2014-2015 FALL 2014 SPRING 2015 EARLY SUMMER 2015 LATE SUMMER 2015 Intensive Weekend/Weekly Hybrid at Weekend Courses at Saint Meinrad Saint Meinrad 10:415 God and the Human Person Dr. Keith Lemna 15:426 Christian Ethics Dr. Kevin Schemenauer 30:430 Modern Church History Dr. Robert Alvis September 13-14, October 18-19, November 15-16, 2014 49:401 Human Development and Christian Maturity* Sr. Janice Bachman, OP *Please note different course dates for 49:401:September 13-14, October 25-26, November 15-16, 2014 45:435 Spiritual Direction Certificate Pre-Practicum (Class limit 12, Spiritual Direction 22:416 Book of Genesis (seminar, course limit 15) Certificate Cohort only) Fr. Damian Dietlein, OSB Dr. Damian Zynda January 28 – February 1, 2015, plus 12:405 Eucharist Fr. Thomas Richstatter, OFM practicum work through January 25, 22:425 - Old Testament Narrative and 2016 Poetry 20:300 The Biblical Foundations of Fr. Harry Hagan, OSB Spirituality (priority given to Spiritual Direction 30:420 Early Church History Dr. Kimberly Baker Certificate Cohort, class limit 12) Fr. Eugene Hensell, OSB 43:417 Grief in Pastoral Ministry Dr. Ryan LaMothe January 28 – February 1, 2015 plus January 24-25, February 21-22, online work through May 8, 2015, with March 21-22, 2015 July 13 post-course debriefing 12:414 Sacraments of Initiation Fr. Thomas Richstatter, OFM 24:435 Pauline and Johannine Literature 45:400 History of Christian Spirituality Dr. Clayton Jefford (class limit 12, priority given to Spiritual 42:405 Servant Leadership for Ministry Direction Certificate Cohort) Ms. Chris Urbanowski Fr. Adrian Burke, OSB June 8-12, 2015, plus online work 46:440 Canon Law for Ministry Ms. Linda Budney through December 11, 2015 April 18-19, May 16-17, June 13-14, 2015 05:425 Medieval Philosophy Dr. Dan Kolb 10:410 The Creed in History and Theology Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB 30:432 Women in Early Christianity* 47:415 Catholic Campus Ministry in (seminar, course limit 15) Higher Education Fr. Damian Dietlein, OSB Dr. Melanie Prejean Sullivan and Fr. *This course can fulfill the Early Church Bede Cisco, OSB History core requirement July 15-19, 2015 45:400 History of Christian Spirituality Fr. Adrian Burke, OSB 45:420 Benedictine Spirituality June 20-21, July 18-19, August 15-16, Fr. Brendan Moss, OSB 2015 July 18-22, 2015 5 November 2014 Online/Web-Hybrid/Podcast 10:340 Trinity (Online podcast course; class limit 12) Dr. Keith Lemna 12:301 Catholic Sacraments (Online course; class limit 15) Fr. Thomas Richstatter, OFM 22:304 Understanding the Old Testament Prophets as Bearers of God's Powerful Word (Online course; class limit 12) Fr. Eugene Hensell, OSB September 2 – December 12, 2014 30:340 Medieval Church History (Online podcast course; class limit 15) Dr. Christine Hernandez January 26 – May 8, 2015 15:350 Christian Ethics (Online podcast course; class limit 15) Dr. Kevin Schemenauer Dates tentative; approximately late-May through mid-August 2015-16 FALL 2015 SPRING 2016 Weekend Courses at Saint Meinrad Intensive Weekend/Weekly Hybrid at Saint Meinrad Online/Web-Hybrid/Podcast 10:410 The Creed in History and Theology Fr. Christian Raab, OSB 12:417 Liturgical Year Fr. Thomas Richstatter, OFM 30:420 Early Church History Dr. Kimberly Baker 44:425 The Catechetical Ministry Fr. Brendan Moss, OSB September 12-13, October 10-11, November 14-15, 2015 05:423 Modern Philosophy Fr. Thomas Gricoski, OSB 12:413 Catholic Sacraments Fr. Thomas Richstatter, OFM 30:415 Church Art and Architecture Fr. Harry Hagan, OSB 45:420 Benedictine Spirituality Fr. Adrian Burke, OSB January 23–24, February 27–28, March 19–20, 2016 15:425 Catholic Social Ethics Dr. Kevin Schemenauer 22:430 Pentateuch and Historical Books Faculty TBA 24:410 Old Testament Themes in New Testament Texts Dr. Clayton Jefford 43:450 Ministry to Families Dr. Ryan LaMothe EARLY SUMMER 2016 April 23–24, May 21–22, June 11–12, 2016 10:430 Ecclesiology and Ecumenism Dr. Keith Lemna 15:426 Christian Ethics TBD 24:435 Pauline and Johannine Literature Dr. Clayton Jefford 30:425 Medieval Church History Br. Matthew Mattingly, OSB June 25-26, July 23-24, August 20-21, LATE SUMMER 2016 2016 5 November 2014 22:305 Encountering the Old Testament Through Faith and History (Online course; class limit 12) Fr. Eugene Hensell, OSB 15:340 Fundamental Moral Theology Dr. Kevin Schemenauer (Online course; class limit 15) 30:320 Early Church History (Online podcast course; class limit 15) Faculty TBA August 31 – December 11, 2015 45:440 Spiritual Direction Certificate Post-Practicum (Class limit 12, Spiritual Direction Certificate Cohort only) Dr. Damian Zynda January 27 – 31, 2016 49:300 Human Development and Christian Maturity Faculty TBA (Class limit 12, priority given to Spiritual Direction Certificate Cohort) January 27-31, 2016, plus online work through May 13, 2016 10:315 God and the Human Person (Online podcast course; class limit 12) Dr. Keith Lemna 24:303 The Letters & Theology of Paul (Online course, class limit 12) Fr. Eugene Hensell, OSB January 25 – May 13, 2016 15:340 Fundamental Moral Theology (Online course, class limit 15) Faculty TBA 30:330 Modern Church History tentative (Online course; class limit 15) Faculty TBA Dates tentative; approximately late-May through mid-August 45:430 Spiritual Direction and Discernment Faculty TBA (Class limit 12, priority given to Spiritual 12:314 Sacraments of Initiation Direction Certificate Cohort) (Online course; class limit 15) July 11 – 15, 2016, plus online work Fr. Thomas Richstatter, OFM through December 9, 2016 2016-17 FALL 2016 SPRING 2017 Weekend Courses at Saint Meinrad Intensive Weekend/Weekly Hybrid at Saint Meinrad Online/Web-Hybrid/Podcast 10:410 The Creed in History and Theology Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB 22:425 - Old Testament Narrative and Poetry Fr. Harry Hagan, OSB 45:416 Thomas Merton and the Spirituality of Non-Violence Fr. Adrian Burke, OSB September 17-18, October 15-16, November 12-13, 2016 10:460 Christology Dr. Keith Lemna 15:430 Fundamental Moral Theology TBD 30:430 Modern Church History Dr. Robert Alvis or Faculty TBA 44:430 Adolescent Spirituality Fr. Brendan Moss, OSB January 21-22, February 25-26, March 25-26, 2017 12:305 Eucharist (Online course, class limit 15) Faculty TBA 22:304 Understanding the Old Testament Prophets as Bearers of God's Powerful Word (Online course; class limit 12) Fr. Eugene Hensell, OSB August 29 – December 9, 2016 20:300 The Biblical Foundations of Spirituality (priority given to Spiritual Direction Certificate Cohort, class limit 12) Intensive January residency with online work through May Fr. Eugene Hensell, OSB January 23 – 27, 2017, plus online work 12:301 Catholic Sacraments through May 12, with July 17 post-course (online; class limit 15) debriefing Fr. Thomas Richstatter, OFM 45:435 Spiritual Direction Certificate 24:300 Synoptic Gospels and Acts (Online course, class limit 15) Pre-Practicum (Class limit 12, Spiritual Direction Fr. Paul Nord, OSB Certificate Cohort only) 30:340 Medieval Church History Dr. Damian Zynda (Online course, class limit 15) January 23 – 27, 2017, plus practicum Br. Matthew Mattingly, OSB work through January 22, 2018 January 26 – May 12, 2017 12:425 Ministry to the Sick, Dying and Bereaved Fr. Tom Richstatter, OFM 30:420 Early Church History Faculty TBA EARLY 43:414 Marriage Counseling SUMMER 2017 Dr. Ryan LaMothe April 8-9, May 6-7, June 3-4, 2017 05:430 Ancient Philosophy Dr. Christopher Lutz 12:435 Sacraments of Vocation and Healing Faculty TBA 22:430 Pentateuch and Historical Books Faculty TBA 43:410 Listening In Pastoral Ministry Faculty TBA July 15-16, August 12-13, September 9-10, LATE SUMMER 2017 2017 5 November 2014 10:330 Ecclesiology and Interreligious Dialogue (Online course, class limit 15) Fr. Brendan Moss, OSB 15:350 Christian Ethics Faculty TBA Dates tentative; approximately late-May through mid-August 45:400 History of Christian Spirituality (class limit 12, priority given to Spiritual Direction Certificate Cohort) Faculty TBA July 17-21, 2017 plus online work through December 8, 2017 2017-18 Weekend Courses at Saint Meinrad FALL 2017 10:440 Trinity Dr. Keith Lemna 22:415 Prophets and Poetry Fr. Harry Hagan, OSB 24:440 Synoptics, Acts, and General Epistles Dr. Clayton Jefford 44:640 Becoming a Religion Teacher Fr. Brendan Moss, OSB September 23-24, October 21-22, November 18-19, 2017 SPRING 2018 10:410 The Creed in History and Theology Fr. Christian Raab, OSB 12:413 Catholic Sacraments Faculty TBA 15:445 Healthcare Ethics Dr. Kevin Schemenauer 30:420 Early Church History Dr. Kimberly Baker January 27-28, February 24-25, March 24-25, 2018 Intensive Weekend/Weekly Hybrid at Saint Meinrad Online/Web-Hybrid/Podcast 15:340 Fundamental Moral Theology (Online podcast course; class limit 12) Dr. Kevin Schemenauer 24:315 Gospel of John (Online course; class limit 12) Fr. Eugene Hensell, OSB August 28 – December 8, 2017 45:440 Spiritual Direction Certificate Post-Practicum (Class limit 12, Spiritual Direction Certificate Cohort only) Dr. Damian Zynda January 22 – 26, 2018 49:300 Human Development and Christian Maturity Faculty TBA (Class limit 12, priority given to Spiritual Direction Certificate Cohort) January 22 – 26, 2018, plus online work through May 11, 2018 05:425 Medieval Philosophy Dr. Christopher Lutz 30:425 Medieval Church History Br. Matthew Mattingly, OSB 30:440 American Church History Faculty TBA 45:405 Spirituality and Ecumenism Fr. Adrian Burke, OSB EARLY SUMMER 2018 April 21-22, May 19-20, June 16-17, 2018 12:405 Eucharist Fr. Tom Richstatter, OFM 15:426 Christian Ethics TBD 24:435 Pauline and Johannine Literature Dr. Clayton Jefford 43:421 Pastoral Care and Counseling Dr. Ryan LaMothe LATE SUMMER 2018 July 7-8, July 28-29, August 25-26, 2018 5 November 2014 15:345 Catholic Social Ethics (Online Podcast course; class limit 8) TBD 22:305 Encountering the Old Testament Through Faith and History (Online course; class limit 12) Fr. Eugene Hensell, OSB January 29 – May 11, 2018 12:330 Sacraments of Vocation and Healing (Online course, class limit 15) Faculty TBA 30:320 Early Church History (Online course, class limit 15) Faculty TBA Dates tentative; approximately late-May through mid-August 45:430 Spiritual Direction and Discernment Faculty TBA (Class limit 12, priority given to Spiritual Direction Certificate Cohort) July 16 – 20, 2018, plus online work through December 7, 2018 Explanation of Course Formats: Please note the descriptions below will be reviewed and updated in the 2014-2015 formation year. Weekend Course: Students begin on their reading assignments a few weeks before meeting for a class weekend at Saint Meinrad, where they are in class all day Saturday and Sunday (with a break for Mass on Sunday). They have two more such weekends, spaced roughly a month apart, between which they work on assignments. The final assignments are generally due about a week or two after the final class weekend. The weekend course counts as residential credit, and entails approximately 39 clock hours of instruction. Affordable temporary on-campus housing is available for weekend students. Because of coinciding course dates and instruction times, it is not possible to take more than one weekend, web-hybrid, or intensive weekend/weekday hybrid course per term. Online Course: Offered over the full spring or fall weekday semesters (longer than the fall and spring weekend course terms), or for a shortened intensive term in the summer, online courses are completely distance-based, asynchronous courses making use of the School’s online course management system. They generally entail weekly reading, writing, and discussion-board assignments. Web-hybrid: This format combines features from the weekend and online courses. It is an asynchronous online course held over the course of a semester. In addition, the course members meet once a month at Saint Meinrad for an all-day Saturday class session, for a total of approximately 20 clock hours of in-class instruction. Up to two web-hybrid courses count as residential credit; additional courses in the format count as distance learning. Online Podcast course: This format is based on a bricks-and-mortar course offered at Saint Meinrad, either in the regular weekday format (fall or spring semester) or a weekend course. The lectures and discussion are recorded as digital audio (and in some classes, also video) files. Distance-based students keep up with the course by downloading these files (at a convenient time within the allowed timeframe set by the professor) and doing the same assignments as the in-class students. This format is considered distance-learning rather than residential credit. Intensive Residential: The intensive residential course entails a short period of campus residency. In most cases, this will be augmented with longer-term, distance-based work. This is considered residential credit. 5 November 2014
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