Alternative Research | India [email protected] DAILY REPORT | 11 Mar 2014 Deals Report BUY Between 28/02/2014 Williamson Financial Services Ltd & PAC has bought 100000 shares of EVEREADY INDUSTRIES INDIA LTD. On 3‐12‐14 Shree Nirman Ltd has bought 553495 shares of DALMIA BHARAT LTD. Between 26/02/2014 Adventz Investments and Holdings Ltd has bought 281778 shares of TEXMACO INFRASTRUCTURE & HOLDINGS LTD. On 17/01/2014 ‐ 25/02/2014 Priya Manjari Todi has bought 27888 shares of NPR FINANCE LTD. On 3‐3‐14 Welspun Infra Developers Pvt Ltd has bought 1849773 shares of WELSPUN INDIA LTD. On 3‐3‐14 Balvantsinh C Rajput has bought 49808 shares of GOKUL REFOILS & SOLVENT LTD. Between 28/02/2014 Essar Telecom Ltd has bought 8348190 shares of AGC Networks Limited SELL Between 20/02/2014 Julie Parekh has sold 36000 shares of PRISM MEDICO AND PHARMACY LTD. Please refer to Disclosures and Disclaimers at the end of the Research Report Page 1 Alternative Research | India | Deals Report NSE Bulk Deals Date Symbol* Security Name Buy / Sell Client Name Quantity Traded Price ** 10‐Mar‐14 CANTABIL Cantabil Retail Ltd MEGHA BANSAL BUY 127333 18 10‐Mar‐14 GATI GATI Limited GAJANAN ENTERPRISES BUY 483449 74.64 10‐Mar‐14 GUJNREDVR Gujarat NRE Coke Limited GUJARAT NRE MINERAL RESOURCES LIMITED BUY 2500000 3.35 10‐Mar‐14 HANUNG Hanung Toys and Textiles RAHUL DOSHI BUY 163064 21.22 10‐Mar‐14 CANTABIL Cantabil Retail Ltd AMAR PACKAGING PVT. LTD. SELL 100000 18 10‐Mar‐14 GATI GATI Limited GAJANAN ENTERPRISES SELL 386782 74.98 10‐Mar‐14 GUJNREDVR Gujarat NRE Coke Limited BULLI COKE LIMITED SELL 1250000 3.35 10‐Mar‐14 GUJNREDVR Gujarat NRE Coke Limited GUJARAT NRE ENERGY RESOURCES LIMITED SELL 1250000 3.35 10‐Mar‐14 HANUNG Hanung Toys and Textiles RAHUL DOSHI SELL 137990 21.29 10‐Mar‐14 SANGAMIND Sangam (India) Ltd. NIDHI MERCANTILE LIMITED SELL 200000 34.05 BSE Block Deals Buy / Sell Quantity Traded Date Symbol* Security Name Client Name 3‐Oct‐14 526521 Sanghi Inds SAMRUDDHI INVESTORS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED B 2100000 14.95 3‐Oct‐14 526521 Sanghi Inds SHREENATHJI VOYAGE PRIVATE LIMITED S 2100000 14.95 Security Name Client Name 10‐Mar‐14 INDUSINDBK IndusInd Bank Ltd. HINDUJA VENTURES LIMITED BUY 470000 450 10‐Mar‐14 INDUSINDBK IndusInd Bank Ltd. HINDUJA GROUP LIMITED SELL 470000 450 Price ** NSE Block Deals Date Symbol* Buy / Sell Quantity Traded Price ** BSE Bulk Deals Buy / Sell Quantity Traded Date Symbol* Security Name Client Name 10/03/14 504629 Anil Special‐$ DEEPAK JOHRI HUF B 144318 10/03/14 504629 Anil Special‐$ DEEPHNI2 S 141820 5.74 10/03/14 531519 Ankush Finstock MANISHA NITIN SHAH B 165550 5.97 10/03/14 531519 Ankush Finstock PANKAJBHAI SHAH ANKIT S 57660 5.96 10/03/14 524606 Beryl Drugs SUDHA BIJAWAT S 53681 42.07 10/03/14 524606 Beryl Drugs SUDHA BIJAWAT B 29020 42.6 10/03/14 524606 Beryl Drugs SUNITA VIJAY S 37085 42.32 10/03/14 524606 Beryl Drugs SUNITA VIJAY B 31672 43.88 10/03/14 533267 Cantabil Retail VIJAY BANSAL (HUF) B 96787 18 10/03/14 533267 Cantabil Retail AMAR PAKAGINGS PVT LTD S 93291 18 10/03/14 509486 Caprihans India‐$ KLASSIK GARMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED S 66100 36.47 Price ** 5.75 10/03/14 536974 CAPTAIN POLY SONALI GAURAV JAIN S 72000 38.25 10/03/14 536974 CAPTAIN POLY MOHAN LAL JINDAL B 64000 38 10/03/14 530881 Century Twnty JHANSI SANIVARAPU S 20000 18.3 Page 2 Alternative Research | India | Deals Report BSE Bulk Deals Buy / Sell Quantity Traded Date Symbol* Security Name Client Name 10/03/14 530881 Century Twnty RAGHUNATH M. BALAKRISHNAN B 20000 18.25 10/03/14 530881 Century Twnty RAGHU RAM RENDUCHINTALA S 20000 18.25 10/03/14 512361 Cupid Trades SHREE CHAND KUKREJA B 6475 152.05 10/03/14 512361 Cupid Trades JITENDER KUMAR B 5000 152.05 10/03/14 512361 Cupid Trades RUPAL VIPULKUMAR PATEL S 17000 152.05 10/03/14 512361 Cupid Trades MUKESHKUMAR MANJIBHAI PATEL S 36376 152.05 10/03/14 512361 Cupid Trades CARBON CREATION S 5867 156.17 10/03/14 511668 Fact Enterprise PACHANGRE POONAM DILIP B 84101 0.95 10/03/14 531252 Farry Inds HARSHA HITESH JAVERI B 37739 10.07 10/03/14 533189 Goenka Diamond A JAIN & COMPANY PVT LTD B 1700000 2.68 10/03/14 509152 GRP MAHAVEER PRASAD JAIN HUF S 8000 936.41 10/03/14 509675 HIL GANDIV INVESTMENT PVT. LTD. B 153548 308 10/03/14 509675 HIL ACIRA CONSULTANCY PRIVATE LIMITED S 170548 308 10/03/14 534422 Looks Health ZAVERI AND CO EXPORTS B 100400 167 10/03/14 534422 Looks Health AFFLUENCE COMMODITIES PVT.LTD. S 72400 167 10/03/14 530497 Marvel Capital SHRIKANT AYODHYAPRASAD TIWARI B 25969 13.98 10/03/14 524558 Neuland Lab MALHAR TRADERS PVTATE LIMITED S 99000 260 10/03/14 524558 Neuland Lab MALHAR TRADERS PVTATE LIMITED B 99000 276.98 10/03/14 524558 Neuland Lab PINKY EXHIBITORS PRIVATE LIMITED S 99000 276.97 10/03/14 524558 Neuland Lab PINKY EXHIBITORS PRIVATE LIMITED B 99000 260 10/03/14 531272 Nikki Global SAHAY INVESTMENT SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED S 30000 202 10/03/14 531272 Nikki Global STAR GRIHA PRIVATE LIMITED B 20000 201.99 10/03/14 531272 Nikki Global EAST INDIA COMMODITIES PRIVATE LIMITED B 80000 201.97 10/03/14 505525 Parichay Invest KRUPA SANJAY SONI B 23600 19 10/03/14 505525 Parichay Invest DHIREN DHARAMDAS AGRAWAL HUF S 9253 19 10/03/14 505525 Parichay Invest AMITKUMAR RAMESHCHANDRA RANA S 9400 19 10/03/14 511734 Pasupati Fin RASILABEN SURESHCHANDRA MODI S 32900 5.06 10/03/14 511734 Pasupati Fin SUMTICHANDRA NATHUBHAI SAVLA B 38945 5.06 10/03/14 535658 Pawansut Holdings SACHIN KUMAR B 65400 193 10/03/14 537573 POLYMAC GUINESS CORPORATE ADVISORS PRIVATE LIMITED S 32000 35.5 10/03/14 513613 PRESHA MET MANSI SHARE & STOCK ADVISORS PRIVATE LIMITED B 260270 43.17 10/03/14 513613 PRESHA MET V C BANSAL S 109000 43.1 10/03/14 513613 PRESHA MET PARVEEN BANSAL (HUF) S 109000 43.1 10/03/14 526193 Royal Cushion‐$ BJD SECURITIES PVT. LTD B 78000 3.76 10/03/14 526193 Royal Cushion‐$ BHARATI BHARAT DATTANI S 75000 3.76 10/03/14 526521 Sanghi Inds SAMRUDDHI INVESTORS SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED B 2100000 14.95 10/03/14 526521 Sanghi Inds SHREENATHJI VOYAGE PRIVATE LIMITED S 2100000 14.95 10/03/14 507894 Schablona India CD FINVEST PRIVATE LIMITED B 15905 11.95 10/03/14 507894 Schablona India CHANDRAVADAN DESAI S 15905 11.95 10/03/14 530219 SHREEYASH VISHNU MARUTI RAMANE B 42071 13.65 10/03/14 530867 Suryanagri Fin REGAL DEALMARK PRIVATE LIMITED S 100000 47.42 * Symbol: NSE Symbol / BSE Code ** Price: Trade Price / Wghtd Average Price Page 3 Price ** Alternative Research | India | Deals Report This is a technical / derivatives / alternative research report prepared by our analysts based on their study of certain charts, statistical data and their interpretation of the same. Accordingly, the views and opinions expressed in this document may or may not match or may be contrary at times with the views, estimates, rating, target price of the other research reports / materials issued by PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd. This report is issued by PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd. which is regulated by SEBI. PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Phillip (Mauritius) Pvt. Ltd. References to "PCIPL" in this report shall mean PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd unless otherwise stated. This report is prepared and distributed by PCIPL for information purposes only and neither the information contained herein nor any opinion expressed should be construed or deemed to be construed as solicitation or as offering advice for the purposes of the purchase or sale of any security, investment or derivatives. The information and opinions contained in the Report were considered by PCIPL to be valid when published. 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Certain securities may give rise to substantial risks and may not be suitable for certain investors. Each investor must make its own determination as to the appropriateness of any securities referred to in this research report based upon the legal, tax and accounting considerations applicable to such investor and its own investment objectives or strategy, its financial situation and its investing experience. The value of any security may be positively or adversely affected by changes in foreign exchange or interest rates, as well as by other financial, economic or political factors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance or results. 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