Lecture 9: Oceanic Basalts So-called “spidergrams” – concentration normalised to estimate of “primitive mantle”. Mostly chondrite-normalised except for volatile elements Incompatible Compatible Unusual to plot major elements Rb, Sr, Nd and Sm are all incompatible during mantle melting i.e. they partition preferentially into the melt phase. Nd is more incompatible than Sm and Rb is more incompatible than Sr Source Normalised Concentration 1 Melt La Nd Sm Rb Sr Lu Residue 1 1 La Nd Sm Lu Rb Sr Low Sm/Nd ► low 143Nd/144Nd High Rb/Sr ► high 87Sr/86Sr La Nd Sm Lu Rb Sr High Sm/Nd ► high 143Nd/144Nd Low Rb/Sr ► low 87Sr/86Sr 0.5130 ε Nd = { 143Nd/144Nd 0.5120 143Nd/144Nd 143Nd/144Nd s } - 1 x 104 CHUR Residual mantle high Sm/Nd - +ve ε Nd 0.5110 0.5100 Partial melts of the mantle have lower Sm/Nd than their sources because DNd <DSm 0.5090 0.5080 0.5070 Evolves –ve ε Nd 0.5060 0.0 1.0 2.0 Time (Ga) 3.0 4.0 Concentrate solely on oceanic basalts: No possibility of sampling continental material en route to eruption – any isotopic variation observed can be safely attributed to the mantle source Two main classes of oceanic basalts: Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts – MORB Ocean Island Basalts - OIB Basalt & Source La Lu Melts have high Rb/Sr and low Sm/Nd, so evolve high 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd MORB Residues have low Rb/Sr and high Sm/Nd, so evolve low 87Sr/86Sr and high 143Nd/144Nd CHUR 143Nd/144Nd or εNd Depleted Quadrant Continental Crust Enriched Quadrant High 143Nd/144Nd – ancient LREE depletion La 87Sr/86Sr or εSr Lu Low 143Nd/144Nd – ancient LREE enrichment MORB – Relatively homogeneous source. Depleted in incompatible elements and 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd indicate ancient “time-integrated” depletion. MORB sample upper mantle that was depleted in incompatible elements by the extraction of the continental crust. Upper mantle represents the complementary reservoir from which continental crust was extracted. Source La MORB OIB Basalt Lu La Lu However, OIB magmas tend to be enriched in incompatible trace elements CHUR 143Nd/144Nd or εNd Depleted Quadrant Continental Crust Enriched Quadrant La 87Sr/86Sr or εSr Many OIB fall between CHUR and MORB implying a source that is depleted relative to CHUR but less depleted than the MORB source. Lu So, Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd observed in OIB do not reflect the “time-integrated” Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd of the OIBsource mantle represented by the isotope data. OIB – Source La Apparent paradox is mainly due to differences in the degree of partial melting. Basalt Lu LREE depleted La Lu LREE enriched If OIB represent small melt fractions than MORB, then even a relatively depleted source can yield LREEenriched melts – especially so if melting starts in the garnet field because HREE are compatible in garnet. However, isotope data still indicate that OIB sample (or preserve) a greater variety of mantle heterogeneity. OIB MORB CHUR 143Nd/144Nd Depleted Quadrant or εNd Enriched Quadrant Continental Crust 87Sr/86Sr or εSr OIB MORB Continental Crust Depleted Upper Mantle 650 km Transition Zone Primordial Lower Mantle ? ? DMM CHUR HIMU EM2 EM1 From: Hofmann, Nature 385, 219-229 (1997) OIB Andean Margin MORB IAB Well Stirred Depleted Upper Mantle Recycled Ocean Crust Less Well Stirred Ancient “streaks” And “blobs” OIB Eiler et al. (1996) Geochim Cosmochim Acta 61 2281-2293 143Nd/144Nd OIB Peridotite Massifs 87Sr/86Sr Zindler & Hart (1984) Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 14, 493-571 Continental Crust 15.70 G eo 207Pb/204Pb 15.60 ch ro n 8.5 8.4 8.3 re he p is m e H rn e r th o N Δ7/4 15.50 μ = 8.2 re e f Re ine L e nc 15.40 15.30 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 206Pb/204Pb 19.5 20.0 20.5 The DUPAL Anomaly Δ7/4 > 11 Δ7/4 > 7 Hart Nature 309, 753-757 (1984) Δ7/4>3 Mantle Models Fine scale heterogeneity Large scale layering Zindler et al (1984) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 70, 175-195 250 200 MORB 150 N OIB 100 Primordial He > 50 Ra 50 0 10 20 3He/4He (R/Ra) MORB = 8 ± 2Ra Some OIB (though by no means all) > 8 Ra 30 The Geochemical “Standard Model” Continental Crust & Lithospheric Mantle Best estimates suggest only 1/3-1/2 of mantle is depleted to form Continents. Depleted Upper Mantle Source of MORB and apparently devoid of high 3He/4He Primitive Lower Mantle Somewhere there is a source of primitive He which suggests mantle that has never melted Kárason & van der Hilst (2000) AGU Monog. 121, 277-288 Kellogg et al. Science 283, 1881-1884 (1999) A Numerical Model (Van Keken and Ballentine 1998; 1999) Formulation: 330,000 Tracers U+Th+K production of Heat, Ar and He. Degassing Phase changes and P,T dependant rheology Internal heating and U+Th concentration Secular cooling of mantle and core Benchmarks Surface heat flow Plate velocity Viscosity profile Caveat Not spherical Low effective temperature dependence No continental crust formation Mid Ocean Ridges What we think we know: The depleted upper mantle is broadly complementary to the continents. The uppermost mantle (MORB source) is fairly homogeneous and devoid of primordial He. The OIB source is more heterogeneous and includes both enriched and primordial material. Possible enriched components include subducted ocean crust, terrigeneous and pelagic sediments, delaminated continental mantle and intra-mantle differentiates. The heterogeneities need to persist for Ga to evolve their isotopic signatures. Until recently this was thought to require them to be large but this is now less clear. A source of high 3He/4He is required and this is most likely primordial mantle that has never melted. Whether this is a discrete layer or admixed into the mantle remains controversial
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