FR Y-6 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ro OMB Number 7100-0297 Approval expires December 31 2015 Page 1of2 JUN 2 7 2014 Annual Report of Holding Companies-FRY By Report at the close of business as of the end of fiscal year This Report is required by law: Section 5(c)(1 )(A) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. § 1844 (c)(1)(A)), Section 8(a) of the International Banking Act (12 U.S.C. § 3106(a)), Sections 11(a)(1), 25 and 25A or the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. §§ 248(a)(1). 602, and 611a). Section 211.13(c) or Regulation K (12 C.F.R. § 211 13(c)), and Section 225.5(b) of Regulation Y (12 C.F R. § 225.5(b)) and section 10(c)(2)(H) of the Home Owners' Loan Act Return to the appropnate Federal Reserve Bank the original and the number of copies specified. This report form is to be filed by all top-tier bank holding compa nies and top-tier savings and loan holding companies organized under U S. law, and by any foreign banking organization that does not meet the requirements of and 1s not treated as a qualify ing foreign banking organization under Section 211.23 of Regulallon K (12 C.F.R. § 211.23) (See page one of the general instructions for more detail of who must file ) The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and an organization (or a person) 1s not required to respond to, an information collection unless1t displays a currently valid OMB control number NOTE The Annual Report of Holding Companies must be signed by one director of the top-tier holding company This 1nd1v1dual should also be a senior official of the top-tier holding company. In the event that the top-tier holding company does not have an Date of Report (top-tier holding company's fiscal year-end) December 31, 2013 Month I Day I Year 1nd1v1dual who 1s a senior official and 1s also a director. the chair man of the board must sign the report Reporter's Name, Street, and Mailing Address United Community Bancshares, Inc. 1. Jim McMahon ---- Name of the H ol din g Company Directorand Official legal TiUe of Holding Company CEO & President 385 Waukegan Road T1Ue o f the Holding Comp an y Director and Official (Mailing Address of the Holding Company) Street I PO Box attest that the Annual Report of Holding Companies (including Northbrook IL 60062 the supporting attachments) for this report date has been pre City State Zip Code pared in conformance with the instructions issued by the Federal Reserve System and are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. i ln i g address) Physical locat ion (1fd11ferent from ma With respect to information regarding individuals contained in this Person to whom questions about this report should be directed. report, the Reporter certifies that 11 has the aulhonty to provide this Gerard Buccino CFO Name T1Ue information to the Federal Reserve. The Reporter also certifies that 1/ has the authonty on bohalf of each ind1v1dual, to consent or ob1ect to public release of information regarding that ind1v1dual The Federal Reserve may assume, in the absence of a request for 847-267-1331 Area Code I Phone Number confidential treatment submitted in accordance with the Board's 847-267-1441 "Rules Regarding Ava1lab1l1ty of Information.· 12 C.FR Part 261, Area Code � that the Reporter and individual consent to public release of all detatls in e reportc c ng that _ olding Company Director and - Date of Signature / /, Z��, / t..I { I FAX Numbe E-mail Address Address (URL) for the Hol d i ng Compa ny's web page Does the reporter request confidential treatment submission? Indicate status of Annual Repon to Shareholders 0 Yes IS included With the rR Y-6 report r [email protected] For holding companies not registered with the SEC- 0 C8:I 0 I Extension for any portion of this Please identify the report items to which this request applies will be sent under separate cover O In accordance with the instructions on pages GEN-2 Is not prepared and 3. a letter iusllfying the request1s being provided. For Federal Reserve Bank Use Only RSSDID C.I. Ljl) � 7�9f O The information for which confidential treatment 1s sought 1s being submitted separately labeled "Confidential " l8J No Public rcporung burden for lhi s 1nlormauon collection is estimated 10 vary fr om 1.3 o l 101 hours per response. W11h an a vorag o of 5 25 hou1s per response. 1ndudlng l une 10 galherand mruntam data 1n the required formand 10 review onsll"U c bons and complete !he 1nfoima11on cotloctoon Send comment s regarding lh11 burden esuma to or any olheraspect of this coftoct1on of 1nformauon lndud ing sug ge stoont !or reducing lh1s burden to Secrolary, Boa1d of Governors of the roderal Reserve Sys1em, 20thand Ott1co of Managementand Budget. Paperwork Reduchon Pro1ect (7100-0297). wash1ng1on, OC 20503 C Streets. N w. W..shlngton. OC 20551 . and 10 the 12/2012 ; FR Y-6 Page 2 of 2 For Use By Tiered Holding Companies Top-tiered holding companies must fist the names, mailing address, and physical locations of each of their subsidiary !Jo/ding con1panies below. Legal Title of Subsidiary Holding Company Legal Title of Subsidiary Holding Company (Mailing Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street I P.O. Box (Mailing Address of the Subs1d1ary Holding Company) Street I P.O Box City City State Zip Code State Zip Code ---------- ------ Physical location (if different from mailing address) Physical location (if different from mailing address) Legal Title of Subsidiary Holding Company Legal Title of Subsidiary Holding Company (Mailing Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street I P.O. Box (Ma1l1ng Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street I P.O. Box City State Zip Code City State Zip Code Physical location (if different from mailing address) Physical location {If different from mailing address) Legal Title of Subsidiary Holding Company Legal Title of Subsidiary Holding Company {Mailing Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street I P.O. Box {Mailing Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street I City City State Zip Code State p_Q Box Zip Code Physical location (1f different from mailing address) Physical location (if different from mailing address) Legal Tille of Subsidiary Holding Company Legal Title of Subsidiary Holding Company (Mailing Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street I P.O. Box (Ma1l1ng Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street I P.O. Box City State Physical location (if different from mailing address) Zip Code City State Zip Code Physical location (if different from mailing address) 1212012 •• Form FR Y-6 United Community Bancshares, Inc. Northbrook, Illinois Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2013 Report Item# 1: The bank holding company prepares an annual report for its Shareholders This will be submitted under separate cover. Report Item# 2: State of Incorporation Organizational Chart United Community Bancshares. Inc. (Delaware) 385 Waukegan Road NorthBrook, 1160062 100% CenTrust Bank, NA (Illinois) 385 Waukegan Road NorthBrook, 1160062 1 OOo/o CTB Real Estate Holdings, LLC (CenTrust Bank, Non Managing) 385 Waukegan Road NorthBrook, 1160062 (Illinois) Resulb; A llsl of branches lor your holding company: UNITED COMMUNITY BANCSHARES INC. (4087894) or NORTHBROOK, IL The data are as of 12131/2013. Data reneets ln!ormal!on that was 1ecelved and processed through 04/0712014. Reconcll!atlon and Verification Steps 1. ln the Data Acllon column of each branch /OW, enter one or more ofihe aet!ons speclfied below. 2 JI required, enter the dale In the Effective Date column. Actlo11s OK! II the branch 111!ormatlon Is couect, enter'qK' ln the Data Actlo11 column. Change: If the branch Information [s lncouecl or lncompl�!e, revise the data, en!er'Change' In the Data Action column and \he date.When lhls Information became val!d In the E!fcctlva Date column. Close:· I! a branch listed was sold or closed, enler'Close' fn lh�.D ala Action column and the sale or closure dale In the Effective Dale column. Delete: If a branch !isled was never awned by this ·�epasitory Institution, enter'Delete' In the Data. Action column. Add: If a reportable branc� Is !ns �· row, add !he .b� nch dale, and enler'Add' Jn the Oaf fl, ctr on , lumn and the ope lng or acquisition date In the Elfectlve Date column. � iri{��.!ng, �t . . � � � JI printing t�ls list, ynu may needJo ad/usl.y�ur page setup 111 MS .�el. Try usfng landscape orientation, page scaling, and/or legal sized paper. Submission Procedure , . _ . When you are finlshed,-send a sa'{ed �cipy Jo your fRB contacLSee the detailed Instructions on lhls site far more lnrormal!an. !{you are e·malllng th!Sto your f�B·conla(:,t, eutyour lnstitulton nam".e, city and stale In \he sub/eel. line of the e-mail _ Note: To satisfy the FR y.10 reporting requirements, you must i!.!so s�bmlt FR Y�l-0 Domestic Branch Scliedules for each branch with a Data Action al Cha11ge, Close, Delete, or Add. The FR Y·10 report may be subm1tted In a hard copy format or via _the FR Y-10 Online appllcatlon-, •FDIC UNINUM, Office Number, and lD_RSSD columns are for refe1ence only. Veri fication of these values Is no\ required. Oat�'Aollon· Effectlve·oatel Branch Service T pe OK 1213112013 Ful! Service Head Office) Branch 10 RSSD' Po ular Name CENTRUST BANK, NATIONAL 3377235 ASSOCIATION Street Address C!ty 385 WAUKEGAN ROAD NORTHBROOK lL FDIC UNINUM' Office Number' Head Office CENTRUST BANK. NATIONAL O ASSOCIATION 440820 Head Office JO RSSO' 3377235 Comments Form FR Y-6 United Community Bancshares. Inc. Fiscal Year Ending December, 31, 2013 Report lte,11 3 Sr.areholders (1)1a)(b)(cl and {2l{a){b)lcl Snareho'der not l1s'.ed 1n 3( 1 :(a) th·o�gh 3._1 )�C) that had ow::eish:p control Current Shareholders with ownershp, control or holdings of 5% or more or hold11gs of 5% or more with power to vote during tl"ie fiscal year ending w1:h oower to vote as of f1cal vear end 12/31:'12 12/3112012 {li(a) Name & Address (Ctty, State. Country) (1)(b) (1)\CJ Count:y of c1t1zenst",ip Number and Percentage of (2)(a ) Name Each Class of Voting (City , State Country) or Incorporation Securities Evergreen Equ t:es Aurora, LLC Mer;to lnvestmer.ts LLC �Vo0Cr1dge, IL EC-5147 1, 1889,526 Corn:nor. sha·es 8 66°;, USA IL EC147 Rcbe1 M Beavers Jr vvood·1dge, • USA ll cos:s Voting 939.263 Ccmrr.ot shares 6 64'1S Voting USA 729.859 Con;mon srares 5 31}) Voting (2J(b) & Address Country of c1t1zensh1p or lncorporaton (2}(C} Number and Percentage of Each Class of Voting Secur1t·es Form FR Y-6 United Community Bancshares, Inc. Fiscal Year Ending December 31, Report Item 4 2013 Insiders (1), (2) (3)(a)(b) c, and (4)(a!{bl{c! (4)(c) List all Directors List names of other companies (includes partnerships ) (3)(c) Title (3)(a) Address Occupation if o'.her Title (City, Sta�e Country) than with Bank with Bank holding Holding Company Company Names & NIA James I. McMahon Hinsdale. IL N/A Robert Beavers IL CEO & President Voting Shares in Subsidiaries of other Bank Holding businesses) Company Director NIA (include names of subsidiaries) of companies and percentage of voting securities held) NIA 4.29% None None NIA 5 31% None Merila Investments, LLC NIA Director Director NIA 2 37% None None NIA Director Director NIA 4_56% None None NIA Director Director NIA 0.33% None None NIA er.airman Chairman NIA 2 84% None None USA Neal Kennilworih. IL , of subsidiaries) Percentage of Voting Shares in USA Harry Stinespring E (include names Businesses (includes names USA lake Barrington. IL John President Position held ( List names 3 3.33% Bnan Greene Gurnee. & & wrth Subsid1anes Percentage of USA Patrick Dudasik Naples. Fl CEO Position voting securities are 14)(b) (4)(a) Director USA Woodridge, IL Title & if 25% or more of Position with Other (3)(b) (2) Principat {1) & USA
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