Datasheet Raissecom Techn nology Co., Lttd iTN2 2100 Mu ulti Serv vices PTTN Platfo orm iTN21 100 is a real new generattion Packet Transport T Neetwork platform with dual core architecture a ffor both Ethe ernet and TD DM traffic dellivery. It proviides up to 4x10G G or 8xGE and d 4xSTM-16/4 4/1 on the lin ne side, proviides both of EoTDM E and TDM pseudo p wire ffunction, and various tributary interfacees at the clien nt side. Thereffore, iTN2100 0 is suitable for f deploymen nt in public/pprivate and uttility networks s as a unified u multise ervice accesss solution. Extended capacitties based EoTDM/PWE E E3 function modules en nsure flexible e handling of both Ethernet trafffic over TDM M up to 201 16 VCGs, and d TDM traffic over Ethernet/ E MPLS-TP scen narios up to 2268 bunddles based on o 64kps.The e consisstent require ements for security, s relia ability and reesiliency are e met by dua al types of 10G/GE and STM-16 6/4/1 uplink ks, also the ITU-T G.803 32/8031. Full hardw ware redunda ancy guaran ntees maxim mum system uptime. Nettwork service e function modules can carry either e fiber or o copper baased diversiffied business conne ections as well as mobile m back khaul appliccations. iTN N2100 is a cost-e effective solu ution, contrib buting to smo ooth technoloogy evolution n from legacy to nexxt generation n access/tra ansport. In ad ddition, all im mplemented services can be shifted to MPLLS-TP core ne etworks without any interrference. Mo oreover, since e there is no need tto change the system, ca arriers and ooperators can n save CAPEX X and efforts e on de evice implem mentations further. f As 3 3G/LTE netw works quickly enter into view, iTTN2100 also supports SyyncE and PTP P (IEEE1588vv2) for timing signal generation,, distribution and termina ation. iTN210 00 integrate es a complete e suite of traditiona al transport and accesss devices ass sub-cards into a single e unified platform,, which eliminates co ountless faailure pointss for cable e conne ectivity. iTN21000 Multi Servicces Access Pllatform High hlights Dual cores archiitecture A Adopt IP and TDM dual coores design, support 10G G, GE and STM M16, STM4, STM1 uplink k. Vario ous servicess P Provide STM1 1、FiberMUXX、DS3、E3、E1、FE、FX X、V.35、V.2 24、G.SHDSL L.bis servicess access. Synchronization n over Carrier Ethernett C Compliant with ITU-T G.826 62 (SyncE) for frequency synchronizatioon; Static c MPLS S Support staticc MPLS as a P Provider Edge e (PE) device Easy Managem ment M Management t via Telnet, C CLI, SNMP Raisecom Technology T Co., Ltd. Raisecom USA Headquarrter 3031 North Rocky Point D Drive West Harborview w Building, Suitte 100 Tampa, Flo orida 33607 US SA C Compliant with IEEE 1588--2008 (PTP) for f phase and d frequency syynchronizatio on Tel: + +86 10 8288 3305 Fax: +86 10 8288 3056 Emaail: [email protected] Webb: Copyright@ @1999-2011 All rights reserved r Technical information is subjected to change e without notice e Datasheet Raissecom Techn nology Co., Lttd Typic cal Applic cation Figure.1 Dual Netw works Dual Cores and d Various Services Ag ggregation n Raisecom Technology T Co., Ltd. Raisecom USA Headquarrter 3031 North Rocky Point D Drive West Harborview w Building, Suitte 100 Tampa, Flo orida 33607 US SA Tel: + +86 10 8288 3305 Fax: +86 10 8288 3056 Emaail: [email protected] Webb: Copyright@ @1999-2011 All rights reserved r Technical information is subjected to change e without notice e Datasheet Raissecom Techn nology Co., Lttd Fea atures Slot distribution Totally 15 slots, 1 for NMS moddule, 2 for po ower module, 2 for 10G/GE uplink module and 2 for SDH upli nk module, 8 or o 10 for tributary module Capa acity Totally 4x10G or 8xxGE and 4 STM M16*/4/1 SDH H uplink ports Totally 128xGE /8 80xFX /40xSTM M1 /30xDS3 or E3 electrical or optical /320 0xE1 electrical /40xFiberMuxx /80 Ethernet interfaces at tributary links 8 VC4 4 at each aggregation slot 1 VC4 4 and 2 GE at each tributary slot, while 4 VC4 at the 2nd &4th slots IP features f Supp port Link Aggreg gation functionn 4K 802.1q VLAN an nd Q-in-Q (doubble tag) Transsparent forwarding of BPDU, LACP and IEEE E802.1x frames QoS support s SP,WR RR,SP+WR Supp port OAM 802.3 3ah,802.3agg Supp port broadcast storm control Supp port GE Etherne et ring Accesss control lists (ACLs) Crosss connection Four levels cross co onnection grannularity: 64K、VC12、VC3、VC4 20x2 20 VC4 (STM1 1 card) or 32 2x32 VC4 (STM M4 card) cros ss connection capacity 48x4 48 E1 cross con nnection capaccity at 64kbps function via DX XC card VC12 2 cross connecction between aall tributary units and aggreg gation unit and the cross connecction directionn support biidirectional 、 unidirectional dcast and loop pback broad Prote ection Redu undant protectiion of switch & SDH aggregattion cards Redu undant protectiion of EoTDM ccards Redu undant protectiion of PWE3 caards Redu undant protectiion of multiservvice FiberMux cards Redu undant AC and DC power sup plies G.81 131 MPLS-TP Liner and wrappping & steering g MPLS-TP ring protection ITU-TT G.8032/G.80 031 Ethernet ri ng/line protecttion 1+1 MSP and 1+1 LPP and SNCP P protection at aggregation slots 1+1 MSP protection n at 2nd and 4 4th tributary slo ots The protection p switching time is leess than 50 mss Supp port auto\force\manual switcching and lock mode Supp port revertive and nonrevertivve protection sw witch mode The protection p switch revertive tim me is configura able Ethernet Clock Supp port Synchronous Ethernet (SY SYNC-E) Supp port IEEE 1588 8-2008 BC and TC mode Supp port 2Mbit/2MH Hz external cloock on switch card c Raisecom Technology T Co., Ltd. Raisecom USA Headquarrter 3031 North Rocky Point D Drive West Harborview w Building, Suitte 100 Tampa, Flo orida 33607 US SA Tel: + +86 10 8288 3305 Fax: +86 10 8288 3056 Emaail: [email protected] Webb: Copyright@ @1999-2011 All rights reserved r Technical information is subjected to change e without notice e Datasheet Raissecom Techn nology Co., Lttd SDH Clock STM4 4/1 optical porrt line clock 2Mbiit/2MHz extern nal clock withinn clock sub-carrd Supp port SSM protocol Management featu ures Telne et/CLI/SNMP(vv1/v2/v3) In-ba and and out-of-band network management channel c In-ba and network ma anagement chaannel support Ethernet ring function f Supp port Ethernet bridge Supp port RIP protoco ol Supp port NAT and NAPT Supp port pre-configu uration of serviice End to t end manage ement Disco over the topolo ogy automaticaally Spe ecification ns Complianc C ces SNMP P and Connecttor type: RJ45 Sttandards & ITU-T G G.707 NM-EX XT Port Standarrd: 10/100Basse-Tx prrotocols ITU-T G G.781 10/100 0Mbps Auto-negotiation ITU-T G G.782 Conso ole port connecttor type: RJ45 ITU-T G G.783 config guration complie es with RS232 standard ITU-T G G.784 9600bp ps/8bit/none parity/1 p ITU-T G G.803 7U high chassis (with a FAN) ITU-T G G.813 480mm m×248mm×3 311mm (W×D ×H) ITU-T G G.825 < 10Kg (chassis) ITU-T G G.826 <0.5Kg (NMS card) ITU-T G G.831 Power supply DC Power supply optio on ITU-T G G.841 Power consumption ≤ 300W W (at max load) ITU-T G G.842 ≤10W (N NMS card) ITU-T G G.957 Temp: -5 5 ~ 50 Celsius ITU-T G G.958 Dimen nsion Weigh ht nt Workiing environmen RH:10 ~ 90% non-condensing Ord dering Info ormation iTN2100-12-A iTN N2100-12-A chassis with 15 sslots and 1xFA AN, without pow wer supply iTN2100-NMS SNMP NMS modu ule in iTN2100 0, provide management and control c functionn for the whole e system Raisecom Technology T Co., Ltd. Raisecom USA Headquarrter 3031 North Rocky Point D Drive West Harborview w Building, Suitte 100 Tampa, Flo orida 33607 US SA Tel: + +86 10 8288 3305 Fax: +86 10 8288 3056 Emaail: [email protected] Webb: Copyright@ @1999-2011 All rights reserved r Technical information is subjected to change e without notice e
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