llniversity of Al-Qadissiya / A \ Class; Three Subjecf; HeatTransfer Examiner: Dr Khaled Al-Farhany Time: 2 Hours College of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Depaftmenf \=-7<, -'/ Darer 08 /04/20,4 SecorTd Semester Exam/Firsf Round 20f3・ 20fイ Note: Dr rhru ourtriont onl, Qr: (5 marks) A hot cylinder ingot of 50 mm diameter and 200 mm long is taken out from the furnace at 800oC and dipped in water (at temperature equal to 30oC) till its temperature fall to 500oC. Then it is directly exposed to air (at temperature equal to 30oC) till its temperature falls to 100 oC. Find the total time required for the ingot to reach the temperature from 800 oC to 100 oC. When ( k=60W/m oC, Cp=260J/m oC, p=800Kg/m3, hwater=200 Wm2oC and hair=20 1ry7m2 oC). Qz: (5 marks) The components of an electronic system are located in a 1.5-mlong horizontal duct whose cross section is 20 cm * 20 cm. The components in the duct are not allowed to come into direct contact with cooling air, and thus are cooled by air at 30oC flowing over uectrrrnic '"i:fi['t' the duct with a velocity of 200 m/min.If the surface temperature 200静 ofthe ductis not to exceed 65。 C,determinethetotalpttirrating Air _、 ofthe electronic devices that can be lnounted into the d ― Please use the data below to answer this question: Air Properties at(47.5° C):v=1・ 774x10‐ 5m2/s,卜 0.02717W/m.OC, IIFtlillal.。 w: 再 =0.102*ReD° For internal flow: NuD : 0.O23 lil∼ ′C /1二讐 裁 -11 __、 レ 65° ::/ 三 ノ /15話 ツ │■ IL城 1111」リ 1/1綱 L「 IT 675 Pr1/3 * nert ● tooc Pro'a Qr: (5 marks) Consider a vertical plate of dimension 0.25 m*0.50 m atT-=20 T, =20 that is at T,=100 oC in a quiescent environment at the 'C. In the interest of minimizing heat transfer from the preferred? What plate, plate, which orientation, (A) or (B), is preferred? [----l | [l iI I I I I, r I.', II I I III r, I] ll istheconvectionheattransferfromthefrontsurfaceofllI--J* the plate when it is in the preferred Air Properties at (60° C): 卜 0。 0285W/m.OC,PFO。 709 Use:両 =0。 707*θ rL1/4 Pr1/2 orientation?. V=1.89x10 5m2/s, I l I I I I ' I■・・■ ■■ Q4: Orientation A I `U「 lenla1lon ,,`_ ientauon bB ,・ ■il,亀 (5″ α″ λリ C in a A horizontal pipe 6 m long and 12.5 cm in diameter is lnaintained at a temperature of 150。 large room where the air is 20。 C and l atmo The walls ofthe roonl are at 38。 C.Assume that ε=0。 7 for the pipe.How much heatis lost by the pipe through both convection and radiation? Usc:Air Properties at(60° C):V=1・ 89x10‐ 5m2/s,卜 0.0285W/m.° C,Pニ ー0。 709 雨 葡 石=0.53*G■ F/4 Pr・ /2 く ノ 〔 留蒻 /.′ 蒻厖ル′ Class; Three Subiecf; HeatTransfer Examiner: Dr Khaled Al-FarhanY ll niversity of Al-QadissiYa College of Engineering Time: 2 Hours Date: 08 l04l 2014 Mechanical Engineering Depaftment or Second semester Exam/FirsI Ro“ nd 20'3‐ 2014 So′ ufiors Ql: “ Bnrt ntrnlhcr. 4=li==(│)x(指 │=(1)〔 11:::) =(1)(1))=〔 A、 二 億 1せ S th■ ■ t》 .1,inl● ■γ:l thc■ Tllc lo‖ tt,■ lin卜 ぜ cュ tc● 1:11じ tl til,1● in air)nttd addittg ttucil tllat 嵐 1ヽ 1:r輿 ニ ユ 響号 )(1≧ )=0,04106 :rc雨 ■■,● c Can hC nc8:● ●1● こ■■J tu籠 ■):L● ●ry 1、 ■ 1,yc:】 lゞ │:機:i:18■ ,(tilヽ :tご lC Ft11liFCtl in警 t:● 1卜 ●● t ti:ヽ =tti、 lc r● lti:=Fd `1lcri::I,こ τ==:+て 1. oFl〔 1=゛ 1)=:=Fι =2π x ‖ca賀だむ ).ll'S “ Xll,1=機 .0314m・ ▲T■υt、 ド(■ )==A・ =ι =冗 XO.25燿 ` x筆 ,1澤 3.91'X il1 4鸞 まrittion w,lh“ ヽ rtぜ 篠 littttttrt・ 、 :だ ol 1ど ヽ rtヾ サ ::tlCく 「 lミ 11、 ill lttttter is tiVむ n :lC∞ itXd lo tillle '1` wltt・ byIScc 5僣 で ト Ftis.4・ 5) ==Xpl一 鸞 τ:] 詩 ・ 普 ●F● :、 :′ 毎心 蒙 帥 ρ貸 l(lll x:〕 :0314 =fl.099' `)X3.92'x ll1 4 x 21bf) ・ =・ 掛 鱒 :鐸 : ・ ヽ ・ ・ 時議 5"嬌 C: : ril・ ヽやヽ 壁澪 ゛集 t.● ` 襟1.0お り 11.1)'99■ 1=0.494 ●1. ヽ=朧 轟 OF. i“ ■ 1■ 1〔 華ゝ Jlせ 釧 --lr*t,-J0'C rY' S trξ v:轟 震 it■ t Willt r薇 澪 Ft 壼i tittl=智 :lt織 奪●●lett i瀑 ●1● Fi準 ▲︱・一 りヽ ■ `― Oi 1ヽ き:ヽ ●■ 卜,lS難 ● .416,, F`魔 .4.│. 礼ハ 30 X O.01:4 pX' - t$tHlx 3.91? x l0 { x ?$tt `奪 uhr:rc, 100-30 -― ・ ― 鸞 岬 ゆ象 む醐 ,', :■ .1.5。 Tt■ titl ぜ 鏡岬 ` =辞 螂 ヽ 鸞 (]r 犠鱗 / ir ilt.J.$, i- 霊 修.716 繭 轟 ::や 0凛 5 ・ ‐ n卜 y ll:lle tt'i,ぶ lヽ 書 τ=て ,寺 =:=4.'1+1ヽ ヽ =縦 民).CI事 l‐ 組 “ ) 撃5.54よ tli 3藤 9籠 量織饉機、ィ(A“ ヽ。 Q2: Pmperlies The properties of air at I atm and the film temperature ('l, + T -)/2 = (65+30)/2 = 47.5"C are (Table A-15) of k=002717W/m° C υ=1774x105m2/s Pr=07235 ArlaいiSThe Rcynolds numbcr is Rc=li22=晰 =3758x104 Using the relation for a square duct from Table 7-1, the Nusselt number is determined to be !2 Nu = = o. t oz Reo k The heat transfer coefficient is o= * D lL = 675 pr 3 ri = 0. I 02(3.758 x l0 o 5 )o-u, (0.7 23 5)t, 3 = o'ozzlz-wl* "c (t n.2) =r5.24 w/m2..c O2m Then the rate ofheat transfer fiom the duct becomes ,4 = (a x 0.2 m)(1.5 m) = Q= 1.2 m2 n4 Q, - T*) = (t s.24 W tm?..C;1 1.2 m 2 116s - 30rC : 640.0 w Q:: For minimizing heat transfer,tよ cA Gr - Nu1 sRGJdL' - 9.797 * 981● = 亘二二 :ζ?Ill:メ Grr'ln 生2」こ =1=92033x107 Pr1/2=58.3 h-kNuL L 0.0285*583 025 - 6.6W/m2K q_LAAT_ 66*025*05*80=6646レ Qq: I=Olilili=423K Free convectlon 「 ι=6● 1=20° C=293K ズrad)=α ス(■ 4_.4)=(5 669 xlo 8)π 4(tOtal)=2296+3027=5323W (。 写 =38° C=311K 125)“ )(4234_3H4)=3027W / | lz.2
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