their album cover “The Suburbs” (Selected in American Photography 27, Photography Award, New York (USA)) Solo Exhibitions (selected) 2013 2009 2008 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2004 2004 The Untitled Series, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dusseldorf (Germany) Somewhere on time ii, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dusseldorf (Germany) IRHANN (Artefact), Priska C. Juschka Fine Art, New York (USA) Somewhere on Time 04, Galerie LACEN (commissaire: BERTRAND GRIMONT), Paris (France) Somewhere on Time 04 06, Priska C. Juschka Fine Art, New York (USA) Somewhere on Time 06, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dusseldorf (Germany) Somewhere on Time 04 05, Galerie Château d’Eau, (Institution), Toulouse (France) Somewhere on Time 04, Artcite Gallery, (Institution), Windsor (Canada) Somewhere on Time, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dusseldorf (Germany) Somewhere on Time, Galerie Le Lieu/ Biennale Photographiques de Lorient (Institution) (France) Somewhere on Time, Centre VU, (Institution) ,Québec (Canada) Somewhere on Time, Espace F, (Institution), Matane (Canada) GABRIEL JONES 38 Group Exhibitions (selected) 2015 2014* 2014* 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013* 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012* 2012* 2012* 2011 2011 2011 2011 Anarcheologies, Ygrec Ensapc, Paris, group-exhibtion curated by Alena Alexandrova. The Pseudonym Project Paris / Print Party, a project by the artist Gabriel Jones, Galerie Michèle Didier, Paris. Artists: Robert Barry, Fouad Bouchoucha, Liam Gillick, Jonathan Monk (the 8 other names will be disclosed during the opening reception) 19/12/2014 to 03/01/2015 The Pseudonym Project Paris / Print Party, a project by the artist Gabriel Jones, Galerie MFC Michèle Didier (Paris), Jones gave Carte Blanche to a series of emerging and established artists using pseudonyms until the closing reception of the second exhibition which will happen in 2015. Temps de Pause, la collection du Château d’Eau de Toulouse. Commissaires: Soraya Amrane et Jean-Marc Lacabe, Galerie du 5e. Artists: Denis Darzacq, Walker Evans, Charles Freger, Yohann Gozard, Laura Henno, André Kertesz, Vivianne Sassen, Dorothée Smith, ... Marseille (France) Almost but not quite, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer. Artists: Robert Barry, Jürgen Klauke, MarieJo Lafontaine ..., Dusseldorf (Germany) ART COLOGNE, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Germany. Diep Festival, Curators: Philippe Terrier-Hermann, Alice Schyler Mallet, artists: Francis Alÿs, Elina Brotherus, Pascal Cribier & Florence Levasseur, Dominique Gonzales-Foerster, Collectif Interlope, Alice Schÿler Mallet, Jürgen Nefzger, Philippe Terrier-Hermann ... (France) ART COLOGNE, 2013, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Germany. Artists: Robert Barry, Rosemary Trockel, ... Perceptions Successives, Galerie Jeune Création, Paris. Artists: Bianca Argimon, Roger Ballen, Alice-Anne Brassac, Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques, Raphael Dallaporta, Agnès Geoffray, William Wegman. Cabane Georgina #00, Curator: Jéremy Chabaud, European Capital of Culture MP 2013. Commissariat pour un arbre #4, a proposition of MATHIEU MERCIER, Jardin Botanique de Bordeaux, Artists: Claude Closky, Jean Cornu, ... (France) ART COLOGNE, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dusseldorf (Germany) Commissariat pour un arbre #3, presented by MATHIEU MERCIER, Collège des Bernardins, Paris, (France) Commissaire: David Ancelin. (Erick Duyckaerts, Pierre Malphettes, …), Paris (France) Traverse Video - Festival, Goethe Institute, Toulouse (France) The 3rd Annual Photography Exhibition at the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center. Selected by Kathy Ryan, Director of Photography of the New York Times Magazine and by Natasha Egan, Director of the Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago. Jeune Creation, Le Centquatre, Exposition annuelle, Paris (France) Brainbow, Galerie Bertrand Grimont and at Le Chalet, Artists: Patrick Bernatchez, Rada Boukova, Guillaume Constantin, Thomas Fontaine, Gabriel Jones, Shanta Rao, Maxime Thieffine. Paris (France). Commissariat pour un arbre #1, presented by MATHIEU MERCIER, Paris, (France) PARIS PHOTO, Grand Palais, Galerie Bertrand Grimont, Paris (France) Macumba Night Club, curated by David Ancelin. (Erick Duyckaerts, Pierre Malphettes, …), Nice (France) Weekend Portfolios, curated by CHRIS BOOT. Inside Studio E1 (Paris), a series of 4 exhibitions in Gabriel Jones’ studio, Cité Internationale Des Arts de Paris (France) Artists: Bianca Argimon, Roger Ballen, Robert Barry, Alice-Anne Brassac, Raphaël Dallaporta, Estrella Estevez, Vincent Ganivet, Gabriel Jones, Mathieu Mercier, Dorothée Smith, Felice Varini. Inside Studio E1 (Paris), a series of 4 exhibitions in Gabriel Jones’ studio, Cité Internationale Des Arts de Paris (France) Artists: Pierre Ardouvin, Ismail Bahri, Dominique Blais, Anne Brégeaut, Fouad Bouchoucha, Guillaume Constantin, Agnès Geoffray, Laura Henno, Gabriel Jones. Inside Studio E1 (Paris), a series of 4 exhibitions in Gabriel Jones’ studio, Cité Internationale Des Arts de Paris (France) Artists: Michel de Broin, Delphine Chevrot, Alain Declercq, Théodore Fivel, Jean-François Leroy, Aurélien Mole, Jeanne Susplugas, Julien Tiberi, Jacques Vieille. PARIS PHOTO, Grand Palais, Galerie Bertrand Grimont, Paris (France) Encounters (with Robert Barry, Jeff Bridges, William Wegman,…), Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dusseldorf (Germany) Noorderlicht Festival, Untitled Series, Groningen (The Netherlands) Exposition Platonique, Le Musée des beaux-arts Denys-Puech, Rodez (France) GABRIEL JONES 39 2011* Inside Studio E1 (Paris), a series of 4 exhibitions in Gabriel Jones’ studio, Cité Internationale Des Arts de Paris (France) Artists: Guillaume Bresson, Michel de Broin, Thomas Fontaine, Gabriel Jones, Thomas Mailaender, Joseph Marzolla, Vincent Mauger, Benoit Pailley, Ghislaine Portalis, Julien Prévieux, Shanta Rao, Amanda Riffo, Cyrille Weiner, X&X. 2010* The Pseudonym Project / NYC, Invisible Dog Art Center, Brooklyn, NY (USA) Artists: Robert Barry, Melanie Bonajo & Joseph Marzolla, Rainer Ganahl, Gabriel Jones, Shoplifter, … Noorderlicht Festival, CBK Center For Visual Arts, Groningen (The Netherlands) Summer Interval 08 (Robert Barry, Gabriel Jones, Sharon Kivland…), Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Dusseldorf (Germany) Sommergäste, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Artists: Robert Barry, Gabriel Jones, Rosemaie Trockel... Dusseldorf (Germany) PARIS PHOTO 2005, Le Carrousel du Louvre, Galerie Bugdahn und Kaimer, Paris, (France) Photo Espana 04, Discubrimientos, (Festival) Madrid (Spain) 2009 2008 2005 2005 2004 * Projects created by Gabriel Jones ARTIST PUBLICATIONS by Gabriel Jones Artist books and limited edition artist prints featuring artists from Jones’ various exhibition proposals. 2014 2013 2013 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2008 The Pseudonym Project Paris, 11 Edition prints by 11 artists. Exhibited during The Print Party, Galerie MFC Michèle Didier (Paris), Jones gave Carte Blanche to a series of established and emergeing artists using pseudonyms until the closing reception of the second exhibition which will happen in 2015. Edition of 50, Signed and numbered, 13”x19” (33 x 48,5 cm). Inside Studio E1, limited edition exhibition poster, signed by the 11 artists including Roger Ballen, Robert Barry, Dorothée Smith, Raphael Dallaporta, and Vincent Ganivet..., 13 x 19 Inches, Edition of 20, Paris (France) Inside Studio E1, limited edition exhibition poster, signed by the 9 artists including Pierre Ardouvin, Ismaïl Bahri, Laura Henno and Julien Tiberi..., 13 x 19 Inches, Edition of 20. Paris (France) Inside Studio E1, limited edition essay book, signed by the 9 artists including Théodore Fivel, JeanFrançois Leroy, Aurélien Mole and Jacques Vieille... Edition of 20, Paris (France) Inside Studio E1, limited edition essay book, signed by some of the 15 artists including Guillaume Bresson, Thomas Mailaender et Vincent Mauger..., edition of 150, Paris (France) The Pseudonym Project, essay book, designed Aurore Chauve, 4 different covers, New York (USA) Making The Pseudonym Project, design and photos by Gabriel Jones (essay book) New york (USA) The Pseudonym Project, 7 Edition prints by 7 artists including Robert Barry, Rainer Ganahl, Melanie Bonajo & Joseph Marzolla... 13”x19” (33x48,5 cm), edition of 60, Signed, New York (USA) Anonymous poster, Trojistiki series, 8,5" x 11", edition of 500. Anonymous poster, Artefact series, 8,5" x 11", edition of 500. Exhibition catalogs and books 2012 2012 2012 2011 2009 2006 2006 2002 The 3rd Contemporary Photography Competition & Exhibition at the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center. Selected by Kathy Ryan, Director of Photography of the New York Times Magazine and by Natasha Egan, Director of the Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago . American Photography 27, AI-AP, Photography award (Catalog), New York, (USA) Blatt Blað / (I)ndependent People (Book), Reykjavik Art Festival, Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik, (Island) published by Hlynur Hallsson. Noordelicht international photography festival, (catalog) Groningen (The Netherlands) Noordelicht international photography festival, (catalog) Groningen, (The Netherlands) Somewhere on Time, (catalog) Galerie Chateau D’eau (France) 16e Rencontres Photographiques du Pays de Lorient, (catalog) Galerie Le Lieu (France) “4430 Miles au compteur,” in collaboration with the writer Gonzague Verdenal, éditions Les 400 Coups (Canada) GABRIEL JONES 40 Bibliography (selected) 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2008 2007 2007 2006 2005 Jason Li, MONOCLE MAGAZINE (London), Pseudonym Project Paris /Print Party, March 8 Céline Piettre, ART INFO, (Paris), Une Print Party sous pseudonym chez Michèle Didier, March 4 LE QUOTIDIEN DE L'ART (Paris), Le Pseudonym Project / Paris lance sa Print Party, January 29. La rédaction, SLASH (Paris), Les vernissages du mois de mars, March 3rd. Camille Moulonguet, FISHEYE MAGAZINE (Paris), Album Rock, March/April issue. Damian Zimmermann, KÖLNER STADT-ANZEIGER (Cologne), Neues von Anton Corbijn, Anna Vogel, Gabriel Jones und Ralf Brög – Ein Spaziergang durch Düsseldorfer Galerien, Feb 8. Alexandra Wach, MONOPOL MAGAZINE (Berlin), Dusseldorf Photo Weekend, Feb edition. Julia Schmitz, KUNST MAGAZINE (Berlin), Wochenrückblick KW5, Feb, 1st. INDEX MAGAZINE (Dusseldorf), The Untitled Series, Dusseldorf Photo Weekend, Feb edition Lindsay Eanet, BLACK BOOK MAGAZINE (New York), POP Montreal Features Exhibition About Arcade Fire Album Art, If You're Into That, Sept 5. Christian Gattinoni, LACRITIQUE.ORG (Paris), Jeune Creation, toujours un test, nov 5th JOURNAL DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE (Paris), Paris Photo 2012: Galerie Bertrand Grimont, Nov 20 Céline Piettre, ART INFO FRANCE (Paris), Top 10: une fenêtre sur la Jeune Création. Nov7 HUFFINGTON POST (Quebec), La Québécoise Caroline Robert gagne un Grammy pour sa pochette d’Arcade Fire, feb 12. PARIS 3E LA CREATION QU'ON AIME (Paris), Brainbow: Exposition collective, july 11th, 2012 Nick Patch, GLOBAL NEWS (Canada), Montreal-based designer stunned by Grammy award for Arcade Fire album, feb 13. Émilie Côté, LA PRESSE, (Montréal), Genèse d’un GRAMMY, feb 14. Émilie Côté, LA PRESSE, (Montréal), Une Montréalaise gagne un Grammy, 12 fevrier IRHANN, Portfolio, PLATONIQUE 5 magazine, janvier, février, mars 2011. Shirine Saad, interview, Gabriel Jones, CITYist MAGAZINE (New York), December 2010, Arts special edition issue. In The Air, ART+AUCTION, (New York), "Pseudonym'ous Artists, August 26. Scott Indrisek, ART INFO, International Edition, “Why buy the New Arcade Fire Album? How About Synchronized Artwork”, August 4, 2010. Sean Michaels, THE GUARDIAN (London), Arcade Fire devise ‘synchronized artwork’ for The Suburbs”, august 4, 2010 Lauren Kelly, , PAPER MAGAZINE (New York), Gabriel Jones’ cover for the Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs is our Work of the Day August 2nd, 2010 Eliza Williams, CREATIVE REVIEW Magazine (London) Arcade Fire’s Synch Artwork, Aug 11 Stuart Thursby, APPLIED ARTS Magazine (Toronto), New Arcade Fire Album Artwork, June 14 Martin Cizmar, THE PHOENIX NEW TIMES, Behind Arcade Fire’s New Album Art, June 2. Reed Fisher, BROWARD PALM BEACH NEW TIMES, New Arcade Fire Album Cover, May 27 Gabriel Jones Portfolio, Irhann, AND I STILL MISS YOU MAGAZINE, (USA) Issue #14, 2010 Gabriel Jones Portfolio, Irhann, CARNE MAGAZINE (Buenos Aires) Karen Day, interview, Gabriel Jones, COOL HUNTING Magazine (New York), May 1st Lesauvage, Magali. “Gabriel Jones”, PARIS ART (Paris), nov 13, 2008. Walenta, Tomasz. “Silence,” FUTU MAGAZINE (Warsaw), February, 2007. Hunt, Jeremy. “Crude Metaphors,” HOT SHOE CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY MAGAZINE (London), Dec/Jan 2007. “Gabriel Jones at Priska C. Juschka Fine Art,” Manhattan Chelsea Art Galleries,, September, 2006. Anna Holtzman, Eyemazing Magazine #61, (Amsterdam), Portfolio: Gabriel Jones
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