Overall Performance and Rating of Banks Under FHES Model 9 OVERALL PERFORMANCE AND RATING OF BANKS UNDER FHES MODEL Over-all performance of banks means the composite performance of banks in all the eight major parameters selected for the study, such as Capital adequacy, Asset quality, Managerial efficiency, Earnings quality, Liquidity position, Growth rates, Social banking, and Customer satisfaction. The performance of banks in each parameter is studied on the basis of the average of the ranks obtained for all the sub-parameters (ratios used). All the major parameters are grouped under three heads, namely, Financial health and soundness, Efficiency and Social banking performance. Figure.1 shows the grouping of the major indicators. 315 Chapter -9 Financial Health and Soundness (FH) Weightage 40% Efficiency (E) Weightage 50% Social Banking Performance (S) Weightage 10% Fig.9.1 FHES Model In the present chapter, an attempt is made to evaluate the overall performance of selected banks using the overall evaluation model developed by the researcher, known as FHES Model (Financial Health and Soundness, Efficiency and Social Banking Performance Model) by incorporating all the major indicators. The performance is analysed under three heads. 9.1 Financial health and Soundness Performance under this head is the aggregate of Capital Adequacy, Asset quality, Growth Performance and Liquidity performance. Firstly the mean of the ranks obtained by banks in all the ratios under each indicator is calculated and then the average ranks for all the four indicators are computed and, on the basis of the size of the average rank, the performance under this head is assessed. The lower the average rank, the better the performance of the bank. 316 Overall Performance and Rating of Banks Under FHES Model Table 9.1 shows the ranks of selected banks in various financial health indicators. Table 9.1 Financial health and Soundness of banks Sl. N o Bank/ indicator ranks C A 1 SBI 4.00 4. 4 4. 6 4. 2 4. 0 6. 4 3. 8 3. 6 3. 8 2 SBT 2.50 3 PNB 3.75 4 BOB 5.00 5 BOI 4.50 6 7 8 CB ICICI HDFC 4.50 5.75 6.00 L G Total Average rank Banks’ positio n FH 3.00 7.33 18.73 4.68 VII 5.25 5.33 17.68 4.42 V 4.75 3.66 16.36 4.09 II 3.50 6.16 18.66 4.66 VI 6.00 5.50 22.40 5.60 VIII 3.75 5.00 17.05 4.26 III 4.25 1.16 14.76 3.69 I 5.50 1.83 17.13 4.28 IV Source: Data Analysis The financial health and soundness of ICICI Bank Ltd is better than that of all the other banks, followed by PNB. The position of all the public sector banks irrespective of the group they belong to is more or less the same, except for Bank of India (BOI). BOI is placed in the last position among the eight banks. This is mainly due to poor performance in Asset quality and Liquidity. 9.2 Efficiency of banks The efficiency of banks is ascertained by incorporating three major parameters, namely, Managerial Efficiency, Earnings Quality, and Customer service and Satisfaction. The efficiency performance implies the extent of 317 Chapter -9 efficiency of the banks in relation to their productivity, profitability, operational performance, managerial competency and quality of customer service and satisfaction. The performance in other areas depends on the efficiency factors. A firm can attain better capital adequacy position, asset quality, better liquidity and high growth rates, sufficient funds for meeting the requirements of the priority sector and act as a fuel for the growth and development of the social sector and the economy as a whole only through high efficiency. The performance of banks in each indicator is assessed and the overall efficiency is measured on the basis of the average of ranks for all the three efficiency indicators. Figure 2 and Table 9.2 show the major areas considered under the efficiency indicator and the efficiency position of banks respectively. 318 Overall Performance and Rating of Banks Under FHES Model Fig.9.2. Managerial efficiency, Earnings quality and Customer satisfaction Indicators 319 Chapter -9 Table 9.2 Efficiency of Banks Ranks Sl. No Banks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SBI SBT PNB BOB BOI CB ICICI HDFC ME EQ C.S 6.00 4.12 6.00 5.25 4.50 3.00 2.00 3.63 Source: Data Analysis 6.87 3.50 4.62 4.75 4.75 4.12 4.12 3.25 5.10 5.80 3.40 6.40 5.10 4.70 2.40 2.10 Total Average rank Banks position E 17.97 13.42 14.02 16.40 14.35 11.82 9.72 8.98 5.99 4.47 4.67 5.46 4.78 3.94 3.24 2.99 VIII IV V VII VI III II I It is seen from Table 9.2 that HDFC Bank Ltd is the most efficient among the selected banks, followed by ICICI Bank Ltd. PNB, CB and SBT also perform well whereas the performance of BOB, SBI and BOI is not satisfactory. 9.3 Social banking performance Banks are financial warehouses and so they have the responsibility to meet the needs of urban as well as rural people, corporate houses and agriculturists, educated and uneducated, big business houses and small scale industrial units, etc. They should try to extend banking facilities to all, channelise the funds to productive sectors and pave the way for the development of the nation. Under this indicator, the researcher compares the social banking performance of banks mainly between the public sector banks and the new generation private sector banks. Table 9.3 shows the position of banks in this indicator. 320 Overall Performance and Rating of Banks Under FHES Model Table 9.3 Social banking performance of banks Sl.No Bank 1 SBI 2 SBT 3 PNB 4 BOB 5 BOI 6 CB 7 ICICI Bank Ltd 8 HDFC Bank Ltd Source: Data Analysis Social Commitment Ranks Banks’ position 4.33 2. 67 2.33 5.00 5.67 4.00 5.00 5.33 IV II I V VII III V VI Though the new generation banks outscored other banks in the first two indicators, their performance is not up to the mark in social banking performance. It is seen that PSB lends more money to the priority sector and has opened more number of branches in rural areas. The Punjab National Bank has performed well in social banking, followed by SBT. The performance of CB and SBI is also good, but that of other banks (BOI, HDFC Bank Ltd, ICICI Bank Ltd. and BOB) is comparatively poor. 9.4 Overall performance of banks under FHES Model The overall performance of banks under the FHES Model is the aggregate of the performance scores (ranks) under each of the three FHES indicators, after assigning due weightage to each component on the basis of its importance. A weightage of 40 is assigned for FH, 50 for E and 10 for S. The ranks in each indicator are multiplied by respective weights and then the total weighted rank is computed. Again the total weighted average rank is calculated by dividing total weighted rank by 100 (total weight). On the basis of the average weighted rank, the FHES ranks are assigned and the banks are rated. The lower the average weighted score, the better the performance of the bank. 321 Overall Performance and Rating of Banks Under FHES Model WT WTD.RANK E WT WTD.RANK S WT. Total Wtd. Rank (3+6+9) 10 Total wtd. Av. Rank 1 SBI 7 40 280 8 50 400 4 10 40 720 7.20 VIII 2 SBT 5 40 200 4 50 200 2 10 20 420 4.20 V 3 PNB 2 40 80 5 50 250 1 10 10 340 3.40 IV 4 BOB 6 40 240 7 50 350 5 10 50 640 6.40 VI 5 BOI 8 40 320 6 50 300 7 10 70 690 6.90 VII 6 CB 3 40 120 3 50 150 3 10 30 300 3.00 III 7 ICICI 1 40 40 2 50 100 5 10 50 190 1.90 I 8 HDFC 4 40 160 1 50 50 6 10 60 270 2.70 II FHES RANK Bank WTD.RANK Sl No FH Table 9.4 FHES Model - Overall performance rating of banks Source: Data Analysis It is obvious from Table 9.4 that the two new generation private sector banks selected for the study, shared the top ranks i.e., ICICI Bank Ltd, (Wtd. Av. Rank 1.90) is the best bank followed by HDFC Bank Ltd (Wtd. Av. Rank 2.70) in terms of overall performance under FHES Model. They are rated as the best banks. Canara Bank comes third with a score of 3.00; PNB comes fourth with a score of 3.40. SBT has the fifth position with a score of 4.70. The performance of SBI, BOI and BOB is very poor compared to the other banks. SBI lies in the last position with an average score of 7.20. Banks of the new generation private sector banks group (NGPB) are the best banks; it is the best group, and the best sector in overall performance. Table 9.5 shows the ranks of banks, the group and sector they belong to. 323 Chapter -9 Table 9.5 Ranks of banks under FHES Model Rank Bank I ICICI BANK LTD II HDFC BANK LTD Bank Grou Banking category p NGP NEW GENERATION B PRIVATE SECTOR NGP BANKS (NGPB) B III CANARA BANK ONB IV PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK (PNB) V STATE BANK OF TRAVANCORE (SBT) ONB PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS (PSB) SBG VI BANK OF BARODA (BOB) ONB VII BANK OF INDIA (BOI) ONB VIII STATE BANK OF INDIA ( SBI) SBG Source: Data Analysis The details of the performance of selected banks, bank groups and bank sectors in each ratio under the different indicators of study are given below. Table 9.6 Ratio-wise performance of banks, bank groups and bank sectors CRAR HDFC NGPB BEST SECTO R NGPB TIER I CRAR HDFC NGPB NGPB TIER II CRAR CB ONB PSB DER SBT SBG PSB Adv .to TA SBT ONB PSB Inv. in GS to TI SBT SBG PSB INDICATOR CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIOS OVERALL CAPITAL ADQUACY ASSET QUALITY 324 BEST BANK BEST GROUP SBT FOLLOWED BY PNB NNPA to TA ICICI NGPB NGPB NNPA to NA HDFC NGPB NGB TI to TA HDFC SBG NGPB Overall Performance and Rating of Banks Under FHES Model GROWTH PERFORMAN CE LIQUIDITY MANAGERIA L EFFICIENCY %ge Change in NPA SBT SBG PSB PC to TA ICICI NGPB NGPB OVERALL ASSET QUALITY ICICI Bank Ltd FOLLOWED BYCB AND HDFC Growth in Deposits ICICI NGPB NGPB Growth in Advances ICICI NGPB NGPB Growth in Investments ICICI NGPB NGPB Growth in Equity ICICI NGPB NGPB Growth in Business HDFC NGPB NGPB Growth in Total assets ICICI NGPB NGPB OVERALL GROWTH PERFORMANCE ICICI FOLLOWED BY HDFC LA to DD and SD ICICI NGPB NGPB LA to TD SBI NGPB NGPB Inv. in G.S to TA SBT SBG PSB Inv .in AS to TA PNB ONB PSB OVERALL GROWTH LIQUIDITYPERFORMANCE SBI FOLLOWED BYBOB CDR ICICI NGPB NGPB PPE ICICI NGPB NGPB BPE ICICI NGPB NGPB ROE SBT SBG PSB OE to TE SBT SBG PSB WB to TE ICICI NGPB NGPB PPB ICICI NGPB NGPB BPB ICICI NGPB NGPB MANGERIALCOMPETE NCE SBT FOLLOWED BY CB EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY ICICI FOLLOWED BY HDFC BRANCH PRODUCTIVITY ICICI FOLLOWED BY HDFC OPERATING EFFICIENCY ICICI FOLLOWED BY CB OVERALL MANAGERIAL EFFICIENCY OP to WF ICICI FOLLOWED BY CB HDFC NGPB NGPB 325 Chapter -9 EARNINGS QUALITY SOCIAL BANKING PERFORMAN CE CUSTOMER SATISFACTIO N 326 OE to TI SBT ONB PSB B to II ICICI NGPB NGPB Growth IN NP ICICI NGPB NGPB NIM HDFC NGPB NGPB ROA HDFC NGPB NGPB II to WF SBT SBG PSB NII to TI ICICI NGPB NGPB OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE SBT & CB FOLLOWED BY BOI & ICICI PROFITABILITY HDFC FOLLOWED BY SBT,ICICI & BOB SOURCE OF EARNINGS HDFC FOLLOWED BY SBT OVERALL EARNINGS QUALITY PERFORMANCE HDFC BANK LTD FOLLOWED BY SBT RASU to TB SBT SBG PSB PSA to TADV. PNB SBG PSB GROWTH IN PSA ICICI NGPB NGPB OVERALL SOCIAL BANKING PERFORMANCE PNB FOLLOWED BY SBT UPKKEP OF PREMISES AND INFRASTRUCTURAL FACILITIES ICICI STAFF ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOUR HDFC CREDIT SERVICES HDFC SPEED HDFC CHARGES BOI TECHNOLOGY-BASED SERVICES HDFC SERVICES AND PRODUCTS HDFC CUSTOMER AWARENESS AND EDUCATION ICICI CUSTOMER FEEDBACK SYSTEM ICICI OVERALL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION HDFC FOLLOWED BY ICICI AMONG BANK GROUPS SBG - SBI ONB –PNB NGPB – HDFC Bank Ltd Overall Performance and Rating of Banks Under FHES Model CUSTOMER GRIEVANCES REDRESS MECHANISM OVERALL HDFC FINANCIAL HEATH AND SOUNDNESS FH ICICI FOLLOWED BY PNB EFFICIENCY E HDFC FOLLOWED BY ICICI SOCIAL BANKING S PNB FOLLOWED BY SBT OVERALL PERFORMANCE UNDER FHES MODEL ICICI BANK LTD followed by HDFC BANK LTD Among SBG- SBT Among ONB- CB Among NGPB- ICICI Bank Ltd …..….. 327
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